MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN                              MTB741-07

To:       MTB Distribution

From:     Michael Flegel

Date:     April 15, 1987

Subject:  MOWSE - Design Commands and Subroutines


This document  provides an overview of the  MOWSE environment and
the user interface.  There are four MTBs that describe the design
and implementation of MOWSE and  some applications that use MOWSE
facilities.  The four MTBs are:

     MTB-740   MOWSE Overview
     MTB-741   MOWSE Design, Commands and Subroutines
     MTB-742   MOWSE Background File Transfer (BFT) Facility
     MTB-744   MOWSE Terminal Emulator

(rev-05): February 26,  1987.  Re-implementation of  mowse_io_ to
          use the immediate call event channel facilities.
(rev-06): March  24, 1987.   Description of  mowse_utils_ and its
          entry points.
(rev-07): April   14,1987.   Removal   of  mowse_utils_;   change |
          mowse_io_  to receive data  from tty_ rather  than hcs_ |
          entry points to support DSA interfaces indirectly.      |


          Comments on this MTB should be sent to the authors -

               via Multics mail to:


               via forum on System-M to:

                  >udd>m>jms>mtgs>workstation_working_group (wwg)

               via telephone to:

                  ACTC (403) 284-6400


Multics  project internal documentation;  no to be  reproduced or
distributed ouside the Multics project.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

                        TABLE OF CONTENTS

Section    Page  Subject
=======    ====  =======

1          1     Overview
2          8     Establishing MOWSE
2.1        10    . . The PC Side
2.1.1      10    . . . . What the PC Looks Like With MOWSE
2.1.2      11    . . . . PC MOWSE Initialization
2.1.3      12    . . . . MOWSE Message Support
2.2        14    . . The Multics Side
2.2.1      14    . . . . What Multics Looks Like with MOWSE
2.2.2      15    . . . . Multics MOWSE Initialization
2.3        16    . . Foreground and Background Communication
2.3.1      17    . . . . Foreground Messages
2.3.2      18    . . . . Background (MOWSE) Messages
2.3.3      19    . . . . Multitasking    19    . . . . . . The Need for Multitasking    19    . . . . . . Simulating Multitasking on Multics
2.4        21    . . The Capability Address Table -- CAT
3          28    Communication Support
3.1        28    . . PC Data Handling
3.2        31    . . Multics Data Handling
3.3        37    . . The Protocol
3.3.1      37    . . . . Properties of the Protocol
3.4        43    . . The I/O Module
3.4.1      43    . . . . About mowse_io_
3.4.2      53    . . . . Reconnecting mowse_io_
4          55    Application Interface
4.1        55    . . MOWSE Considerations
4.1.1      56    . . . . Considerations for Long Messages
4.2        58    . . Subroutine Interfaces
4.3        131   . . Dedicated Minor Capability Numbers
4.4        136   . . Video Manager
5          145   MOWSE Major Capabilities
6          149   MOWSE Commands
6.1        149   . . PC Commands
6.2        152   . . Multics Commands
7          155   Installing MOWSE on the PC
8          157   Glossary
9          161   Appendix
9.1        161   . . Error Codes

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

1.  Overview

Multics  Online  Work  Station  Environment  (MOWSE) provides the
means  for  cooperating  processes  on  Multics  and  a  Personal
Computer to communicate with each  other and to exchange requests
for information or  processing.  MOWSE is designed in  such a way
that, given the limitations of  the operating systems under which
it  operates, these  processes may  be active  in the  background
while  other foreground  activities, not  necessarily related  to
MOWSE, take place.

MOWSE does not assume that one  of the processes is dominant over
the other, or that certain functionality is only available on one
of the machines.   Every attempt has been made  during the design
to  ensure  that  the  same  functionality,  in  terms  of  MOWSE
requests,  exists on  both  machines.   Naturally, the  manner in
which  this functionality  is delivered  to, or  requested by,  a
process depends on the operating system that governs the process.


The  primary functionality  provided by  MOWSE is  the ability of
MOWSE to  support background applications in addition  to, and at
the same time as, foreground applications.

A foreground application  is a program that has  control over and
the  use  of  a  display  screen  and  terminal  keyboard.  Under
Multics, all programs that make use of the user_i/o switch are by
definition   foreground  programs.   Another   characteristic  of
foreground applications is that  these applications are permitted
to use  the processor by default,  except when it is  required by
the  operating  system  (subject  to  possible  multi-programming
considerations).    Foreground  applications  may   therefore  be
permitted to loop while waiting for an event to occur.

A  background application, on  the other hand,  must not use  the
keyboard  or display  screen.  It  only is  permitted to  use the
processor  under  strictly  defined  circumstances  (such  as the
receipt of message) and then only for brief periods of time.

A MOWSE background  application is not the same  as a stand-alone
program  operating in a  multi-tasking environment in  that every
program running in a multi-tasking environment has an independent
existence known to the operating system, while a MOWSE background
program is not  visible to the operating system at  all.  A MOWSE
background application  should be viewed as a  subroutine that is
called  by MOWSE  whenever a  message is  received that  is to be

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

analyzed  by the  subroutine.  As   such, there  can only  be one
"subroutine"  active at  any time.   Furthermore, that subroutine
must not stay active for too long, since other subroutines cannot
be called (activated) until the active subroutine returns control
to  MOWSE.   Of  course  while  the  background  is  active,  the
foreground application cannot be active.

In order  to distinguish between the  usually understood meanings
of    "applications"   and   "subroutines",    MOWSE   background
applications  are referred to  as "major capabilities".   A major
capability differs from other application programs in that:

  1) it makes its existence known to MOWSE as a major capability,
  2) it is prepared to accept and process MOWSE messages.

A  major capability  can therefore  be defined  as an application
program that  has the above  characteristics.  It is  generally a
program  that can  provide processing  or I/O  facilities when it
receives a specifically formatted message requesting it to do so.
The result of  the processing is returned to the  requestor via a
formatted message.

A  major capability  makes itself  known to  MOWSE by  means of a
"create_instance"  subroutine call to  MOWSE.  In this  call, the
major capability gives MOWSE a name by which the major capability
will  be  known  to  other  MOWSE  applications,  and the name or
address of a program that is  to be called whenever a message for
this  major capability  is received.   MOWSE will  return to  the
calling  application  (now  a  MOWSE  major  capability)  a major
capability  number that uniquely  identifies it within  the MOWSE
environment.  This  number is used,  as an address,  by all major
capabilities that wish to send  messages to the major capability.
The name of the major  capability, its program address, and other
information is  maintained by MOWSE in a  Capability Access Table

A major capability is usually  designed to perform many different
functions  in a  particular area.   Every function  that a  major
capability supports is assigned a  unique number, called a "minor
capability  number".  There  are  some  functions (such  as error
handling) that all major capabilities must be prepared to support
and these are assigned fixed minor capability numbers.  Functions
that are unique  to the major capability can be  given any unused
minor capability numbers at the discretion of the designer of the
major capability.  The numbers must,  of course, be unique to the
major capability but can be the same as those used for some other
major capability.


The functionality of MOWSE is divided into four major areas:

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

     1) Communications Support (PAD)

        The primary function  of the software in this  area is to
        perform the assembly and  disassembly of packets that are
        received   or   transmitted   over   the   communications
        facilities that  link the two computer  systems.  The PAD
        will also  ensure that the packets  are transferred error
        free  and will support  the transparent exchange  of data
        streams.   The PAD  is activated  by interrupts  from the
        communications  hardware  on  the  IBM  PC  and  by timer
        interrupts on Multics.

        Two  logical channels  are provided  by the  PAD over the
        single communications link.  One  channel is dedicated to
        the exchange  of data between the  foreground programs on
        either computer  system, while the other  channel is used
        for  communications between  all of  the background major

     2) Scheduler

        The scheduler examines all messages received from the PAD
        and  takes appropriate  action depending  on whether  the
        message  is received  over the  foreground or  background
        channels.  If  a message is received  over the foreground
        channel, it is  placed in a buffer until  it is requested
        by  the foreground program.   If the message  is received
        over  the  background  channel,  then  the scheduler will
        examine  the  major  capability  number  contained in the
        message.  If  the major capability number is  that of the
        MOWSE  major  capability,  then  the  message  is  passed
        directly to the MOWSE  major capability software.  If the
        major capability number identifies  a major capability in
        the  Capability  Access  Table  (CAT),  then  the message
        processing  program  for  that  major  capability will be
        called  and   passed  the  message.   The   scheduler  is
        activated on the PC by means  of a timer interrupt and on
        Multics  by means  of an  event signalled  by the  packet
        receiver whenever a complete message is available for the
        PAD to examine.

     3) Application Interface

        The  application  interface   consists  of  a  subroutine
        library  that is used  by both foreground  and background
        applications to communicate with MOWSE.

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

        On Multics, a foreground program will access this library
        by  means of  calls  through  the user_i/o  switch, while
        background applications will access the library directly.
        The  Multics  application  interface  can  generate  user
        defined and internal messages that  will be sent to other
        major  capabilities known to  MOWSE.  It can  also modify
        portions of MOWSE's internal  tables.  Since these tables
        are  in the  user's address  space on  Multics, they  are
        subject  to corruption  by inappropriate  actions by user

        On  the PC,  both foreground  and background applications
        will  access the  library directly.   The PC applications
        interface  is divided  into two  parts.  One  part, which
        runs in the user's address  space, is used for formatting
        a  MOWSE software  interrupt message  and then  causing a
        MOWSE  software interrupt.   The  second  part of  the PC
        application interface  runs in MOWSE's address  space and
        is  activated  when  a  software  interrupt occurs.  This
        second  part  can  generate  user  defined  and  internal
        messages  that will be  sent to other  major capabilities
        known to MOWSE.  This part  can also modify certain MOWSE
        internal tables  which are protected from  user damage by
        the  fact of  being located  outside of  user addressable
        memory (if the user program is well behaved).

        The PC  subroutine library entry  points make use  of the
        DOS  interrupt facility to  generate calls into  MOWSE in
        order  to access  MOWSE's  data.   The interrupt  used is
        specified in when  MOWSE is started up on  the PC.  These
        functions are  handled in much  the same manner  that DOS
        uses  to handle its  own interrupts, and  in fact can  be
        thought of as interrupts  into MOWSE.  The methodology is
        quite simple.   Whenever an application wishes  to access
        one of the  WS functions, it sets the AH  register to the
        appropriate function  number (identical to the  manner in
        which an  application invokes a DOS  function).  This can
        be done trivially in 'C' (Lattice) by the type REGS and a
        simple assignment instruction  before the interrupt call.
        Parameters  are passed to  the MOWSE function  by placing
        the  parameters into  a defined  'C' structure  which the
        specific MOWSE function knows about.  The address of this
        structure  is  placed  into   the  SI  register  and  the
        structure's  length  is  placed  into  the  CX  register.
        Again, setting  up the registers can be  done through the
        'C' type REGS.  Each MOWSE  function will return an error
        code in the  AX register, and if data is  to be returned,
        it will  be placed into the structure  which was supplied
        to the function.

        For example, the invocation will look as follows:

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

           parameters.p1 = p1;
           parameters.p2 = p2
           input_registers.SI = &(parameters);
           input_registers.CX = length(parameters);
           input_registers.AH = (byte) ws_function

           int86 (software_interrupt, &input_registers,

           return_code = output_registers.AX

        The manner in which the  software interrupt handler works

           switch (AH)
           {  case 0:   MOWSE_function_0();

              case 1:   MOWSE_function_1();

              .      .
              .      .
              .      .

              default:  Return_Error();

     4) MOWSE Major Capability

        The   major  portion   of  the   MOWSE  functionality  is
        implemented as  a background major capability.   As such,
        it is only activated when it receives a message addressed
        to it,  and it supports  a variety of  minor capabilities
        that control and support the operation of MOWSE itself as
        well  as other  background activities.   Because it  is a
        background major capability, it cannot loop or go blocked
        at  any time,  it cannot  consume large  portions of  CPU
        cycles,  and  it  cannot  write  messages  to the display
        screen or read data from the keyboard.

        The MOWSE major capability  is activated when it receives
        messages  from the  MOWSE major  capability on  the other
        system,  or  from  the  application  interfaces on either
        system.   Similarly, it  can generate  messages to  major
        capabilities  on either system  or to its  counterpart on
        the remote system.

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

The MOWSE Scenario Diagram:

Figure 1  illustrates how MOWSE  is supported on  Multics and the
PC.  On the Multics system, MOWSE is implemented as an i/o module |
that is  inserted between the  user_i/o switch and  they tty_ I/O |
module.  Additional entry points are supplied that allow programs |
running  on Multics  to send  special messages  in a  pre-defined
format  over the  communications link.   In order  to support the
concept  of  background  processing,   the  mowse_io_  module  is
activated  using an  immedate call  event channel  upon which  is
generated an event  whenever an EOP character (End  Of Packet) is
detected.  This  is accomplished by  setting the wakeup  table to
this special character.

On the PC, MOWSE is implemented as an extension to MS-DOS that is
activated whenever  an interrupt is received from  the either the
communications  channel  or  the  timer.   When  a communications
interrupt  occurs,  a  PAD  (packet  assembly/disassembly) module
reads  the data from  the link and  assembles a complete  message
from Multics.  This message is placed  in a holding buffer on the
PC.  In  order to support  the concept of  background processing,
the  module that examines  the holding buffer  is activated by  a
timer  interrupt.  This module  will, when it  is safe to  do so,
pass  the message  to the  application on  the PC  to which it is
addressed.  This application does not  necessarily have to be the
application that was active when the timer interrupt occurred.

The main  difference between a non-MOWSE and  a MOWSE environment
is  that the  MOWSE environment  implements two  logical channels
over the  single physical communications link between  the PC and
Multics.   One of  the channels,  referred to  as the  foreground
channel, carries all of the  data traffic that passes through the
user_i/o switch  on Multics or  originates from the  PC keyboard.
The other channel, referred to as the background channel, carries
data   traffic   that   originates   from   calls  by  background
applications to the Multics Work Station (WS) subroutine library.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

                                        |  MOWSE       |
MULTICS SIDE                      |---> |  CAPABILITY  |----|
                                  |     ----------------    |
---------------                   |     ----------------    |
| Foreground  |                   |     |  Background  |    |
| Application |                   |---> |  Application |----|
-----^---------                   |     ----------------    |
     |                            |                         |
_____V_______                _____________          ________V____
|user_      |                |           |          |MOWSE      |
|I/O        | <------------  | SCHEDULER | <------- |subroutine |
|switch     |                |           |          |library    |
-------------                -------------          -------------
      |  foreground    FG and BG   ^           background |
      V  messages out  messages in |         messages out V
|                     COMMUNICATION MODULE                      |
                    ---V----              -------
                    | tty_ | <--packet--> |RS232|
                    --------              -^-----
PC SIDE                                    |
|                COMMUNICATION MODULE   (PAD)                   |
     ^                          | FG/BG in             ^
     |                          V                      |
-------------              -------------          -------------
| MOWSE     |              |           |          |MOWSE      |
| subroutine|<-------------| SCHEDULER | <------- |subroutine |
| library   |              |           |          |library    |
-------------              -------------          -------------
     ^                         |                        ^
     |                         |                        |
   --V------------             |     ---------------    |
   | Foreground  |             |     | Background  |    |
   | Application |             |---->| Application |----|
   ---------------             |     ---------------    |
                               |     ---------------    |
NOTE:  ARROWS INDICATE         |     |  MOWSE      |    |
          DATA FLOW,           |---->|  CAPABILITY |----|
       NOT CONTROL FLOW              ---------------

Figure 1: The MOWSE Scenario

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

2.  Establishing MOWSE

This chapter  gives an overview of  how a user invokes  the MOWSE
environment, followed  by details of  the actions that  the MOWSE
program  performs to  set up  the environment  on the  PC and  on

Invoking MOWSE:

The MOWSE environment must be established from the PC side first,
and  then  from  the  Multics   side.   The  steps  involved  are
summarized as follows:


1. Boot the PC using          1. The PC is now receptive to
   MS-DOS v. 2.0                 commands.
   (or greater)

2. Type in the "MOWSE"        2. The PC now has MOWSE installed
   command                       on the PC communication port.

3. Type in "WSTERM" command   3. The PC is now using the WSTERM
                                 terminal emulator.

4.  Log in to Multics         4. Multics is now ready to receive

5. Type in the                5. MOWSE is now completely
   "attach_mowse"                established.
   command on Multics.

In more detail, the process is as follows:

When  establishing the  MOWSE environment   on the  PC there  are
actually two stages of progression  that must be made.  The first
is the establishment of communication with Multics.  This is done
by executing the MOWSE command on the PC (see section 7.1).

This will  install the resident  portion of MOWSE  to function on
the communication port of the  PC.  Once the user has established
the MOWSE  environment on the  PC, (s)he may  connect to Multics,
with the PC providing the functionality of a terminal through the
use of  a terminal emulator designed  to be used with  MOWSE (ie.
WSTERM).   To enter  the full  MOWSE environment,  the user  must
issue  the attach_mowse  command  on  Multics (see  section 7.2).
(S)He may now run applications on  Multics or the PC that use the
WS subroutine library, in addition to standard terminal I/O.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

The  scenario can  be thought  of as  analogous to  the procedure
required to initiate a telephone conversation:

     - the person picks up the telephone
       (PC starts MOWSE)
     - the person dials a telephone number
       (PC dials up to the remote system)
     - the phone begins to ring
       (user logs into remote system)
     - the callee answers the phone
       (remote system starts up MOWSE and sends special characters)
     - the people talk
       (remote system and PC talk through MOWSE messages)
     - the people say good-bye
       (remote system, then PC exit from MOWSE)

Exiting from MOWSE:

To  completely exit  the MOWSE  environment, the  user must first
exit  the  Multics  MOWSE  environment,  and  then  the  PC MOWSE
terminal environment.  To exit the MOWSE environment, the user:

      1. Quits MOWSE on Multics.
      2. Quits MOWSE terminal environment on the PC.

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

2.1.  The PC Side

2.1.1.  What the PC Looks Like With MOWSE

When  MOWSE starts,  a new  module called  MOWSE, is  appended to
MS-DOS so as to permanently occupy the lowest available memory on
the PC.  Several hardware and  software interrupts are trapped by
the MOWSE module which provide  the sole means for activating the
module.   There are three  main interrupts which  activate MOWSE;
they  are:  one of  the communications port  hardware interrupts,
which governs the communications link  to Multics; a user defined
software  interrupt, which  provides  the  means for  PC resident
foreground and background applications to make requests of MOWSE;
and  the SCHEDULER INTERRUPTS  (consisting of a  timer interrupt,
the  console  I/O  interrupt,   and  the  BIOS  diskette  service
interrupt) which handles the processing of MOWSE messages.

The following is a schematic of how MOWSE looks on the PC:

 message                |Application|
characters               ===========
<---------> RS232 <---->|    PAD    |
            timer ----->|           |   message    -------------
      console I/O ----->| Scheduler |------------>| Application |
    BIOS diskette ----->|           |              --------------
                         -----------                      |
                        |  Library  |  software interrupt |
                        |  Support  | <-------------------
                        |   MS-DOS  |

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

2.1.2.  PC MOWSE Initialization

The initialization of MOWSE is  concerned with the following five

     1) Setting up the RS232 communications port
     2) Setting up the interrupt vectors
     3) Initializing the interrupt controller
     4) Terminal emulation
     5) Terminating and staying resident

In setting  up the communications port MOWSE  will initialize the
port  to  the  default  values  described  in  section 7.1 or the
specified values through the "mowse" command.

The initialization  of the MOWSE  interrupt vectors will  also be
set up so  that the MOWSE interrupt handlers will  respond to the
appropriate  interrupts.   Because  DOS's  5  user interrupts are
greatly competed  for by many applications, the  user may specify
which user interrupt  MOWSE will use for the  PC software library
(see section 7.1).

There is  an added facility which  will allow MOWSE to  examine a
start_up file which may contain the necessary communications port
initialization and interrupt vector  placement.  In addition, the
user will be able to  start up applications through this start_up
file.  These applications  will be started as soon  as the remote
system has entered into the MOWSE environment.

Once  the interrupt  vectors  have  been initialized,  MOWSE will
enable the  interrupt controller.  From  this point on,  MOWSE is
ready on the  PC side.  At this point, MOWSE  will "terminate and
stay resident" (thus making MOWSE  a resident portion of DOS) and
go on implicitly communicating on  the communciations port it has
been initiated on.

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

2.1.3.  MOWSE Message Support

The  primary  concern  of  MOWSE  is  to  handle  the transfer of
messages between  loaded applications.  In order  to perform this
fundamental function  through the MOWSE interrupt  handler, MOWSE
makes use of three types of interrupts to analyze the contents of
the message queue:

     - Timer Interrupt
     - User I/O Request Flag
     - BIOS Diskette Service Interrupt

The analysis of  the message queues is done  by interrupting into
MOWSE instead  of automatically processing each  complete message
when it  arrives because MS-DOS is NOT  re-entrant.  Thus special
care  must be  taken  before  invoking MOWSE  applications; MOWSE
applications may request MS-DOS functions, and if MOWSE calls the
application when  it has interrupted  MS-DOS, a call  into MS-DOS
from the application  will be catastrophic not only  to MOWSE but
to the entire PC.

The mechanism used to perform the  analysis of the queue is based
upon that used by the MS-DOS print spooler.  This method involves
the  use  of  the  interrupts  and  an  internal  DOS  flag which
indicates when and where DOS is active.

During MOWSE initialization, the following BIOS interrupt vectors
are set to point to the MOWSE functions:

     - Interrupt 1Ch - DOS timer interrupt
     - Interrupt 28h - Internal DOS interrupt flag that is
                       signalled when DOS is waiting for console
     - Interrupt 13h - BIOS diskette services interrupt

In  addition, the address  of the "in-DOS"  flag is retrieved  at
initialization (via DOS interrupt 34h) and saved for testing when
in  the MOWSE  Interrupt.  The   13h interrupt  is used  by MOWSE
simply to set a flag when the BIOS diskette servers are active so
as to ensure  that no MOWSE capability will be  invoked while the
diskette servers are active.

The following is a brief description of what is done to solve the
above problems due to the non-re-entrancy of MS-DOS:

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

     - If the in-MOWSE flag is set
        - jump to the next user of the interrupt
     - If the in-DOS flag is set
        - jump to the next user of the interrupt
     - If the in-SOFT flag is set
        - jump to the next user of the interrupt
     - Set the in-MOWSE flag
     - Enable interrupts (so as to allow communications to
     - Call the MOWSE SCHEDULER
     - Disable the interrupts (to allow us full control over the
       in-MOWSE flag)
     - Reset the in-MOWSE flag
     - Jump to the next user of the interrupt.

Once  the MOWSE  interrupt handler  finds that  it is  capable of
calling  a MOWSE  application  without  any problem,  the message
scheduler takes the appropriate  action on the message determined
by  the "header"  of the   message -  "major capability"  number,
"minor  capability"  number,   and  "data".   These  capabilities
determine where  the data is to  go, and what is  to be done with

A predefined major capability is set aside for MOWSE which allows
the MOWSE environment  to coordinate the PC MOWSE  and the remote
MOWSE.  The remaining capabilities can be used by applications in
order to allow the application  to talk between its components on
each of the systems.

These  remaining  capabilities  are  handled  as Remote Procedure
Calls  which transfer  data and  control to  the application  for
processing.  Because  DOS errors are capable  of occurring inside
of the  MOWSE application, MOWSE  must trap DOS  errors before it
makes the call  into the application.  This is  to guarantee that
MOWSE  will  always  regain  control  after  the  application has
completed servicing of its message (in order that MOWSE can reset
the "in-MOWSE" flag so that other messages may be serviced).

