Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-687
  Fortran HFP mode.

  To:       Distribution

  From:     Hal Hoover

  Date:     19 October 1984

  Subject:  Fortran Hexadecimal Floating Point Support.

  1.  Abstract

  This  MTB discusses  the implementation  of Fortran's hexadecimal
  floating  point mode.   The changes  that have  been made  to the
  Fortran compiler, the Fortran  runtime library, and the Operating
  system in general, are discussed.

  Comments on this MTB should be sent to the author -

       via Multics mail to:

          Hoover.Multics on System M

       via posted mail to:

          Hal Hoover
          Advanced Computing Technology Centre
          Foothills Professional Building
          Room #301, 1620 - 29th Street N.W.
          Calgary, Alberta T2N-4L7

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  Multics project  internal documentation; not to  be reproduced or
  distributed outside the Multics project.

  MTB-687                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                  Fortran HFP mode.

                          TABLE OF CONTENTS

  Section    Page  Subject
  =======    ====  =======

  1             i  Abstract
  2             1  Introduction
  3             3  Compiler Changes
  3.1           4  . . The Hexadecimal Floating Point option
  3.2           5  . . Parsing changes
  3.3           6  . . Compiler Output Changes
  3.3.1         6  . . . . Symbol Table Changes
  3.3.2         6  . . . . Object Code Changes       6  . . . . . . Managing HFP Mode       8  . . . . . . Integer to Floating Point       9  . . . . . . Floating Point to Integer      11  . . . . . . Calls to 'pl1_operators_'      12  . . . . . . DU address modification
  3.4          13  . . Other Compiler Changes
  4            14  Runtime Library Changes
  4.1          15  . . I/O Routine Changes
  4.2          16  . . External Builtin Routine Changes
  5            19  System Support Changes
  5.1          20  . . 'any_to_any_' Changes
  5.2          21  . . 'pl1_operators_' Changes
  5.3          26  . . Math Routines
  5.3.1        27  . . . . ALM-Coded Math Routines      27  . . . . . . 'arc_sine_'      28  . . . . . . '(double_)arc_tangent_'      28  . . . . . . 'call_math_error_'      29  . . . . . . '(double_)exponential_'      30  . . . . . . 'fort_math_ops_'      30  . . . . . . 'integer_power_integer_'      30  . . . . . . '(double_)logarithm_'      31  . . . . . . 'math_constants_'      31  . . . . . . 'power_'     31  . . . . . . 'power_integer_'     32  . . . . . . '(double_)sine_'     32  . . . . . . '(double_)square_root_'     33  . . . . . . '(double_)tangent_'
  5.3.2        34  . . . . Non-ALM Coded Math Routines      34  . . . . . . 'cabs_'      35  . . . . . . 'ccos_'      35  . . . . . . 'cexp_'      35  . . . . . . 'clog_'      35  . . . . . . '(d)cosh_'      36  . . . . . . 'csin_'      36  . . . . . . 'csqrt_'      36  . . . . . . 'cxp2_'      36  . . . . . . '(d)sinh_'

  Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-687
  Fortran HFP mode.     37  . . . . . . '(double_)tanh_'

  Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-687
  Fortran HFP mode.

  2.  Introduction

  Prior  to  the introduction  of  the 870M  series  of processors,
  Multics  hardware supported  two types of  floating point number:
  Binary Floating Point (BFP) and  Decimal Floating Point (DFP).  A
  BFP number consists  of a binary fraction (i.e.   a binary number
  between -1 and  +1) times a power of two.   A DFP number consists
  of a  decimal integer times a  power of ten.  BFP  numbers can be
  stored in  two formats:  single  precision (which has  27 bits or
  about  8.1  decimal  digits  of precision)  and  double precision
  (which has  63 bits or  about 18.9 decimal  digits of precision).
  DFP  numbers can  be stored  with a  precision from  1 through 59
  decimal digits.   The largest BFP  number is about  1.7e38; while
  the largest DFP number is about 1e187.  Although BFP numbers have
  both  less range  and less precision  than DFP  numbers, they are
  used  much  more  because they  occupy  less space  for  the same
  precision and because binary  arithmetic operations are very much

  The 870M series of processors  added hardware support for a third
  type of floating point number:  Hexadecimal Floating Point (HFP).
  An HFP number consists of a hexadecimal fraction times a power of
  sixteen.  The precision of an HFP  number depends on the value of
  the number.  In  single precision, an HFP number  has from 7.2 to
  8.1 decimal  digits of precision;  while in double  precision, it
  has from 18 to 18.9 decimal digits of precision.  The largest HFP
  number is about  8.4e152.  HFP numbers occupy the  same amount of
  storage (for equivalent precision)  as BFP numbers and arithmetic
  operations on HFP  numbers are at the same  speed as BFP numbers.
  Thus at  the cost of a  small loss in precision  HFP numbers give
  the  same performance  as BFP  numbers, but  with a substantially
  greater range.

  There has long been grumbling among scientists and engineers that
  the range of numbers available on Multics FORTRAN (which does not
  have  the  ability  to use  DFP  numbers) is  too  small.  Adding
  support for DFP numbers would not  help much because the types of
  programs   that   need  the   larger   range  are   usually  very
  computation-intensive  and  so could  not afford  the performance
  penalties  associated  with the  much slower  decimal arithmetic.
  Adding support to  FORTRAN for HFP numbers would  be very helpful
  for  these   types  of  programs  because   the  range  would  be
  substantially  increased  at only  the  cost of  a small  loss in

  MTB-687                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                  Fortran HFP mode.

  At  the request  of Marketing,  a project  was struck  to add HFP
  support  to Multics  FORTRAN.  The  aim was  to provide  HFP as a
  natural extension of the existing  compiler and runtime, with the
  restriction  that   the  changes  should   not  adversely  affect
  performance of  nonHFP programs.  This MTB  describes the changes
  made to accomplish that goal.

  Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-687
  Fortran HFP mode.

  3.  Compiler Changes

  There are obviously changes required  in the user interface areas
  of the compiler, since there must be a way to specify HFP and the
  object generated for HFP will be different than for BFP.  The bit
  pattern  of  the  HFP  representation  of  a  number  is  usually
  different  than  that  for  the BFP  representation  of  the same
  number.  Therefore, changes are also needed wherever the compiler
  must  deal  with floating  point  constants --  such  as constant
  folding in the optimizer.

  MTB-687                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                  Fortran HFP mode.

  3.1.  The Hexadecimal Floating Point option

  The most obvious  change required of the compiler  is the ability
  to  specify when  to use  BFP and when  to use  HFP.  This choice
  could be made  on any of three levels:   by variable, by routine,
  or by compilation unit.  Selection of BFP or HFP on a by-variable
  basis  is  by far  the most  powerful approach.   It is  also the
  hardest  to  implement  as  it requires  support  for  mixed base
  arithmetic.  Selection by routine is  not much more powerful than
  is selection by compilation unit  since any Fortran subroutine or
  function can be compiled as a separate unit.

  After  weighing  the  relative difficulties  of  implementing the
  three  selection methods  against their  utility --  and the fact
  that  Marketing  only required  that HFP  be supported  for whole
  programs,   it  was   decided  to  allow   BFP/HFP  selection  by
  compilation unit only.

  Restricting BFP/HFP selection to whole compilation units allows a
  very  easy way  for the user  to specify  his selection:  control
  arguments on the 'fortran' command.   Thus we have introduced two
  new 'fortran' control arguments, '-binary_floating_point' ('-bfp'
  for short) and  '-hexadecimal_floating_point' ('-hfp' for short).
  As most users will want to  always compile a given program in the
  same   mode,  'binary_floating_point'   ('bfp'  for   short)  and
  'hexadecimal_floating_point'   ('hfp'  for   short)  options  are
  permitted on  the nonstandard '%global' statement.   If a mode is
  specified  on  the  command  line  and  the  conflicting  mode is
  specified  in  a '%global'  statement  in the  source,  a warning
  diagnostic is issued  and the mode specified on  the command line
  is honoured.   If the mode  is not specified on  the command line
  nor in the  source in a '%global' statement,  BFP mode is assumed
  in order to maintain compatibility with previous versions.

  Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-687
  Fortran HFP mode.

  3.2.  Parsing changes

  There is a compiler change required in the lexical analyzer.  The
  lexical analyzer  splits the source  program into tokens  for the
  benefit of  the parser.  In  particular, the lexical  analyzer is
  responsible for converting numeric  constants into their internal
  representation.   Thus  it must  be changed  to allow  the larger
  range of  HFP constants and  to generate the  correct bit pattern
  for these  constants (since that  will usually be  different than
  the bit pattern for BFP constants).

