Multics Technical Bulletin                                 MTB770
MRDS Query Language

To:      Distribution

From:    John Hergert

Date:    11/05/87

Subject: MRDS DSL Query Language Changes

1 Abstract

This  document describes  a proposal   for a  new query  language
designed to replace Multics  Relational Data Store's current Data
Sub-Language (DSL).   This new language incorporates  many of the
features considered  mandatory for a relational  database manager

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or comments should be sent to the author:

via Multics Mail:
   Hergert on Ford_A

via US Mail:
   John Hergert
   Ford Motor Company
   20000 Rotunda Drive
   ECC Row 207-5 MD-1
   Dearborn Mich. 48121

via telephone:
   John Hergert    (313) 845-9351


Multics  project  internal  working  documentation.   Not  to  be
reproduced or distributed outside the Multics project without the
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MTB770                                 Multics Technical Bulletin
                                              MRDS Query Language

Multics Technical Bulletin                                 MTB770
MRDS Query Language

2 Introduction

     This  document  describes  a  new  parser  and  grammar as a
replacement  to  the  DSL  subroutine  interface  to  MRDS.  This
grammar  is intended  to be  upward compatible  with the existing
query language so as to be completely transparent to any user who
does not wish  to be affected by it.  At the  same time it offers
the  flexibility  and  sophistication  of  the  current  trend in
database  query languages.  This  merger produced a  hybrid query
language consisting  of the best points of  the original language
and those of the current "state of the art" query languages based
on SQL.

     The query  language is described in detail  in the following
sections  with the  BNF of  the grammar  listed in  the appendix.
MRDS  will not support  all of these  new features when  this new
language is  first released.  The  intent however, is  to provide
language support for any and all possible future endeavors.  Some
of  the features,  like not  having to  use parentheses  in where
clause, will  be available in  the first version  since they come
for "free" with the LALR  parser generator tool used to construct
the parser.

MTB770                                 Multics Technical Bulletin
                                              MRDS Query Language

3 Language Definition

3.1 Selection Expressions

     A  selection expression  can consist  of either  one of  two
groups  of  text  strings.   The  first  group  called,  "control
orders", allows  a selection expression  to be any  of "-another,
-compiled,  or -current".   The -another  order requests  the dsl
retrieve  entry point  to return   "another" tuple  based on  the
previously supplied selection  expression.  The "-compiled" order
requests  the  dsl  entrypoint   to  use  a  previously  compiled
selection expression,  and the "-current" order  requests the dsl
entrypoint to use the same tuple it used for the most recent call
to dsl.

     The other group is known as a "query" and allows a selection
expression to be an actual  'selection expression'.  That is, the
string   that  one   uses  to   query  a   database,  usually   a
range-select-where combination,  called a query clause.   A query
clause may  be followed by  one of three  set operators, "-inter,
-differ, or -union" and then another query clause to form another
query.   A  query  may  be  followed  by  another  query  clause.
Parentheses are optional and may  be placed around a query.  They
are used  to indicate precedence  of set operators  since none is
implied.  Evaluation is from left to right.


          RSW is a range-select-where combination, or query clause.
          Any of the following constructs is valid.

RSW -inter RSW
RSW -inter RSW -union RSW
((RSW) -inter (RSW)) -union (RSW -inter RSW)

3.2 Query Clause

     A query clause must consist of  a range clause followed by a
select clause.  Optionally, a where clause may follow these, or a
group clause may follow.  If a where clause follows, then a group
clause may optionally follow it.


            These are the only constructs allowed.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                 MTB770
MRDS Query Language


3.3 Range Clause

     A range clause is used to define the range of relations that
the selection expression will be  operating on.  The range clause
must  start  with  the  keyword  "-range".   The  keyword must be
followed by a list of range items.   Each item in the list can be
represented by  an open parentheses followed by  a relation label
followed by a relation followed by a close parentheses, or just a
relation.  Any item  in the list may optionally be  followed by a
plus  sign "+".  This  indicates that it  is participating in  an
outer join comparison.