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

2.2.  The Multics Side

2.2.1.  What Multics Looks Like with MOWSE

When  MOWSE starts,  a new   I/O module,  called "mowse_io_",  is |
inserted beneath the user_i/o switch  (by default) and the "tty_" |
I/O module:                                                       |

-<user_i/o>- syn_ -<mowse_i/o>- mowse_io_ -<mowse_tty>- tty_      |

The  "mowse_io_" I/O  module sends  and receives  packets encoded |
according  to  the  MOWSE  I/O  protocol  through  "tty_" via the |
"mowse_tty".  It sends and receives  user data via the "user_i/o" |
and "mowse_i/o"  switches.  The transformation of  user data into
packets and packets into user data is accomplished in "mowse_io_"
by calls to a set of subroutines which are the PL/1 equivalent of
the C routines on the PC which implement the MOWSE I/O protocol.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

2.2.2.  Multics MOWSE Initialization

Once MOWSE has been installed on the PC, it is ready to provide a
connection to  a terminal emulator  which is designed  to be used
with  MOWSE.  Using  this emulator  (WSTERM), the  user can  then
connect  to Multics  and initiate  MOWSE on  Multics through  the
command  "attach_mowse" (see   section 7.2).   After successfully
entering MOWSE, Multics sends a RESET  command to the PC MOWSE to
indicate that  it has been established.  This  allows Multics and
the PC to communicate with  each other through MOWSE messages and
its protocol (see section 4.1).

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

2.3.  Foreground and Background Communication

Messages pass between  Multics and the PC through one  of the two
logical channels supported by  MOWSE:  foreground and background.
All messages which originate or  terminate at the user_i/o switch
on  Multics use  the  foreground  MOWSE channel.   Messages which
originate or terminate at applications  having nothing to do with
user  I/O generally  use the  MOWSE background  channel, with two

    All  background error  messages are  routed by  MOWSE from  a
    background  application  to  the  foreground  channel because
    their  ultimate destination  is  for  user I/O  (the terminal
    emulator on the PC which is a foreground application).

    Messages originating from the  video module tc_io_ are routed
    over  the  foreground  channel  as  well  (even  though  they
    originate  by  calls  through  the  MOWSE subroutine library)
    since their  ultimate destination is  also for user  I/O (the
    terminal emulator).

All  MOWSE internal  messages are  routed through  the background

The following schematic is an example of the distinctions between
the foreground and background channels:

 ----------       ----------
|  screen  |<----| terminal |    foreground channel    -------
 ----------      | emulator |-------------+---------->| forum |
| keyboard |---->|          |<----/|-----|---/|-----|       |
 ----------       ----------       |      |    |       -------
                                   |      |    |
                                   |      |    |        --------
                                   |      |    +-------| tc_io_ |
                                   |      |             --------
                        background |      +---+ query
                          or error |<-+   |   | response
                          messages |  |   |   |
                       -----       |  |   |   |         -----
                      | bft |------+--|--|/--|------->| bft |
                      |     |<--------+------|/-------|     |
                       -----     background channel     -----

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

2.3.1.  Foreground Messages

   A foreground message is equivalent to the terminal data in the
   standard environment.  It is data  that has been requested via
   iox_  entrypoints  on  the  I/O  switch.   Such  data is of no
   consequence to MOWSE; on input, it  is merely passed on to the
   requesting  procedure;  on  output   it  is  identified  as  a
   foreground message  and transmitted to the  remote system.  On
   input, if there are no requests for terminal data, the data is
   buffered until such a request is made.

How User Data is Sent to the PC:

   When a Multics  program wishes to send data to  the PC screen,
   it  simply writes  the data  to one  of the  standard switches
   "user_output",  "error_output" or  "user_i/o" with  a call  to
   "iox_$put_chars".  This  presents the data  to be sent  to the
   "put_chars"  entry  point  of  "mowse_io_".   This entry point
   calls a  MOWSE routine that breaks the  data into packet-sized
   pieces.  Each piece is  prefixed by the appropriate capability
   numbers to indicate screen output,  and then passed to the PAD
   for transmission to the PC.

How User Data is Obtained from the PC:

   When a packet  is received from the PC by  the "mowse_io_" I/O
   module, the  data in it is extracted  and dispatched according
   to the  specified capability numbers.  If  these indicate that
   it  is  keyboard  input,  it  is  stored  in  a 4096 character
   circular buffer maintained by "mowse_io_" for holding keyboard
   input until it is requested by Multics.

   The data in the circular  buffer maintained by "mowse_io_" for
   keyboard input is extracted in response to an "iox_$get_chars"
   or  an  "iox_$get_line"  on  the  "user_input", "user_i/o", or
   "mowse_i/o" switches.   The request may be for  less data than
   is in the buffer, in which case the excess data remains in the
   buffer to be extracted by a  subsequent call for it.  If there
   is insufficient data in the buffer to satisfy an input request
   (i.e.  there is no data for a 'get_chars' call, or no LF for a
   'get_line'  call), the  process  will  be blocked  pending new
   input from the PC.

   The circular buffer is limited to 4096 character.  If the need
   arises   that  greater   than  4096   characters  are   to  be
   maintiained, mowse_io_ will leave  the overflowing data in PAD
   until  enough space  becomes available.   This will eventually
   cause the foreground subchannel to  fill up which in turn will
   exert "back  pressure" on the channel until  data is retrieved
   from the buffer.

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

2.3.2.  Background MOWSE Messages

Messages  that  are  passed  over  the  background channel always
contain  a  major  capability  number.   The  scheduler uses this
number to determine which background capability is to receive the
message.  One background capability  is always present when MOWSE
is running:  the MOWSE  capability.  This capability receives and
processes internal MOWSE messages that  are used to implement and
control MOWSE operations.

Unlike  foreground  messages  which  are  placed  into  a  buffer
awaiting  future  retrieval  by  a  foreground application, MOWSE
messages are  interpreted and controlled by MOWSE.   Receipt of a
MOWSE message  requires subsequent action which  depends upon the
type  of message  transmitted/received.  Also,  on input,  unlike
foreground messages, MOWSE messages may occur at any time and are
not dependent  on any requests for them.   They are asynchronous.
This  feature allows for  future applications such  as background
file  transfer, which  may periodically  interrupt the foreground
task.  Thus,  the I/O module  periodically wakes up  to check for
the presence of a MOWSE message.  Given this, a MOWSE message can
initiate a  task that interrupts any  currently active foreground
task.  Upon completion, control is returned to the original task.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

2.3.3.  Multitasking  The Need for Multitasking

The natural way  to implement the MOWSE I/O protocol  is as a set
of cooperating tasks.  Some of the tasks needed are:

    (i) A  packet assembler  which assembles  characters received
        from  the communications link  (i.e.  the FNP  on Multics
        and the modem port on the PC) into packets which are then
        placed in a received packet queue.

    (ii) A  packet receiver  which processes  the packets  in the
        received   packet  queue.    Among  other   things,  this
        processing involves exerting  flow control and extracting
        data.   Data that  is extracted  is placed  in a received
        data queue.

    (iii) A dispatcher which examines the received data queue and
        forwards the  data (according to the  capability numbers)
        to whoever is responsible for that data.

Unfortunately, neither  Multics nor the PC  support multitasking.
Thus  we  must  write  more  complicated  code  that  simulates a
multitasking ability.  Note that no amount of "clever coding" can
remove the necessity of some kind of multitasking ability because
MOWSE  requires the ability  to interrupt the  current foreground
process of the user (such as  editing a file) to perform a remote
procedure  call for  a background  process (such  as moving files
between Multics and the PC).  Simulating Multitasking on Multics

The  highest  priority  task   is  that  of  assembling  incoming
characters into  packets and storing them in  the received packet
queue.   This  task,  however,  can  be  done  by  the  system by
collecting the  data sent from  the PC into  chunks (packets) and
signalling  an event  to the  packet receiver  along an immediate
call  event channel  (when the  system detects  an EOP  character
indicating that a complete packet has arrived).

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

The task of next highest  priority is that of processing received
packets because it  is during this processing that  we first have
the opportunity to respond to messages from the PC (since this is
where  we determine what  those messages are).   One of the  most
important aspects of this processing  is extracting the user data
and then storing it in the received data queue.

The task of dispatching the data in the received data queue is of
next  highest importance.  This,  in turn, may  lead to one  more
task of slightly lower priority.  This lowest order task would be
the  response to  a message   which would  be the  invocation and
execution of background applications.

In order to get this scheme for multitasking to work, there are a
couple of other things we need to  do.  The first is that we must
insure that  we do not allow  an interrupt to occur  while we are |
transmitting  packets to  the  PC  through tty_.   Otherwise, the |
scheduler might start  up a task that writes to  the PC, in which |
case we would end up sending to the PC one packet imbedded in the |
middle of what ought to be  the previous packet.  This problem is |
easily  avoided  by  masking  real-time  timer  interrupts before |
writing to  tty_ and then  reinstating those interrupts  when the |
writing is finished.                                              |
The other  is that anywhere we  have to block because  the PC has |
exerted back  pressure (through flow  control), we must  block in |
such a  way that when  input next arrives  from the PC  (which we |
hope will remove the back pressure), we will immediately start up |
the packet  receiver task.  The packet receiver  will then signal |
an event along an event channel upon which a "process" is waiting |
for the flow control to open up.                                  |
For  further description, please  refer to Section  3.2, "Multics |
Data Handling".                                                   |

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

2.4.  The Capability Address Table -- CAT

The  Capability Access  Tables  (CATs)  are tables  which provide
information   specific   to   each   MOWSE   application   (major
capability).   Such   information  will  be  used   by  MOWSE  in
identifying  a capability,  determining the  current status  of a
capability  (executing, sleeping,  suspended, etc.),  determining
what  physical address  in memory  to invoke  the capability, and
determining the  locations of internal message  buffers (so MOWSE
can handle the transfer of argument data between applications).

Two CATs will be maintained by  the MOWSE on each system:  one is
the "local_cat"  and the other is the  "remote_cat".  This allows
MOWSE  to know  about capabilities  that are  available on  other

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design


The local CAT is used by MOWSE to keep track of information about
all of the applications which are loaded on the local system.


   02 local_cat        dimension (33:64) unal,
      03 flags,
         04 reset      bit (1) unal,
         04 suspended  bit (1) unal,
         04 status     bit (1) unal,
         04 mbz1       bit (33) unal,
      03 sleep_time    fixed bin,
      03 mcb_ptr       ptr,


   typedef struct local_cat_struct {
      struct local_cat_struct *next_cat;
      char                    flags;
      char                    pad;
      long                    sleep_time;
      SREGS                   sregs;
      REGS                    regs;
      short                   bpreg;
      short                   spreg;
      int                     (*ws_entry)();
      short                   waitreg;
      mcb                     *mcb_ptr;
   } local_cat;

   local_cat l_CAT [NUMBER_OF_CAT_ENTRIES];

The Multics CAT  is reserved space by MOWSE on  the MULTICS side.
When MOWSE is initially invoked,  the table is created in MOWSE's
static memory.   Also, the PC CAT  is reserved space by  MOWSE on
the PC side.  When MOWSE  initially invoked, the table is created
in MOWSE's static memory.  The index into each of the tables will
be represented by the major_capability_number.

   flags.reset:  (MULTICS); bit 0 of flags (PC)
       Determines if the capability  is presently being reset; if
       it is, this flag is set.
   flags.suspend:  (MULTICS), bit 1 of flags (PC)
       Determines if the capability is presently suspended; if it
       is, this flag is set.
       Determines   if   the   capability   is   awaiting  status
       information   and   becomes   cleared   when   the  status
       information has arrived.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

   next_cat:  (PC)
       Used to link CAT entries that require special proccessing;
       i.e.  sleeping, waiting for window to open.
   sleep_time:  (MULTICS,PC)
       Determines if the capability  is presently sleeping; if it
       is, then  this time will  be greater than  the MOWSE clock
   sregs:  (PC)
       Information about  the segment registers are  contained in
       the local CAT on the PC side.  This provides the necessary
       information for  accessing data (mcb) which  is outside of
       MOWSE space on  the PC and is not required  on the Multics
   regs:  (PC)
       Information about the processor registers are contained in
       the local CAT on the PC side.  This provides the necessary
       information for reinvocations of the capability and is not
       required on the Multics side.
   bpreg, spreg:  (PC)
       Provide storage area for  registers that are not contained
       in the REGS structure.
   ws_entry:  (PC)
       Contains the  entry point in  the user's address  space of
       the routine to be called whenever a message arrives.
   waitreg:  (PC)
       Contains  the value of  the PC's IP  (instruction pointer)
       register  if the application  is suspended by  MOWSE (i.e.
       because of a window full condition).
   mcb_ptr:  (MULTICS, PC)
       The  MOWSE Control   Block pointer  references information
       which  is  maintained  on  the  application  inside of the
       application's  data space.   Such information  consists of
       buffer pointers, data block  pointers, etc.; see the MOWSE
       Control Block section ahead.

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design


The remote CAT is used to  maintain knowledge of the existence of
capabilities which are loaded on the remote system.


   02 remote_cat          dimension (33:64) unal,
      03 major_capability fixed bin,
      03 capability_name  char (32),
      03 flags,
         04 reset         bit (1) unal,
         04 suspended     bit (1) unal,
         04 sleep_time    bit (1) unal,
         04 mbz2          bit (33) unal,


   typedef struct remote_cat_struct {
      int  major_capability;
      char capability_name [CAPABILITY_NAME_LENGTH];
      char flags;
   } remote_cat;

   remote_cat r_CAT [NUMBER_OF_CAT_ENTRIES];

The Multics CAT  is reserved space by MOWSE on  the MULTICS side.
When MOWSE is initially invoked,  the table is created in MOWSE's
static memory.   Also, the PC CAT  is reserved space by  MOWSE on
the PC side.  When MOWSE  initially invoked, the table is created
in MOWSE's static memory.  The index into each of the tables will
be represented by the major_capability_number.

   major_capability:  (MULTICS, PC)
       Keeps track of the system id  in the high 8 bits while the
       lower  8 bits  contains the  major_capability_number of  a
       remote capability.   The lower 8  bits will also  form the
       index into this table.
   capability_name:  (MULTICS, PC)
       The   name  (character   representation)  of   the  remote
   flags.reset:  (MULTICS); bit 0 of flags (PC)
       Indicates  if  the  remote  capability  is presently being
       reset; if it is, this flag is set.
   flags.suspend:  (MULTICS), bit 1 of flags (PC)
       Indicates  if  the  remote  capability  is  presently been
       suspended; if it is, this flag is set.
   flags.sleep_time (Multics); bit 2 of flags (PC)
       Indicates  whether the  remote capability  is sleeping; if
       so, the flag is set.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

MOWSE Control Block (MCB)

As mentioned above, the data for each entry of the local CAT will
be accessible through  the mcb_ptr (MOWSE_Control_Block_Pointer).
However, this  structure will NOT  reside in memory  reserved for
MOWSE,  but rather  in space  allocated out  of the application's
data  area when  a  call  to ws_$create_instance  ("cretinst") is
requested by  the application.  Flags, though, are  kept in MOWSE
table space since this permits  direct access to them and reduces
their susceptibility to corruption.


   dcl  01 mcb                            based,
          02 version                      char (8),
          02 capability_name              char (32),
          02 major_capability             fixed bin (17),
          02 inbuff_length                fixed bin (17),
          02 inbuff_position_index        fixed bin (17),
          02 inbuff_data_length           fixed bin (17),
          02 outbuff_length               fixed bin (17),
          02 mbz1                         bit (36) unal,
          02 entry_var                    entry options (variable),
          02 data_block_ptr               ptr,
          02 inbuff                       ptr,
          02 outbuff_list_start           ptr,
          02 outbuff_list_end             ptr,
          02 iocb_ptr                     ptr,
          02 mowse_info_ptr               ptr;

   dcl  01 output_buffer                  based,
          02 destination_system           char,
          02 destination_major            char,
          02 destination_minor            char,
          02 buffer_position              fixed bin,
          02 buffer_length                fixed bin,
          02 next_buffer                  ptr,
          02 data                         ptr;


   typedef struct mcb_struct {
      char   major_capability;
      char   system_id;
      char   mcb_flag;
      char   capability_name[CAPABILITY_NAME_LENGTH];
      int    (*entry_point_offset)();
      int    (*application_entry)();
      char   *data_block_ptr;
      struct allocstr *inalloc;
      int    inbuff_length;
      struct linklst *inbuff;

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

      struct allocstr *outalloc;
      int    outbuff_length;
      struct linklst *outbuff;
      double low_memory;
      double high_memory;
   } mcb;

   major_capability:  (MULTICS, PC)
       Keeps track of the system id  in the high 8 bits while the
       lower  8 bits  contains the  major_capability_number of  a
       remote capability.   The lower 8  bits will also  form the
       index into the CAT.
   capability_name:  (MULTICS, PC)
       The name (character representation) of the capability.
   entry_point_offset:  (PC)
       The address  of the pre-entry support  routine which MOWSE
       provides  to  handle   certain  internal  MOWSE  functions
       specific  to the  application before  that application  is
       invoked with a message.
   entry_var:  (MULTICS); application_entry (PC)
       The  memory  location  to  call  in  order  to  invoke the
       application  associated  with  this  capability.   On  the
       MULTICS side, this field contains the entry point variable
       retrieved from  a call to hcs_$make_entry,  with the entry
       name provided in the  call to ws_$create_instance.  On the
       PC  side,  this  field  contains  the  physical address (a
       segment  and  an  offset)  to  the  routine  that is to be
   data_block_ptr:  (MULTICS, PC)
       A  pointer to  data in  the application  program which  is
       guaranteed  to  be  preserved  when  the  same application
       program is invoked.
   flags:  (PC)
       Suspended, resume:  flags which  must be referenced by the
       subroutine library to avoid address ability problems.
   inalloc:  (PC)
       A pointer to the linked list structure used for allocating
       buffers for packet assembly.
   inbuff:  (PC)
       A  pointer  to  the  first  buffer  on  a  chain of linked
   inbuff:  (MULTICS)
       A  pointer to  an input  buffer in  the application's data
       space  into which argument  data is to  be passed to  this
   inbuff_length:  (MULTICS, PC)
       The length of the input message buffer.
   inbuff_position_index:  (MULTICS)
       Keeps track of  where the end of the data  is currently in
       the input buffer; MOWSE uses this value to determine where
       to  add data when  concatenating protocol packets  to form

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

       complete messages.
   inbuff_data_length:  (MULTICS)
       Keeps track  of the amount  of data currently  residing in
       the input buffer.
   outalloc:  (PC)
       A pointer to the linked list structure used for allocating
       buffers for packet disassembly.
   outbuff:  (PC)
       A  pointer  to  the  first  buffer  on  a  chain of linked
   outbuff:  (MULTICS)
       A pointer to an output buffer in the application program's
       data  space from  which argument  data is  to be retrieved
       when sending messages to other applications.
   outbuff_length:  (MULTICS, PC)
       The length of the output message buffer.
   utbuff_position_index:  (MULTICS)
       Keeps track of  where the end of the data  is currently in
       the  output buffer;  MOWSE  uses  this value  to determine
       where to get the next  protocol packet when the message is
       longer than one packet.
   outbuff_data_length:  (MULTICS)
       Keeps track of  the amount of data residing  in the output
   mowse_iocb_ptr:  (Multics)
       A pointer to  the I/O control block to  which mowse_io_ is
   low_memory:  (PC)
       The lowest address in memory occupied by the application.
   high_memory:  (PC)
       The highest address in memory occupied by the application.

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

3.  Communication Support

MOWSE is an I/O module and accessory routines that inserts itself
between  the  terminal  data  switch,  usually  user_i/o, and the
associated  I/O  module,  usually  tty_,  i.e.   these  need  not
necessarily  be the  switch and   I/O module,  they are  used for
simplicity  only.  In essence,  it is similar  to the audit_  I/O
module (ata).  As such, all data entering/exiting Multics via the
communications  port first passes  through the MOWSE  I/O module.
It  contains  the  standard  iox_  entrypoints attach, get_chars,
get_line, put_chars, modes, position, control, close and detach.

The Multics MOWSE communicates with  the PC MOWSE.  It is divided
into three logical layers.

     1.  the byte transport protocol
         This layer provides  packetization, error-detection, and
         full-duplex communications.
     2.  the message transport protocol
         This layer  makes the size  of a message  independent of
         packet size.
     3.  message handler
         This  layer  is  responsible  for  the different message
         types within the MOWSE environment.

The byte  transfer protocol deals with  the physical transmission
of packets  over the communications  line.  It along  with the PC
byte  protocol forms  a logical  layer between  the systems.  The
byte transport  protocol communicates with the  message transport
protocol  when   sending  or  receiving  packets.    The  message
transport protocol  along with the PC  message transport protocol
forms  a  second  logical  layer  between  systems.   The message
transport  protocol is  responsible for  sending and  receiving a
complete  message.   The  message   handler  is  responsible  for
interpreting the type  of message to be sent or  received and the
subsequent action.   For a description  of the types  of messages
within  the  MOWSE  environment  and  the  subsequent action, see
section 3.3.

3.1.  PC Data Handling

Essentially, the communication  port (specified at initialization
of  MOWSE on  the PC)   interrupt handler  is concerned  with ALL
incoming and outgoing data and  can be subdivided into four types
of communication port interrupts:

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

       (i) Transmitting Data
      (ii) Receiving Data
     (iii) Change in Modem Status
      (iv) Received Character Error or Received Break Detection

1.  Transmitting Data:

The   Transmitting  Data   interrupt  type   is  responsible  for
transmitting data (characters) from a  "transmit buffer" - a 4096
character circular  buffer - and  is triggered whenever  the PC's
transmit holding register is empty.  Thus all outgoing data is to
be placed  into the transmit  buffer and is  transmitted in turn.
The  contents of  the transmit   buffer are  arbitrary, that  is,
whatever is  in the buffer is  indiscriminately transmitted.  The
contents  are the  responsibility of  the protocol  mechanisms of

The  following is a  more complete description  of the manner  in
which the transmit data interrupt operates.

     - get the next character out of the transmit buffer
     - place the character into the RS232 port (this has the
       effect of also sending the character down the line)
     - increment the pointer to the next character

2.  Receiving Data:

Receiving  data  is  responsible  for  getting  data  off  of the
communications line and  determining what is to be  done with the
data.  There are essentially two streams under which the arriving
data is classified:

      (i) Raw Data Stream
     (ii) Packet Data Stream

While in Raw Mode, the PC MOWSE is waiting for special characters
from  the remote  system (i.e.    Multics) to  indicate that  the
remote system  has established its own  MOWSE environment.  Until
those  special  characters  are  detected,  the  arriving data is
placed  into a  "terminal buffer"   - a  4096 character  circular
buffer.  The terminal buffer contains  all data which is destined
to be displayed  on the PC's CRT and is  the responsibility of an
application (usually  a terminal emulator) to  empty the contents
of this  terminal buffer through the MOWSE  library function "get
terminal data".  This facility allows  the user to connect to the
remote system (Multics) and set  up the MOWSE environment on that

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

Once the remote system has entered into the MOWSE environment, it
sends out  the special characters  which the PC  MOWSE is looking
for.   Once   these  characters  are  detected,   PC  MOWSE  will
automatically switch from the Raw  Data Stream to the Packet Data
Stream.  It is  only the Packet Data Stream which  is analyzed by
the Communications Protocol and will be discussed further later.

The  following is a  more complete description  of the manner  in
which the receive data interrupt operates.

     - get the character from the RS232 port
     - insert character into circular receive buffer

     - receive a character from the circular receive buffer
     - if the packet mode is on (received special characters)
         - call PROTOCOL handler
     - otherwise
         - place the character into the terminal buffer

3.  Change in Modem Status

The change  in modem status type  of interrupt is used  to detect
changes in the modem control.

4.  Received Character Error or Received Break Detection

The received character error or break detection type of interrupt
is used  to detect breaks  in the communication  line.  Character
errors are  discarded as they  are handled by  the communications
line by an automatic retry.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

3.2.  Multics Data Handling

Whereas the PC handles incoming and outgoing data itself directly
through the  RS232 port, Multics  must take a  somewhat different
approach  to  receiving  and  transmitting  data.   The following
description shows  how the Multics MOWSE  (mowse_io_) handles the
exchange of data with the PC MOWSE.

As discussed earlier, the data communications between Multics and
PC  MOWSEs can  be divided  into 3  layers.  Each  layer will  be
discussed individually below.