  MTB-687                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                  Fortran HFP mode.

  3.3.  Compiler Output Changes

  There are basically three kinds of output from the compiler:  the
  listing, the  object code and  the symbol table.   No changes are
  needed  to the  listing.  The  only change  needed to  the symbol
  table  is  where data  types  are specified:   new codes  for HFP
  variables  must  be defined  and  used.  Only  minor  changes are
  needed in the object code.

  3.3.1.  Symbol Table Changes

  The symbol table is basically a  description of the layout of the
  object (i.e.   where the code  for each source  statement begins)
  and  the type  and location  of the  variables.  It  supplies the
  information needed to 'probe' a  program.  The only effect on the
  symbol table  of adding HFP  support is the addition  of new data
  type  codes to  describe HFP variables.   The codes  for the data
  types used  in the various  Multics languages are  defined in the
  system  include file  'std_descriptor_types.incl.pl1'.  The codes
  for  BFP data  are:  3  (real single  precision), 4  (real double
  precision),  7 (complex  single precision) and  8 (complex double
  precision).   Through  arrangement  with  the  custodian  of this
  include file, we have added the following codes for HFP data:  47
  (real single precision), 48  (real double precision), 49 (complex
  single precision) and 50 (complex  double precision).  Code 50 is
  not  used  by FORTRAN,  since  we do  not support  complex double
  precision, but is provided for future expansion.

  'Probe'  has been  updated by  its maintainer  to handle  the new
  codes used to describe HFP data.

  3.3.2.  Object Code Changes  Managing HFP Mode

  When a  floating point instruction is  executed, a processor mode
  determines whether it  is executed according to the  rules of BFP
  arithmetic or those  of HFP arithmetic.  There are  two bits, one
  in the Indicator Register (IR) and  one in the Mode Register (MR)
  that determine whether the processor is  in BFP or HFP mode.  The
  bit in the MR says whether the  user is allowed to enter HFP mode
  and  the bit  in the IR  says whether  the user wants  BFP or HFP
  mode.  The processor is in HFP mode  if and only if both bits are

  Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-687
  Fortran HFP mode.

  The  HFP  bit in  the  IR can  be set  or  cleared at  the user's
  discretion  by  executing  an  'ldi'  instruction.   It  takes  a
  privileged  instruction  to  alter   the  MR.   Fortunately,  the
  hardcore   maintainers   have    provided   a   system   routine,
  'hcs_$set_hexfp_control',  to  manage  the  HFP  bit  in  the MR.
  However, this routine may not  necessarily grant a user's request
  to set the HFP bit in the  MR, since the hardware may not support
  HFP arithmetic (only  870M processors do) or the  user may not be
  allowed (by the  System Administrator) to use HFP  mode.  Thus we
  must be prepared  to signal an error indicating  the inability to
  enter HFP mode.

  This  scheme implies  that we must  be very careful  about how we
  handle calls to  external procedures.  We must guard  that a call
  from  an HFP  routine to  a BFP  routine does  not leave  the BFP
  routine in HFP mode.  We must also guard that a return from a BFP
  routine called from an HFP  routine restores HFP mode.  These are
  not new  problems; another bit  in the IR  which controls whether
  arithmetic  overflows  and  underflows  signal  a  hardware fault
  suffers  from similar  problems.  Thus  the standard  calling and
  return sequences already address this problem.

  The  standard calling  sequence (either that  used for high-level
  languages such as FORTRAN or PL/I, or the 'call' and 'short_call'
  operators  used  in ALM)  store  the caller's  IR along  with the
  return address.   The standard return sequence  (either that used
  for high-level  languages or the 'return'  and 'short_return' ALM
  operators) restore the caller's IR upon return.  Thus we need not
  worry that, subsequent to a call, we will be in the wrong mode.

  Things are  not quite so  good for the  called procedure, though.
  The standard entry sequence used for a high-level language clears
  the  IR, so  a high-level  language procedure  cannot inherit the
  wrong mode.  However, an entry sequence is not required of an ALM
  procedure (it can be entered  through a 'segdef' entry point) and
  the standard ALM 'entry' operator does not clear the IR.  Thus an
  ALM procedure  inherits the mode  of its caller.   This is really
  not much  of a problem because  there is so little  use of ALM in
  application programs and most use does not involve floating point
  operations.  Moreover, an ALM  procedure that does floating point
  operations would probably have to be modified to work in HFP mode
  anyway,  since  the  bit  representation  of  the  floating point
  constants is different in HFP mode.

  MTB-687                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                  Fortran HFP mode.

  From  the above  description, it  may seem  like the  only change
  needed  to  the  object  (other   than  to  get  the  proper  bit
  representation for  HFP constants) is  to add code  to manage the
  HFP bits in the IR  and MR appropriately.  Unfortunately, this is
  not quite true because the instructions needed to convert between
  fixed point and floating point are  different in HFP mode than in
  BFP mode.  Integer to Floating Point

  The mantissa of  an HFP number in the EAQ  register does not have
  an  integral number  of hexadecimal  digits.  It  has a  sign bit
  followed  by  15.75  hex  digits.   In  order  to  understand how
  conversions are  done between HFP numbers  and integers (the only
  kind of fixed point numbers in Fortran), we must analyze the code
  used in the BFP case.

  First let's consider the problem of floating an integer.  Suppose
  that we  have an integer in  the AQ and we would  like to get the
  floating point equivalent in the EAQ.   In BFP mode, this is done
  by loading an exponent of 71, and then normalizing:

            lde       =71b25,du
            fad       =0.0,du

  The  exponent  is loaded  with  71 to  indicate that  the implied
  binary point is 71 bits (i.e.  the number of data bits in the AQ)
  after the  sign bit.  Another way  to look at this  is through an
  example.  Suppose  that the AQ  contains the integer  1, which we
  want  to  float.   We  know that  the  normalized  floating point
  representation of  1.0 is 0.5*2**1, so  what do we have  to do to
  the E  and the AQ to  end up with that value?   First, we have to
  shift the AQ left  70 bits to change it from 71  zeroes and a one
  to a zero, a one and 70 zeroes, which is the mantissa of 0.5.  We
  must decrement the  E one for each left shift  of the mantissa if
  we are to preserve the same floating point value.  We want to end
  up with  an exponent of 1,  so we must start  with an exponent of
  1+70 = 71.

  Now let's  consider the same  example in HFP mode.   In HFP mode,
  the  normalized floating  point representation  of 1.0  is 1/16 *
  16**1.  Thus we must shift the  AQ left 67 bits (since a mantissa
  of  1/16 has  a zero  sign bit,  3 leading  zeroes, a  one and 67
  trailing zeroes).  In  HFP mode, the exponent is  to the base 16,
  so when  we normalize, a change  of 1 in the  exponent requires a
  shift of 4 in the mantissa to balance it.  Obviously, loading the
  exponent with a suitable value and then normalizing will not work
  in the HFP case, because we need the normalization to result in a
  left  shift  of  67, which  is  impossible  since that  is  not a

  Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-687
  Fortran HFP mode.

  multiple of 4.   The closest we can come  with normalization is a
  left shift of  68, which would give us a  mantissa of 1/8 instead
  of 1/16.  A  normalization that yielded a left  shift of 68 would
  decrement the exponent  by 68/4 = 17.  Thus if  we start with the
  integer 1 in the AQ and 18 in the E, a normalization will give us
  a mantissa of  1/8 and an exponent of 1.   The exponent is right,
  but the  mantissa is too  big by a factor  of 2.  We  can fix the
  mantissa by multiplying by 0.5.   Therefore, the HFP mode code to
  convert  an integer  in the AQ  to the  equivalent floating point
  number in the EAQ is:

            lde       =18b25,du
            fad       =0.0,du
            fmp       =0.5,du  Floating Point to Integer

  Now let's consider the  inverse operation:  truncating a floating
  point  number  in  the  EAQ  to   an  integer  in  the  AQ.   For
  concreteness, suppose  that the EAQ  contains 1.5 and  we wish to
  truncate it, thus ending up with the integer 1 in the AQ.  In BFP
  mode,  this   can  be  accomplished  with   one  instruction,  an
  unnormalized  floating  add of  a floating  point number  with an
  exponent of 71 and a mantissa of zero:  'ufa =71b25,du'.