     A  relation  can  be  specified  by  using  its  name, a .V.
argument  substitution  character  used  to  identify a temporary
relation,   or  a   label.relation  reference   where  the  label
identifies the database that the relation belongs to.


          Any of the following constructs is valid.

The current syntax:
         -range (p parts)

The parts relation with a label and the vehicle relation:
         -range (p parts) vehicle

The parts relation with no label:
         -range parts

The parts and vehicle relation in an outer join:
         -range parts vehicle+

A temp relation and a label for the parts relation in a
a foreign db named prod, in an outer join situation:
         -range (t .V.)+ (p

3.4 Select Clause

     A  select clause  is used  to define  what the  query is  to
return  or "select"  from the  database.  The  select clause must

MTB770                                 Multics Technical Bulletin
                                              MRDS Query Language

start with the keyword "-select".   It may optionally be followed
by the keyword "-dup", indicating that duplicate tuples should be
returned.  Then a select item list is required.  This may consist
of  a  single  star  "*"  to  indicate  all  attributes should be
returned,  or any  number of  attribute identifiers  separated by

     An attribute identifier is the attributes name, or the label
or  relation name  supplied in   the range  clause followed  by a
period  "."  followed  by the  attributes name.   The second type
(a.b  format) is  only required   if the  attributes name  is not
unique  across all  relations specified  in the  range clause.  A
star  may  be  appended  to  this  second  type  when  defining a
temporary relation, to indicate that the attribute is to be a key
in the temporary relation.

     A select item list may also consist of expressions.  See the
section entitled "Expressions" for details on the construction of
expressions.  Expressions  in select clauses may  not contain .V.
or  .X.  argument  substitution  characters.   They must  also be
enclosed in parentheses.

     A select  item list may be  followed by the string  "::" and
some name.  This name becomes an  alias and can be used to rename
attributes when defining temporary relations.


          Any of the following constructs is valid.

Select the attribute p, or all attributes in the relation p,
depending on the context:
         -select p

Select the attributes number and date from the relation
identified by p:
         -select p.number

Select the attribute number from the relation p and use it as a
key to a new temp relation. Call it new_number:
         -select p.number* :: new_number

Select the attributes count and date from relation p.
Multiply count by 2:
         -select (2*p.count)

Select the attributes name and address from the relation e.
Concatenate the string "MR. " before the name, take the first

Multics Technical Bulletin                                 MTB770
MRDS Query Language

5 characters of address:
         -select ("MR. "|| (substr(e.address 1 5))

Select the attribute number from the relation, multiply it by 3,
add 2 and use it as a key for a temporary relation. Call it new_number:
         -select (2+3*number)*::new_number

3.5 Where Clause

     The  where  clause  is  used  to  qualify  tuples  that  are
selected.  If  no where clause  is supplied, all  tuples selected
will be returned.   The where clause must start  with the keyword
"-where" and be  followed by a qualifier.  A qualifier  is a list
of  terms separated  by either  of the  logical operator keywords
"-or", or "-and".   The logical operator symbols "|"  and "&" are
also  valid.  Any term  can be preceded  by the logical  operator
keyword "-not"  or symbol "^".  Evaluation  precedence is:  "not"
first, "and" second, "or" last.   A qualifier may optionally have
parentheses   around  it   to  change   the  default   evaluation

A term has 4 valid syntactical constructs.

         A "comparison" construct
         A "like" construct
         A "null" construct
         A "between" construct

     In the following explanations,  a reference to an expression
refers   to   the   explanation   under   the   section  entitled

     A comparison construct allows  comparisons between values to
be done.  It must have an  item followed by a comparison operator
followed by another item.