The following diagram  gives a synopsis of how  the data handling
will work on Multics:

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

                         PC CONNECTION
                               |                                  |
                               V                                  |
                              tty_                                |
                               A (eop wakeup)
    (alarm reset)              V                  (bg remote)
       **************** PACKET RECEIVER **************
       * * *             *  |   *                    *
       B C D             *  |   * (data              E
       * * *             *  |   *  ready)            *
       V V V             *  |   *                    V
TIMEOUT HANDLERS         *  |   *              PACKET DISPATCHER
|     (3)                *  |   *                    ^     |
|    ^ ^ ^               *  |   *                    *     |
|    * * *  (open send q)*  |   *                    E     |
|    B C D  **************  |   *                    *     |
|    *****  *   +-----------+   G                    *     |
|      *    *   |               *                    *     |
|(alarm*    *   |               V       (bg local)   *     |
|  set)*    *   |   +--- I/O INTERFACE ***************     |
|      *    *   |   |    *      ^    ^                     |
|      *    *   |   |    *      *    |                     |
|      *    *   |   |    *******G    +-----------------+   |
|      *    F   |   |  (data ready?) |                 |   |
|      *    *   |   |                |                 |   V
V      *    V   V   |                +- FOREGROUND    BACKGROUND
    *       ^   |
    *       *   |
    ********F   |
 (send q open?) |
                +-------> Data Output
                         PC Connection

   *X*> Channels, X = description index
   ---> Subroutine calls

Channel Descriptions:
   A - Immediate call ..... data input
   B - Alarm call ......... 7 second timer
   C - Alarm call ......... 15 second timer
   D - Alarm call ......... 30 second timer
   E - Wait call .......... BG message available
   F - Wait call .......... Send queue full blocking mechanism
   G - Wait call .......... Foreground input blocking mechanism

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07 The Byte Transport Layer

This layer is responsible for handling all character data.  It is
not  necessary at  this point   to determine  whether or  not the
characters to  be received or transmitted are  valid.  But rather
to ensure that they are transmitted.

The  receipt and  transmission of  characters is  handled in  the
Multics  system,  and  mowse_io_  only  sees  the  results of its
requests.  However,  mowse_io_ is capable of  controlling how the
receipt and transmission of  characters interfaces between itself
and the internal mechanisms of the system.

Transmission is simple:  mowse_io_ merely  makes a request to the
system  to  send  characters  out  to  the  terminal.  Receipt of
characters is only slightly  more complicated.  MOWSE is entirely
driven  by data,  and not  only from  an interactive perspective.
That  is, even  though the   user (who  provides the  interactive
aspect)  may be doing  certain things, there  is still the  other
"non-visible" part which the user does not see.  Because of this,
it  is necessary for  MOWSE to be  able to receive  data WHENEVER
there is data available, regardless of whether or not the process
is blocked.

In  order to  accomplish this  feat of  processing input whenever
input is available, mowse_io_ sets  up an asynchronous call event
channel which is attached to  the terminal (PC).  This allows the
mowse_io_ handler  for the input  data to be  invoked immediately
when  there is  data.  But  this mechanism  can be  improved upon
further by setting  the wakeup table on the channel  such that an
event  will  be  signalled  only  when  an  EOP character (End Of
Packet) is received.  The mowse_io_ handler need only awaken when
a complete protocol  packet has arrived from the  PC MOWSE, which
brings us to the next section of our discussion. The Packet Transport Layer

This  layer  is  responsible  for  handling  data  in the form of
complete  packets.   Its  responsibilities  lie  in approving and
queueing  input packets,  and queueing  and retransmitting output
packets. Packet Receiver

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

The input end of the packet  transport layer lies the handles the
receipt  of packets from  the PC.  As  discussed in the  previous
section, the  internal mechanisms of the  system handle character
data and generate  events to the packet receiver  whenever an EOP
character  is detected.  The  packet receiver is  responsible for
processing  all  of  these  packets:   protocol  control handling
(which  involves   resetting  the  timer  mechanism   for  packet
transmission timeouts) data packet queueing for future extraction
by  the background  sub-channel handler  (packet dispatcher), and
foreground sub-channel data handling.

In  addition,  it  is  responsible  for  detecting and generating
events  to  handlers  which  are  awaiting  certain events.  Such
events  include signalling  to a  blocked call  on the  get_chars
operation  that  foreground  data  has  arrived,  signalling to a
blocked call in the packet dispatcher (awaiting an opening of the
output packet queue) that the queue has opened up, and signalling
to  the  packet  dispatcher  that  there  is  a  message  in  the
background message queue. Packet Transmitter

The  output  end  of  the  packet  transport  layer  handles  the
transmission of packets to the  PC.  It's responsibilities lie in
assembling  supervisor, control,  and data  packets, and queueing
data packets for transmission to the PC.

The transmitter  is invoked through normal  subroutine calls from
the packet receiver (for  transmission of supervisory and control
packets),  the  timeout  handlers   (for  resending  data  packet
requests), and  the I/O interface  (for the transmission  of data
packets  from  the  interactive  or  the  background  application
portion of  the system).  In addition, the  transmitter must have
the  capability of  blocking itself  whenever it  is requested to
transmit a data  packet and finds the send packet  queue full for
that sub-channel.   In order to do  this, it makes use  of a wait
event channel; the channel is sent an event (wakeup) whenever the
packet  receiver detects  that a  sub-channel packet transmission
queue has opened up (due to an acknowledgement packet).  When the
transmitter  takes   control  after  the  wakeup,   it  continues
transmitting packets as if nothing had suspended it. Timeout Handlers

The  timeout  handlers  are  responsible  for  guaranteeing  that
transmitted packets do not sit  around too long unacknowledged by
the remote.  This is necessary to prevent the possibility of data
which  has been  transmitted being   lost before  it reaches  the

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

In order to accomplish this, timeout handlers are set up, one for
each  possible timeout period:   receive timer (7  seconds), send
timer  (15 seconds), and  the packets which  require confirmation
(30  seconds).   When  a  timeout  occurs,  the  handler for that
timeout  performs   the  necessary  functions  (such   as  packet
resending) by calling the packet transmitter with the appropriate

These timeout handlers do not control themselves.  That is, it is
up to  the packet receiver to  reset the alarm mechanisms  on the
appropriate handler when a  requirement has been satisfied within
the allotted time.  It is up to the packet transmitter to set the
alarms  when it  is required  to begin  timing for  the necessary
response. The Message Transport Layer

This layer is responsible for  handling the interface between the
communications layers  (byte transport and packet  transport) and
the  background   applications  and  the  foreground   I/O.   Its
responsibilities lie in forming complete messages out of packets,
handling local message transport, and foreground I/O. Packet Dispatcher

The  dispatcher's  duties  lie  in  the  area  of dispatching all
completed  messages, both  local and  remote, to  the appropriate
background  applications.   This  can   be  considered  to  be  a
"process"  of its  own.  The  only entry  into the  dispatcher is
through events on an event  wait channel which are signalled from
either  of two  sources.  First   is the  packet receiver,  which
generates a  wakeup on the  channel when it  receives a completed
packet along  the background sub-channel, thus  signalling to the
dispatcher  that  there  is  a  data  packet  to  assemble into a
message; second is the I/O interface (see below), which generates
a  wakeup on  the channel  when it  is requested  to send a local
message to another background application. I/O Module Interface

The  I/O  module  interface  provides  the  means  for foreground
(system) and  background applications to make  requests of MOWSE.
The  foreground is the  usual set of  iox_ entrypoints which  are
attached to the user_i/o switch  by default; the background is an
order  to the  iox_$control  entrypoint  which makes  requests to
either "send_local_message" or "send_message".

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

Since,  to the  foreground, the  iox_$get_chars and iox_$get_line
operations  must block  if their  conditions cannot  be met  (ie.
insufficient  data), the  module will  block on  an event channel
awaiting  a wakeup  from the  packet receiver  (to indicate  that
there is now  data to be examined and possibly  returned from the
operation).  In the background, when a local message is requested
to  be sent,  the message  is placed  into a  queue and  an event
signals to the packet dispatcher  that there is a message waiting
to be processed.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

3.3.  The Protocol

This  section describes  how MOWSE  on Multics  communicates with
MOWSE on a PC.  This mechanism is referred to as MOWSE I/O.

There  are two  parts to  MOWSE I/O:   the physical  link and the
logical  link.   The  physical  link  is  simply  how  the  PC is
physically  connected to  Multics.  The  logical link  is how  it
appears to MOWSE that the PC is connected to Multics.

The  physical connection  of the  PC into  Multics is  that of  a
terminal.   It might  be via  direct connection  to the  FNP, via
dial-up through the phone system or via a network such as TYMNET.
The physical connection out of the PC is through a serial port on
the PC.  The serial port is  controlled by the MOWSE I/O software
on the PC.

The logical connection between Multics  and a PC is substantially
different  from   what  might  be  expected   from  the  physical
connection.   For example,  although there  is only  one physical
connection, there are two  independent logical connections -- one
for foreground  task communications and the  other for background
task  communications.  Moreover,  each of  these logical channels
appears to be more robust than the underlying physical connection
in the  sense that they  are virtually error  free (i.e.  garbage
and transmissions errors on  the physical connection are detected
and corrected) and provide an  8-bit wide data path (whereas, the
physical connection may only provide a 7-bit wide data path).

It  is, of  course, software   that accounts  for the  difference
between the  logical and physical connections.   That software is
the topic of this chapter.

3.3.1.  Properties of the Protocol

MOWSE  requires that the  logical connection between  Multics and
the PC has  certain properties that are not  inherent in ordinary
terminal connection to Multics.  These properties are:

    (i) Transparency.  There  needs to be  a way to  send all 256
        8-bit codes  in any order, even if  the underlying medium
        does  not  support  it  (e.g.   as  would  be the case if
        connected through TYMNET, which only passes 7-bit codes).

    (ii) Accuracy.   There needs  to  be  an error  detection and
        correction  mechanism so  that  all  data (and  only that
        data) is received intact.

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

    (iii)  Flow control.   There needs  to be  protection against
        data being transmitted faster  than the receiver can deal
        with it.

    (iv) Duality.   There needs  to be  two logically independent
        channels   to  provide   independent  communication   for
        foreground and background tasks.

These  properties are  achieved  by  imposing an  appropriate I/O
protocol on  the physical connection, which is  a simplified form
of the HDLC (High-level Data Link Control) protocol used in Level
2 of X.25.  The protocol used for MOWSE I/O is packet oriented.

There are three kinds of packets used by the Protocol.

    (i) Information packets, which transport the user's data.

    (ii) Control   packets,   which   transport   packet  control
        information (e.g.  retransmission requests), and

    (iii)  Supervisory  packets,  which  transport  link  control
        information (e.g.  reset the link).

Information Packets

An information  packet is a  group of characters  consisting of 5

        |                                                  |
        |  SOP  |  CTL   |  DATA  |  LEN  |  CRC  |   EOP  |


   SOP is  the Start-Of-Packet character.   It is a  single 8-bit
        character which "announces" the start of a packet.

   CTL is  a single  8-bit character  which contains  all control
        information for the packet.

   DATA is a  series of 8-bit characters  representing the user's

   LEN is a 6-bit count of the number of characters in the entire
        packet including all control characters.

   CRC is the 6-bit Cyclic-Redundancy-Check based on a polynomial
        of order 6 for the entire packet.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

   EOP is  the End-Of-Packet  character.   It  is a  single 8-bit
        character which marks the end of the packet.

Information packets are the only type  of packet that have a data
field.  They are also the only  type of packet that is subject to
flow control (i.e  the protocol is willing to  accept control and
supervisory packets at any time, but information packets are only
accepted when it is convenient to do so).

Information packets are sequenced.   The first information packet
has a sequence number of zero,  the next has a sequence number of
one, and so  on up to 3.  The fourth packet  again has a sequence
number  of 0.  In  other words, the  sequence numbers are  cyclic
with a cycle length of four.  This means that they can be encoded
in  only two bits.   The sequence number  is part of  the control

The  sequence numbers  are used   to provide  two features,  flow
control   and  missing   packet  detection.    Flow  control   is
implemented by enforcing a rule that allows only a certain subset
of  the available  range of  sequence numbers  to be  in use (i.e
unacknowledged)  at  any  given  time.   The  number  of sequence
numbers  that is  allowable is  referred to  as the  window size,
while the range of sequence numbers is referred to as the window.
Every  time an acknowledgement  is received for  a packet with  a
given sequence  number, that sequence number is  removed from the
window and a new sequence number is added to the window.  The new
sequence  number  is  one  higher  (in  a  cyclic sense) than the
highest sequence number currently in the window.

Missing packet  detection is implemented by  the requirement that
all   information  packets  be   sequenced,  and  that   they  be
transmitted and received in the correct order.

Control Packets

Control  and supervisory  packets have  the same  format as  data
packets, except that there is no data field:

        |                                        |
        |  SOP  |  CTL   |  LEN  |  CRC  |  EOP  |

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

There  are ten  types of  control packets,  ACK, NAK,  FOREGROUND
ACK packets  are used by  the receiver of  information packets to
tell the  sender of the packets  the sequence number of  the next
packet  that it expects  to receive.  By  doing so it  allows the
receiver to advance the flow control window by one.

NAK packets also  contain the sequence number of  the next packet
that  the  receiver  expects  to  see,  but  the  transmitter  is
obligated to  transmit the packet containing  the sequence number
immediately.  The  receiver will discard all  packets it receives
until the requested sequence number is seen.

FOREGROUND  BREAK  packets  are  used  to  signal  to  a  Multics
foreground task (such as a PL/1 compile) a "quit" condition.  The
PC sends the BREAK request  to Multics where mowse_io_ determines
how  the  break  is  to  be   handled  and  sends  back  a  BREAK
CONFIRMATION to the PC.  There are two methods in which the BREAK
must be handled  depending on the current state  of operations in
MOWSE.  The first case is when mowse_io_ receives the BREAK while
it is  NOT processing any background messages  (ie.  a background
task  is not  active); under  these circumstances,  mowse_io_ can
immediately signal  the "quit".  The second case  occurs when the
BREAK  is received  while a  background task  is active;  in this
situation it  is not possible to  generate a "quit" as  this will
interrupt  the  background  job   thus  freezing  all  background
operations  on  Multics  (background   applications  may  NOT  be
interrupted by other background applications as it may occur that
the interrupting application is the same as the interrupted, this
may NOT  be allowed to  occur).  So mowse_io_  postpones the quit
until it determines that there is no background processing.

RESET  packets are  used to   indicate that  the sender  has been
requested to  clear the channel  of all information  packets that
are currently known  to it.  A RESET CONFIRMATION  packet is used
by the receiver of the RESET  packet to indicate that it has also
cleared the  channel of all  information packets that  it has.  A
typical reset sequence is as follows:

    (i) A user requests that a reset sequence be initiated on the
        local computer.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

    (ii) The local  computer sends a  RESET packet to  the remote
        computer.   At  the  same  time  the  local computer will
        discard all  information packets that it  has received or
        is waiting to transmit.  The local computer will continue
        to discard all information packets that it receives until
        a RESET CONFIRMATION packet  is received.  When the RESET
        CONFIRMATION  is  received,  it  then  transmits  a RESET
        CONFIRMATION to the remote.  In this way, both the remote
        and the local computers get an acknowledgement to a reset

    (iii) When  it receives a  RESET packet, the  remote computer
        will discard all of  its information packets and transmit
        a RESET CONFIRMATION packet back to the local computer.

    (iv) At  this  point  both  computers  can  begin to transmit
        information packets again.

DISCONNECT packets  are used to terminate  the MOWSE environment,
ie.  remove the packet communications between the computers.  The
protocol  of disconnection  is identical   to that  of the  RESET

FAST DISCONNECT provides a minimal method of disconnection of the
MOWSE environment in that no confirmation FAST DISCONNECT packets
is required.  When  a system requests a fast  disconnect from the
other system, then the initiating  system is guarunteed to be out
of  the MOWSE environment.   This is to  provide a means  for the
Multics system to issue immediate disconnects to the PC system in
the  event  of  a  new_proc  or  logout  or  other  fatal process

Packet Formats

The  CTL field in  every packet is  used to identify  the logical
channel, the  packet type, and  to contain the  sequence numbers.
The information contained  in the Ctl field has  been designed to
require bit sequences that will always fall into the range of bit
sequences used by the printable ASCII character set and therefore
fall into the range of 32 (Dec.)  to 126 (Dec.).

The definitions are:

          Decimal             Description

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

           32                 RESET
           33                 RESET CONFIRMATION
           34                 DISCONNECT
           35                 DISCONNECT CONFIRMATION
           36                 BREAK
           37                 BREAK CONFIRMATION
           38-69              DATA (includes send and receive
                                        sequence numbers)
           70-77              ACK (includes receive sequence
           78-85              NAK (includes receive sequence
           86                 FAST DISCONNECT

After  a packet has  been created and  formatted by MOWSE,  it is
scanned to  determine if the data portion  contains any character
which either cannot be sent  across the communications link (e.g.
8-bit  data cannot  be sent  across  TYMNET),  or is  one of  the
protocol  control characters  (such as  SOP or  EOP).  Each  such
character  is  replaced  by   a  two  character  escape  sequence
consisting of an ASCII control  character followed by a printable
ASCII character.

The set of characters which  must be replaced by escape sequences
can be specified  by the user.  Thus, if the  user indicates that
the  communications link will  support all 256  8-bit characters,
only the  protocol control characters will be  replaced by escape

The replacement  of the data characters via  two character escape
sequences  has no effect  upon the checksum  of the packet:   The
checksum is calculated using  the original data characters rather
than those actually  sent in the data field of  the packet.  This
allows the receiver  of the packet to revert  escape sequences as
soon as they are encountered.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

3.4.  The I/O Module

3.4.1.  About mowse_io_

The  I/O  module  is  responsible  for controlling communications
within MOWSE  through data packetization as  discussed in section
4.1,  and dispatching received  data to its  appropriate handler.
An  "appropriate  handler"  is  either  a  user_input queue which
collects  foreground  data  to  be  retrieved  through  calls  to
iox_$get_chars  and  iox_$get_line,  or  background  applications
which process background data packets.


   mowse_io_ {switch_name}                                        |


switch_name                                                       |
   Is  the name of  the io switch  under which mowse_io_  will be |
   attached.  If  none is given,  then mowse_io_ will  attempt to |
   attach itself next to tty_.                                    |


The opening modes supported are stream_input_output.


Editing is not the responsibility  of mowse_io_, it merely passes
on  editing requests  to the  PC terminal  manager.  For  further
information, refer to


This  I/O  module  is  responsible  for  the  manipulation of two
logical  subchannels  of  data  communications:   foreground  and
background.   Both of these  subchannels will block  awaiting the
capability  of transmitting  characters.  Input  of characters is
performed once every second on a  timer where the input is sorted
out and placed into the appropriate channel buffer.

Retrieval  and transmission  of characters  along the  foreground
subchannel  will  block  to  the  calling  routine  awaiting  the
availability of  characters or the capability  of transmission of


MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

The  following  is  a  list  of  all  entry  points  in mowse_io_
available through calls to iox_ entrypoints.

   attach       detach_iocb       modes
   close        get_chars         open
   control      get_line          put_chars


The  get_chars   operation  reads  as  many   characters  as  are
available, up  to but not  exceeding the number  requested by the
caller.   No error code  is returned if  the number read  is less
than  the number  requested, at   least one  character is  always
returned.  The characters read may  comprise only a partial input
line, or several input lines; no  assumptions can be made in this


The get_line  operation is supported.  No error  code is returned
if  the read  operation occurs  with the  input buffer  length at
zero.  For further explanation, see the iox_$get_line entry.


The  put_chars  operation  is  supported  (see the iox_$put_chars


Control orders  accessible through calls to  iox_$control provide
the necessary additional functionality  to the I/O module.  These
control orders allow the  caller to access functionality specific
to  the I/O  module.  With   mowse_io_ it  has been  necessary to
provide control orders which are "visible" to the user as well as
specialized orders which are to  remain undocumented to the user.
Following is a list of the  control orders which are supported by
mowse_io_ and require specific handling by mowse_io_:


For  complete description of  those orders not  described, please
refer to the appropriate Multics documnetation.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

   abort                           read_status
   debug_off                       resetread
   debug_on                        resetwrite
   get_editing_chars               set_default_modes
   get_input_conversion            set_editing_chars
   line_length                     set_input_conversion
   printer_off                     set_term_type
   printer_on                      trace_off
   quit_disable                    trace_on
   quit_enable                     write_status

   These orders  allow all communications packets  being sent and
   received  both locally  and remotely   (PC) by  Multics to  be
   recorded  into  a  specified  Multics  segment.   The info_ptr
   points     to    the     structure    below     (defined    in
   mowse_io_control_info.incl.pl1) or  can be null in  which case
   the segment name "debug.mowse_io_" is default.

   dcl 01 mowse_io_debug_info based (mowse_io_debug_info_ptr),
          02 version          char (8),
          02 segment_name     char (32) var;


       Is  the  version  number  of  the  structure.   It must be

       Is  the  name  of  the  segment  in  the  current  working
       directory to which the packets will be recorded.

   Input  translation by  MOWSE is  performed by  WSTERM and will
   accept only  one escape character,  all other changes  will be
   recorded  and installed into  tty_ when mowse_i/o  is detached
   (see tty_).

   These orders  allow the printer  facility to be  turned on and
   off  in order  to specify  read unechoed  terminal characters.
   When  these  orders  are   specified,  a  control  message  is
   formulated to the PC MOWSE of the type PON/POFF.  Please refer
   to MTB744 for further detail.

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

   These orders allow all messages  being sent and received by an
   application  to be  recorded in  a specified  Multics segment.
   The  info_ptr  points  to  the  structure  below  (defined  in
   mowse_io_control_info.incl.pl1), or can be  null in which case
   the default segment name will be "trace.mowse_io_".

   dcl 01 mowse_io_debug_info based (mowse_io_debug_info_ptr),
          02 version          char (8),
          02 segment_name     char (32) var;


       Is  the  version  number  of  the  structure.   It must be

       Is  the  name  of  the  segment  in  the  current  working
       directory to which the messages will be recorded.


These  control orders  are required  by ws_  and other procedures
which require access to functionality  specific to the support of
MOWSE as a whole:

   flush_subchannel    reconnection   get_terminal_emulator_state
   send_local_message  get_mowse_info  send_message  put_to_sleep

   Return to  the caller when  the specified subchannel  has been
   emptied  by mowse_io_.  The  info_ptr points to  the following
   structure (defined in mowse_io_control_info.incl.pl1).

   dcl 01 mowse_io_flush_subchannel
                     based (mowse_io_flush_subchannel_info_ptr),
          02 version char (8),
          02 subchannel fixed bin;


       Is  the  version  number  of  the  structure.   It must be

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

       Is  the subchannel to  be flushed.  It  must be either  FG
       (foreground)    or    BG    (background)    (defined    in

   Provides information  as to whether or not  the MOWSE terminal
   emulator  WSTERM  is  currently  operating  under  MOWSE.  The
   info_ptr  points  to  the   following  structure  (defined  in

   dcl 01 mowse_io_terminal_state
                            based (mowse_io_terminal_state_ptr),
          02 version        char (8),
          02 state          bit (1) unal,
          02 mbz            bit (35) unal;


       Is  the  version  number  of  the  structure.   It must be

       Is the state of WSTERM "1"b if attached, "0"b otherwise.

       Must be zero.

   Provides  a  means  of  accessing  the  MOWSE  data structures
   mowse_info_  declared in  mowse_info.incl.pl1 (which  contains
   all  data necessary to  MOWSE such as  the CAT) and  mowse_mcb
   (which  is  the  MOWSE  Control  Block  for  mowse_io_).   The
   info_ptr  points  to  the   following  structure  (defined  in

   dcl 01 mowse_io_info based (mowse_io_info_ptr),
          02 version    char (8),
          02 mcb_ptr    ptr,
          02 info_ptr   ptr;


       Is  the  version  number  of  the  structure.   It must be

       Is the pointer to the the mowse_io_ MOWSE Control Block.

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

       Is the pointer to the mowse_info_ structure which contains
       information pertinent to MOWSE.

   Provides a mechanism by which  a background application can be
   notified in a specified number of seconds through a background
   message (see ws_$sleep).  The info_ptr points to the following
   structure (defined in mowse_io_control_info.incl.pl1):

   dcl 01 mowse_io_sleep_info based (mowse_io_sleep_info_ptr),
          02 version          char (8),
          02 major_index      fixed bin,
          02 sleep_seconds    fixed bin;


       Is  the  version  number  of  the  structure.   It must be

       Is the index number into  the local CAT of the application
       which is requesting to be put to sleep.

       Is  the  number  of  seconds  the  applications  is  to be

   Is the control order which is to be received by mowse_io_ when
   a reconnection  to a disconnected process  has been requested.
   It is mandatory that this control order be issued to mowse_io_
   at reconnection, otherwise MOWSE will not operate correctly.