  In  order to  perform the addition,  the hardware  must first get
  both  addends  to  have  the  same  exponent.   It  does  this by
  incrementing the exponent and right  shifting the mantissa of the
  addend with  smaller exponent until  the exponents are  the same.
  In our example,  the EAQ starts off containing  a normalized 1.5,
  which means that E contains 1 and AQ contains 0.75 (i.e.  a zero,
  two ones and 69 zeroes).  We are adding a number with an exponent
  of 71 and a  mantissa of zero, so we must add 70  to E to get the
  exponents  the same.   This is balanced  by a right  shift of 70,
  which leaves  the AQ with 71  zeroes and a one.   Then we add the
  mantissae, which has  no effect on the AQ  since the other addend
  has a mantissa of zero.  Thus we  are left with an integer one in
  the AQ, as desired.

  It looks  like all that is  needed to truncate the  EAQ is a 'ufa
  =71b25,du'.  Unfortunately,  this is not quite  the case; numbers
  in  the range  [-1, 0)  have exponents of  zero or  less (-1.0 is
  represented  as  -1.0*2**0  rather  than -0.5*2**1,  as  might be
  expected),  which  causes the  method  to breakdown  because such
  numbers  are  insignificant  with  respect to  a  number  with an
  exponent  of  71 (i.e.   the  result will  be  0 rather  than the
  desired -1).

  MTB-687                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                  Fortran HFP mode.

  This problem can  be compensated for by preceding  the 'ufa' with
  the instructions:

            dufa      almost_one
            dufs      almost_one

  where  the  location  'almost_one'  contains  the  largest double
  precision floating  point number less than  1.0 (i.e.  the number
  with an exponent of 0 and a mantissa consisting of a sign of zero
  followed by 63 ones).  These instructions  have no effect if E is
  greater  than zero.   If E  is zero  or less,  these instructions
  change E to 1 and right shift the AQ appropriately.

  A more obvious  (but less elegant) solution to  the problem is to
  split  the conversion  into two  cases, according  to whether the
  number is  positive or negative.   If the number  is positive, we
  don't have a problem.  If the number is negative, we truncate its
  absolute value and then negate.  The code for this looks like:

            fad       =0.0,du   " set indicators for EAQ
            tmi       3,ic      " if EAQ is positive:
              ufa     =71b25,du
            tra       4,ic      " else:
              ufa     =71b25,du

  Now, let's  consider the same  example in HFP mode.   In HFP mode
  the  normalized representation  of 1.5 is  3/32 *  16**1.  Thus E
  contains 1 and AQ contains a  zero sign bit followed by 3 zeroes,
  2 ones and 66 more zeroes.  We  want to end up with the integer 1
  in the AQ, so  we must arrange for the AQ to  be shifted right 67
  places.   We  can't  do  that  with  a  'ufa'  of  an appropriate
  unnormalized  zero, though,  because 67 is  not a  multiple of 4.
  However, if we first multiply the EAQ by 2, we would then have to
  shift right 68 bits, and that we  can do with a 'ufa'.  Since the
  exponent  is 1,  we will  need an exponent  17 larger  to force a
  right shift of 68.  Thus the desired code is:

            fmp       =o002100,du
            ufa       =18b25,du

  Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-687
  Fortran HFP mode.

  Note that we cannot use '=2.0,du' in the multiply because 2.0 has
  a different bit pattern in HFP  mode.  Since ALM does not support
  HFP  constants, we  had to  specify the  desired value  in octal.
  Also note that the 'fmp' will result in a right shift of 3 of the
  AQ and  an increment of  E if the  magnitude of the  mantissa was
  greater  than or  equal to a  half.  This  doesn't matter though,
  since  either the  number was  too big  to represent  as a 71-bit
  integer or  the discarded bits  will be in the  fraction part (in
  which case they don't matter).

  We have a similar kind of  problem with the 'ufa =18b25,du' as in
  the  BFP case:   Numbers in  the range [-0.5,  0) will  give us a
  result of 0  instead of -1.  We fix this  in exactly the same way
  as in the BFP case, so the final code to truncate the EAQ is:

            fmp       =o002100,du
            dufa      almost_one
            dufs      almost_one
            ufa       =18b25,du

  Or, we can solve the problem, as  with the BFP case, by using the
  negative of the truncation of the absolute value of a negative:

            fmp       =o002100,du
            tmi       3,ic      " if positive:
              ufa     =18b25,du
            tra       4,ic      " else:
              ufa     =18b25,du
              negl  Calls to 'pl1_operators_'

  Another area  which may have to  differ in HFP mode  is where the
  compiler generates calls to  operators in 'pl1_operators_' rather
  than  generating inline  code.  Some  of the  operators will work
  equally well in  either mode (e.g.  the operator  to multiply two
  complex numbers), while others require different code in HFP mode
  (e.g.   the  operator that  implements  the FORTRAN  DMOD builtin
  function).  There  are two obvious ways  to address this problem:
  define new operators to handle the cases where existing operators
  won't work in  HFP mode, or overload the  existing operators in a
  similar way to the way  the hardware overloads the floating point
  opcodes.  The advantage of adding  operators is that that ensures
  that  we  will  not  degrade performance  of  BFP  programs.  The
  advantage of  overloading the existing operators  is that we then
  don't have to make the compiler  aware of any new operators, thus
  reducing the changes needed to the compiler.

  MTB-687                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                  Fortran HFP mode.

  It  turns  out  that  it is  possible  to  overload  the existing
  operators in such  a way that there is  no performance penalty on
  BFP programs, so we have opted for that choice.  How this is done
  is described in section 6.2,  which details the changes needed to
  'pl1_operators_'  to support  HFP mode.   Thus, we  end up adding
  only  two  operators  to  'pl1_operators_'  ('enter_BFP_mode' and
  'enter_HFP_mode')  which have  the dual  function of  putting the
  processor  in the  right mode and  telling 'pl1_operators_' which
  (BFP or HFP)  operator is desired when an  overloaded operator is
  subsequently called.  DU address modification

  There is one more area of  the object code that needs changing in
  HFP mode:  the use of 'du' modifications to supply floating point
  constants in some of the  boilerplate code sequences generated by
  the compiler.  This turns out to be not much of a problem because
  zero and numbers  in the ranges [-1.0, -0.5)  and [0.5, 1.0) have
  exactly the same  bit patterns in both modes.   In fact, there is
  only  one 'du'  constant outside these  ranges that  is used, and
  that is the  constant 1.0.  Moreover, it only  occurs in floating
  point  add  or  subtract  operations, so  we  need  only  use the
  constant -1.0  with the inverse operation  (e.g.  we replace 'fad
  =1.0,du' by 'fsb =-1.0,du').

  Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-687
  Fortran HFP mode.

  3.4.  Other Compiler Changes

  Most of the compiler deals  only with integer and character data.
  However,  there are  a few parts  of the compiler  that deal with
  floating point data derived from the source being compiled.  This
  manipulation  of  floating  point  data falls  into  two classes,
  constant coercion and constant  expression folding.  For example,
  consider the statement:

            parameter(pi_by_2 = 3.14159/2)

  This  statement  requires  the  compiler  to  coerce  the integer
  constant 2 to  the floating point constant 2.0  and then fold the
  constant expression 3.14159/2.0 into  the constant 1.570795 which
  is then stored as the value of the parameter 'pi_by_2'.

  Constant  coercion and  constant expression folding  occur in the
  parser  for  nonexecutable statements  and  in the  optimizer for
  executable  statements.   Constant coercion  also occurs  in both
  code  generators  when the  code  for mixed  mode  expressions is

  The  compiler  does  not  handle constant  coercion  and constant
  expression folding in a uniform way.  In the parser, most of such
  operations are handled  by calls to routines in  a segment called
  'fort_parm_math'.  'form_parm_math'  is a collection  of routines
  that are coded in FORTRAN and which perform constant coercion and
  the  basic  mathematical  operations  of  addition,  subtraction,
  multiplication,  division, exponentiation  and negation.   In the
  rest  of the  compiler, such  operations are  performed by inline
  PL/I code.

  It  is easy  to alter the  parts of the  compiler that manipulate
  floating  point constants  through calls  to the 'fort_parm_math'
  routines  so that  they handle both  BFP and  HFP data correctly.
  All  that is  needed is  to provide  two copies  of these FORTRAN
  coded routines, one  compiled in BFP mode and  the other compiled
  in HFP mode.  It turns out  to be especially simple to select the
  right set  of routines because these  routines are not referenced
  directly but  rather through arrays of  entry variables that have
  been initialized to  these routines.  Thus all that  is needed to
  accomplish BFP  or HFP routine  selection is to  change the entry
  variable initialization code.