     A  comparison operator  can be  a relational  operator or  a
relational operator followed by either "-any_of" or "-all_of".  A
comparison  can  also  be  either  of  the  keywords  "-is_in" or
"-is_not_in".  These  are all for list  operations.  A relational
operator is the normal "=", "^=", "<", etc.

     An item in a comparison construct can be an expression, or a
list  or constants  in parentheses  or a  selection expression in
parentheses,  or the current  style expression that  has brackets
around it.   It can also  be the argument  substitution character

MTB770                                 Multics Technical Bulletin
                                              MRDS Query Language


Where "part" in relation p is equal to "part" in relation d:
         -where p.part = d.part

Where the attribute "part" is not less than 123
         -where part ^< 123

Where the attribute "number" is equal to either 1, 2 or 3:
         -where p.number -is_in (1,2,3)

Where the attribute "part" times 4 plus 6 is equal to 1-6:
         -where 2*3+4*p.part = -any_of (1,2,3,4,5,6)

Where "part" is equal to any value returned by the second
selection expression:
         -where p.part = (-range parts -select part -where p.number = 2)

     The "like" construct allows  regular expression searching in
a where clause.  It must start  with an attribute definition or a
function.   Functions  are  explained  in  the  Function section.
Following  these must  be either  of the  keywords "-is_like"  or
"-is_not_like"  and finally  a regular  expression string,  whose
syntax is yet to be defined.


Where the value of the attribute "part" ends in "valve":
         -where p.part -is_like "*valve"

Where the value of the attribute "part" does not end in "valve":
         -where p.part -is_not_like "*valve"

     The  "null" construct allows  checking for "NULL"  values in
the database.   This must start with an  attribute definition and
be   followed   by   either   of   the   keywords  "-is_null"  or


Where the value of the attribute "part" is null:
         -where p.part -is_null

Where the value of the attribute "part" is not null:
         -where p.part -is_not_null

Multics Technical Bulletin                                 MTB770
MRDS Query Language

     The "between" construct allows checking to see if a value is
between two  others.  That is, it  is greater than the  first but
less than the  second, or in the not_between case,  less than the
first  or  greater  than  the  second.   It  must  start  with an
expression, be  followed by either of  the keywords "-is_between"
or  "-is_not_between", then  followed by  another expression, the
keyword  "-and"   or  the  operator  "&",   and  finally  another


Where the attribute "part" is greater than 2 times the attribute "c"
and less than 4 times "c":
         -where p.part -is_between 2*p.c -and 4*p.c

Where the first two characters of the attribute "name" is between
two user supplied values:
         -where substr(, 1, 2) -is_between .v. & .v.

3.5.1 Expressions

     An expression consists of an  item followed by an arithmetic
operator followed by another item, or just an item by itself.  An
arithmetic operator  is either a "+","-","*",or  "/".  Precedence
of evaluation is  "*" and "/" first, "+" and  "-" last, done left
to right.  Parentheses may be used around an expression to change
the order of evaluation.

     An item  in an expression can  be a function, a  constant, a
.V., or an attribute definition.  Any of these may be followed by
the  symbol "||"  and then  another item.   This symbol indicates
concatenation.   Any of  these items   may also  be preceeded  by
either the symbol "+", or "-", to indicate a positive or negative

     An attribute  definition can be either an  attribute name, a
relation name followed  by a period then an attribute  name, or a
database  label followed  by a  period, a  relation name,  and an
attribute name.


Two times a user supplied value, plus 1:

MTB770                                 Multics Technical Bulletin
                                              MRDS Query Language

The first occurrence of 0 in the foreign attribute "parts":
         -index(, "0")

Just the attribute "part":

Concatenate a "MR. " before the attribute "name":
         "MR. "||

3.5.2 Functions

     A function must  start with a function name,  be followed by
an open parentheses, one or more expressions separated by commas,
and ended with a close parentheses.


The first occurrence of 2 in the attribute part:
         index(p.part, "2")

Count the different values of the attribute "p":

Return the substring of the attribute "name" starting at a user
supplied value:
         substr(, .V.)