   Reconnection will be implemented in a later version of MOWSE.

   These orders provide  a means of sending messages  to both the
   remote system (PC) and the  local system.  The info_ptr points
   to      the      following      structure      (defined     in

   dcl 01 mowse_io_message   based (mowse_io_message_ptr),
          02 version         char (8),
          02 channel         fixed bin,
          02 io_message_ptr  ptr,
          02 io_message_len  fixed bin (21);


MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

       Is  the  version  number  of  the  structure.   It must be

       Is the channel  on which the message is  to be transmitted
       and  can have  one of   the values  FG (foreground)  or BG
       (background) (defined in mowse_messages.incl.pl1).

       Is  a  pointer  to  the  character  string  containing the
       message to be sent.

       Is  the length of  the message to  be sent, referenced  by

   Provides a means of notifying  mowse_io_ that the video system
   is enabled/disabled.  This order will generate a modes message
   to be sent to the remote  with the appropriate flag set to the
   mode specified.

   dcl 01 mowse_io_set_video_mode_info based (mowse_io_store_info_ptr),
          02 version   char (8),
          02 mode      bit (1) unal,
          02 mbz       bit (35) unal;


       Is  the  version  number  of  the  structure.   It must be

       Is  the  current  state  of  the  video  system:   True if
       attached, False if not.

       Must be zero.

   Provides  a  means  of  saving  reference  to  the mowse_info_
   structure in the attach data to mowse_io_ for future retrieval
   through  the order  "get_mowse_info".  The  info_ptr points to
   the        following        structure        (defined       in

   dcl 01 mowse_io_store_info based (mowse_io_store_info_ptr),
          02 version          char (8),
          02 info_ptr         ptr;

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design


       Is  the  version  number  of  the  structure.   It must be

       Is the pointer to the mowse_info structure.


Because  of  the  special  need  for  mowse_io_  to  control  the
communications  aspect  of  the  Multics  process,  the following
control orders must be rejected  by mowse_io_ as they will affect
the functionality  of mowse_io_ (these non-suppoerted  orders are
listed in mowse_io_bad_control.incl.pl1):

   get_chars_timeout             set_delay
   get_line_timeout              set_framing_chars
   interrupt                     set_input_translation
   listen                        set_line_type
   position                      set_output_translation
   put_chars_timeout             set_wakeup_table
   start_xmit_hd                 send_initial_string
   stop_xmit_hd                  set_event_channel
   input_flow_control_info       wru
   output_flow_control_chars     modes


The  modes operation is  supported when the  I/O switch is  open.
The recognized modes  are below.  The modes string  is parsed via
the  mode_string_  entries  to  parse  the  modes  string.  MOWSE
requires full  control over the  communication modes in  order to
communicate effectively  with the PC.  Thus MOWSE  will reset the
modes to the manner in which mowse_io_ requires them.

crecho, ^crecho
   echoes a carriage return when a line feed is typed.

lfecho, ^lfecho
   echoes and inserts a line feed in the user's input stream when
   a carriage return is typed.

llN, ^ll
   specifies  the length  in  character  positions of  a terminal

   plN, ^pl
   specifies the length in lines of a page.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

When a  modes order is  requested, in addition  to "changing" the
above  modes,  mowse_io_  will  also  issue  a  message along the
foreground subchannel which is  destined for the terminal manager
in order that it may make the necessary changes.  It is up to the
terminal manager  to interpret and provide  the necessary changes
to the terminal environment.  See


The  following  is  a  list   of  control  operations  which  are
accessible from command level through io_call as follows:

   io_call control switch_name order_arg


   The name of the I/O switch.

   Any  control order  described above  (and in  tty_) which  can
   accept null info pointer as well as read_status, write_status,
   terminal_info, and the following as shown:

       where id is the answerback string.

   set_term_type type {-control_args}
       where type is the new  terminal type and -control_args can
       be   of   any   -initial_string   (-istr),   -modes,   and
       -ignore_line_type.   These  control_args  are  accepted by
       io_call, but are ignored by mowse_io_.

   line_length N
       where N is the new line length.

The following control orders can be used as active functions:

[io_call control switch_name read_status]
   returns true if input available; false otherwise.

[io_call control switch_name write_status]
   returns true if output is pending; false otherwise.

[io_call control switch_name terminal_info terminal_type]
   returns the current terminal type.

[io_call control switch_name terminal_info baud]
   returns the baud rate

[io_call control switch_name terminal_info id]
   returns the terminal identifier (answerback).

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

[io_call control switch_name terminal_info line_type]
   returns the current line type.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

3.4.2.  Reconnecting mowse_io_

In the event that Multics has become disconnected from the PC for
any  reason -  whether that   be through  the communication  line
dropping, the PC crashing, or  some error on Multics which causes
a process to become disconnected - there must be some facility by
which  mowse_io_  may  re-establish  the  connection  after  this
disconnection.   There are  essentially three  approaches to  the

   1) Completely ignore it and  force the user to "new_proc" when
   reconnecting  to Multics.   This is  not acceptable  as it  is
   imposing unnecessary restrictions on the user.

   2)  Support only  reconnection from  a PC  which is  currently
   running under the  PC MOWSE.  This is the  minimum solution as
   it allows the needed reconnection, but it will not function in
   the event  of a reconnection  from a non-MOWSE  "terminal" and
   subsequently cause the Multics process to "hang".

   3)  Full support  for reconnection   from both  a MOWSE  and a
   non-MOWSE terminal.  This is  the preferred solution, but also
   the most complicated.


The  solution which  has been  agreed upon  is number  two as  it
provides the  minimum support necessary for  reconnection.  There
are two manners in which a  disconnection can occur:  one is that
the communications  line between the PC and  Multics has dropped;
second is that the PC has crashed.

In the  first case, MOWSE can  detect the line drop  when the DSR
signal  drops, thus  the PC  MOWSE can  exit gracefully, suitably
notifying   all   currently   loaded   applications   through   a
"terminate_capability"  minor message.   In the  second case, the
line   is  still   connected  yet   PC  MOWSE   has  discontinued
communications due to  the crash.  In either case,  PC MOWSE must
be restarted  in order to  talk on the  communications line, thus
reconfiguring  the  port  (RS232)  and  dropping  the DSR causing
Multics to disconnect (if it wasn't already).

Multics MOWSE (mowse_io_)

When the reconnection is established to Multics through PC MOWSE,
mowse_io_ will begin the reconnection sequence with the PC on the
"reconnection" control  order which has been  issued to user_i/o.
If mowse_io_  is not attached  to user_i/o, then  all I/O modules
between  user_i/o  and  mowse_io_  must  forward the reconnection
order in order for mowse_io_.

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

In the case of the video system running, the reconnection control
order  is sent to  window_io_.  window_io_ forwards  this control
request to  the user_terminal_ switch attached  through tc_io_ to
the mowse_terminal_ switch.  tc_io_ must then take steps after it
forwards the reconnection order  to ws_tty_ to mowse_io_.  tc_io_
must then send whatever control  orders needed through ws_tty_ to
get WSTERM on  the PC back into the state  which the video system
expects of it.

When  reconnection  has  been   completed,  mowse_io_  will  send
"terminate_capability" minor  capability messages to each  of the
Multics loaded applications and then  clean out the CAT.  This is
necessary as the PC and Multics  version of the CAT are no longer
compatible as  the PC MOWSE  had to be  reinitialized.  When this
has completed, MOWSE will be reset.

Note:  The implementation of reconnection is being postponed to a
later version of MOWSE.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

4.  Application Interface

4.1.  MOWSE Considerations

The  implementation  of  background  processing  under  operating
systems  that  do  not  directly  support  multitasking  within a
process  creates  the  potential  for  problems  in the interface
between  the  background  tasks  and  the  operating system.  The
occurrence  of problems  can be  reduced, but  not eliminated, by
requiring  the writers  of MOWSE  applications to  follow certain
rules when designing and implementing these applications.

The primary consideration on both Multics  and the PC is the fact
that   background  processes   are  essentially   being  run   as
subroutines that are invoked as the result of hardware interrupt.
Because this is the case,  MOWSE applications must be designed in
such  a way as  to minimize the  processing required during  each
invocation.   In  particular,  MOWSE  applications  must not loop
while  waiting for  service or  responses from  the corresponding
application  running  on  the   other  processor.   In  order  to
facilitate  the  correct  behavior  of  MOWSE  applications,  the
following rules should be followed:

  1) Every request  received by a MOWSE application  (in the form
     of a minor capability call)  must be responded to by another
     minor   capability  message  that   is  sent  back   to  the
     originating application.  While there is  work to be done by
     the cooperating applications,  no application should receive
     a  minor  capability  message  without  responding  to it by
     sending another minor capability message.

  2) MOWSE applications should not access the user i/o facilities
     on either computer at any time after the "terminate and stay
     resident" call is made.

  3) On the PC, the amount  of memory taken by MOWSE applications
     should  be minimized.   Since MOWSE  applications will  stay
     active for the entire life of  the PC session, even when not
     active, memory should be  husbanded carefully.  As a general
     rule,  MOWSE  applications  should  be  designed  to perform
     specific  capabilities  that  have   a  wide  usage.   Other
     applications   can  be   written  to   make  use   of  these
     capabilities  for   more  specific,  and   shorter  lasting,
     purposes.  As an example, bft is a MOWSE application that is

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

     designed to transfer a single  file between computers and is
     quite small  in size.  For the more  specific application of
     backing  up all  of the  files  on  a PC  according to  some
     criteria, a more complex, and much larger application called
     PCFB can be run that makes use of the simple capabilities of

  4) In  order to  avoid memory  fragmentation on  the PC,  MOWSE
     applications  should be  initiated and  loaded on  the PC as
     soon  as possible.   Ideally, this  should occur  before the
     terminal  support  application,   or  any  other  foreground
     application,  is  started.   This  can  be  accomplished  by
     starting  the  applications  as  soon  as  MOWSE  returns to
     command  level on the  PC, or by  having MOWSE initiate  the
     applications when it starts up.

  5) Background  applications must  not be  permitted to generate
     events  from which  bpth  the  application and  MOWSE cannot
     recover.  Therefore,  MOWSE must trap all  signals generated
     be background applications.  When MOWSE does so, it sends an
     informative message through  the background message facility
     (put_background_message),   in   addition   it   immediately
     terminates  all  reference  to  the  application  from MOWSE
     (destroying the application).

4.1.1.  Considerations for Long Messages

Invisible to  the applications (capabilities), long  messages can
be sent between applications.   Long messages are messages longer
than  a  single  MOWSE  protocol  packet.   The  handling of long
messages  is  not  part  of  MOWSE,  because  MOWSE would have to
maintain message  buffers for each capability,  and these buffers
would  have to be  of indefinite length.   Instead, we have  each
individual capability in effect handle its own long messages, but
in a way that the application  writers need not know about it nor
code  specially for  it, except  to supply  long enough  buffers,
indicated in the calls to create_instance.

The following is a description  of the method which MOWSE employs
to support the request:

          LOCAL SYSTEM                         REMOTE SYSTEM

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

             {data}                  {packet}
library fun. ------> SEND_MESSAGE  ========> EXTERNAL_MOWSE
                       /                          ||
                       ||    {send_me_more}        ||

Every library  function that sends messages to  the remote system
uses the splitter to send them.  If the splitter detects that the
message  is  longer  than  the  size  of  a single MOWSE protocol
packet, it  sends successive portions  of that message.   This is
done in coordination with a pre-processor routine built in to the
remote capability who receives the message.

Each portion of the long message  sent by the splitter contains a
MORE-LATER indicator.   The pre-processor detects  this indicator
and,  instead  of  passing  the  message  portion  along  to  its
capability's process-event entry point, it appends the portion to
the  capability's input  message  buffer.   It then  requests the
splitter  for more,  by  sending  a "send-me-more"  message back.
This  process continues  until the  final portion,  for which the
splitter does  not insert the MORE-LATER indicator,  and thus the
pre-processor  knows this  is the  final portion,  appends it the
input buffer,  and (only now) passes control  to its capability's
process_event   entry  point,   presenting  it   with  the   full
re-assembled message.

If the re-assembled incoming message  portions exceed the size of
the input message buffer, the  pre-processor gives control to its
process_event entry point, presenting it with a truncated message
and a  minor capability that  has been changed  from the original
minor   of   the   message,   to   the   pre-assigned  minor  for
"MESSAGE_TOO_LONG".   The  capability  must  contain  this  minor
capability  written  to  handle  this  condition.   The truncated
message also  contains in its  first byte the  original minor, so
the error handling can resume  at the originally specified minor,
if desired.

The above explanation leaves out one complication:  the splitting
action is actually  shared by 2 routines:  the  SPLITTER as shown
above,  and   the  pre-processor  entry  point   of  the  SENDING
capability.  Only the first portion of  a long message is sent by
the SPLITTER proper;  the remaining portions must be  sent by the
pre-processor entry point of the sending capability, because that
is  its  only   entry  point  that  can  get   control  when  the
"send-me-more"   response   message    is   received.    Thus   a
process_event  entry point  actually does  both the  splitting of
outgoing  long  messages  and  the  re-assembly  of incoming long

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

4.2.  Subroutine Interfaces

The entire purpose  of MOWSE is to provide  an application writer
with a means of using the facilities on each of the systems which
are   executing  within   MOWSE.   Additional   functionality  is
available  to Multics and  PC subroutines and  commands.  Namely,
applications running on Multics within MOWSE can call PC-resident
procedures if so desired.   Conversely, applications within MOWSE
on  the PC  can call  Multics-resident procedures.   For example,
applications  written on the  PC to run  under MOWSE can  now use
Multics commands  and active functions, Multics  applications and
almost any of  the facilities available to the  Multics user from
the PC.

There  are essentially three  levels of implementation  which are
required by  MOWSE to make  this possible.  The  application sees
two of these  layers:  the library entry points  - routines which
the application  calls to perform  some MOWSE functions;  and the
"minor  capability"  numbers  -  functions  which the application
provides  in  addition  to  certain  functions  required  of  the
application by MOWSE.  The remaining  layer provides the means of
communication between the components of MOWSE on each system.

The interfaces between the application and MOWSE are made simpler
to  the programmer  of the  application through  the Work Station
Subroutine  Library.   The  WS  Subroutine  Library  provides the
application  writer with  a means  of:  registering  into the  WS
environment,  obtaining   information  from  MOWSE,   and  making
requests of other applications which are registered with MOWSE.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07


The  following  is  a  list  of  all  the  Work  Station  library
subroutines and entrypoints:

      MULTICS                 PC        FUNCTION

ws_$connect_request        conrqst      - request a connection to
                                          an application
ws_$connect_response       conresp      - reply to a request for
ws_$create_instance        cretinst     - register with MOWSE
ws_$destroy_instance       destinst     - check out of MOWSE
ws_$disconnect_request     disrqst      - terminate conversation
                                          to an application
ws_$disconnect_response    disresp      - reply to the disconnect
ws_$execute_capability     execap       - execute a loaded
ws_$execute_command        execom       - execute a system command
ws_$find_capability_name   findname     - find capability name of
                                          an application given its
ws_$find_capability_number findnumb     - find capability number
                                          of an application given
                                          its number
NA                         getbgmes     - get a special message
                                          to display
ws_$get_status             getstat      - request status infor-
                                          mation from a capability
iox_$get_chars **          gettdata     - get data from foreground
iox_$get_line **                          channel
ws_$put_background_message putbgmes     - store a special message
                                          for display
ws_$put_status             putstat      - send status information
                                          to requesting capability
iox_$put_chars **          puttdata     - send data through
                                          foreground channel
ws_$reset_capability       resetcap     - tell a capability to
                                          reset itself
ws_$resume_capability      resume       - allow a suspended cap-
                                          abiliity to send and
                                          receive messages
ws_$send_query_reply       sendqrep     - send user's response
                                          to a query message
ws_$sleep                  wssleep      - tell MOWSE to refuse mes-
                                          sages to the capability
                                          for a time
NA                         stayres      - terminate and stay

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

ws_$suspend_capability     suspend      - ask an application
                                          to suspend operation
ws_$terminate_capability   termcap      - tell a capability to
                                          terminate itself

** These are standard Multics library entry points.

The next section deals with each set of entry points in turn.  In
addition,  an introductory  section is  provided for  each set of
entry points which discusses the  flow of information and control
in response to each of the  library entry points.  In some of the
descriptions below,  reference is made to two  types of messages,
foreground and  background.  For a complete  description of these
channels, see section 3.3.

It is  important to remember  the following conventions  that are
used by the flow diagrams:

"app"          - Represents the application procedure.
"library_entry"- Represents the WS subroutine library entry
                 which is to be satisfied. This constitutes the
                 first layer of MOWSE.
"-->"          - Represents a local interface between modules.
"==>"          - Represents a remote interface between modules.
"XXXXXX"       - Represents a MOWSE internal function, not to be
                 seen by the application. This constitutes the
                 second layer of MOWSE.
"app(XXXXXX)"  - Represents a predefined minor capability to be
                 supported by the application. This constitutes
                 the third and final layer of MOWSE.
"{...}"        - Represents data which is being passed.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

Connect Request:  ws_$connect_request,  conrqst
Connect Response: ws_$connect_response, conresp

   ws_$connect_request  attempts  to   establish  a  "connection"
   between the calling application  and the application specified
   in  the  argument  list.   It  is  then  up  to  the requested
   application to accept or reject  the request by performing the
   necessary  MOWSE  calls  to  set  up  for connection (creating
   another mcb by calling ws_$create_instance).

   ws_$connect_response  is  to  be  called  when  the  requested
   application has performed the  necessary function to establish
   itself  for the  new connection.    It is  used to  notify the
   requesting application by providing a  ACCEPT and a pointer to
   the mcb which identifies the instance for the connection, or a
   REJECT status and a null new mcb pointer.

   The following is a description  of the method which MOWSE uses
   to support the request:

         LOCAL SYSTEM                              REMOTE SYSTEM

   {system,cap_name,args}    {cap_name,args}
   app------> connect_request=======> app(REQUEST_CONNECT)
                       || {cap_name,args}
                       VV   {response}              {response}
        app(RESPONSE_CONNECT) <===== connect_response <---- app

   When an  application requests a connection, a  message is sent
   to  the   requested  application  for  the   connection.   The
   requested  application is  notified via  the predefined  minor
   capability  REQUEST_CONNECT.   If  the  capability  is not yet
   registered with MOWSE, it is called and allowed to do so.  The
   connect request message is then  passed on the the capability.
   It  is then  up to  the application  to perform  the necessary
   actions which will create an  instance to which the requesting
   application may communicate whether it be a new instance or an
   existing  one.   The  application  which  was  requested  then
   returns the response via  a call to ws_$connect_response which
   sends  a RESPONSE_CONNECT  to the  application which  made the
   connect request.  This message  indicates the accept or reject
   of the connect and the capability number of the instance which
   is connected (if one exists).

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

Multics Entry:  ws_$connect_request

   Request a  connection to an application which  has been loaded
   by  sending  a  "REQUEST_CONNECT"   minor  capability  to  the
   requested application.

   dcl ws_$connect_request entry
       (char (*),
        char (*),
        fixed bin,
        fixed bin (35));
   call ws_$connect_request

   capability_name:  (Input)
       The  name of  the major  capability of  the application to
       which the connect is requested.
   args (Input)
       Any command  line arguments which may be  necessary if the
       capability is to be started before the connection is made.
   system (Input)
       The system of the capability being connected to.
   mcb_ptr:  (Input)
       The  pointer  to  the  application's  MOWSE  Control Block
       assigned by a call to ws_$create_instance.
   code:  (Output)
       The error code immediately returned from MOWSE.
               0 - no error
               Or a standard Multics system error code.
   call  ws_$connect_request  ("bft",  "load",  REMOTE,  mcb_ptr,

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

PC Entry:  conrqst - connect_request

Function:  Request a connection to  an application which has been
loaded by sending a "WSRQSTCN"  minor capability to the requested

   int conrqst(cap_name,args,system,mcb_ptr);
       char *cap_name;
       char *args;
       int system;
       mcb *mcb_ptr;

   cap_name (Input)
       The name of the capability to be connected.
   args (Input)
       Any command  line arguments which may be  necessary if the
       capability is to be started before the connection is made.
   system (Input)
       The system of the capability being connected to.
   mcb_ptr:  (Input)
       The  pointer  to  the  application's  MOWSE  Control Block
       assigned by a call to cretinst.

   0        - no error
   Or an error code defined in the appendix.

   ecode = conrqst ("bft", "load", WSREMOTE, mcb_ptr);

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

Multics Entry:  ws_$connect_response

   Reply  to an  application's  request  for a  connection.  This
   allows the  application of the ws_$connect_request  call to to
   be notified either of  this applications accepting the connect
   request  by supplying  the new  major capability_number  or to
   reject   the  request  by   supplying  an  error   code.   The
   application which made the request for connection will receive
   the RESPONSE_CONNECT  which will indicate the  success or fail
   of the request.

   dcl ws_$connect_response entry
       (fixed bin(17),
       fixed bin(17),
       fixed bin(35));
   call ws_$connect_response

   status:  (Input)
       The acceptance/rejectance of the connect request.
       Values: ACCEPT
   major_capability:  (Input)
       The  major capability number  of the application  to which
       the response is destined.
   mcb_ptr:  (Input)
       A  pointer  to  the  mcb  which  is  associated  with  the
       connection.   The  mcb  can  be  either  the  original mcb
       obtained by the  application, or the address of  a new mcb
       obtained   by  the   application  specifically   for  this
   code:  (Output)
       The error code immediately returned from MOWSE.
               0 - no error
               Or a standard Multics system error code.

   call ws_$connect_response (ACCEPT, request_capability,
                              mcb_ptr, code);
   call ws_$connect_response (REJECT, request_capability,
                              mcb_ptr, code);

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

PC Entry:  conresp - connect_response

   Reply  to an  application's  request  for a  connection.  This
   allows the application  of the conrqst call to  to be notified
   either of  this applications accepting the  connect request by
   supplying  the new  major capability_number  or to  reject the
   request  by supplying  an error  code.  The  application which
   made  the request for  connection will receive  WSRESPCN which
   will indicate the success or fail of the request.

   int conresp (status,cap_num,mcb_ptr);
       int status,

   status:  (Input)
       The acceptance/rejectance of the connect request.
       Values: WSACCEPT
   cap_num:  (Input)
       The  major capability number  of the application  to which
       the response is destined.
   mcb_ptr:  (Input)
       A  pointer  to  the  mcb  which  is  associated  with  the
       connection.   The  mcb  can  be  either  the  original mcb
       obtained by the  application, or the address of  a new mcb
       obtained   by  the   application  specifically   for  this

   0        - no error
   Or an error code defined in the appendix.

   ecode = conresp (WSACCEPT, request_capability, mcb_ptr,
                    new_mcb_ptr, code);
   ecode = conresp (WSREJECT, request_capability, mcb_ptr,
                    NULL, code);

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

Create Instance:  ws_$create_instance, cretinst

A capability  calls create_instance to make itself  known to both
MOWSEs, thereby providing its capabilities to MOWSE thus allowing
it to receive messages from other capabilities in MOWSE.

The following is a description  of the method which MOWSE employs
to support the request:

          LOCAL SYSTEM                       REMOTE SYSTEM

    {name + entry +                 {major_cap
     inlen + outlen_dataptr}       + name }
app ----------------> create_instance =====>ADD_TO_REMOTE_CAT

The  application  calls  create_instance,  supplying  the name by
which it wants  to be known to the MOWSEs,  the entry point where
it is to be invoked on the  receipt of its messages, and the size
of its  2 private message buffers  (one for incoming and  one for
outgoing messages),  and a pointer  that MOWSE will  maintain and
provide to the application.

Create_instance first  calls the local add_to_cat  routine, which
attempts to add the supplied  information into the next available
slot in the  local CAT of the local MOWSE (the  local MOWSE has a
local CAT and a remote CAT).  If this fails, an error is returned
immediately to the application, without any attempt to add to the
remote system's copy of the CAT.

If the  above is successful,  create_instance sends a  message to
the  remote MOWSE, requesting  it to add  this capability to  its
remote  CAT.  This  message contains  just the  supplied internal
name, and the local capability  number used.  It does not contain
the entry point or buffer  information, because the remote system
does not need to know them.