  Since  PL/I does  not support  HFP arithmetic,  the parts  of the
  compiler that manipulate floating point data via inline PL/I code
  must be changed  to call the same FORTRAN  coded routines as used
  in the parser.

  MTB-687                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                  Fortran HFP mode.

  4.  Runtime Library Changes

  The  only  routines  in  the FORTRAN  runtime  library  that have
  anything to do  with floating point (and hence  may need changes)
  are the I/O routines and some external builtin functions (such as

  Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-687
  Fortran HFP mode.

  4.1.  I/O Routine Changes

  The I/O routines are all  in the module 'fortran_io_.pl1'.  There
  are both  obvious and subtle changes  required to these routines.
  The  obvious  changes  are   that  formatted,  list-directed  and
  namelist  I/O  must  be  altered  to  handle  the  different  bit
  representations of BFP and HFP numbers.  The subtle changes occur
  because of the way routines in 'fortran_io_' are invoked.

  Although 'fortran_io_' is coded as a normal PL/I procedure, it is
  not accessed (except for the very  first call) in the normal way.
  This is because it was discovered that when the I/O routines were
  called in the standard way, 30% of  the CPU time was spent in the
  call and return code.  Unfortunately, the method used to call and
  return from I/O  procedures does not save the  IR before the call
  and restore the IR upon return, nor  does it set BFP mode for the
  I/O  routines.   In order  to  fix these  problems, we  must make
  changes  in 'pl1_operators_',  'fortran_io_' and 'return_to_user'
  (a  small  ALM module  in the  runtime library  which is  used to
  effect   the   nonstandard   return  from   the   I/O  routines).
  'pl1_operators'  must be  changed to save  and then  clear the IR
  before  calling  the I/O  routines.   Code in  'fortran_io_' that
  changes  the return  address from  the place  in 'pl1_operators_'
  where  the I/O  routines are  called to  the place  in the user's
  program  where  'pl1_operators_' was  called  must be  moved into
  'pl1_operators_'.  This is because  the way 'fortran_io_' does it
  clears  the  location  where   'pl1_operators_'  stores  the  IR.
  'return_to_user' must  be changed to restore  the IR upon return.
  (For more information on  the nonstandard calling/return sequence
  used for FORTRAN I/O routines, consult the comments following the
  journalization information in 'fortran_io_.pl1'.)

  MTB-687                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                  Fortran HFP mode.

  4.2.  External Builtin Routine Changes

  The compiler tries to deal with calls to builtin functions in the
  most efficient manner possible.  If  a builtin function is fairly
  simple  (e.g.   ABS), the  compiler  evaluates the  function with
  inline  code.   The more  complicated  functions (e.g.   SIN) are
  evaluated    by    calling    the    appropriate    operator   in
  'pl1_operators_'.   This   handling  of  the   builtin  functions
  presents the compiler with a problem  when it finds the name of a
  builtin  is being  passed as  an argument  to a  subprogram.  The
  compiler resolves this problem by  passing the entry address of a
  FORTRAN or PL/I procedure that  implements that function.  Such a
  procedure is referred to as an External Builtin Routine.

  The External Builtin  Routines needed by FORTRAN are  kept in one
  of   two   places:    'bound_math_'   and  'bound_fort_runtime_'.
  Builtins that are common to both FORTRAN and PL/I (e.g.  SIN) are
  generally  found  in  'bound_math_'.    The  rest  are  found  in
  'bound_fort_runtime_'.   The  routines in  'bound_math_'  are all
  coded in PL/I, while those  in 'bound_fort_runtime_' are coded in

  There   are  three   types  of   external  builtin   routines  in
  'bound_math_'.   The  first type  are  those for  which  the PL/I
  compiler  generates inline  code (e.g.  'abs').   The second type
  are  those  which PL/I  evaluates  by a  call  to an  operator in
  'pl1_operators_'  (e.g.  'sin').   The third  type are  those for
  which PL/I generates a standard procedure call (e.g.  'sinh').

  The routines  in 'bound_math_' which  are of the  first two types
  are merely shells that reference  the appropriate PL/I builtin to
  evaluate the function.  For example, the routine that corresponds
  to the single precision sine builtin is just:

  sin_: proc (arg) returns (float bin);

  dcl arg float bin;

            return (sin (arg));

  end sin_;

  The routines  in 'bound_math_' of  the third kind  contain actual
  PL/I code to evaluate the function.   They are, in fact, the sole
  definition  of  those functions  on  Multics.  This  may  seem to
  contradict the  previous assertion that  FORTRAN replaces builtin
  calls either by inline code  or a call to 'pl1_operators_', since
  FORTRAN uses some of these routines  that are coded in PL/I (e.g.

  Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-687
  Fortran HFP mode.

  The  conflict  is resolved  as follows.   There are  operators in
  'pl1_operators_' for  all the routines which  are defined as PL/I
  procedures.  FORTRAN uses these  operators, but PL/I makes direct
  calls to  the procedures.  These  operators merely call  (via the
  routine  'fort_math_ops_')  the  appropriate  PL/I  procedure  to
  evaluate the function.

  This  raises   the  question:   If  some   of  the  operators  in
  'pl1_operators_'  that  evaluate FORTRAN  builtins  call external
  PL/I procedures to  do the work, what do  the other operators do?
  The answer is  that they transfer to ALM  routines which evaluate
  the functions very efficiently.  Thus, another way to look at the
  three  types of  builtin is  to say that  type 1  is evaluated by
  compiler-generated inline code, type 2 is evaluated by calling an
  ALM  coded routine,  and type  3 is  evaluated by  calling a PL/I
  coded routine.

  From  the above  discussion it  should be  clear that  we must do
  quite a lot of work to  add HFP versions of the FORTRAN builtins.
  Let's examine what needs to be done for the HFP version according
  to which of the three types the BFP version fits into.

  Builtins for  which the compiler generates  inline code are easy.
  All we have to do is code  a FORTRAN function that just calls the
  builtin.   Since these  external functions  will only  be used by
  FORTRAN,  we  should  put them  into  'bound_fort_runtime_'.  For
  consistency,  it  makes sense  that we  ought to  provide FORTRAN
  functions  in  'bound_fort_runtime_'  for  the  corresponding BFP
  builtins,  rather   than  have  some  of   the  BFP  versions  in
  'bound_math_' and  the rest of  the BFP versions and  all the HFP
  versions in 'bound_fort_runtime_'.

  Since  the  FORTRAN  compiler  requires that  all  routines  in a
  compilation unit be compiled in  the same floating point base, we
  cannot  put both  the BFP and  the HFP  external builtin routines
  into  'fort_math_builtins_' (the  object in 'bound_fort_runtime_'
  that  currently contains  all the FORTRAN  coded external builtin
  routines.)  Thus  we will replace  'fort_math_builtins_' by three
  objects:  'fort_bfp_builtins_'  (which contains all  the floating
  point routines to be  compiled in BFP mode), 'fort_hfp_builtins_'
  (which   contains   the   HFP   version   of   the   routines  in
  'fort_bfp_builtins_') and 'fort_int_builtins_' (which contain all
  the  integer   builtins,  which  happen  to   also  be  the  only
  nonfloating point builtins).

  MTB-687                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                  Fortran HFP mode.

  Builtins for which the compiler generates operator calls are less
  easy because  we must implement  the routines that  the operators
  call to  work in HFP  mode.  These routines  could be implemented
  all in  ALM, or all  in FORTRAN (but  not PL/I, since  it doesn't
  support HFP) or some in ALM  and some in FORTRAN.  It makes sense
  to try to keep the HFP implementation as close as possible to the
  BFP one, so we will implement the HFP version of each BFP routine
  that is currently coded in ALM as another entry point in the same
  ALM module.  Similarly, we will code  the HFP version of each BFP
  routine  that is  currently coded  in PL/I  in FORTRAN  and place
  these in 'fort_hfp_builtins_'.

  There  is  one  more change  that  we  must make  to  support the
  movement   of  all   FORTRAN  external   builtin  functions  into
  'bound_fort_runtime_':     We    must   change    references   in
  'pl1_operators_' to  these routines from the  form 'entry' to the
  form 'segment$entry' so that we  can distinguish the BFP versions
  from  the  HFP  versions,  and also  so  we  can  distinguish the
  'bound_fort_runtime_' BFP  versions from those  in 'bound_math_'.
  This   means  that   we  need  to   update  the   bind  file  for
  'bound_fort_runtime_'      to      include      add-names     for
  'fort_bfp_builtins_',           'fort_hfp_builtins_'          and
  'fort_int_builtins_'.  We can also  discard the add-names for the
  routines currently in 'fort_math_builtins_', thus cleaning up the
  name space associated with FORTRAN.

  Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-687
  Fortran HFP mode.

  5.  System Support Changes

  There are a number of routines in 'bound_library_wired_' on which
  FORTRAN  programs depend,  and some of  these must  be changed to
  support HFP programs.  Some of these changes have been alluded to
  in previous  sections.  In this  section, we will  formalize what
  these changes are.

  MTB-687                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                  Fortran HFP mode.

  5.1.  'any_to_any_' Changes

  We have  already mentioned that  the compiler must  be updated to
  support input of HFP numbers and the runtime I/O routines must be
  updated to support both input and output of such numbers.  We did
  not specify how this should be done.  We shall now do so.

  The compiler currently generates the binary representation of the
  floating  point  numbers  it finds  in  the source  via  the PL/I
  'convert'  builtin  function.   The  runtime  routines  use  PL/I
  picture  variable assignments  and calls to  the system 'assign_'
  routine to  accomplish its conversion between  binary and decimal
  representation  of floating  point number.  All  of these methods
  resolve to  calls to the system  routine 'any_to_any_' to perform
  the actual conversions.

  The task of  'any_to_any_' is to convert data  from one format to
  another (e.g.  from  'fixed bin (35)' to 'float  bin (63)').  The
  input to 'any_to_any_' is a pointer  to the data to be converted;
  the  type,  scale and  precision of  the data;  a pointer  to the
  result buffer; and  the type, scale and precision  of the result.
  The    type   is    specified   by    the   codes    defined   in
  'std_descriptor_types.incl.pl1'  (i.e.  the  same codes  that are
  used in symbol tables).

  Since   all   type   conversions   are   currently   handled   in
  'any_to_any_',  it makes  sense that  that is  where we  ought to
  place the type conversions we need to support HFP numbers.  If we
  do that,  we can access  these conversions through  the 'assign_'
  system routine,  but not through  the PL/I 'convert'  builtin nor
  through  PL/I picture  assignments, since  PL/I does  not support
  HFP.  Thus we need to change  the compiler and runtime to perform
  conversions through explicit calls  to 'assign_'.  The upgrade to
  any_to_any_ to support HFP numbers has been done and is discussed
  in MTB121.

  Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-687
  Fortran HFP mode.

  5.2.  'pl1_operators_' Changes

  As  previously  seen a  substantial number  of new  operators are
  required  to  support  HFP mode.   Most  of these  were  added by
  overloading   existing  operators   (i.e.   by   making  existing
  operators work differently according to  whether we are in BFP or
  HFP  mode).   This is  very convenient  because it  maintains the
  natural parallelism of the two  modes and it minimizes the number
  of new  operators needed -- we  added only two:  'enter_BFP_mode'
  and  'enter_HFP_mode'.  The  best part,  though, is  that we were
  able  to  do this  without  degrading the  performance  of nonHFP

  Actually, the  concept of having overloaded  operators is not new
  to 'pl1_operators_';  it is already  used to support  the 'trace'
  command.  We have  merely extended the concept.  In  order to see
  how it works, we must first review how the operators are invoked.

  A look  at the code generated  by FORTRAN or PL/I  will show that
  the operators are called by a  'tsx0 pr0|N', where the offset 'N'
  determines which operator is  called.  For example, 'tsx0 pr0|68'
  invokes  'fl2_to_fx2',  the operator  which truncates  a floating
  point number in the EAQ to an integer in the AQ.  The contents of
  PR0 is the address of a vector of transfer instructions inside of
  'pl1_operators_'.  The Nth element of the vector is a transfer to
  the code that implements operator  N.  For example, element 68 of
  the  vector is  'tra fl2_to_fx2'.   The operators  are referenced
  indirectly  through  the  transfer  vector  so  that  changes  in
  'pl1_operators_' that alter the location  of code for an operator
  will not be visible outside of 'pl1_operators_'.

  It   seems   very  reasonable   to  keep   the  address   of  the
  'pl1_operators_' transfer  vector in a  register, considering how
  often  the operators  are called, but  how does  that address get
  into PR0  in the first  place?  A look  at the code  generated by
  FORTRAN or PL/I will show that  PR0 is referenced in many places,
  but it will  not appear to be set anywhere.   Actually, it is set
  as  a result  of the very  first executable code  in the routine,
  which looks like this:

            eax7      M
            epp2      pr7|28,*
            tsp2      pr2|N

  This  code  is   a  call  to  one  of   the  entry  operators  in
  'pl1_operators_'.  The first instruction loads X7 with the number
  of  words of  stack space  required by  the routine.   The second
  instruction  loads PR2  with the address  of the 'pl1_operators_'
  transfer vector from  word 28 of the stack  header.  (Part of the
  Multics stack  discipline is that  PR7 points to the  base of the

  MTB-687                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                  Fortran HFP mode.

  stack  after a  call instruction  and that  word 28  of the stack
  points to the 'pl1_operators_'  transfer vector.)  The third line
  invokes an entry operator which  then creates the stack frame and
  fills in the stack frame header.   While doing this, PR0 and word
  28  of  the stack  frame header  are  set to  the address  of the
  'pl1_operators_' transfer vector.

  So far we have been talking as though there was a single transfer
  vector inside of 'pl1_operators_'.  In  fact, there are two.  The
  second one is almost the same  as the first.  They differ only in
  the  address  of  the  transfer instructions  for  a  few  of the
  operators which  have to do  with external procedure  calls.  The
  purpose of these differences is to support the 'trace' command.

  When the  'trace' command is  invoked, it changes  the pointer at
  word  28  of the  stack header  to point  to the  second transfer
  vector.  Then when  a procedure is invoked, it  calls a different
  entry  operator  than usual.   This entry  operator does  all the
  things that  the ordinary one  does (except that it  sets PR0 and
  the pointer at word 28 of the  stack frame header to point to the
  second  transfer vector).   However, it  also calls  a routine in
  'trace' so that the trace information can be gathered.

  Thus the  operators associated with external  procedure calls are
  overloaded.   Whether  the  normal  or  trace  version  of  these
  operators is executed depends on which transfer vector PR0 points
  to.   We  have  generalized  this  scheme  to  now  include  four
  different  transfer  vectors corresponding  to the  four possible
  modes of  operation:  untraced BFP, untraced  HFP, traced BFP and
  traced HFP.

  There  are  a  couple  of important  details  about  the transfer
  vectors  that we  neglected above  for simplicity.   The first is
  that there are tables of constants  and some simple code that are
  referenced from  FORTRAN and PL/I  code by negative  offsets from
  PR0.  These tables  and code are duplicated in  the same relative
  order before each of the transfer vectors.

  The other important detail is the placement of the various tables
  and transfer vectors.  The  system keeps part of 'pl1_operators_'
  in  wired  memory  and part  in  paged memory.   This  is because
  'pl1_operators_' is  called by the  paging system and  so we must
  insure that anything  that could be used while  processing a page
  fault  is  in  wired  memory.   The  tables  and  transfer vector
  associated with untraced BFP operation together with the code and
  data  they reference  are in the  wired portion.   The tables and
  transfer  vectors  associated  with   traced  or  HFP  operation,
  together  with  the code  and data  used only  in those  modes is
  placed in the paged portion in  order to minimize the size of the

  Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-687
  Fortran HFP mode.

  wired portion.  This means than when an HFP program first starts,
  a few page faults will occur to get the needed parts of the paged
  portion  of  'pl1_operators_'  into   memory.   After  that,  the
  operators should be accessed sufficiently  often by the code that
  the HFP portion  will stay in memory and  performance will be the
  same as though it were wired.

  Now  that we  have described  how the  appropriate version  of an
  overloaded operator is selected, we will describe which operators
  need to be overloaded.  Since  it is intended to restrict support
  of HFP to  only FORTRAN, we could restrict  our attention to only
  those operators  which are used by  FORTRAN.  However, we decided
  that it  would not take  much more work  to do all  the operators
  (which would be  of future benefit if FORTRAN  started using more
  operators, or if more languages were  made to support HFP), so we
  added HFP support for all operators.

  For each operator,  we had to ask two  questions:  Would HFP mode
  affect  the  operation of  the operator,  and would  the operator
  affect HFP mode (i.e.  clear the HFP bit in the caller's IR)?  If
  the answer to  either question was yes, then  the operator had to
  be overloaded, or protected or both.