3.6 Order Clause

     The order  clause is used to  sort the data selected  by the
selection  expression.   The  order  clause  must  start with the
keyword  "-order_by".   It  must  be  followed  by  one  or  more
expressions  separated  by  commas.   The  order  in  which these
expressions  are   supplied  dictates  the  sort   order.   These
expressions must  specify items that were selected  in the select
clause.  Any  of them may be  followed by either of  the keywords
"-ascending" or "-descending".  If  neither of these are supplied
"-ascending"  is assumed.  .V.   or .X.  are  not allowed in  the
order clause.


Sort by the attribute "parts" in descending order:
         -order_by -descending

Multics Technical Bulletin                                 MTB770
MRDS Query Language

Sort by the attribute "number" in ascending order and within number,
sort by 2 times the attribute "parts" in descending order:
         -order_by p.number, 2* -descending

3.7 Group Clause

     The group clause is used  to elevate set values specified in
the select clause to scalar values.   It is only useful when both
set and  scalar values are  specified in the  same select clause.
The effect is to collect the many values returned by an attribute
reference into separate groups.

     The  group clause must  start with the  keyword "-group_by",
and be followed by an  expression.  It may optionally be followed
by  a  "having_clause",  which   serves  to  qualify  the  groups
specified in the group clause.   A "having_clause" is exactly the
same  as  a  WHERE  clause  except  the  initial  keyword must be
"-having".   The substitution  characters .V.   and .X.   are not
allowed in a group clause.


List the average salary for all job categories:
         -range emp
         -select job (avg(salary))
         -group_by job

List the average salary for programmers and analysts:
         -range emp
         -select job (avg(salary))
         -group_by job -having job = "PROG" | job = "ANAL"

MTB770                                 Multics Technical Bulletin
                                              MRDS Query Language

4.  Implementation Details

4.1 Introduction

     The  new  parser  system  consists  of  three logical parts.
These are a control part, an error reporting part, and the actual
parser part.  The control part allows controlling the actions and
operation  of the  parser and  error reporting  part.  The  error
reporting part handles the  condition mechanism and error message
formatting and displaying mechanism.  The parser part consists of
the  actual  scanner,  parser,  semantics  analyzer  and  related
support routines.

4.2 Control Section

     A  new command  has been  added to  enable the  user to more
directly  control MRDS.   The command  is called set_mrds_options
and has a short name of smo.  The smo command allows the setting,
resetting  and  listing  of  various  options  relating  to  MRDS
selection  expressions.  With  the smo  command the  user has the
option   of  turning  off   or  on  the   print_search_order  and
no_optimize flags  which are currently only settable  by the -pso
and -no_ot keywords in the selection expression.  He also has the
option    of    turning    off    or    on    two    new   flags,
print_selection_expression  and  error_report.   Turning  on  the
print_selection_expression  or  pse  flag  causes  a successfully
parsed  selection expression to  be formatted and  displayed over
the user_i/o  switch.  The error_report  or er switch  enables or
disables  the   new  error  reporting  mechanism   including  the
signalling of mrds_se_error_ when a selection expression error is
detected.  Resetting this switch  causes MRDS to report selection
expression  errors only  via the  returned error  code as  it has
always done.

These  switches are set  per-process and consequently  affect all
selection expressions evaluated across all database openings in a
process.  They are intended mainly  for debug purposes.  A -reset
control argument resets all of  the values to their defaults, and
the -list control argument displays  the current settings for all
of the  switches.  A -pso  or -no_ot in  the selection expression
will take precedence over any  setting via the smo command unless
the  -force control  argument was  used when  setting the switch.
The complete  info segment for  set_mrds_options can be  found in
appendix E.