The remote MOWSE's add_to_cat does  not send any response message
back as it  is assumed that a successful add_to_cat  on the local
system  will result  in a   successful add_to_cat  on the  remote
system.   The  calling  application  need  not  return  to  MOWSE
immediately   after  the   create_instance  call   (many  library
functions DO require that the  caller immediately return to MOWSE
to await a  response message that re-invokes the  caller, but the
create_instance function has no such requirement).

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

After  the  remote  message  is  sent,  create_instance returns a
pointer to the MOWSE Control Block (mcb) to the caller.  This mcb
is to  be used by  the caller when  requesting most of  the MOWSE
subroutine  entry points.   If  the  local add_to_cat  failed, an
error code is returned to the caller instead.

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

Multics Entry:  ws_$create_instance

   Register  the calling  routine with  MOWSE by  assigning it  a
   major  capability number and  adding it to  MOWSE's capability
   table.  The calling  routine must supply the name  by which it
   is to be known to MOWSE,  and the entry point describing where
   it is to be invoked by an execute capability.

   dcl ws_$create_instance entry
        fixed bin(17),
        fixed bin(17),
        fixed bin(35))
   call ws_$create_instance

   capability_name:  (Input)
       The name by which the  calling capability will be known to
   entry_name:  (Input)
       The entry point (by name) which will be invoked when MOWSE
       has a message destined for the application.
   inbuff_length:  (Input)
       The  length (in  characters) of  the message  buffer which
       receives argument data from incoming messages.  The buffer
       will   be   allocated   with   the   size   specified   or
       MINIMUM_BUFFER_SIZE, whichever is larger.
   outbuff_length:  (Input)
       The  length (in  characters) of  the message  buffer which
       will be  used for outgoing  messages.  The buffer  will be
       allocated with the  size specified or MINIMUM_BUFFER_SIZE,
       whichever is larger.
   data_block_ptr:  (Input)
       Pointer  to the  application's local  data which  is to be
       preserved  across calls  to the  capability through MOWSE.
       This provides  an alternate method to  static variables of
       preserving  data  across  the  starts  and  stops  of  the
       application's life in MOWSE thus providing reentrancy.
   mcb_ptr:  (Output)

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

       Pointer  to the  application's MOWSE  Control Block  which
       will  be used  by MOWSE   to maintain  information on  the
   code:  (Output)
       The error code immediately returned from MOWSE.
               0 - no error
               Or a standard Multics system error code.

   call ws_$create_instance ("bft", "bft_$process_event",
            256, 256, data_ptr, mcb_ptr, code);

   All  applications which expect  to receive messages  must have
   registered  with MOWSE  (through create_instance)  in order to
   receive  messages.  A message  is provided to  the application
   when  a the  destination of  the message  specifies the  major
   capability  number of  the application.   The application will
   then be  invoked at the  entry name provided  with the message
   (argument data), its length, and a pointer to the applications
   data_block as follows:

      dcl application_$entry_point entry
             (fixed bin,
              fixed bin,
              fixed bin,

      application_$entry_point (minor_capability, major_sender,
                 arg_ptr, arg_length, mcb_ptr, data_block_ptr);

   The buffers inbuff and outbuff allow MOWSE to send and receive
   messages  longer than  one communications  packet (defined  by
   PACKET_SIZE) in a manner transparent to the capability.

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

PC Entry:  cretinst - create_instance

   Register  the calling  routine with  MOWSE by  assigning it  a
   major  capability number and  adding it to  MOWSE's capability
   table.  The calling  routine must supply the name  by which it
   is to be known to MOWSE,  and the entry point describing where
   it is to be invoked by an execute capability.

   int cretinst (cap_name, entry, inbuff_len, outbuff_len,
                 data_ptr, mcb_ptr);
     char cap_name[WSCAPLEN];
     int (*entry)();
     int inbuff_len;
     int outbuff_len;
     char *data_ptr;
     mcb **mcb_ptr;

   cap_name:  (Input)
       A null terminated string of characters specifying the name
       by which the calling capability will be known to MOWSE.
   entry:  (Input)
       A pointer to the function which will be invoked when MOWSE
       has a message destined for the application.
   inbuff_len:  (Input)
       The  length (in  characters) of  the message  buffer which
       receives argument data from incoming messages.  The buffer
       will  be allocated  with the  size specified  or WSMINBUF,
       whichever is larger.
   outbuff_len:  (Input)
       The  length (in  characters) of  the message  buffer which
       will be  used for outgoing  messages.  The buffer  will be
       allocated with  the size specified or  WSMINBUF, whichever
       is larger.
   data_ptr:  (Input)
       Pointer  to the  application's local  data which  is to be
       preserved  across calls  to the  capability through MOWSE.
       This provides  an alternate method to  static variables of
       preserving  data  across  the  starts  and  stops  of  the
       application's life in MOWSE thus providing reentrancy.
   mcb_ptr:  (Output)
       The  address of  the  pointer  to the  application's MOWSE
       Control  Block which  will be  used by  MOWSE to  maintain
       information on the application.

   0        - no error
   Or an error code defined in the appendix.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

   ecode = cretinst ("bft", bft_process, 256, 256, data_ptr,

   All  applications which expect  to receive messages  must have
   registered with  MOWSE (through cretinst) in  order to receive
   messages.  A message is provided to the application when a the
   destination  of  the  message  specifies  the major capability
   number  of  the  application.   The  application  will then be
   invoked at the entry name  provided with the message (argument
   data),  its   length,  and  a  pointer   to  the  applications
   data_block as follows:

     application_$entry_point (minor_cap, major_sender, arg_ptr,
             arg_length, data_block_ptr, mcb_ptr);

             char      minor_cap;
             int       major_sender;
             char      *arg_ptr;
             int       arg_length;
             char      *data_block_ptr

   The buffers inbuff and outbuff allow MOWSE to send and receive
   messages  longer than  one communications  packet (defined  by
   WSPAKSIZ) in a manner transparent to the capability.

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

Destroy Instance:  ws_$destroy_instance, destinst

A capability  calls destroy_instance to cause both  the local and
remote  MOWSEs to  remove  reference  to the  calling capability,
thereby  making that capability  unknown to MOWSE.   This removes
the application from the CAT  thus preventing messages from being
sent to this deleted capability.

The following is a description  of the method which MOWSE employs
to support the request:

          LOCAL SYSTEM                     REMOTE SYSTEM
     {mcb}                   {major_cap}

The application  calls destroy_instance supplying the  pointer to
its mcb.   Delete_instance then removes  reference in the  CAT to
the application,  in effect erasing the  information stored about
it in the CAT.

Destroy_instance  will then  send a  message to  the remote MOWSE
requesting  that this  capability  also  be removed  there.  This
message  contains the  major capability  number of  the destroyed

The MOWSE on the remote system  frees the CAT slot there but does
not send any  response message back to the local  system as it is
assumed  that a  successful delete_from_cat  on the  local system
means  that the remote  delete_from_cat will also  be successful.
Therefore  the  calling  application  need  not  return  to MOWSE
immediately after the destroy_instance call.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

Multics Entry:  ws_$destroy_instance

   Removes  the   reference  to  the  application   from  MOWSE's
   capability  table  and  deallocates  the  inbuff  and  outbuff
   message buffer space.

   dcl ws_$destroy_instance entry
        fixed bin(35));
   call ws_$destroy_instance

   mcb_ptr:  (Input)
       The  pointer  to  the  application's  MOWSE  Control Block
       assigned by a call to ws_$create_instance.
   code:  (Output)
       The error code immediately returned from MOWSE.
               0 - no error
               Or a standard Multics system error code.

   call ws_$destroy_instance (mcb_ptr, code);


MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

PC Entry:  destinst - destroy_instance

   Removes  the   reference  to  the  application   from  MOWSE's
   capability  table  and  deallocates  the  inbuff  and  outbuff
   message buffer space.

   int destinst (mcb_ptr);
     mcb **mcb_ptr;

   mcb_ptr:  (Input)
       The  address of  the  pointer  to the  application's MOWSE
       Control Block assigned by a call to "cretinst".

0        - no error
Or an error code defined in the appendix.

   ecode = destinst (&mcb_ptr);

   If this is the final instance  and it is being destroyed, then
   all memory  occupied by the application  is released including
   memory occupied by its code.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

Disconnect Request:  ws_$disconnect_request,  disrqst
Disconnect Response: ws_$disconnect_response, disresp

   ws_$disconnect_request provides  an application with  a simple
   means of discontinuing a  connection (conversation) to another

   Once  the requested  application has  performed the  necessary
   functions  for a  disconnect (a  call to  ws_$destroy_instance
   etc.),  it calls   ws_$disconnect_response which  provides the
   application  with   a  simple  means  of   responding  to  the
   disconnect request.

   The following is a description  of the method which MOWSE uses
   to support the request:

         LOCAL SYSTEM                              REMOTE SYSTEM

   app -----> disconnect_request =======> app(REQUEST_DISCONNECT)

                           {response}                 {response}
   app(RESPONSE_DISCONNECT) <====== disconnect_response <---- app

   When  an application  requests a  disconnection, a  message is
   sent to the requested  application for the disconnection.  The
   requested  application is  notified via  the predefined  minor
   capability   REQUEST_DISCONNECT.   It   is  then   up  to  the
   application  to  perform  the  necessary  actions  which  will
   "break" the connection to which the requesting application was
   communicating.   The  application  which  was  requested  then
   returns  the response  via a  call to  ws_$disconnect_response
   which  sends a  RESPONSE_DISCONNECT to  the application  which
   made  the  disconnect  request.   This  message  indicates the
   accept or reject of the disconnect.

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

Multics Entry:  ws_$disconnect_request

   Request  that  conversation  to  the  specified application be
   terminated  by sending  a REQUEST_DISCONNECT  to the specified

   dcl ws_$disconnect_request entry
       (fixed bin(17),
       fixed bin(35));
   call ws_$disconnect_request

   capability_number:  (Input)
       The major capability number of the application which is to
       be disconnected.
   mcb_ptr:  (Input)
       The  pointer  to  the  application's  MOWSE  Control Block
       assigned by a call to ws_$create_instance.
   code:  (Output)
       The error code immediately returned from MOWSE.
               0 - no error
               Or a standard Multics system error code.

   call ws_$disconnect_request (bft_major_cap, mcb_ptr, code);

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

PC Entry:  disrqst - disconnect_request

   Request  that  conversation  to  the  specified application be
   terminated   by  sending   a  "WSRQSTDS"   to  the   specified

   int disrqst(cap_num,mcb_ptr);
       int cap_num;
       mcb *mcb_ptr;

   cap_num:  (Input)
       The major capability number of the application which is to
       be disconnected.
   mcb_ptr:  (Input)
       The  pointer  to  the  application's  MOWSE  Control Block
       assigned by a call to cretinst.

   0        - no error
   Or an error code defined in the appendix.

   ecode = disrqst (bft_major_cap, mcb_ptr);

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

Multics Entry:  ws_$disconnect_response

   Notify the  application which requested a  disconnect that the
   disconnect  was accepted  or rejected.   A RESPONSE_DISCONNECT
   message  will  be  sent  to  the  application  which  made the
   disconnect request.

   dcl ws_$disconnect_response
       (fixed bin(17),
       fixed bin(17),
       fixed bin(35));
   call ws_$disconnect_response

   status:  (Input)
       The acceptance/rejectance of the disconnect request.
       Values: ACCEPT
   major_capability:  (Input)
       The  major capability number  of the application  to which
       the response is destined.
   mcb_ptr:  (Input)
       The  pointer  to  the  application's  MOWSE  control block
       assigned by a call to ws_$create_instance.
   code:  (Output)
       The error code immediately returned from MOWSE.
               0 - no error
               Or a standard Multics system error code.
   call ws_$disconnect_response (ACCEPT,
                                 mcb_ptr, code);
   call ws_$disconnect_response (REJECT,
                                 mcb_ptr, code);

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

PC Entry:  disresp - disconnect_response

   Notify the  application which requested a  disconnect that the
   disconnect  was accepted  or rejected.   A "WSRESPDS"  message
   will  be sent  to the  application which  made the  disconnect

   int disresp(status,cap_num,mcb_ptr);
       int status,
       mcb *mcb_ptr;

   status:  (Input)
       The acceptance/rejectance of the disconnect request.
       Values: WSACCEPT
   cap_num:  (Input)
       The  major capability number  of the application  to which
       the response is destined.
   mcb_ptr:  (Input)
       The  pointer  to  the  application's  MOWSE  control block
       assigned by a call to cretinst.

   0        - no error
   Or an error code defined in the appendix.

   ecode = disresp (WSACCEPT, request_capability, mcb_ptr);
   ecode = disresp (WSREJECT, request_capability, mcb_ptr);

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

Execute Capability:  ws_$execute_capability, execap

Execute  capability  provides  an  application  with  a  means of
executing  a  capability  on  the  local  or  remote system.  The
capability must have been loaded with execute_command.

The following is a description  of the method which MOWSE employs
to support the request:

          LOCAL SYSTEM                         REMOTE SYSTEM

    {major + data}                {major + data}
app ----------> execute_capability ========> WS_EXECUTE_CAPABILITY
    <-------------------+                                ||
            {code}         |                             ||
                           |                             ||
                           V  {failure}                  ||
app(FAIL_CAPABILITY) <====================================/

When an application requests a capability to be executed, whether
or   not  the   requested  application   was  remote   or  local,
"execute_capability" will immediately return.   If MOWSE fails to
properly execute the capability,  then the requesting application
is   notified    through   the   predefined    minor   capability

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

Multics Entry:  ws_$execute_capability

   Execute the  minor capability function of  the specified major
   capability with the arguments provided.

   dcl ws_$execute_capability entry
       (fixed bin(17),
        fixed bin(17),
        fixed bin(17),
        fixed bin(35));
   call ws_$execute_capability

   major_capability_number:  (Input)
       The identifier of the capability to be executed.
   minor_capability_number:  (Input)
       The identifier  of a specific function to  be performed by
       the specified major_capability.
   arg_ptr:  (Input)
       A  pointer to  the argument   data to  be supplied  to the
       specified capability, NULL if there is no argument data.
   arg_length:  (Input)
       The length of the argument data in bytes, zero if there is
       no data.
   mcb_ptr:  (Input)
       The  pointer  to  the  application's  MOWSE  Control Block
       assigned by a call to ws_$create_instance.
   code:  (Output)
       The error code immediately returned from MOWSE.
               0 - no error
               Or a standard Multics system error code.

   call ws_$execute_capability (pc_foo_id, add_num_id, num_arg_ptr,
            num_arg_len, mcb_ptr, code);

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

   MOWSE  assumes that  the argument  data has  been converted to
   character string  format by the calling  application.  If not,
   MOWSE will lose  every 9th bit of the argument  data as only 8
   of  the 9  bits per  character are  transferred to  the remote

   If MOWSE was incapable of  starting execution of the specified
   application, the calling application  will be notified through
   the predefined minor capability FAIL_CAPABILITY.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

PC Entry:  execap - execute_capability

   Execute the  minor capability function of  the specified major
   capability with the arguments provided.

   int execap (major_num, minor_num, arg_ptr, arg_len, mcb_ptr);
     int major_num;
     int minor_num;
     char *arg_ptr;
     int arg_len;
     mcb *mcb_ptr;

   major_num:  (Input)
       The identifier of the capability to be executed.
   minor_num:  (Input)
       The identifier  of a specific function to  be performed by
       the specified major_capability.
   arg_ptr:  (Input)
       A  pointer to  the argument   data to  be supplied  to the
       specified capability, NULL if there is no argument data.
   arg_len:  (Input)
       The length of the argument data in bytes, zero if there is
       no data.
   mcb_ptr:  (Input)
       The  pointer  to  the  application's  MOWSE  Control Block
       assigned by a call to "cretinst".

   0        - no error
   Or an error code defined in the appendix.

   ecode = execap (pcfooid, addnumid, numarg_ptr, numarg_len,

   It is  up to the  calling application to  convert the argument
   data into character string format  which can be interpreted by
   the application being called as a character string of data.

   If MOWSE was incapable of  starting execution of the specified
   application, the calling application  will be notified through
   the predefined minor capability WSFAILCP.

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

Execute Command:  ws_$execute_command, execom

Execute  command  provides  an  application  with  the  means  of
executing  system commands  on either   the remote  or the  local
system  through the  respective command  processor.  The  primary
purpose  of this function  is to provide  the application with  a
means of loading other applications for use through MOWSE.

Although this command  can be used to load  and execute non-mowse
applications,  the practice  is not  recommended since  the MOWSE
scheduler  will   not  perform  any  other   function  until  the
application returns control to MOWSE.

The following is a description  of the method which MOWSE employs
to support the request:

          LOCAL SYSTEM                         REMOTE SYSTEM

    {command}                {com_id + command}
app --------> execute_command ===============> WS_EXECUTE_COMMAND
    <--------------+                                 ||
       {com_id}    |                                 ||
                   |     {com_id + status + {major}} ||
                   V                                 ||
app(EXECUTE_COMMAND_REPLY) <==========================/

When   an  application  requests   a  command  to   be  executed,
"execute_command"  will immediately  return with  a "command_id".
This command_id is to be used to identify the command in order to
provide a means of associating  command results with a particular

There  are two  cases of  execution, one  is when  the command is
local, and the other remote.   In either case, MOWSE performs the
command  by  calling  the  appropriate  command  processor.  Upon
completion,  the requesting  application is  notified through the
predefined  minor  capability  "EXECUTE_COMMAND_REPLY"  with  the
status of  the execution of the  command - failed or  succeeded -
and the command_id to which these results are associated.

The return  information may contain  in addition to  the status a
major capability number.  In the event that the command caused an
application to  be loaded and  initialized into MOWSE,  the major
capability number will identify to the requesting application the
capability number  of the application which was  loaded.  This is
to allow for the eventual case  of multiple instances of a single
capability  name where  as  a  simple "find_capability"  will not
suffice to locate the capability number based on name only.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

Multics Entry:  ws_$execute_command

   Send  a  command  string  to  the  command  processor  on  the
   specified system.

   dcl ws_$execute_command entry
        fixed bin(17),
        fixed bin(17),
        fixed bin(35))
   call ws_$execute_command

   command_string:  (Input)
       The string of characters that would be typed on the system
       to execute the command.
   system:  (Input)
       A constant specifying which  system command_string will be
       executed on.
       Values: LOCAL_SYSTEM
   command_id:  (Output)
       The tag  which will be associated  with the command_string
       being  executed  and  the  resultant  EXECUTE_COMMAND_REPY
       predefined minor capability.
   mcb_ptr:  (Input)
       The  pointer  to  the  application's  MOWSE  Control Block
       assigned by a call to ws_$create_instance.
   code:  (Output)
       The error code immediately returned from MOWSE.
               0 - no error
               Or a standard Multics system error code.

   call ws_$execute_command ("dir usersmith*.*",
            REMOTE_SYSTEM, com_id, mcb_ptr, code);
   call ws_$execute_command ("ls -d >udd>m>Smith",
            LOCAL_SYSTEM, com_id, mcb_ptr, code);
   call ws_$execute_command ("bft", REMOTE_SYSTEM,
            com_id, mcb_ptr, code);

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

   There are two manners in which information will be returned to
   the  calling application.  One  is the immediate  return which
   will provide the error information  as specified in code.  The
   second  is   through  a  delayed  response   message  via  the
   predefined  minor capability EXECUTE_COMMAND_REPLY  which will
   provide  the  calling  application  with  information  at  the
   completion of  the command.  Two types of  information will be
   provided.  One is  a success or failure of the  command - this
   is important in  the case of remote commands  which caused the
   command processor on the remote system to fail.  The second is
   to provide the handler with the major capability number of the
   application which may have been loaded by the command.

   Since execute_command will call the system's command processor
   with  the command_string, an  application may be  called which
   will load itself into the  MOWSE.  Thus an application may use
   execute_command to load another application.

   Output from a command executing on the PC (by the PC's command
   processor)  will  appear  on  the  terminal  screen with total
   disregard to  MOWSE.  If a terminal emulator  is executing and
   it calls a PC routine  through execute_command - such as "dir"
   - the output will appear on the screen without passing through
   the terminal emulator.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

PC Entry:  execom - execute_command

   Send  a  command  string  to  the  command  processor  on  the
   specified system.

   int execom (command_string, system, command_id, mcb_ptr);
     char *command_string;
     int system;
     int *command_id;
     mcb *mcb_ptr

   command_string:  (Input)
       A null terminated string of characters that would be typed
       on the system to execute the command.
   system:  (Input)
       A constant specifying which  system command_string will be
       executed on.
       Values: WSLOCAL
   command_id:  (Output)
       The tag  which will be associated  with the command_string
       being executed and the resultant WSCOMREP predefined minor
   mcb_ptr:  (Input)
       The  pointer  to  the  application's  MOWSE  Control Block
       assigned by a call to "cretinst".

   0        - no error
   Or an error code defined in the appendix.

   ecode = execom ("dir usersmith*.*", WSREMOTE, &com_id,
   ecode = execom ("ls -d >udd>m>Smith",WSLOCAL, &com_id,
   ecode = execom ("bft", WSREMOTE, &com_id, mcb_ptr);

   There are two manners in which information will be returned to
   the  calling application.  One  is the immediate  return which
   will provide the error information  as specified in code.  The
   second  is   through  a  delayed  response   message  via  the
   predefined  minor capability  WSCOMREP which  will provide the
   calling application with information  at the completion of the

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

   command.  Two types of information will be provided.  One is a
   success or failure  of the command - this is  important in the
   case of remote commands which  caused the command processor on
   the  remote system  to fail.    The second  is to  provide the
   handler  with the major  capability number of  the application
   which may have been loaded by the command.

   Since execute_command will call the system's command processor
   with  the command_string, an  application may be  called which
   will load itself into the  MOWSE.  Thus an application may use
   execute_command to load another application.

   Output from a command executing on the PC (by the PC's command
   processor)  will  appear  on  the  terminal  screen with total
   disregard to  MOWSE.  If a terminal emulator  is executing and
   it calls  a PC routine  through EXECOM -  such as "dir"  - the
   output will  appear on the screen without  passing through the
   terminal emulator.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

   Find Capability Name:  ws_$find_capability_name, findname

   Find capability name provides an application with the means of
   extracting the capability name of  an application based on its
   capability  number.   There  is  no  need  for  messages to be
   generated  as  all  of  the  necessary  information  is stored
   locally by MOWSE.

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

Multics Entry:  ws_$find_capability_name

   Find  the name  of a   capability given  its major  capability

   dcl ws_$find_capability_name entry
       (fixed bin(17),
        fixed bin (35));
   call ws_$find_capability_name

   major_capability_number:  (Input)
       The major  capability number of the capability  name to be
   capability_name:  (Output)
       The name of the capability.
   code:  (Output)
       The error code immediately returned from MOWSE.
               0 - no error
               Or a standard Multics system error code.

   ws_$find_capability_name (major_cap, cap_name, code);


MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

PC Entry:  findname - find_capability_name

   Find  the name  of a   capability given  its major  capability

   int findname (major_num, cap_name);
     int major_number;
     char cap_name[WSCAPLEN];

   major_number:  (Input)
       The major  capability number of the capability  name to be
   cap_name:  (Output)
       The name of the capability found, 0 length if not found.

   0        - no error
   Or an error code defined in the appendix.

   ecode = findname (major_cap, cap_name);


MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

   Find Capability Number:  ws_$find_capability_number, findnumb

   Find capability number provides  an application with the means
   of extracting the capability number of an application based on
   its  capability name.   There is  no need  for messages  to be
   generated  as  all  of  the  necessary  information  is stored
   locally by MOWSE.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

Multics Entry:  ws_$find_capability_number

   Find  the major  capability number  of an  application given a
   capability name.

   dcl ws_$find_capability_number entry
        fixed bin(17),
        fixed bin(17),
        fixed bin(35));
   call ws_$find_capability_number

   capability_name:  (Input)
       The capability name to be looked for.
   system_id:  (Input)
       The system which is to be looked at to find the capability
       Values:  LOCAL_SYSTEM
   major_capability_number:  (input/output)
       Indicates  where  MOWSE  is  to  begin  searching  of  the
       capability table  for the name specified, 0  will find the
       first case, and returns the major capability number of the
       found name.
   code:  (Output)
       The error code immediately returned from MOWSE.
               0 - no error
               Or a standard Multics system error code.

   call ws_$find_capability_number ("bft",
            major_capability_number, code);

   MOWSE looks for the capability name in its capability table in
   the following fashion:

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

       1)  If the  provided major  capability number  is invalid,
       MOWSE  will begin  searching from   the top  of the  table
       specified by the system_id.
       2)  If the  major capability  number is  valid, MOWSE will
       begin searching from the next  entry on the same system of
       the major capability number.
       3) If the system id is invalid, MOWSE will search from the
       first entry on the local CAT.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

PC Entry:  findnumb - find_capability_number

   Find  the major  capability number  of an  application given a
   capability name.

   int findnumb (cap_name, sys_id, major_num);
     char cap_name[WSCAPLEN];
     int sys_id;
     int *major_num;

   cap_name:  (Input)
       The capability name to be looked for.
   sys_id:  (Input)
       The system which is to be looked at to find the capability
       Values:  WSLOCAL
   major_num:  (input/output)
       Indicates  where  MOWSE  is  to  begin  searching  of  the
       capability table  for the name specified, 0  will find the
       first case, and returns the major capability number of the
       found name.