  There are basically  two kinds of operator:  Those  for which all
  the work is done  inside of 'pl1_operators_' (e.g.  'fl2_to_fx2')
  and those  for which some or  all of the work  is done by calling
  routines outside of 'pl1_operators_'.  By  finding each use of an
  'ldi'  and  each use  of  a floating  point instruction  and then
  examining the context of that use, we were able to determine that
  the  only operators  of the first  kind that were  affected by or
  affected HFP  mode were:  'fx2_to_fl2',  'divide2', 'fl2_to_fx2',
  'fl2_to_fxscaled',  'fort_mdfl1',  'fort_dmod',  'rfb2_to_cflb1',
  'mdfl1',        'trunc_fl',         'floor_fl',        'ceil_fl',
  'nearest_whole_number'  and 'nearest_integer'.   The problem with
  all  of  these operators,  except  for 'divide2',  was  that they
  converted between  fixed and floating  point, which must  be done
  differently  in  HFP  mode  (i.e.   these  operators  need  to be

  The  'divide2' operator  divides one double  precision integer by
  another.  The problem in this operator was that it used the 'fno'
  instruction to count the leading  zeroes in the AQ, which doesn't
  work  in  HFP  mode.   Rather  than  overload  this  rather large
  operator, we decided  to make the operator work  in both modes by
  replacing the single 'fno' instruction with:

            sti       sp|temp_indicators
            ldi       =0,dl
            ldi       sp|temp_indicators

  MTB-687                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                  Fortran HFP mode.

  These instructions save the current  mode, force BFP mode, do the
  normalize  and then  restore the  current mode.   The three extra
  instructions are very fast and this  operator is very long so the
  extra time is negligible.

  There   are  two   kinds  of   operator  that   call  outside  of
  'pl1_operators_'.  The  first kind are those  that implement math
  functions  such  as 'sin'.   These  operators consist  of  only a
  transfer  to  an  approriate  entry point  in  one  of  the other
  routines in 'bound_library_wired_'.  Thus the only change for HFP
  mode  for these  operators was  to use  a different  entry point,
  namely  the one  for the HFP  version of the  math routine.  (The
  next section describes the changes needed to the math routines to
  support these new entry points.)

  The second kind of operator  that calls external routines is just
  an interface  between the calling  program and the  routine.  The
  operator  merely takes  care of  setting up  the call.  Operators
  that  implement I/O  operations are  examples of  this type.  The
  usual problem with this type  of operator was that the discipline
  of saving the  caller's IR along with the  return address was not
  followed.  Thus  when the external  routine tried to  restore the
  caller's IR upon  return, zero was loaded and  HFP mode would get
  turned off.  The FORTRAN I/O operators not only had that trouble,
  but  they also  required that  the IR  be cleared  (BFP mode set)
  after saving the IR, since they were entered in a nonstandard way
  that bypassed the entry sequence code that would ordinarily clear
  the IR for the called routine.

  Besides protecting and overloading  existing operators, we needed
  to  add two  new operators to  get us  into and out  of HFP mode:
  'enter_HFP_mode'  and  'enter_BFP_mode'.  Actually,  FORTRAN only
  requires 'enter_HFP_mode' since we can rely on the restoration of
  the caller's  indicators upon return  from a procedure  to revert
  HFP mode  when appropriate.  We would  only need 'enter_BFP_mode'
  if we wanted  to swap between HFP and BFP  mode inside a routine.
  However,  we  decide  to  add 'enter_BFP_mode'  for  the  sake of

  The  'enter_BFP_mode'  operator is  very  simple.  It  clears the
  indicators,  then resets  PR0 and the  pointer at word  24 of the
  stack frame header to the  address of the appropriate (normal BFP
  or traced BFP) transfer vector.

  The  'enter_HFP_mode'  operator  is  a  little  more  complicated
  because, unlike BFP mode, it is  not always possible to enter HFP
  mode.  First the indicators are  cleared, except for the HFP bit,
  which is set.  This  will put us into HFP mode if  the HFP bit is
  also set in the  MR.  Next we check if we are  in HFP mode.  This
  is done by  loading an HFP 1.0 into the  EAQ and normalizing.  If

  Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-687
  Fortran HFP mode.

  we are in HFP mode, the normalize  will do nothing, but if we are
  in BFP mode,  it will shift the AQ left  3 bits and decrement the
  exponent  by  3 because  in BFP  mode  an HFP  1.0 looks  like an
  unnormalized 0.125.  If the normalize  shows that we are still in
  BFP mode, we call 'hcs_$set_hexfp_control'  to set the HFP bit in
  the  MR.  This  may not  be possible  since the  user may  not be
  allowed  by  the  System Administrator  to  use HFP  mode  or the
  hardware may not support it.   Thus, when control is returned, we
  check  if  we  are  now  in  HFP mode.   If  not,  we  signal the
  restartable  condition  'unable_to_enter_HFP_mode'.   If  we  are
  restarted,  we  assume that  the  user has  done  something (e.g.
  pleaded with the System Administrator)  that will now allow us to
  enter HFP mode, so we repeat the call to 'hcs_$set_hexfp_control'
  and again check to  see if we are in HFP mode.   If not, we again
  signal  'unable_to_enter_HFP_mode'.   This  process  continues ad
  nauseum until we are able to enter  HFP mode or the user gives up
  restarting us.

  If we ever establish that we are  in HFP mode, we then proceed as
  with the 'enter_BFP_mode' operator and set PR0 and the pointer at
  word  24  of  the  stack  frame  header  to  the  address  of the
  appropriate (normal HFP or traced HFP) transfer vector.

  Note  that switching  between BFP  and HFP  mode does  not affect
  trace mode:  If you were tracing before switching, you will still
  be tracing  afterward, and if  you weren't tracing,  you won't be
  either after the switch.

  MTB-687                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                  Fortran HFP mode.

  5.3.  Math Routines

  New  versions  of  the  standard math  routines  are  required to
  support the larger range and  different bit representation of HFP
  numbers.  There are presently two  kinds of math routines:  those
  coded in ALM and those coded in PL/I.

  Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-687
  Fortran HFP mode.

  5.3.1.  ALM-Coded Math Routines

  All  the math  routines that  are currently  coded in  ALM are in
  'bound_library_wired_'.  Related  routines are entry  points into
  the same  module.  For example,  the module 'sine_'  contains the
  entry      points      'cosine_degrees_',      'cosine_radians_',
  'sine_degrees_'  and  'sine_radians_'.    We  shall  extend  this
  principle  by placing  the HFP versions  of routines  in the same
  module as  the corresponding BFP version.   The entry point names
  will be derived from the  corresponding BFP version by adding the
  prefix 'hfp_' (e.g.  'hfp_cosine_degrees_').

  Most of  the existing math  routines are very old  and are either
  not as fast or not as accurate  as they should be.  The GCOS math
  routines  (from  which  the   Multics  versions  were  originally
  translated) have been improved considerably.  In the near future,
  we will be  replacing the BFP math routines  with translations of
  the  current   GCOS  versions,  which  also   support  HFP  mode.
  Therefore, the current addition of HFP math routines will be only
  temporary and we won't worry about making them fast.  Instead, we
  will   take   the   simplest    approach   possible   for   their

  In  most  cases, the  simplest  approach is  to  use mathematical
  properties of a  function to derive a formula  for evaluating the
  function in  terms of the  existing BFP version  of the function.
  This  implies  the  need  to  convert  between  the  BFP  and HFP
  representations of a number.  We  will answer this need by adding
  two   new   functions,   'bfp_to_hfp_'   and   'hfp_to_bfp_'   to
  'bound_library_wired_'.  These  new functions will  convert a BFP
  number in the  EAQ to HFP format, and vice  versa, over the range
  of BFP numbers.   If you attempt to convert an  HFP number to BFP
  format  and  the  number is  outside  the range  of  BFP numbers,
  'hfp_to_bfp_'  will  return the  largest BFP  number of  the same

  We will now look at each of  BFP math modules and specify how the
  HFP entry points will be calculated.  'arc_sine_'

  The 'arc_sine_'  module has entry points  to calculate the single
  or double precision value, in  degrees or radians, of the inverse
  sine and inverse cosine functions.  The calculations are actually
  performed  by  the  inverse  tangent  function  of  two arguments
  according to the identities:

            acos(x) = atan2(sqrt(1 - x*x), x)
            asin(x) = atan2(x, sqrt(1 - x*x))

  MTB-687                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                  Fortran HFP mode.