4.3 Error Reporting

Multics Technical Bulletin                                 MTB770
MRDS Query Language

4.3.1 Introduction

     MRDS  error  reporting  has  always  been  a  source of much
controversy and  many complaints.  With  the new parser  comes an
opportunity  to  create  an  error  reporting  mechanism  that is
actually helpful.

     To be truly helpful MRDS  should offer more information than
something such as "Syntax error  in selection expression" when an
error  is   discovered  during  the  parsing   of  the  selection
expression.   It should  return as  much accurate  information as
possible to the  user to help him in diagnosing  the problem.  If
MRDS "knows" what  the problem is, that fact  should be reported.
To this end, much time was spent in designing the error reporting

     The LALR parser generating system which was used to generate
the  new   parser  offers  2  methods  of   error  detection  and
correction.  These  are local recovery and  skip recovery.  Local
error recovery attempts to "guess" at what the orginal intent was
based  upon context.   Skip error  recovery tries  to ignore  the
error and continue  on at some point after the  error where it is
more  sure of  itself.  Both   of these  methods are  intended to
detect as many errors as possible during one pass.  While this is
certainly  an  admirable  and   worthwhile  goal,  it  proved  to
difficult and  dangerous to fold  into MRDS in  this project time
frame.  The limiting factor was  in integrating severity of error
into MRDS and  then reporting it.  While it is  generally safe to
assume  that a  missing right  parentheses in  a range  clause is
harmless and should cause no  problem in evaluating the selection
expression, the same  assumption can not be made  about a missing
right parentheses in the where clause.

     For  these reasons  it was  decided to  implement the parser
with only single error detection and reporting.

4.3.2 General Overview

     The MRDS selection expression error reporting system will be
based  upon a new  condition called "mrds_se_error_".   This will
require a  change to default_error_handler_ to deal  with the new
condition.  The condition will be  signalled whenever an error is
detected in the parsing of the selection expression.  This can be
a syntax  error, or a logic  error such as specifying  a relation
that doesnt exist.   Error codes will continue to  be returned as
they  are now.   The mrds_se_error_  condition info  structure is
defined in appendix D.

MTB770                                 Multics Technical Bulletin
                                              MRDS Query Language

     If  the  user  does  not  handle  the  condition the default
operation will be  to print an error message  on the error_output
switch.  The  error message will  contain a formatted  version of
the  selection expression,  the text  version of  the error  code
returned, and an optional string  used to clarify the error.  The
error message has the following format:

Error: MRDS <1> error.

Where <1>  is derived from mrds_se_error_info.error_type and
will be one of the following strings:
 Selection Expression
 Range Clause
 Select Clause
 Where Clause
 Where Clause Function
 Where Clause Expression
 Access Violation
 Internal Logic

<2> will be the text version of the error code contained in
<3> is an optional message that is used to clarify the error.
    It is contained in mrds_se_error_info.error_msg
<4> is the selection expression displayed in a format where keywords
    start on a new line and any line greater than 79 characters is
    broken and started on the next line. A pointer, the carat (^), is used to
    point at the offending token. It is derived from
    mrds_se_error_info.formatted_select_expr.se_ptr and

An error message might look like the following:

 Error: MRDS Range Clause error.
 A specified relation name is undefined in the submodel.
 The relation 'foo' is unknown in this opening.
 -range (f foo)
 -select f.far

4.3.3 Scanner Errors

     The only  errors the scanner  will complain about  are those
that  prevent it  from returning  a token.   These are incomplete
character strings and numbers, or  tokens that are too long.  All

Multics Technical Bulletin                                 MTB770
MRDS Query Language

other  errors are  left to  the parser  and semantic  analyzer to
discover and report.

     All errors  discovered in the  scanner will be  reported via
the    mrds_se_error_   condition   mechanism.     The   variable
mrds_se_error_info.error_type  and the  field labeled  <1> in the
error   message  will   always  contain   the  string  "Selection
Expression".   The variable mrds_se_error_info.error_msg  and the
field labeled  <3> in the  error message will  always contain the
offending token wrapped in single quotes.