   0        - no error
   Or an error code defined in the appendix.

   ecode = findnumb ("bft_", WSLOCAL, &major_num);
   ecode = findnumb ("bft_", WSREMOTE, &major_num);

   MOWSE looks for the capability name in its capability table in
   the following fashion:

       1)  If the  provided major  capability number  is 0, MOWSE
       will begin  searching from the top of  the table specified
       by the sys_id.
       2)  If the  major capability  number is  valid, MOWSE will
       begin searching from the next entry.
       3) If  the provided sys_id  is invalid, MOWSE  will search
       the local CAT table from its first entry.

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

       Get   Background   Message:    ws_$get_background_message,

       When get_background_message is requested,  there is one of
       two types of messages returned, if any.

       1) background messages - informative/error messages
       2) query messages - a background application requires some
       user response.

   Get_background_message provides an application with a means of
   getting the next of these background messages out of the local
   background buffer.  It is up to the application running at the
   time  to use get_background_message  to read from  this buffer
   and  display it on  the screen.  If  the background buffer  is
   empty when get_background_message is called, it returns a zero
   string length.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

PC Entry:  getbgmes - get_background_message

   Returns one of two types of background messages - placed there
   by a call to "putbgmes".

       1) Info messages which are for display only.
       2) Query messages which are to  be used to prompt the user
       to  provide information  which is  to be  returned to  the
       requesting application through a call to "sendqrep".

   int getbgmes (string, type, sender_major);
     char *string;
     int *type;
     int *sender_major;

   string:  (Output)
       The next  background message available from  MOWSE, placed
       there  by a  call to  "putbgmes".  The  string buffer into
       which the  background message is  placed must be  at least
       one packetsize (WSPAKSIZ characters) long.
   type:  (Output)
       A specifier to the type of background message returned.
       Values: WSQUERY
   sender_major:  (Output)
       The  major  capability  number  of  the  application which
       stored   the  background   message  through   a  call   to

   0         - no error
   Or an error code defined in the appendix.

   ecode = getbgmes (string, &type, &sender_major);

   The  application which  makes this  call must  be a foreground
   application which is responsible for all user I/O.

   If the message type returned is WSQUERY, the application which
   made this call must send a reply  to the sender major as it is
   stopped, expecting a reply.

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

Get Status:  ws_$get_status, getstat
Put Status:  ws_$put_status, putstat

A  foreground application may  request status information  from a
specified application through this call.  It is up to the calling
application  and  the  called  application  to  coordinate  their
efforts in obtaining the necessary status information.

The following is a description  of the method which MOWSE employs
to support the request:

          LOCAL SYSTEM                    REMOTE SYSTEM

    {major_cap + request}              {request}
app ------------------> get_status ===========> app (STATUS)
    <--------- STATUS_REPLY <========= put_status <----+
      {result}               {result}             {result}

When  a foreground application  requests status information  of a
background application  through a call to  get_status, MOWSE will
send the  request string to the specified  application and invoke
it  with  the  predefined  minor  capability  STATUS.  The called
application then  provides the requested status  information by a
call  to put_status.   Put_status then  sends the  result to  the
application  which  made  the  get_status  request.   MOWSE  then
returns to the calling application  of get_status with the result

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

Multics Entry:  ws_$get_status

   Requests status information from the specified application.

   dcl ws_$get_status entry
       (fixed bin(17),
        fixed bin(35));
   call ws_$get_status

   major_number:  (Input)
       The  major capability  number  of  the application  to get
       status information from.
   status_request:  (Input)
       The argument data to be  provided to the application to be
   status_result:  (Output)
       The resultant character status information.
   code:  (Output)
       The error code immediately returned from MOWSE.
               0 - no error
               Or a standard Multics system error code.

   call ws_$get_status (bft_major_cap, "pending", status, code);

   This entry must only be  called by a foreground application as
   it  will wait within  the call until  a response is  received.
   The requested  application is notified of the  request via the
   predefined minor capability STATUS.

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

PC Entry:  getstat - get_status

   Requests status information from the specified application.

   int getstat (major_num, status_request, status_result);
     int major_num;
     char *status_request;
     char *status_result;

   major_num:  (Input)
       The  major capability  number  of  the application  to get
       status information from.
   status_request:  (Input)
       The argument data to be  provided to the application to be
   status_result:  (Output)
       The resultant character status information.

   0        - no error
   Or an error code defined in the appendix.

   ecode = getstat (bft_major_cap, "pending", status);

   This entry must only be  called by a foreground application as
   it  will wait within  the call until  a response is  received.
   The requested  application is notified of the  request via the
   predefined minor capability WSSTATUS.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

Get Terminal Data:  gettdata (PC only)

   Get_terminal_data  provides  an  application  with  a means of
   getting foreground data out of  the local terminal buffer.  It
   is up to the foreground application running at the time on the
   PC to call get_terminal_data to  retrieve from this buffer and
   display  it on the  screen.  If the  terminal buffer is  empty
   when  get_terminal_data is  called, it  returns a  zero string

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

PC Entry:  gettdata - get_terminal_data

   Retrieve a  string from the  terminal buffer and  a flag which
   determines whether or not there are pending background message
   (see  PUTBGMES and  GETBGMES).  The  string is  destined to be
   used as terminal data, ie.  it  is expected to be displayed by
   the retrieving application on the PC's CRT.
   If  there is  no data  in the  terminal buffer,  a zero length
   string will be returned.

   int gettdata (getdata_ptr)
     struct get_struc {
        char *local_buffer_pointer;
        int local_buffer_size;
        int minor_capability;
        int background_pending_flag;
     } *getdata;

   string_length:  (Output)
       The length  of the terminal  string that it  pointed to in
       the structure below.  0 if the terminal buffer is empty.
   getdata_ptr:  (Input)
       The  pointer to the  calling routine's structure  which is
       used for input and output arguments.
   local_buffer_ptr:  (Input)
       A pointer  to a buffer  into which the  retrieved terminal
       data will be placed.
   local_buffer_size:  (Input)
       The  size of  the  local  buffer.  Determines  the maximum
       number of characters that can be retrieved.
   minor_capability:  (Output)
       The  entry  point  specified  by  the  remote  system  for
       specialized handling of received terminal data.
   background_pending_flag:  (Output)
       Determines if there are background messages pending.  0 if
       none are pending, N for the number of messages pending.

   N - length of terminal data retrieved, 0 if none.


MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

Put Background Message:  ws_$put_background_message, putbgmes

Put_background_message  provides an  application with  a means of
sending a message  to the system responsible for all  user I/O to
be specially  displayed to the  user.  Such data  is destined for
subsequent special display on  the user's terminal.  A background
message must  be less than  or equal to  PACKETSIZE characters in

The following is a description  of the method which MOWSE employs
to support the request:

          LOCAL SYSTEM                    REMOTE SYSTEM

   {mcb + code +
  control + args }             {message}
app ----> put_background_message ===> WS_BACKGROUND_MSG

When      an     application     requests      this     function,
"put_background_message" will form a message based on the control
string and  code and send it  to the system responsible  for user
I/O.  If the  responsible system is remote, MOWSE  sends the data
to    the    remote    system     via    the    MOWSE    internal
PUT_TO_BACKGROUND_BUFFER   which  places    the  data   into  the
background   message  buffer   for  subsequent   display  by  the
foreground application.

Note  that there  is a   crossing of  messages from  a background
application which  normally has nothing  to do with  the user I/O
(foreground) data stream.

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

Multics Entry:  ws_$put_background_message

   Provides a background application with the means of displaying
   one of two types of special messages to the foreground channel
   through  a   foreground  application  such  as   the  terminal

       1)  Information messages  which  inform  the user  such as
       errors and status.
       2) Query messages  which ask the user for  input, which is
       relayed  back to  the requesting  application through  the
       predefined minor capability "QUERY_REPLY".

   dcl ws_$put_background_message entry options (variable);

   call ws_$put_background_message
        arg1, ..., argN);

   mcb_ptr:  (Input)
       The  pointer  to  the  application's  MOWSE  Control Block
       assigned by a call to ws_$create_instance.
   code:  (Input)
       Determines the type of the message to be displayed.
       If  code  is  0,  the  message  will  consist  only of the
       contents of the control string.
       If code is a standard Multics code, it will be expanded as
       in com_err_.
       If code  is "SEND_QUERY", the control string  will be used
       to prompt the user for a response.
   caller:  (Input)
       The   name   of   the   routine   making   the   call   to
   control_string:  (Input)
       An  ioa_  subroutine  control  string.   This  argument is
       optional (see com_err_).
   argI:  (Input)
       ioa_  subroutine  arguments  to  be  substituted  into the
       control_string  argument.  These  arguments are  optional.
       They  can  only  be  used  however,  if the control_string
       argument is given first.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

   call ws_$put_background_message (mcb_ptr, error_code, "bft",
            "retrieve error ^d", bft_$invalid_dir);
   call ws_$put_background_message (mcb_ptr, 0, "bft",
            "transfer of file ^a complete",;
   call ws_$put_background_message (mcb_ptr,
            SEND_QUERY, "bft",
            "File ^a exists: overwrite?",;

   All arguments are exactly as under com_err_ with the exception
   of the contents of the code parameter (as discussed above) and
   the mcb_ptr.

   All  messages  are  placed  into  MOWSE  for  future retrieval
   through a call to  ws_$get_background_message.  If there is no
   foreground application  executing to retrieve  these messages,
   they will  go unnoticed.  This is especially  important in the
   case of query  messages as no response will  be returned until
   the message has been retrieved and processed by the foreground

   If the  code is specified  as SEND_QUERY, the  user's response
   will  be  provided  to  the  calling  application  through the
   predefined minor capability "QUERY_REPLY".

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

PC Entry:  putbgmes - put_background_message

   Provides a background application with the means of displaying
   one of two types of special messages to the foreground channel
   through  a   foreground  application  such  as   the  terminal

       1)  Information messages  which  inform  the user  such as
       errors and status.
       2) Query messages  which ask the user for  input, which is
       relayed  back to  the requesting  application through  the
       predefined minor capability WSQRYREP.

   int putbgmes (mcb_ptr, code, caller, control, arg1,...,argN);
     mcb *mcb_ptr;
     int code;
     char *caller;
     char *control;

   mcb_ptr:  (Input)
       The  pointer  to  the  application's  MOWSE  Control Block
       assigned by a call to "cretinst".
   code:  (Input)
       Determines the type of the message to be displayed.
       If  code  is  0,  the  message  will  consist  only of the
       contents of the control string.
       If  code is WSQUERY,  the control string  will be used  to
       prompt the user for a response.
   caller:  (Input)
       The name of the routine making the call to "putbgmes".
   control:  (Input)
       A "printf" control string.
   argI:  (Input)
       printf  control  arguments  to  be  substituted  into  the
       control argument.  These arguments are optional.  They can
       only  be used  however, if  the control  argument is given

   0        - always

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

   putbgmes (mcb_ptr, ecode, "bft", "retrieve error %d",
   putbgmes (mcb_ptr, 0, "bft", "transfer of file %s complete",
   putbgmes (mcb_ptr, WSQUERY, "bft",
             "File %s exists: overwrite?",;

   All  messages  are  placed  into  MOWSE  for  future retrieval
   through  a call  to "getbgmes".    If there  is no  foreground
   application executing to retrieve these messages, they will go
   unnoticed.  This is especially important  in the case of query
   messages as no response will be returned until the message has
   been retrieved and processed by the foreground application.

   If the code is specified  as WSQUERY, the user's response will
   be provided to the  calling application through the predefined
   minor capability WSQRYREP.

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

Multics Entry:  ws_$put_status

   Sends a status string to  the application which made a request
   for status information.

   dcl ws_$put_status entry
       (fixed bin(17),
        fixed bin(35));
   call ws_$put_status

   destination_major:  (Input)
       The  major capability number  of the application  to which
       the status information is to be sent.
   status:  (Input)
       Character string which comprises the status information up
       to a length PACKET_SIZE.
   mcb_ptr:  (Input)
       The  pointer  to  the  application's  MOWSE  Control Block
       assigned by a call to ws_$create_instance.
   code:  (Output)
       The error code immediately returned from MOWSE.
               0 - no error
               Or a standard Multics system error code.

   call ws_$put_status (major_cap, "status: no pending requests",
            mcb_ptr, code);

   The  calling  application  must  have  been  invoked  with the
   predefined minor capability STATUS as it is then only that the
   requesting application  is awaiting status  information.  This
   must be performed.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

PC Entry:  putstat - put_status

   Sends a status string to the foreground application which made
   a request for status information.

   int putstat (status, mcb_ptr);
     char *status;
     mcb *mcb_ptr;

   status:  (Input)
       A  null terminated  character string  which comprises  the
       status information up to a length WSPAKSIZ.
   mcb_ptr:  (Input)
       The  pointer  to  the  application's  MOWSE  Control Block
       assigned by a call to "cretinst".

   0        - no error
   Or an error code defined in the appendix.

   ecode = putstat ("status: no pending requests", mcb_ptr);

   The  calling  application  must  have  been  invoked  with the
   predefined minor  capability WSSTATUS as it is  then only that
   the  requesting application   is awaiting  status information.
   This must be performed.

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

   Put Terminal Data:  puttdata (PC only)

   Put_terminal_data  provides  an  application  with  a means of
   sending foreground data to Multics.  Such data can be obtained
   by  a program running  on Multics by  a get_chars or  get_line

   The  following is  a description   of the  method which  MOWSE
   employs to support the request:

             LOCAL SYSTEM                      REMOTE SYSTEM
       {data}                      {data}
   app ------> put_terminal_data ==========> FG_TERMINAL_DATA

   When an  application requests this  function put_terminal_data
   will send the data to Multics.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

PC Entry:  puttdata - put_terminal_data

   Send a data string to the Multics user i/o switch.

   puttdata(minor_cap, string_ptr, string_len);
     int minor_cap;
     char *string_ptr;
     int string_len;

   minor_cap:  (Input)
       The  destination minor  capability number  to receive  the
       data.  This is to  distinguish between control information
       and  regular terminal  data.  The  minor capability number
       for regular terminal data is WSFGDATA.
   string_ptr:  (Input)
       A pointer to the character string to be sent.
   string_len:  (Input)
       The length of above character string.

   0        - no error.


MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

   Reset Capability:  ws_$reset_capability, resetcap

   Reset  capability provides  an application  with the  means of
   resetting a capability on the local or remote system.  This is
   done  by stopping  execution on  capability, flushing  out its
   input  and  output  buffers,  and  starting  up the capability

   The  following is  a description   of the  method which  MOWSE
   employs to support the request.

             LOCAL SYSTEM                      REMOTE SYSTEM

   app ----------->reset_capability
       <------------------+======> RESET_APPLICATION
                                   ++---> app (RESET_APPLICATION)
         app (RESET_REPLY)  <=======/   RESET_REPLY generated

   When an  application requests a capability to  be reset, there
   are  two cases  of execution:   one is  the capability  on the
   local and the  other is when the capability is  on the remote.
   If the capability is not found, this call will be ignored.

   In  the  local  case,  the  application  to  be  reset will be
   immediately notified  through the predefined  minor capability
   RESET_APPLICATION.   All pending  messages that  are from  the
   application to be reset to  the requesting application will be
   removed from the queue.  Once  the application has handled the
   reset and returns (to MOWSE), an automatic RESET_REPLY is sent
   to  the capability  issuing the  RESET.  In  the remote  case,
   MOWSE   will  set  a   flag  indicating  that   the  specified
   application  is  being  reset,  thus  all  messages  from  the
   specified  application to  the requesting  application will be
   discarded  until  MOWSE  gets  the  RESET_REPLY internal MOWSE
   message.  The application being requested  to be reset will be
   notified    through    the    predefined    minor   capability
   RESET_APPLICATION (identical to the  case of the local reset).
   When  the application  has  completed  the RESET  operation, a
   RESET_REPLY will be sent back to the originating system (as in
   the local case).   Upon receipt of this message,  the flag set
   will  be cleared  and the  RESET_REPLY message  passed to  the
   originating capability.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

Multics Entry:  ws_$reset_capability

   Tells   MOWSE  to   reset  the   specified  application.   The
   application to  be reset is notified via  the predefined minor
   capability RESET_APPLICATION.

   dcl ws_$reset_capability entry
       (fixed bin(17),
        fixed bin(35));
   call ws_$reset_capability

   major_number:  (Input)
       The  major  capability  number  of  the  application to be
   mcb_ptr:  (Input)
       A  pointer to  the mcb  of the  application executing  the
   code:  (Output)
       The error code immediately returned from MOWSE.
               0 - no error
               Or a standard Multics system error code.

   call ws_$reset_capability (bft_major_cap, code);

   MOWSE  notifies the  application through  the predefined minor
   capability  RESET_APPLICATION  and  clears  all  of  the flags
   associated  with  the   application.   All  messages  occuring
   between the request and the  completion of the request will be
   discarded by MOWSE.

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

PC Entry:  resetcap - reset_capability

   Tells   MOWSE  to   reset  the   specified  application.   The
   application to  be reset is notified via  the predefined minor
   capability RESET.

   int resetcap (major_number, mcb_ptr);
     int major_number;
     mcb *mcb_ptr;

   major_number:  (Input)
       The  major  capability  number  of  the  application to be
   mcb_ptr:  (Input)
       The pointer to the caller's MOWSE Control Block.

   0        - no error
   Or an error code defined in the appendix.

   ecode = resetcap (bft_major_cap, mcb_ptr);

   MOWSE  notifies the  application through  the predefined minor
   capability  WSRSTAPP and  clears all  of the  flags associated
   with  the  application.   All  messages  occuring  between the
   request and the completion of the request will be discarded by

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

   Resume Capability:  ws_$resume_capability, resume

   Resume  capability provides an  application with the  means of
   resuming a capability which has  been suspended through a call
   to suspend_capability.

   The  following is  a description   of the  method which  MOWSE
   employs to support the request.

             LOCAL SYSTEM                  REMOTE SYSTEM

   app ----------->resume_capability
                         |===> app(RESUME_APPLICATION)

   When an application requests a capability to be resumed, there
   are  two cases  of execution:   one is  the capability  on the
   local and the  other is when the capability is  on the remote.
   If the  capability is not  already suspended or  is not found,
   this call will be ignored.

   In  the  case  that  the  specified  capability  is local, the
   capability  will be  notified immediately  via the  predefined
   minor  capability RESUME_APPLICATION.   In the  remote case, a
   message  will  be  generated  to  the  remote  system  and the
   application will be notified in the same manner.

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

Multics Entry:  ws_$resume_capability

   Tells  MOWSE   to  resume  the  specified   application.   The
   application to be resumed is notified via the predefined minor

   dcl ws_$resume_capability entry
       (fixed bin(17),
        fixed bin(35));
   call ws_$resume_capability

   major_number:  (Input)
       The  major  capability  number  of  the  application to be
   mcb_ptr:  (Input)
       A  pointer to  the mcb  of the  application executing this
   code:  (Output)
       The error code immediately returned from MOWSE.
               0 - no error
               Or a standard Multics system error code.

   call ws_$resume_capability (bft_major_cap, code);

   If the specified capability is  not in suspension, the request
   will be ignored.  The capability to be resumed is informed via
   the predefined minor RESUME_APPLICATION.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

PC Entry:  resume - resume_capability

   Tells  MOWSE   to  resume  the  specified   application.   The
   application to be resumed is notified via the predefined minor
   capability RESM.

   int resume (major_number, mcb_ptr);
     int major_number;
     mcb *mcb_ptr;

   major_number:  (Input)
       The  major  capability  number  of  the  application to be
   mcb_ptr:  (Input)
       The pointer to the caller's The MOWSE Control Block.

   0        - no error
   Or an error code defined in the appendix.

   ecode = resume (bft_major_cap, mcb_ptr);

   If the specified capability is  not in suspension, the request
   will be ignored.  The capability to be resumed is informed via
   the predefined minor WSRSMAPP.

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

   Send Query Reply:  ws_$send_query_reply, sendqrep

   In  the  case  that  the  background  message  type is a query
   message from a call  to get_background_message, the foreground
   application which retrieved the message must obtain a response
   from the user and provide the results to the application which
   sent   the   query   message.     The   reply   is   done   by
   send_query_reply.  A query message must  be less than or equal
   to PACKET_SIZE characters in length.

   The  following is  a description   of the  method which  MOWSE
   employs to support the request:

             LOCAL SYSTEM                   REMOTE SYSTEM

      {major_cap + response}
   app --------------> send_query_reply
                              |=====> app(QUERY_REPLY)
                app (QUERY_REPLY)

   The application  which is replying with the  message calls the
   MOWSE routine send_query_reply with the response and the major
   capability  number of the  application which made  the request
   for background query (via put_background_message).  MOWSE then
   sends  the message  to  the  appropriate application  with the
   predefined minor capability background_query_reply.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

Multics Entry:  ws_$send_query_reply

   Send the user's response to  a query message to the originator
   of      the      background       query      message      (see

   dcl ws_$send_query_reply entry
        fixed bin(17),
        fixed bin(35));
   call ws_$send_query_reply

   reply_string:  (Input)
       The user's response to  the query message obtained through
       a call to ws_$get_background_message.
   destination_major:  (Input)
       The major capability number of the application which is to
       receive       this        response       string       (see
   code:  (Output)
       The error code immediately returned from MOWSE.
               0 - no error
               Or a standard Multics system error code.

   call ws_$send_query_reply (user_response, sender_major,

   A  call  to  this  procedure  must  be  performed  whenever  a
   QUERY_MESSAGE type is returned from ws_$get_background_message
   as the requesting application is waiting for the response.

   Currently, ws_$send_query_reply is a null routine, as only the
   terminal emulator is capable of such functions.

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

PC Entry:  sendqrep - send_query_reply

   Send the user's response to  a query message to the originator
   of the background query message (see "getbgmes").

   int sendqrep (reply_string, destination_major);
     char *reply_string;
     int destination_major;

   reply_string:  (Input)
       The user's response to  the query message obtained through
       a call to "getbgmes".
   destination_major:  (Input)
       The major capability number of the application which is to
       receive this response string (see "getbgmes").

   0        - no error
   Or an error code defined in the appendix.

   ecode = sendqrep (user_response, sender_major);

   A call to this procedure  must be performed whenever a WSQUERY
   type is returned from "getbgmes" as the requesting application
   is waiting for the response.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

   Sleep:  ws_$sleep, wssleep

   An application may request MOWSE  to cause itself to sleep for
   an amount of time, in seconds, thus ignoring all messages with

   The  following is  a description   of the  method which  MOWSE
   employs to support the request:

             LOCAL SYSTEM                  REMOTE SYSTEM

   app ------> sleep =====================> SET_SLEEP_FLAG

            (time_up) ====================> RESET_SLEEP_FLAG

   When an application requests the sleep, MOWSE sets an internal
   flag that  specifies that the application  is sleeping.  MOWSE
   then sends a message to the  remote system to let it know that
   an application has been set  to sleep.  The remote system then
   sets its sleep flag for that specified application.

   When the  specified time period has elapsed,  MOWSE clears the
   local sleep flag  and sends a message to the  remote system so
   that  the  remote  system  can  clear  its  sleep flag for the
   application (through the  internal function RESET_SLEEP_FLAG).
   MOWSE   also  "awakens"   the  sleeping   application  with  a
   predefined minor capability WAKE_UP.

   When a capability is sleeping, all messages to it are refused,
   with the exception of TERMINATE_CAPABILITY and WAKE_UP.