  The names 'acos', 'asin', 'atan' and 'sqrt' above should be taken
  to be generic.  For example,  the entry point that calculates the
  double  precision  inverse cosine  function  in degrees  uses the
  double  precision  inverse  tangent  in  degrees  and  the double
  precision square root routines.

  We will use the same strategy to calculate the HFP equivalents of
  the BFP entry points, except we  will use the HFP versions of the
  required 'atan2' and 'sqrt' functions.  'double_arc_tangent_'

  The  'arc_tangent_'  routine has  entry  points to  calculate the
  single precision inverse tangent function  of 1 or 2 arguments in
  degrees or radians.  The 'double_arc_tangent_' routines has entry
  points  to  calculate  the  double precision  equivalents  of the
  'arc_tangent_' entry points.

  The inverse tangent function has the very useful properties that

            atan(x) = x for very small values of x, and
            atan(x) = pi or -pi for very large values of x.

  It turns  out that these  properties hold for values  of 'x' that
  are well within the range of  BFP numbers.  Thus we can calculate
  the HFP versions of the various entry points by:

            if abs(x) < 2**(-35)
            then hfp_atan (x) = x;
            else hfp_atan (x) = hfp (atan (bfp (x));

  where the  'hfp' function returns  the HFP representation  of the
  BFP number which is its  argument, and the 'bfp' function returns
  the  BFP  representation of  the  nearest BFP  number to  the HFP
  number which is its argument.  'call_math_error_'

  This is not really a math routine, but rather a subroutine to the
  various math  routines.  It is  called to signal  the appropriate
  error  condition when  a math routine  is called  with an invalid
  argument.   We include  it in  this list  because it  needs to be
  changed to  work correctly in  HFP mode.  The problem  with it is

  Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-687
  Fortran HFP mode.

  that it overwrites the location  in the user's stack frame header
  where the IR is  stored, so that in the user is  no longer in HFP
  mode  after a  math error  has occurred.   It turns  out that the
  solution  is  trivial.   All  that is  needed  is  to  remove the
  offensive  store because  the information  being stored  is never
  used!  'double_exponential_'

  These  modules calculate  the exponential function  to single and
  double precision, respectively.  We  evaluate the HFP versions in
  terms  of the  corresponding BFP versions  by careful  use of the
  mathematical identity 'exp(a + b) = exp(a)*exp(b)', as follows.

  Suppose that  we want to  calculate 'exp(x)' for  some HFP number
  'x'.  The  above identity suggests  that we look for  a value 'y'
  such  that 'exp(x-y)'  and 'exp(y)'  are both  easily calculated,
  since 'exp(x)' is the same as 'exp(x-y)*exp(y)'.  Now, it is very
  easy in HFP mode  to multiply by a power of 16;  we need only add
  the power  to the exponent  of the multiplicand.   Thus, it makes
  sense to choose  'y' so that 'exp(y)' will be  a power of 16.  In
  other words, we want 'y' to be the logarithm of a power of 16:  y
  = log(16**N),  where 'N' is  an integer.  From  the properties of
  logarithms, we know that 'log(16**N)' is the same as 'N*log(16)',
  so we have the identity:

            exp(x) = exp(x - N*log(16)) * 16**N

  The  question  is:   How  do  we  choose  'N'  so  that  'exp(x -
  N*log(16))' is easy to evaluate?   The obvious answer is:  Choose
  it so that 'x - N*log(16)' falls in the domain of the BFP version
  of   the   exponential   function   (i.e.    from   -88   to  88,
  approximately).   This gives  us great  lattitude in  our choice.
  However, we  also want to  get the best  possible accuracy, which
  means that  we want to choose  'N' so that 'x  - N*log(16)' is as
  close  as  possible  to  zero,   since  that  is  where  the  BFP
  exponential  function  is  most  accurate.  If  we  rewrite  'x -
  N*log(16)' as '(x/log(16) - N)*log(16)', it becomes apparent that
  we want to  choose 'N' to be the  nearest integer to 'x/log(16)'.
  We want  to avoid floating  point divisions, since  they are both
  slower and less accurate  than floating point multiplications, so
  we  are  pleased  to  note   that  '1/log(16)'  is  the  same  as

  In  summary,  if  'x'  is  an HFP  number  then  'exp(x)'  can be
  calculated  in  terms  of  the  BFP  version  of  the exponential
  function by:

            hfp(exp(bfp(x - N*log(16)))) * 16**N

  MTB-687                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                  Fortran HFP mode.

  where 'N = int(x*log16(e))'.  'fort_math_ops_'

  This  module is  an interface  used by  FORTRAN to  call the math
  routines that are not coded in  ALM.  It must be modified to save
  the  caller's indicators  in the  standard location  in the stack
  frame.  It also  must be changed to include  entry points for all
  the new non-ALM  coded math routines (which will  be described in
  6.3.2).  Finally, it must be changed to reflect the movement from
  'bound_math_' to 'bound_fort_runtime_' (described  in 5.2) of all
  the non-ALM coded math routines used by FORTRAN.  'integer_power_integer_'

  This  routine raises  an integer to  an integer power,  and so is
  unaffected  by  HFP  mode.   However, its  use  has  a disastrous
  side-effect:   It turns  off HFP mode.   The problem  is that the
  code  does an  'ldi 0,dl' to  turn off the  overflow and exponent
  overflow  indicators prior  to execution of  a repeat instruction
  that is set to terminate on  overflow.  We could fix this problem
  by saving the  IR and later restoring it,  but a simpler solution
  is to replace the 'ldi 0,dl' with:

            teo       1,ic      clear exponent overflow indicator
            tov       1,ic      clear overflow indicator  'double_logarithm_'

  These  modules  respectively  calculate  the  single  and  double
  precision  versions of  the logarithm function.   There are three
  entry points in each, corresponding to logarithms to the bases 2,
  e and 10.  The HFP versions are based on the BFP base 2 logarithm
  routine and the following mathematical identities:

            log(x) = log2(x)*log(2)
            log10(x) = log2(x)*log10(2)
            log2(a*b) = log2(a) + log2(b)

  The first two  identities above show us that  we need only figure
  out  how to  calculate HFP logarithms  to the base  2.  The third
  identity shows us how to reduce  the calculation of an HFP base 2
  logarithm to a BFP base 2 logarithm, as follows.

  Suppose that we want to calculate the base 2 logarithm of the HFP
  number 'x'.  Let  'M' be the mantissa of 'x',  and let 'E' be the
  exponent of 'x' in HFP notation.  Then:

  Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-687
  Fortran HFP mode.

            log2(x) = log2(M*16**E)
                    = log2(M) + log2(16**E)
                    = log2(M) + E*log2(16)
                    = log2(M) + 4*E

  Since the magnitude  of 'M' is less than or  equal to one, we can
  calculate 'log2(M)' by converting 'M'  to BFP, using the BFP base
  2 logarithm routine, and converting the result back to HFP.  'math_constants_'

  This module  centralizes the definition of  various commonly used
  math  constants (e.g.   'pi').  It needs  to be  augmented by the
  definitions of the HFP version of each constant.  The name of the
  HFP version is derived by adding the prefix 'hfp_' to the name of
  the corresponding BFP constant (e.g.  'hfp_pi').  'power_'

  This  module calculates  the result  of raising  a floating point
  number to a floating point power.  If the floating point power is
  integral,  it  calls  'power_integer_'  to  calculate  the power;
  otherwise   it   uses   the   mathematical   identity   'a**b   =
  exp(b*log(a))'  to calculate  the result.   We implement  the HFP
  version of the module the same  way, except using HFP versions of
  the called routines.  'power_integer_'

  This module raises  a floating point number to  an integer power.
  Except for two  minor problems, this code will  work equally well
  in  either  BFP  or HFP  mode.   The  first problem  is  that the
  instruction 'fld =1.0,du' occurs in three places.  This will load
  8.0 in the HFP case, so  alternate code must be used.  Since this
  instruction is executed only once  or twice per invocation of the
  routine, we solve the problem by replacing the instruction with:

            fld       =0.5,du
            fad       =0.5,du

  MTB-687                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                  Fortran HFP mode.

  which   solves   the  problem   since  the   0.5  has   the  same
  representation in HFP mode as in  BFP mode.  The other problem is
  that the  instruction 'ldi =0,dl'  is used to  clear the overflow
  and exponent overflow indicators prior  to execution of a reapeat
  instruction which  terminates upon overflow.   This is disastrous
  because it turns  off HFP mode.  This problem  could be solved by
  first  saving  the  IR  and later  restoring  it,  but  a simpler
  approach is to replace the 'ldi =0,dl' with:

            teo       1,ic      clear exponent overflow indicator
            tov       1,ic      clear overflow indicator  'double_sine_'