4.3.4 Parser Errors

     Error  messages the  parser can   return are  of two  types.
Parser logic errors, where the  parser fails due to some internal
limitation,  or grammatical  syntax errors.   Parser logic errors
should be  very few and may  or may not cause  the mrds_se_error_
condition  to be  signalled.  Grammar  syntax errors  will always
cause the mrds_se_error_ condition to be signalled.  The value of
mrds_se_error_info.error_type    will   always    be   "Selection
Expression",  and the  mrds_se_error_info.header.status_code will
always  be  mrds_error_$sell_syntax  (A  syntax  error  has  been
detected     within    the     selection    expression).      The
mrds_se_error_info.error_msg   will   contain   a   message  that
identifies the incorrect token and labels it as a symbol, number,
bit_string, string, keyword, or operator.

A parser error might look like one of the following.

Error: MRDS Selection Expression error.
A syntax error has been detected within the selection expression.
The unexpected operator "(" was encountered.
-range ((a one)
-select a.CH1

Error: MRDS Selection Expression error.
A syntax error has been detected within the selection expression.
The unexpected end of the selection expression was encountered.
-range (a one)
-select a.CH1

4.3.5 Semantic Errors

MTB770                                 Multics Technical Bulletin
                                              MRDS Query Language

The semantic  routines, depending on  the specific error,  may or
may not signal the  mrds_se_error_ condition.  Errors returned by
the  semantic routines  can be   of any  type but  will generally
report either  unimplemented request errors, where  the requested
syntax has not been written, or a general usage error.

The    semantic   routines    will   cause    the   contents   of
mrds_se_error_info.error_type to contain any of the Range Clause,
Select  Clause, Where  Clause,  etc.   strings as  describe above
depending    on     the    actual    error.      Generally    the
mrds_se_error_info.error_msg variable will  contain a descriptive
narrative of the problem.

4.4 Parser

     The  new parser  is designed   and created  with the  parser
generator system known as LALR.  LALR has provisions for creating
and  debugging a grammar,  and then for  generating a parser  and
skeletons of scanner and semantic analysis procedures and related
data structures to support the parser.

     The   existing  MRDS   parser  is   fairly  structured   and
modularized.   This allows  us to  basically "carve"  out the old
parser  and replace  it with  a new  one, relatively  cleanly and
easily.  The  old parser consists of seven  procedures.  They are
detailed here:

   called by higher level routines such as mrds_dsl_retrieve
   and mrds_dsl_modify. Serves to control parse.

   called by mrds_dsl_translate to parse and translate a range

   called by mrds_dsl_translate to parse and translate a select

   called by mrds_dsl_translate to parse and translate a where

   called by mrds_dsl_translate to parse and translate an
   expression in a where clause.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                 MTB770
MRDS Query Language

   called by mrds_dsl_translate to parse and translate a
   function in a where clause.

   serves sa scanner and is called by all of the above
   procedures to return the next token in the selection expression.

For the most part, the  algorithms and associated working code in
all of these modules is retained.

The new parser consists of  the following 8 procedures.  They are
detailed here.

   called by higher level routines such as mrds_dsl_retrieve
   and mrds_dsl_modify. This module handles simple selection
   expressions such as -compiled and -another. All other
   selection expressions are passed along to mrds_dsl_parser.

   This module is the parser engine. It includes the scanner
   and all of the state tables to make the parser function
   as a finite state machine. It detects parser syntax errors
   and causes the reporting of these and all errors detected
   during parsing. This is called by mrds_dsl_translate.

   This module either does the actual work when a production
   is reduced by the parser or calls the appropriate utility
   module to do the work. This is called by mrds_dsl_parser.

   This module was the old mrds_dsl_select_clause. It was
   restructered but is functionally the same. Most of the
   internal procedures were made into entry points that are
   callable from mrds_dsl_semantics.