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

Multics Entry:  ws_$sleep

   Forces  the calling  application to  sleep (suspend execution)
   for the  specified number of seconds.  When  an application is
   put   to  sleep,   it  cannot   accept  any   messages  except
   application  will  be  notified  through  the predefined minor
   capability WAKE_UP.

   dcl ws_$sleep entry
        fixed bin(17)
        fixed bin(35));
   call ws_$sleep

   mcb_ptr:  (Input)
       A  pointer to  the mcb  of the  application executing this
   time:  (Input)
       The number of seconds the application is to sleep.
   code:  (Output)
       The error code immediately returned from MOWSE.
                0 - no error
                Or a standard Multics system error code.

   call ws_$sleep (mcb_ptr, 10);

   The application is notified to awaken via the predefined minor
   capability WAKE_UP.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

PC Entry:  wssleep - sleep

   Forces  the calling  application to  sleep (suspend execution)
   for the  specified number of seconds.  When  an application is
   put to  sleep, it cannot  accept any messages  except TERM and
   RESET.  The  calling application will be  notified through the
   predefined minor  capability WSWAKEUP when the  specified time
   has elapsed.

   int wssleep (time, mcb_ptr);
     int time;
     mcb *mcb_ptr;

   time:  (Input)
       The number of seconds the application is to sleep.
   mcb_ptr:  (Input)
       The  pointer  to  the  application's  MOWSE  control block
       assigned by a call to "cretinst".

   0        - no error
   Or an error code defined in the appendix.

   wssleep (10);

   The application is notified to awaken via the predefined minor
   capability WSWAKEUP.

   It  is  important  that  MOWSE  applications  use  this  sleep
   function  as opposed  to the   sleep routine  provided by  the
   standard  "C" library as  MOWSE cannot perform  anything until
   the application  has returned to it, thus  all further message
   processing would be suspended until  the call to the "C" sleep
   has expired.

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

PC Entry:  stayres - terminate_and_stay_resident

   To terminate execution of a MOWSE capability at the end of its
   initialization and  keep its object code resident  in the PC's
   memory for later invocations through "execap" calls.

   stay_res (mcb_ptr);
     mcb *mcb_ptr;

   mcb_ptr:  (Input)
       The  pointer  to  the  application's  MOWSE  Control Block
       assigned by a call to "cretinst".

   A call to "stayres" will not return.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

Suspend Capability:  ws_$suspend_capability, suspend

Suspend  capability provides  an  application  with the  means of
suspending a capability on the local or remote system.  This will
decrease the burden on the CPU running the capability.

The following is a description  of the method which MOWSE employs
to support the request.

          LOCAL SYSTEM               REMOTE SYSTEM

app ----------->suspend_capability
                     |===> app(SUSPEND_APPLICATION)

When an application requests a  capability to be suspended, there
are two cases  of execution:  one is the capability  on the local
and the  other is when the  capability is on the  remote.  If the
capability  is  not  found,  or  the  capability  is  already  in
suspension, the command will be ignored by MOWSE.

In  the  case  that  the   specified  capability  is  local,  the
capability will be notified  immediately via the predefined minor
capability  SUSPEND_APPLICATION.  In  the remote  case, a message
will be generated  to the remote system and  the application will
be notified in the same manner.

When  a capability  is suspended,   all messages  sent to  it are
refused,   with  the   exception  of   TERMINATE_APPLICATION  and
RESUME_APPLICATION.  If the capability is suspended, then refused
messages    are   returned    as   an    execute_capability_reply
(FAIL_CAPABILITY).  A capability suspended will not be allowed to
send messages.

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

Multics Entry:  ws_$suspend_capability

   Tells  MOWSE  to  suspend   the  specified  application.   The
   application  to be  suspended is  notified via  the predefined
   minor capability SUSPEND_APPLICATION.  A suspended application
   is unable to send or receive messages.

   dcl ws_$suspend_capability entry
       (fixed bin(17),
        fixed bin(35));
   call ws_$suspend_capability

   major_number:  (Input)
       Capability number of the application to be suspended.
   mcb_ptr:  (Input)
       A  pointer to  the mcb  of the  application executing this
       library function.
   code:  (Output)
       The error code immediately returned from MOWSE.
               0 - no error
               Or a standard Multics system error code.

   call ws_$suspend_capability (bft_major_cap, code);

   The specified  application will be suspended -  unable to send
   or   receive   messages   -   by   MOWSE   until   a  call  to
   ws_$resume_capability has been called for that application.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

PC Entry:  suspend - suspend_capability

   Tells  MOWSE  to  suspend   the  specified  application.   The
   application  to be  suspended is  notified via  the predefined
   minor capability WSSUSAPP.  A  suspended application is unable
   to send or receive messages.

   int suspend (major_number, mcb_ptr);
     int major_number;
     mcb *mcb_ptr;

   major_number:  (Input)
       Capability number of the application to be suspended.
   mcb_ptr:  (Input)
       The pointer to the caller's MOWSE Control Block.

   0        - no error
   Or an error code defined in the appendix.

   ecode = suspend (bft_major_cap, mcb_ptr);

   The specified  application will be suspended -  unable to send
   or receive  messages - by MOWSE  until a call to  "resume" has
   been called for that application.

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

   Terminate Capability:  ws_$terminate_capability, termcap

   Terminate capability provides an application with the means of
   requesting  that  another  capability  terminate  itself (i.e.
   destroy_instance), thus terminating a  capability on the local
   or remote system.   This is done by clearing  and deleting all
   information associated for a given capability on both systems.

   The  following is  a description   of the  method which  MOWSE
   employs to support the request.

             LOCAL SYSTEM                    REMOTE SYSTEM

   app -----------> terminate_capability
                           |========> app (TERMINATE_APPLICATION)

   When  an application requests  a capability to  be terminated,
   there are  two cases of  execution:  one is  the capability on
   the  local and  the other  is when  the capability  is on  the
   remote.   If the capability  is not found,  this call will  be

   In  the  case  that  the  specified  capability  is local, the
   capability  will be  notified immediately  via the  predefined
   minor capability TERMINATE_APPLICATION.  In the remote case, a
   message  will  be  generated  to  the  remote  system  and the
   application will be notified in the same manner.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

Multics Entry:  ws_$terminate_capability

   Tells  MOWSE  to  terminate  the  specified  application.  The
   application  to be terminated  is notified via  the predefined
   minor capability TERMINATE_APPLICATION.

   dcl ws_$terminate_capability entry
       (fixed bin(17),
        fixed bin(35));
   call ws_$terminate_capability

   major_number:  (Input)
       The  major  capability  number  of  the  application to be
   mcb_ptr:  (Input)
       A  pointer to  the mcb  of the  application executing this
   code:  (Output)
       The error code immediately returned from MOWSE.
               0 - no error
               Or a standard Multics system error code.

   call ws_$terminate_capability (bft_major_cap, code);

   MOWSE   will  remove   the  specified   application  from  its
   capability table after the application has been notified.

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

PC Entry:  termcap - terminate_capability

   Tells  MOWSE  to  terminate  the  specified  application.  The
   application  to be terminated  is notified via  the predefined
   minor capability WSTRMAPP.

   int termcap (major_number, mcb_ptr);
     int major_number;
     mcb *mcb_ptr;

   major_number:  (Input)
       The  major  capability  number  of  the  application to be
   mcb_ptr:  (Input)
       The MOWSE Control Block of the calling capability.

   0        - no error
   Or an error code defined in the appendix.

   ecode = termcap (bft_major_cap, mcb_ptr);


MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

4.3.  Dedicated Minor Capability Numbers

The  primary purpose  of the  MOWSE environment  is to  provide a
means  in  which  applications  on  one  system  may  request the
capabilities  of applications  on another  system.  In  order for
MOWSE to be able to perform such operations for the applications,
MOWSE must be able to know of all the capabilities on each of the
systems established in the  MOWSE environment.  This knowledge is
maintained  in two  tables called  the Capability  Address Tables
(CAT) (see section 3.4).

When  an application  requests the  services of  a capability, it
requests  the  software   library  function  "execute_capability"
specifying  the  function  of  the  requested  capability  (minor
capability) and the argument  data for the requested application.
MOWSE then takes the data  provided by the requesting application
and formulates a message to send to the remote system.

The  remote  system  is  then  informed  of  the  request via the
External  MOWSE   Function  and  the  requested   application  is
executed.  An application may provide  many types of functions of
which  another application  may  make  use of.   These capability
functions are  identified by a  minor capability number  of which
the requesting application has knowledge.

These minor  capability numbers provide two  important mechanisms
which MOWSE makes use of.  One mechanism is as described above in
which a requesting application may specify a specific function of
the requested application.

The  second  is  to  provide  a  means  for  MOWSE  to inform the
application  of  some  specific  event.   An  example  of  such a
"specific"    event    is    when    an    application   requests
"execute_command"  for a  remote system  and MOWSE  on the remote
system  experienced  an  error  in  the  attempt  to  execute the
request.   The only  manner in   which to  inform the  requesting
application  is  to  invoke  it  with  a  minor  capability which
describes  the event.   Thus MOWSE  requires certain  "dedicated"
minor capability  numbers which must  be supported by  each MOWSE
application.   The values  of these  dedicated minor capabilities
will be in the range of 0  - 31, thus allowing the application to
use the values 32 - 127 for its own purposes.

The  following is a  description of each  of the dedicated  minor
capability   numbers  which   MOWSE  requires   that  each  MOWSE
application  support.   These  are  used  to  communicate special
events between MOWSE and application programs.

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

Argument data which is  returned through these minor capabilities
will  have  the  fields  separated  by  a  ";".  In the following
descriptions, the argument fields will  be specified by name, and
then the number of characters which comprise of the field and the
type of the field.

Execute Capability Failure:  FAIL_CAPABILITY, WSFAILCP

   In  the  event  that  an  attempt  to  begin  execution  of  a
   capability  caused problems,  the application  which generated
   the  request  is  informed  of  the  problem  via  this  minor
   capability.  The reason for this  is to provide the requesting
   application with control as there will be no return of control
   due to a message by the requested capability.

   Argument Data:
       No data is required.


   When  an application  requests a  system command,  it will  be
   notified  when  the  command  has  completed  execution.   The
   contents of the data will  indicate whether or not the command
   succeeded  and  a  new  major  capability  number  if the call
   resulted in an application being loaded.

   Argument Data:
       command_id: char 2; integer
       status:     char 1; integer (32 - succeeded, 33 - failed)


   When  the  remote  foreground  application  has  performed the
   requested query,  it is the responsibility  of that foreground
   application  to generate  a call  to ws_$send_query_reply with
   the user's response.  The application waiting for the reply is
   notified through this minor capability.

   Argument Data:
       free format: up to the application


   When an application requests that the specified application be
   "suspended",  the  application  to  be  suspended  is notified
   through this minor capability.   This allows an application to
   temporarily   suspend  an   application  which   is  consuming
   tremendous amounts of the CPU.

   Argument Data:
       No data is required.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07


   An   application   which    has   been   "suspended"   through
   ws_$suspend_capability  can  be  resumed  through  this  minor

   Argument Data:
       No data is required.


   A  remote  application  may  request  that  an  application be
   terminated.  This is accomplished through notification by this
   minor  capability.  It  is up  to the  notified application to
   perform   the  clean   up  functions   necessary.   When   the
   application  returns to  MOWSE, it  will be  removed from  the
   capability tables.

   Argument Data:
       No data is required.


   A   remote  application   may  request   to  connect   to  the
   application.  The application must  then perform the necessary
   functions to accept or reject the request.

   Argument Data:

       No data is required.


   A  remote  application  may  request  to  disconnect  from the
   application.  The application must  then perform the necessary
   functions to accept or reject the request.

   Argument Data:

       No data is required.


   A   remote  application   may  request   that  the   specified
   application "start again".  This can be used if the requesting
   application detects some confusion  and requires everything to
   be started again.

   Argument Data:
       No data is required.


MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

   The  request for connection  to an application  has completed,
   and the status of rejection or acceptance is provided.

   Argument Data:

       major_cap: char (2); integer (WS)ACCEPT, (WS)REJECT
       status:    char (1); integer


   The  request   for  disconnection  from  an   application  has
   completed,  and  the  status  of  rejection  or  acceptance is

   Argument Data:

       major_cap: char (2); integer (WS)ACCEPT, (WS)REJECT
       status:    char (1); integer


   When the specified time period of the library function "sleep"
   has elapsed, MOWSE sends to the sleeping application a message
   which indicates that the sleep period is up.

   Argument Data:
       No data is required.


   An  application may  request status  information from  another
   application,  the requested   application is  notified through
   this minor capability.

   Argument Data:
       free format: up to the calling application


   In the event  that a message exceeded the maximum  size of the
   receive  buffer which  was provided  by the  application, this
   minor capability will inform the application of the error.

   Argument Data:
       free format: what is currently in the buffer


   In the  event that MOWSE detects an  unrecoverable error, this
   message  will be passed  on to the  application for which  the
   error occurred.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

   Argument Data:
       No data is required.

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

4.4.  Video Manager

This  section  describes  the  general  framework of implementing
support  for  the  use of the Multics Video system in conjunction
with  MOWSE.   Four  sections  are included below: an overview, a
general  description of the protocol used to implement negotiated
echoing,  changes  to  the  video  system  proper and new support
modules are discussed.

The intent of the proposed enhancements to the video system is to
cause  echoing  of  input  to  be  done by the remote PC terminal
emulator instead of either the Multics hardcore supervisor or the
user ring video system code.  Full echo negotiation support is to
be provided.


The general structure of the current video system lends itself to
changes  to allow use of video with the MOWSE protocol.  Real I/O
in  video  is  done by direct calls to the Multics supervisor via
the  hcs_$tty_xxx  entrypoints.   These  calls  are isolated to a
small   number  of  modules.   In  fact,  support  for  DSA  echo
negotiation  is currently being implemented by providing parallel
interfaces  and  making  relatively  minor  changes  to the video

Currently, echoing is performed either by the Multics FNP, by the
Multics  supervisor or by user ring code such as the video system
or EMACS.  Supervisor or user ring echoing occurs when either FNP
support  is not available (X.25 network access) or in response to
typing  ahead  while processing of non-echoed characters is done.
The new DSA support moves echoing out to the remote front end (if
you  will)  with  host  side  echoing provided by either the host
resident  DSA  support code or user ring video system code.  Echo
negotiation  is  the  process  of  determining  at  which point a
character is to echoed.

In   the   above   cases,  a  protocol  for  negotiation  of  the
distribution of character echo forms the basis of operation.  For
the proposed Video with MOWSE case, such a protocol is needed.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

One  possibility is to mimic the current host to FNP protocol.  A
second  choice  would  be  to  use  a  different  method.  Such a
protocol  has  been  specified  in  MTB-708  published  by  Barry
Margolin.   It  seems  that  this  protocol will offer the needed
functionality  and it appears to be much easier to implement than
the  FNP  model.   The implementation proposed here is a modified |
version   of   Barry's   protocol.   As  the  protocol  is  being |
implemented   above  MOWSE,  the  major  change  is  that  escape
sequences  for protocol exchange are not used.  Instead, specific
minor   capabilities  can  be  used  to  identify  each  required

The specific details of the protocol are described in the section
describing the new modules.

The  diagram  in  Figure  1  (below) depicts the process terminal |
I/O  routings  that  are  possible  after implementation of MOWSE
video   support.   The  vertical  path  labelled  (1)  shows  the
conventional routings when a user process is not using either the
video  system  or  MOWSE.   Path (2) represents the case of video
being  in  effect  without MOWSE.  Paths (3) and (4) show the I/O
streams  when  MOWSE  is  in  effect  without  and with the video
system, respectively.

  (1)         (2)              (3)                  (4)

user_i/o    user_i/o    user_i/o background  user_i/o  background
--------    --------    -------- ----------  --------  ----------
   |           |           |           |        |           |
 tty_     window_io_       |           |    window_io_      |
   |        tc_io_         |           |     tc_io_         |
   |           |           |           |        |           |
   |           |           |           |      ws_tty_       |
   |           |           |           |        |           |
   |           |            ___   ___/          ___   ___/
   |           |                 /                   /
   |           |               mowse_io_           mowse_io_
   |           |                 |                    |
    _____________   __________/____________________/

          Figure  1  - Possible I/O Routings                      |

General Protocol Description

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

The protocol that will be implemented between the ws_tty_ modules
and  the  terminal  emulator in the PC is a synchronous protocol.
This  means  that  the  Multics  host  side of the protocol is in
control  of  the  link.  The terminal emulator is not to generate
any input to the host unless it has received a prior request that
requires  the  emulator to respond either with an acknowledgement
or  with  input  data.   The  only exception to this is a message
generated to signal a break condition to the host.

All  communication  between  Multics and the emulator will be via
MOWSE  minor  capabilities, most of which carry either additional
parameters, text data or both.

          minor cap name      abbrev    sender    receiver        |
          ------------------- --------- --------- --------        |
          Set-Break-Table     SBT       ws_tty_   TE              |
          Display-Text        DT        ws_tty_   TE              |
          Abort               A         ws_tty_   TE              |
          Read-With-Echo      RWE       ws_tty_   TE              |
          Read-No-Echo        RNE       ws_tty_   TE              |
          Enter-Sync-Mode     ESM       ws_tty_   TE              |
          Exit-Sync-Mode      XSM       ws_tty_   TE              |
          Exited-Sync-Mode    SMX       TE        ws_tty_         |
          End-Echoed-Input    EEI       TE        ws_tty_         |
          End-Unechoed-Input  EUI       TE        ws_tty_         |
          ------------------------------------------------        |
    Table  1   Minor Capabilities Required for Video Support      |

Initially,  the terminal emulator is operating in an asynchronous
mode under which characters input at the keyboard are transmitted
to  the  host  at  the  discretion of the emulator.  Invoking the
modified  video  system  on  the host will result in the emulator
being  instructed  to operate in synchronous mode.  Revokation of
the  video  system  causes the emulator to return to asynchronous

If  the video system is invoked after the MOWSE system is running
on  both  Multics and the PC and the async TE is running, a minor
capability of Enter-Sync-Mode will be sent from Multics to the TE
informing  it  of  the  change  in  I/O  environment.  This is an
environment  in which the TE will be expected to manage a "smart"
video display in conjunction with windowing software on the host.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

The  primary  functions  that the TE is to perform are display of
text with embedded screen control and the provision of negotiated
local character echoing.  This is to be done under the control of
a  table  referred  to  as  the  break  table which defines those
characters  that  are to be echoed locally.  All other characters
are to cause transmission to Multics.  No processing local to the
TE  other  than  echo  determination  is to be performed on input

As its name suggests, this emulator must operate in a synchronous
environment.   With  the  exception of handling a break, it is to
send data to Multics only when asked to do so.

As  mentioned  above,  sync  mode  is  entered  upon receipt of a
min-cap  of  Enter-Sync-Mode.   When  in  sync  mode,  the TE may
receive  minor capability messages from the list: Exit-Sync-Mode,
Set-Break-Table,  Display-Text (this may be the same min-cap that
the  async  TE  uses), Abort (this may also be used by async TE),
Read-With-Echo or Read-No-Echo.

The  default, or initial, break table specifies all characters as |
break  characters;  no  characters  are  to be echoed until a new |
break table is received.  Also, this default break table is to be |
assumed  after  each Enter-Sync-Mode mincap is received; that is, |
break tables are not to be 'remembered' across invokations of the |
SYNC  TE.   The  TE is to assume a state of broken echo and is to |
hold all new type in until a Read type min-cap is received.

The  Set-Break-Table  min-cap  message  will consist of a list of
those  ASCII graphic characters that are NOT to be echoed locally
but  instead  cause  echoing  to break down (hence the name break
table).   The ASCII control codes (000 through 037 octal) and the
RUBOUT  (177)  character  are  always  assumed to be non-echoable
characters.   All  ASCII  graphics  not  listed are to be assumed
echoable.  The new table supersedes any existing table.

When the TE receives the min-cap Exit-Sync-Mode, it is to respond
with  a  min-cap  message of Exited-Sync-Mode acknowledging this.
It  is  to  now  operate  in  async  mode.  Any type ahead may be
replayed through the async input routines (or discarded).

The Display-Text min-cap message from Multics may contain display
text  data  or display control information or both.  The TE is to
interpret  the  control  information.  If there is an outstanding
Read pending in the TE, it is to send the type ahead as described
below.   In  any case, the TE is to stop echoing immediately upon

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

When  in  Sync  mode,  the  TE may only send input to the host in
response to either a Read-With-Echo (RWE) or a Read-No-Echo (RNE)
min-cap  request.   The  two reads support local echoing of input
and  input  without  echoing  to  the  TE display.  When input is
processed by the TE in sync mode, no interpretation of characters
is  to occur except for break character checking and possibly the
handling  of  an "escape to TE control" character.  If such local
escape   is  implemented,  provision  for  input  of  the  escape
character must be made as Sync mode input is generally considered
to allow all 128 7-bit ASCII codes.  The display must be restored
to its state at the point that the escape was issued.

The  RWE  min-cap  contains  a numeric argument which specifies a
limit  on  the  number  of  characters  to  be  echoed  prior  to
transmission  to  the  host.   This  is  generally  the number of
positions  remaining  from  the cursor to the right display edge.
The  RNE min-cap also contains a limit value but it specifies the
number  of characters to buffer prior to transmission; echoing is
not  performed  by  an  RNE.  In either case, if TE has a limited
input  buffer,  it is to consider the limit as the minimum of the
received limit and the buffer size.

If  the  TE  is  holding  an outstanding read and it receives any
message from the host, it is to immediately transmit any buffered
input  before processing the message.  If it was handling an RWE,
the  characters are sent under the min-cap End-Echoed-Input (EEI)
whereas  an  End-Unechoed-Input  (EUI)  is  used  to  close off a
pending RNE.

The  RWE  function uses the current break table (as received with
the  last  SBT  min-cap)  to  determine  whether  local character
echoing  is to continue.  Each input character is checked against
the table; if it is present, local echoing breaks down (hence the
name  break  table).   Any  echoed  characters are sent under the
min-cap  EEI  and echoing stops.  The break character may be sent
with  the echoed characters.  Similarly, if echo stops because an
input  character  causes limit exhaustion, that character is sent
but  it  will  have  been echoed.  Subsequent input is to be held
awaiting a read min-cap from the host.

It  should be noted that upon the receipt of any host message, if
the  TE  is holding an outstanding Read, it must respond with the
appropriate  End  min-cap  even  if  there  is  no buffered input
(echoed or not).

As noted above, following a break condition input is buffered but
not  echoed.   When  an RNE is received, if there is any buffered
input an EUI min-cap message is generated.  For all read min-caps |
the read limit value specifies the upper bound on the reply.  Any |
excess characters are to be held in the TE for subsequent reads.  |

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

If  an  RWE  is  received, the preferable action for the TE is to |
play  back any (unechoed) buffered input through the echo process |
breaking  at  the appropriate point.  But the TE may respond with |
an empty EEI as well.                                             |

If  an RNE is received and the TE holds no type ahead, one of two
actions occurs.  If the RNE ask for blocking, the TE is to buffer
input  without  echoing  until either the limit is exhausted or a
host message arrives.  If no blocking was asked for, the TE is to
respond with an immediate empty EUI.

Video System Changes

General Structure of Changes:

The  changes  to  the  video  system  will  be modelled after the
changes currently being implemented for the DSA project.  The DSA
changes are roughly structured such that any call to hcs_$tty_xxx
is  replaced by a call to either hcs_$tty_xxx or to the new entry
point dsa_tty_$xxx (in most cases).  Support for MOWSE will add a
new  entry  point  named ws_tty_$xxx which has the same interface
functionality  as  the  entry point hcs_$tty_xxx.  For example, a
new entry point named ws_tty_$read_echoed will be provided.  This
entry  point  will behave in the same way as hcs_$tty_read_echoed
and dsa_tty_$read_echoed do.

New Entrypoints Provided for Video Changes:

The following entry points will be provided:

     ws_tty_$read                                                 |

These routines will provide the interface between tc_io_ (and its
internal modules) and the ws_ subroutine.  The interfaces will be
identical  to  those  provided  by  the  corresponding  hcs_$tty_
modules.  Parameters will have the same data types and will serve
the same functions.