  The  module  'sine_'  has  entry  points  to  compute  the single
  precision sine or cosine of an angle given in degrees or radians.
  The  module  'double_sine_'  has  entry  points  for  the  double
  precision versions of these routines.   Since the sine and cosine
  functions are periodic with a period of 2*pi, we can evaluate the
  HFP versions in terms of the BFP versions by:

            hfp_cos (x) = hfp (cos (bfp (mod (x, 2*pi))))
            hfp_sin (x) = hfp (cos (bfp (mod (x, 2*pi))))

  However, we must be careful when  taking the sine of angles close
  to zero, since  the above will give us 'hfp_sin  (x) = 0' for 'x'
  that is too small to represent  in BFP mode.  Thus for small 'x',
  we use the approximation:

            hfp_sin (x) = x  'double_square_root_'

  These  modules  calculate the  square  root of  a  floating point
  number.  If  we think of an  HFP number in terms  of its hardware
  representation, we see  that it has the form  M*16**E, where M is
  either zero or  has a magnitude in the range  [1/16, 1), and E is
  an  integer  in the  range  [-128, 127].   Since the  square root
  operation distributes over multiplication,  we have the following
  two identities which  we can use to reduce  the problem of taking
  the square  root of an  HFP number to  that of taking  the square
  root of a related BFP number:

  If E is even:  sqrt(M*16**E) = sqrt(M)*16**(E/2)

  If E is odd:  sqrt(M*16*E) = 4*sqrt(M)*16**((E-1)/2)

  Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-687
  Fortran HFP mode.

  Thus we can take HFP square roots via:

            if E is even
            then factor = 1.0;
            else factor = 4.0;
            hfp_sqrt = factor*hfp (sqrt (bfp (M)))*16**floor(E/2);

  Of course, we don't  really multiply by 16**floor(E/2).  Instead,
  we  add  floor(E/2) to  the  exponent of  'factor*hfp  (sqrt (bfp
  (M)))'.  'double_tangent_'

  These modules calculate the  single and double precision tangents
  of an angles  given in degrees or radians.   We implement the HFP
  equivalents in terms  of the HFP sine and  cosine routines, using
  the mathematical identity:

            tan (x) = sin (x)/cos (x)

  MTB-687                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                  Fortran HFP mode.

  5.3.2.  Non-ALM Coded Math Routines

  Several  of  the current  BFP  math routines  are coded  in PL/I.
  These are kept in 'bound_math_'.  Since PL/I does not support HFP
  mode, we must code the HFP versions in either FORTRAN or ALM.  It
  is a lot easier to code in FORTRAN, so we have opted to do so for
  this   routines.   The   resulting  objects   will  be   kept  in

  The  following sections  describe the  algorithms used  for these
  routines.  'cabs_'

  This module computes the absolute  value of a complex number.  If
  the real part of the complex number is 'x' and the imaginary part
  is 'y', then the absolute value is defined as 'sqrt (x*x + y*y)'.
  This formula  is not a good  one to use because  it will overflow
  too easily.   For example, if 'x'  is 1e100 and 'y'  is zero, the
  absolute  value is  1e100, but we  cannot calculate  it with this
  formula because 'x*x' overflows.

  There is a  better way to calculate the  absolute value.  Suppose
  that 'x' is  bigger than 'y' in absolute  value.  Then 'y/x' will
  be  between -1  and 1.   If we factor  'x*x' out  of our original
  formula, we get:

            cabs(x+iy) = abs(x)*sqrt(1 + (y/x)**2)

  Now, we are  taking the square root of a  number between 1 and 2,
  so  there  can  be no  overflow  there.   There still  can  be an
  overflow when we  multiply by 'abs(x)', but if there  is, it is a
  legitimate overflow  due to the absolute  value being outside the
  range of HFP numbers.

  If the  magnitude of 'y'  is bigger than  that of 'x',  we factor
  'y*y' out of the original formula, giving:

            cabs(x+iy) = abs(y)*sqrt((x/y)**2 + 1)

  If the magnitudes of 'x' and 'y'  are the same, we can factor out
  either 'x*x' or 'y*y', except if  they are zero, in which case we
  can just return zero for the absolute value.  'ccos_'

  This  module calculates  the cosine of  a complex  number.  We do
  this by using the following identity:

  Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-687
  Fortran HFP mode.

            cos (x+iy) = cos(x)*cosh(y) - i*sin(x)*sinh(y)  'cexp_'

  This module  calculates the value  of the number 'e'  raised to a
  complex power.  We do this by using the following identity:

            exp(x+iy) = exp(x)*(cos(y) + i*sin(y))  'clog_'

  This module calculates the natural logarithm of a complex number.
  We do this by using the following identity:

            log(x+iy) = log(abs(x+iy)) + i*atan2(y, x)  'dcosh_'

  These   modules  calculate   the  single   and  double  precision
  hyperbolic cosine, which is defined by:

            cosh(x) = 0.5*(exp(abs(x)) + 1/exp(abs(x)))

  From  this definition,  we see  that if  the magnitude  of 'x' is
  large enough (specifically, if abs(x)  > 352.8119), the result is
  outside  the range  of HFP  numbers.  In  that case,  we cause an
  exponent overflow fault and (if restarted) return the largest HFP

  If  the magnitude  of 'x' is  moderately large (i.e.   > 9.704 in
  single  precision, or  22.18 in  double precision), 1/exp(abs(x))
  will be insignificant with respect  to exp(abs(x)), so we can use
  the approximation:

            cosh(x) = 0.5*exp(abs(x))

  For other values of 'x', we can just use the definition:

            cosh(x) = 0.5*((exp(abs(x)) + 1/(exp(abs(x)))  'csin_'

  This module calculates the sine of  a complex number.  We do this
  by the identity:

            sin(x+iy) = sin(x)*cosh(y) + i*sinh(x)*cos(y)

  MTB-687                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                  Fortran HFP mode.  'csqrt_'

  This module calculates  the square root of a  complex number.  We
  do this by the identity:

            sqrt(x+iy) = sqrt(abs(x+iy) + x) + i*sign(sqrt(abs(x+iy) -
            x), y)  'cxp2_'

  This module calculates the value of  a complex number raised to a
  complex power.  We do this using the identity:

            (u+iv)**(x+iy) = exp((x+iy)*log(u+iv))  'dsinh_'

  These   modules  calculate   the  single   and  double  precision
  hyperbolic sine functions, which are defined by:

            sinh(x) = sign(0.5*(exp(abs(x)) - 1/exp(abs(x))), x)

  From this definition, we see that for 'x' of sufficient magnitude
  (specifically, if abs(x) > 352.8119), sinh(x) will be outside the
  range  of  HFP  numbers.  When  that  is  the case,  we  cause an
  exponent overflow  fault and (if restarted)  returned the largest
  HFP number of the same sign as 'x'.

  If  the magnitude  of 'x' is  moderately large (i.e.   > 9.704 in
  single  precision  or 22.18  in double  precision), 1/exp(abs(x))
  will be insignificant with respect  to exp(abs(x)), so we can use
  the approximation:

            sinh(x) = sign(0.5*exp(abs(x)), x)

  If the magnitude of 'x' is sufficiently small (i.e.  < 2.11e-4 in
  the single  precision case, or  8.06e-10 in the  double precision
  case),  exp(abs(x))  will  be so  close  to 1  that  exp(abs(x) -
  1/exp(abs(x)) will  give us zero.   Thus for 'x' of  this small a
  magnitude, we  must find some  other way to  approximate sinh(x).
  We do  this by taking  the first few  terms of the  Taylor series
  expansion of sinh(x):

            sinh(x) = x + x**3/3! + x**5/5! + x**7/7! + x**9/9! + ...

  in the single precision case, the first 4 terms are enough, while
  in the double precision case, we need the first 7 terms.

  Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-687
  Fortran HFP mode.

  For  x  whose  magnitude  is  between  "sufficiently  small"  and
  "moderately  large"  (as  defined  above), we  can  just  use the

            sinh(x) = sign(0.5*(exp(abs(x)) - 1/exp(abs(x))), x)  'double_tanh_'

  These   modules  calculate   the  single   and  double  precision
  hyperbolic tangent function, which is defined by:

            tanh(x) = sinh(x)/cosh(x)

  We  calculate  this function  exactly as  specified by  the above