   This module was the old mrds_dsl_where_clause. It was
   restructered but is functionally the same. Most of the
   internal procedures were made into entry points that are
   callable from mrds_dsl_semantics.

   This module was the old mrds_dsl_expr. It was
   restructered but is functionally the same. Most of the
   internal procedures were made into entry points that are
   callable from mrds_dsl_semantics.

MTB770                                 Multics Technical Bulletin
                                              MRDS Query Language

   This module was the old mrds_dsl_. It was
   restructered but is functionally the same. Most of the
   internal procedures were made into entry points that are
   callable from mrds_dsl_semantics.

   This module is called to report errors. It formats
   the selection expression, builds the condition_info
   structure and signals the mrds_se_error_ condition.
   It is only called by mrds_dsl_parser.

     The old module mrds_dsl_get_token  was eliminated.  Parts of
its  functionality were  included in  mrds_dsl_parser$scanner and
mrds_dsl_semantics.   The  old  module  mrds_dsl_range_clause was
folded     into    mrds_dsl_semantics.     The     old    modules
mrds_dsl_where_clause, mrds_dsl_select_clause,  mrds_dsl_func and
mrds_dsl_expr  were reorganized  and had  there names  changed to
include a  trailing underscore.  Their functionality  and general
algorithms have been retained.

4.4.1 Scanner

     The scanner is driven from a set of state tables that reside
in  mrds_scanner_tables.incl.pl1.   In   this  include  file  are
declarations for token_type_list which  assigns a type to tokens,
char_class_list  which assigns classes  to all characters,  and a
num_state_table  which is  used to  driver number  parsing.  This
include file is documented in Appendix F.

For  all practical purposes  an unreserved keyword  scanner could
not  be built  for MRDS  using the  LALR parser  generator.  This
being the case, the new scanner currently recognizes 56 keywords.
They are declared in  the include file mrds_dsl_keywords.incl.pl1
which is  contained in Appendix F.  The  scanner tables generated
by the  LALR parser generator  allows for synonyms  to be defined
for any  of the keywords.   This allowed us  to keep the  list of
reserved words down but expand  MRDS' vocabulary.  Following is a
list of the synonymns that are currently defined.

Token       Synonyms

 <=          =<      ^>
 =           ^<>     ^><
 ^=           <>      ><
 >           ^<=     ^=<
 >=           =>     ^<
 <            ^>=    ^=>

Multics Technical Bulletin                                 MTB770
MRDS Query Language

 .V.          .v.
 .X.          .x.
 -range       -from
 &            -and
 |            -or
 ^            -not

5.  Conclusion

     This new  parser was beta  tested for 6  months before going
into production on  all 3 of Fords Multics systems.   It has been
in production for over a year as of this writing.

     Initial  start up  grumblings  were  of two  varieties.  The
first  type  actually  broke  applications.   The  new parser was
designed to  be upward compatible  with the old  parser.  However
the  old  parser,  due  solely  to  its  design,  allowed certain
mal-formed selection expressions to  be evaluated properly.  Most
common  of  these  were  where  clauses  that  ended  in  logical
operators, such as:

-where (a.b=c.d) & (d.e=f.g) &

Errors  of  this  type  were  the  result  of  dynamic  selection
expression  building  programs.   This  example  while syntactily
incorrect  was evaluated  properly by  the old  parser.  The  new
parser complains about it.  The other most common problem of this
type centered around token delimination.  The new parser requires
white  space around  keywords where  the old  one did  not.  Thus
selection expression such as:

-range (a b) -select a-where a.b=2

were accepted  by the old  parser.  The new  parser will complain
about the  attribute a-where not  being valid in  the a relation.
This problem is centered around the fact that MRDS allows hyphens
in  attribute names and  also uses them  to delimit keywords  and
serve as  the subtraction operator.  Large  amounts of heuristics
in the old parser allowed  the hyphen to be interpreted properly.
The  new parser put  the restriction that  all key words  must be
preceeded by  white space.  The other two  cases, subtraction and
hyphens  in  attributes  are  determine  heuristically,  with  no