Changes to network_ids.incl.pl1:

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

An  additional  'network_type'  value  will  be  added to the new
include  file  network_ids.incl.pl1.   This  will be the constant
MOWSE_NET  with  a  value  yet  to be decided.  For most calls on
hcs_, the following code framework can then be used:

     if tc_data.network_id = DSA_NET then
          call dsa_tty_$<function> (...);
     else if tc_data.network_id = MOWSE_NET then
          call ws_tty_$<function> (...);
     else if tc_data.network_id = MCS_NET then
          call hcs_$tty_<function> (...);
     else call O_BOY_WE_HAVE_A_PROBLEM;

Changed Video System Modules:

The following modules in the video system will require changes:


Of  these  module  changes, those to video_utils_.pl1 will be the
most   complex.    This  module  provides  video  invocation  and
revocation  services  for application programs.  For this change,
it  must  find the current attachment of the user_i/o switch, but
it  must  not  close  and  detach it before invoking video on the
underlying  terminal  stream.  As other MOWSE traffic may already
be in progress, the attachment through the mowse_io_ i/o module must
be  removed  without affecting the lower level attachment through

The  remaining  changes  fall  into the framework outlined above.
This  process  can  be  expedited  by examining the changes being
implemented for the DSA project.

New Module Descriptions

As  mentioned  above,  the  following  new  entry  points will be
provided in support of video system use with MOWSE:

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

     ws_tty_$read                                                 |

Of  the  above interfaces, several appear to be relatively simple
to  implement in the Multics host side.  Minimal support would be
needed in the PC TE.  These interfaces are:

             - dump any buffered input and stop echo

             - host side only event channel management

             - host side only

             - most video control orders are handled exclusively
               by ring 4 video system code and few calls on
               hcs_$tty_order are made
             - set_break_table is the most notable exception.  This
               will need support in the TE.

The  attachment and detachment routines will interact with the PC
by  establishing and reverting SYNC mode (as described in Barry's
MTB-708).   Some  host  side  work  is needed to connect video to

             - establish environment for video/MOWSE communications
               Turns on SYNC mode in PC TE.

             - put MOWSE environment back to state before video
               Turn off SYNC mode in TE.

The  remaining  entries  deal  with  actual I/O.  The easiest I/O
primitives are the write calls.  These would interact with the TE
by  causing  it to stop echo, forward any held keyboard input and
display received data.

             - TE displays text (interpreting control sequences
               if appropriate)

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

             - same as tty_write.  Host side MOWSE code must
               ensure no other TE bound characters intervene
               if the string does not fit into a single MOWSE
The  read  entry  points are more complex and at this point still
need  further  study  to  determine  the  underlying  design  for
implementation.    In   their   current   implementation,   these
interfaces  have  several  'kludge' uses to turn echoing off when
certain  argument  values  are  used  (eg, line size of 0).  Host
echoing  is  also  performed by the hcs_$tty_read* entrypoints if
echo  negotiation races are detected.  In the MOWSE support case,
this  echoing  will  not  be  done.   The  video  system  already
implements  host  echoing  and  this will be sufficient for those
cases  requiring  it.  (No major efficiency loss should occur, as
the expensive process wakeup will already have occurred in either

These  entrypoints  will  require  that  the  TE support the READ
functions  as  described  in  MTB-708.   These  are  actually one
command with 3 parameters:

          READ echoed/unechoed, 0/non-0 limit, block/no-block

The entrypoints are:

             - in all but the 'kludge' cases this is the echo
               negotiated read initiator.  The TE would be given
               the command READ(echoed,limit=screen left,block).
             - echoing stops on a break character.
             - type ahead is not echoed by TE

          tty_read                                                |
             - this is an unechoed read

Magnitude of Video system changes

The  total  changes  to  the  video system for DSA involve on the
order of 500 lines of code modifications and additions.  The work
required for MOWSE should be of this order.  As noted above, much
of  these  changes is very straight forward and simple.  The bulk
of the work has been done in identifying and implementing changes
for DSA support.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

5.  MOWSE Major Capabilities

The  MOWSE  Internal  Functions  provide  MOWSE  with  a means of
communicating  special  information  between  each  of  the MOWSE
components  on  the  systems  using  the  MOWSE environment.  For
instance,  MOWSE must maintain  certain data information  such as
the  Capability   Address  Table  (CAT)  which   keeps  track  of
applications which are  known to MOWSE.  It is  necessary for all
of the "MOWSEs"  to know about this information and  each must be
told  of  changes  to  this  information.   This  is done through
internal MOWSE functions.

The  following  is  a  description  of  the  functions  which are
performed by each of the Internal MOWSE Functions.


       When the application running on the remote system requests
       the library function "execute_command" this MOWSE function
       is  invoked  which  causes  the  specified  command  to be
       executed on the local system.

       This  function  is  to  be  used  primarily  to load MOWSE
       applications  on the  local system.   The application that
       made  the request  (from the  remote system)  should be  a
       MOWSE  application that  is  identified  in the  CAT.  The
       reason for this  is that a return error  message must have
       somewhere to go in the event of a failure.

       A message will be  returned via "execute_command_reply" to
       the remote system.  This message will indicate whether the
       "execute_command" succeeded or failed.


       When a MOWSE application on  the remote system adds itself
       to  the CAT via  the library call  "create_instance", this
       function updates the local CAT for the remote system.


       When  a MOWSE  application  on  the remote  system deletes
       itself    from   the    CAT   via    the   library    call
       "destroy_instance",  this function  updates the  local CAT
       for the remote system.


MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

       This function places the  contents of the message directly
       into  the  terminal  buffer  as  the  result  of  a remote
       application     requesting     the     library    function
       "put_terminal_data"  .  The foreground  application, which
       is  handling  I/O  such   as  the  terminal  emulator,  is
       responsible for the display of this buffer.


       When the application running on the remote system requests
       one     of      the     functions     "put_error_message",
       "put_background_message", or "put_background_query", MOWSE
       places  the  contents  of  the  message  directly into the
       background   message  buffer   of  the   MOWSE  which   is
       responsible  for  user  I/O.    If  this  MOWSE  component
       contains  this responsibility,  the information  is passed
       via this MOWSE function.  The foreground application which
       is  handling   I/O  such  as  the   terminal  emulator  is
       responsible  for  the  display  of  the  contents  of this

       A message  will be returned  to "background_message_reply"
       on the remote system.   This message will indicate whether
       the placing of the contents of the message into the buffer
       succeeded or failed.


       After   a  local   MOWSE  application   has  requested   a
       "put_to_background_buffer"  on  the  remote  system,  this
       function  will be invoked  indicating that the  request to
       place a  message into the background  buffer was completed
       on the remote system.

       If the message indicates a failure in the attempt to place
       the  message into  the  background  message buffer  on the
       remote system, the background message is stored in a local
       queue of background messages  for future extraction by the
       remote system through "extract_background_message".


       When the application running on the remote system requests
       the   function  "display_background_message"   this  MOWSE
       function  is  invoked  on  the  local  system  only if the
       remote's  background buffer  is  empty  yet it  knows that
       there are pending background messages in the local queue.

       If  there  are  any  messages  in  the  queue, each of the
       pending  messages  are  sent  to  the  remote  system  via

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07


       A  remote  application  may  request  the library function
       "sleep", usually because all error and message buffers are
       full.   At this  request, no  messages are  allowed to the
       application, with the  exception of "terminate_capability"
       and "reset_capability",  until the remote  application has
       "awaken".  This  forces all calls  to "execute_capability"
       by a local  application to fail until the  sleep period of
       the application has expired.

       This function sets the sleep  flag in the Multics CAT, for
       the specified application.


       When  the   specified  sleep  time  period   of  a  remote
       application  has  expired,  the  remote  system  sends the
       "reset_sleep_flag"  request  to  the  local  MOWSE.   This
       causes  MOWSE to clear  the sleep flag  in the CAT  of the
       entry   of  the    application  specified.    This  allows
       subsequent  calls  to  the  remote  application  (via  the
       library function "execute_capability")  to pass through to
       the remote capability.


       When an  application requests that another  application be
       reset,  MOWSE will set  a flag so  that it may  ignore all
       messages  which  may  occur  between  the  time  which the
       reset_capability request was made and when the application
       to  be reset was  notified.  This internal  function tells
       MOWSE  to  clear  the  "being  reset"  flag  for the reset


       A  remote  application  may  request  to  connect  to  the
       application.   The  application   must  then  perform  the
       necessary functions to accept or reject the request.


       A  remote application may  request to disconnect  from the
       application.   The  application   must  then  perform  the
       necessary functions to accept or reject the request.


       The   request  for   connection  to   an  application  has
       completed,  and the status  of rejection or  acceptance is

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design


       The  request  for  disconnection  from  an application has
       completed,  and the status  of rejection or  acceptance is

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

6.  MOWSE Commands

6.1.  PC Commands

Entering MOWSE:


Syntax:  mowse {/control_args}

   Enters  the PC  MOWSE terminal  environment.  This environment
   provides a teletype terminal  connection to Multics.  The user
   can  now communicate  with Multics   with the  PC acting  as a
   terminal.  To run software on  Multics and/or the PC that uses
   the WS  subroutine library, the user  must subsequently invoke
   MOWSE on  Multics (see the attach_mowse  command for Multics).
   Any  argument  values  specified  on  the  command  line  will
   override any  conflicting specifications included in  the file
   specified  with  the  /F   option.   In  addition,  the  first
   specification  of an  argument value  overrides any subsequent
   specification for the same parameter.  In the case of using /L
   to  load  applications,  ALL  the  applications  specified are
   loaded, whether they are specified  on the command line, or in
   the file used with /F.

   /B BAUD
       This is the  baud rate for the specific line  that you are
       using.  This may be from 110 bps to 9600 bps.  (DEFAULT --
       The  communications port  (COM1 and  COM2) number provides
       the user  (applications) with a means  of specifying which
       communication port is to be used by MOWSE.
       1 - COM1 port (default)
       2 - COM2 port
       This is a one integer  specification of the number of Data
       bits in each byte of data coming over the line.
       7 - Seven data bits/byte (DEFAULT)
       8 - Eight data bits/byte                                   |
   /E N                                                           |
       Specifies  that  the  character  represented  by the octal |
       value N  is to be escaped  when the PAD transmits  it over |

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

       the communications link.                                   |
   /F FILE
       Specifies the name of a PC file which is to be analyzed by
       MOWSE  at  startup.   This  file  (created  by  the  user)
       contains  parameter   options  which  would   normally  be
       specified in  the MOWSE command line.  Any  of the options
       may be specified, except  /F itself.  (DEFAULT FILENAME --
       The  User  Software  Interrupt  -  97  to  101 inclusive -
       provides the user (application) with a means of setting up
       MOWSE  with  a  software  interrupt  number  which, to his
       knowledge,  is not  going to  be used  by any  application
       which will  be using MOWSE.  Only one  of these interrupts
       is required by MOWSE.  (DEFAULT -- 97).
       Specifies that  CAPABIL is to be loaded  as an application
       at the time  MOWSE is started up.  CAPABIL is  the name of
       the application to be loaded.   You may load more than one
       application at  a time, but  the name of  each application
       must be preceeded by /L.                                   |
   /N                                                             |
       Specifies that the communications  link is over a network. |
       This causes the end of packet character used in the PAD to |
       be a CR.   This argument must be used  in conjunction with |
       the -network argument to the attach_mowse command.         |
       This is a one letter indication of Parity.
       E - Even (DEFAULT)
       O - Odd
       M - Mark
       S - Space
       N - None
       This is a one integer  specification of the number of stop
       bits in each byte of data coming over the line.
       1 - One stop bit/byte (DEFAULT)
       2 - Two stop bits/byte

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

Exiting MOWSE:


Syntax:  exitmows

   Exits the  MOWSE terminal environment  on the PC  and restores
   the  interrupt vectors to  their original value  (before MOWSE
   was invoked.)

   Before exiting  MOWSE, you must  detach MOWSE on  Multics (see
   the detach_mowse command for Multics).

   In addition, a region of the PC memory which MOWSE occupied is
   written with  NULL bytes.  This  is to prevent  sensitive data
   from  remaining in  the PC's  memory when  the MOWSE  has been

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

6.2.  Multics Commands

Entering MOWSE:

attach_mowse, atm

Syntax:  attach_mowse {-control_args}

   Enters  the MOWSE  environment.  Sends   a message  to the  PC
   requesting that it enter  the complete MOWSE environment (i.e.
   accept MOWSE  messages).  On Multics, moves  the attachment of
   the  specified switch  to  a  mowse_i/o switch.   Attaches the
   first switch via mowse_i/o to the second.

Control arguments:
   -debug {path}
       Enables  packet   recording.   Writes  all   incoming  and
       outgoing  packets  to  the  specified  file,  defaults  to
       Disables packet recording.  (DEFAULT)
   -force, -fc
       Forces the  mowse_i/o attachment irregardless  of terminal
   -no_force, -nfc
       Does not force the mowse_i/o attachment thus requiring the
       terminal type setting "MOWSE".  (DEFAULT)
   -io_switch {switchname}, -iosw {switchname}
       Specifies  the switch  beneath which  the mowse_i/o switch
       will be attached.  (DEFAULT -- user's login_channel)
   -start_up {entryname}, -su {entryname}
       Specifies which capabilities (if any)  are to be loaded at
       the initialization of MOWSE on Multics.
   -no_start_up, -nsu
       Does not allow start_up.  (DEFAULT)
   -trace {path}
       Enables tracing of Multics application messages by writing
       them to a Multics segment.  (DEFAULT -- trace.mowse_io_)
       Disables   tracing   of   Multics   application  messages.
       (DEFAULT)                                                  |
   -escape N, -esc N                                              |
       Specifies that  the N character (given as  an octal value) |
       is to be escaped when transmitted to the PC.               |
   -network                                                       |
       Specifies that  the connection to Multics from  the PC has |
       been established over a network.   This causes the PAD end |

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

       of  packet character  to be  a CR.   This must  be used in |
       conjunction with the /N argument to the PC MOWSE command.  |
   The MOWSE environment provides  a special connection between a
   Multics process  and a Personal Computer.  To  enter the MOWSE
   environment  on Multics,   the corresponding  environment must
   have  been previously  entered on  the PC.   To establish  the
   MOWSE environment, the user must:
       1. First enter the MOWSE environment on the PC
       2. Connect to Multics.
       3. Invoke MOWSE on Multics (attach_mowse).

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

Exiting MOWSE:

detach_mowse, dtm

Syntax:  detach_mowse

   Exits the MOWSE environment on  Multics and the remote system.
   Sends a message to the remote system requesting that it return
   to the MOWSE terminal environment.   (i.e.  do not process any
   future  MOWSE requests)  Removes mowse_i/o  from the specified
   switch on Multics.

   To completely exit the MOWSE  environment, the user must first
   exit  the Multics  MOWSE environment,  and then  the PC  MOWSE
   terminal  environment.   To  exit  the  MOWSE environment, the
       1. Quits MOWSE on Multics (detach_mowse).
       2. Quits MOWSE terminal environment on the PC (exitmows).

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

7.  Installing MOWSE on the PC

Downloading MOWSE

If you have file transfer facilities:

If  you  have  a  PC-Multics  file  transfer  facility capable of
transferring  binary  files,  the  process  of  downloading MOWSE
involves  transferring  the  files  MOWSE.COM  and  BFT.COM  from
Multics to the PC.  These files are located in the >unb directory
on Multics.

If you do NOT have PC-Multics file transfer facilities:

In this case,  it is necessary to type in a  Basic program on the
PC   in  order   to  download   MOWSE.   The   basic  program  is
approximately 100 lines  long.  This will allow you to  log on to
Multics from where the transfer will begin.  It will transfer the
two  binary files  named MOWSE.COM  and BFT.COM.   Note that this
program is NOT a general purpose file transfer facility.

Once the program is entered you use the RUN function key to start
it working  or type 'run'.  You  then have to log  on to Multics.
The PC will act as a  Multics terminal until you type 'load_mowse
{filename}', where  filename is or  This will
place  the  program  into  file  transfer  mode.   It  will begin
transferring  the file  named.  It   does this  in the  following

-the basic program starts load_mowse on Multics
     -load_mowse reads 8 chars from the binary file MOWSE.COM
     -load_mowse converts these to ascii and adds a checksum
     -load_mowse sends this packet to the PC basic program
     -load_mowse waits for a reply(ACK/NACK) before sending
      the next packet or aborting the transfer accordingly

-the PC reads the incoming packet and checks it against
 the checksum
-on any error the program is aborted and everything is lost
-if the checksum is all right then the PC decodes the ascii
 transmission and saves it in the appropriate file
-the PC then sends a request to load_mowse to send the
 next packet
-when both files are transferred you return to Multics
 command level

The same process is followed for BFT.COM.

When the  transfer finishes you  are returned to  Multics command
level so that you can logout.  To exit the PC program you hit the
ESC key.  This returns you to basic on the PC.

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

Load_mowse on Multics works in the following way:
1) it finds MOWSE.COM (or BFT.COM)
2) it reads a fixed number of characters from the file into bit
          01 bit_string_in
             02 drop bit(1)
             02 top  bit(4)
             02 bot  bit(4)
3) it adds 32 (concatenates "0010"b) to top and bot to form
   new_top and new_bot which are ascii characters
          01 bit_string_out
             02 new_top bit(8)
             02 new_bot bit(8)
4) it creates a check sum from outgoing characters
5) it puts the characters and check sum on the communication line
   to the PC
6) it waits for a reply from the PC and then repeats until
   MOWSE.COM is finished
7) it then does the same thing for BFT.COM
8) it returns to command level when done

Multics Entry:  load_mowse

Function:   To transfer  MOWSE.COM and   BFT.COM to  the PC  when
called by the file transfer Basic program.

Syntax:  load_mowse {filename}

   filename is the name of  the file to be transferred (


   Load_mowse can be  called by the Basic program from  the PC or
   from  Multics command  line.  It  transfers only  8 characters
   from the  *.COM file at  a time in  order not to  overflow any
   buffers along the communication  channel.  The checksum is the
   sum of all outgoing characters.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

8.  Glossary

AH Register
     Register used  to store a  MOWSE function number  so that an
     application can access the specific function.

AX Register
     Register used by each MOWSE function to store an error code.

     A program or  group of programs which are  required in order
     to  perform  a  useful  function,  such  as word processing,
     accounting,  calculation, games,  and education.   See also:
     Foreground  Application, Background  Application, and  MOWSE

Application Interface
     The subroutine  library that is used by  both foreground and
     background applications to commiunicate with MOWSE.

Background Activities
     Activities that do not utilize the display or keyboard input
     facilities  on Multics  or on  the Personal  Computer at any
     time except explicitly through MOWSE.

Background Application
     An  application running  in MOWSE   which does  not use  the
     keyboard or  display screen, and may use  the processor only
     under strictly  defined circumstances.  It should  be viewed
     as a subroutine  that is called by MOWSE  whenever a message
     is received  that is to  be analyzed by  the subroutine.  To
     distinguish  between  the  usually  understood  meanings  of
     "applications"    and   "subroutines",    MOWSE   background
     applications are referred to as "major capabilities".

Background Channel
     The logical channel for communications between applications.

Background Processing
     Occurs  when  a  background   application  is  processing  a
     background message.

     Acronym for  Background File Transfer.  Provides  a facility
     for  transferring files  between two  computers by  means of
     cooperating  processes  running  on  each  of the computers.
     This facility is intended to operate as a background process
     on  each computer.  BFT  is a MOWSE  application in that  it
     makes   use   of   MOWSE   facilities   for   user  I/O  and

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

     Acronym  for  Basic  Input/Output  System.   A collection of
     programs that control the handling of characters between the
     Central  Processing Unit and  other devices of  the computer
     system (keyboard, monitor, printer, etc.)  in the IBM PC.

     Any  function  that  a  system  is  capable  of  performing.
     Multics performs many functions, and therefore could be said
     to  have many  capabilities.  These  capabilities are  known
     only  to  Multics  and  used  solely  by  Multics.  The same
     applies  to   most  other  systems,  including   a  Personal

Capability Driver
     The software used to activate a capability.

Capability Loading
     The  act  of  making  a  capability  known  to  MOWSE.  This
     consists of requesting the  command processor to execute the
     program that provides the capability and having that program
     notify MOWSE of its entry points.

Capability Message
     A  variable length  sequence of  characters that  contains a
     major capability number, a minor capability number, and data
     parameters.  Multics  and the Personal  Computer communicate
     through capability messages.

     Acronym  for   Capability  Address  Table.   A   table  that
     maintains information  on the availability  of capabilities,
     the  calling  of  capabilities,  and  the  certain states of
     capabilities.    It  contains   the  name   of  each   major
     capability, and its program address.

     Acronym for Disk Operating  System.  A program which remains
     in  the  computer's  memory,  consisting  of instructions to
     enable the  computer to manage the storage  and retrieval of
     data from disks.  It also  enables the user to interact with
     the computer by entering commands at the console.

External Capability
     All capabilities  which are not directly  required for MOWSE

Foreground Activity
     Any activity which uses the terminal screen and keyboard.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

Foreground Application
     An application  that has control  over the use  fo a display
     screen  and  terminal   keyboard.   These  applications  are
     permitted  to  use  the  processor  by  default, except when
     required by the operating system.

Foreground Channel
     The logical channel transmitting all user I/O.

     Front-end Network Processor

Internal Capability
     Functions MOWSE requires in order to operate.

Interrupt Handler
     A procedure which serivces an interrupt.

     A  single  user  disk  operating  system for 8086/8088-based
     computers.   Through   MS-DOS,  you  communicate   with  the
     computer, disk drives, and printer, managing these resources
     to your advantage.

Major Capability
     A  MOWSE background  application, which  makes its existence
     known to MOWSE  and is prepared to accept  and process MOWSE

Major Capability Number
     A numerical identifier for  a major capability.  This number
     is used  by all programs  or other major  capabilities as an
     address  to  which  they  can  send  messages  to  the major

Minor Capability
     A specific  function to be performed by  a major capability.
     Each  major capability may  or may not  have a set  of minor
     capabilities  associated with  it.  For  example, the  major
     capability  'calculate' may  have minor  functions of 'add',
     'subtract',  'multiply',  and   'divide'.   There  are  some
     functions   (such  as   error  handling)   that  all   major
     capabilities  must be  prepared  to  support, and  these are
     assigned fixed minor capability numbers.

Minor Capability Number
     A numerical identifier for a minor capability.

MTB741-07                                            MOWSE Design

     Acronym  for  Multics  Online  Work  Station  Environment; a
     mechanism whereby  one system may dynamically  determine the
     capabilities present on another system and may utilize these

MOWSE Application
     A program that uses MOWSE.

     Stands  for "Packet  Assembly/Disassembly", a  routine that,
     given  a string  of data  to transmit  over a  communication
     facility, will assemble or  disassdmble the packets that are
     received or  transmitted over the  communications facilities
     that link the two computer systems.

     Acronym for  Personal Computer; in the context  of this MTB,
     an IBM PC or close equivalent running MS-DOS 2.0 or greater.

     Examines  all  messages  received  from  the  PAD  and takes
     appropriate  action  depending  on  whether  the  message is
     received over the foreground or the background channel.

MOWSE Design                                            MTB741-07

9.  Appendix

9.1.  Error Codes

The following is a list of  the PC error codes and their meaning.
Multics  errors are  not given   here, as  they are  presented in
standard Multics system error format.

Error codes between -1000 and -1200 are general
                    -1201 and -1300 are PC only
                    -1301 and -1400 are Multics only

Error Codes

  WSNOERR           0           No error
  WSACTIVE          -1000       MOWSE is currently active
  WSNOTACT          -1001       Mowse not active
  WSINVSYS          -1002       Invalid system number
  WSINVMCB          -1003       Invalid MCB pointer
  WSINVNUM          -1005       Invalid capability number
  WSSUSPND          -1006       Suspended
  WSERROR           -1007       Some kind of error
  WSINVMIN          -1008       Invalid minor capability
  WSBUFOVR          -1009       Buffer Overflow
  WSDISPEN          -1010       Disconnect pending
  WSCNTCRE          -1011       Couldn't create instance
  WSINVNAM          -1012       Invalid capability name
  WSINVTIM          -1013       Invalid sleep interval
  WSNOSPND          -1014       Not suspended
  WSSLPING          -1015       Already sleeping
  WSNOMESS          -1201       No background message
  WSINVBUF          -1202       Invalid buffer size
  WSINVCAT          -1203       Invalid CAT entry
  WSINVENM          -1301       Invalid entry name
  WSINVCON          -1302       Invalid connect status