The other major problem, while  not fatal to applications, caused
general   unrest  in  one   of  our  larger   applications.   The
application was designed to "guess"  at what the user wanted.  In
doing this,  it would select relation  and attribute combinations

MTB770                                 Multics Technical Bulletin
                                              MRDS Query Language

that  were not  always correct  and build  a selection expression
around  them.  The  application would  then catch  the error code
returned  from  MRDS  and  try  again  with  a  different  set of
relations  and  attributes.   This  was  its  normal and accepted
operation.   When the  new parser  discovered the  error it would
report  it   by  signalling  the  mrds_se_error_   condition  and
generating the output error message.   This problem was solved by
having the user turn the error  reporting off via the smo -er off

These problems  were the most  visible but affected  a very small
percentage of  the user base.  All  of the users were  amiable to
changing their  code to work  properly with the  new parser under
the guise that their code was wrong and depended on inherent bugs
in the old  parser to function.  They also  were eagerly awaiting
not having to use "all those parentheses".

Multics Technical Bulletin                                 MTB770
MRDS Query Language

                            Appendix A

                        Points of Interest

These are new  features that the parser is now  capable of.  They
are not all implemented, but  the framework is supplied for them.
Only items 7, and 8 are implemented in the first version.

 1) Sorting provisions by the ORDER clause.

 2) Grouping provisions by the GROUP clause.

 3) The use of expressions in the SELECT clause.

 4) The use of aliases in the SELECT clause, to name new
    attributes in the definition of temporary relations.

 5) When a specified attribute or relation is obvious, a
    tuple variable is not required.  It is optional though.

 6) Reflexive properties for WHERE clause primaries.  For
    example:  a.b=.v is the same as .v.=a.b

 7) Operator precedence for logical and arithmetic operators
    without the use of parentheses.  Parentheses are optional.

 8) Expanded set of relational operators.

 9) Complete regular expression searching in WHERE clause.

 10) Additional expression capabilities in the WHERE clause.

 11) Simplification of naming relations in the RANGE clause.
     Relation labels are only required when referenced
     attributes are not unique.

 12) Outer join capabilities in the RANGE clause.

 13) Multi database support when referencing attributes.

 14) Expanded WHERE clause capabilities using the new keywords,
     -is_like, -is_null, and -is_between.

 15) Expanded WHERE clause relational capabilities using the
     new keywords, -any_of, and -all_of.

MTB770                                 Multics Technical Bulletin
                                              MRDS Query Language

                            Appendix B

                           BNF Tutorial

     The database query language  presented here are described in
a  syntax known   as BNF.   BNF is  a language   that is  used to
describe  grammars.  It  consists of  a set  of symbols  known as
terminals, variables  and delimiters.  Together, these  form what
are called productions.  A collection  of productions is known as
a rule.  A  collection of rules form a grammar  which defines the

     As  an example  of BNF,   the following  grammar defines  an
integer.  The delimiter "::=" should  be read as "is defined as",
and the delimiter "|" as  "or".  The delimiter "!"  indicates the
end of the  rule.  The terminals in this grammar  are the symbols
+, -, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0.  These tokens usually are not
enclosed in the brackets < >.  They are the lowest element in the
grammar  and  have  no  further  derivation.   The  variables are
<signed_integer>, <digits> and <digit>.   The start symbol is the
symbol <integer>.  The production  and rule numbers are displayed
for informational purposes only.

                                        Production number        Rule number
<integer> ::= <signed_integer> !                  1                   1

<signed integer> ::= + <digits> |                 2                   2
                     - <digits> |                 3
                       <digits> !                 4

<digits> ::= <digit> |                            5                   3
             <digits> <digit> !                   6

<digit> ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |                   7-16                4
            5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 !

     Rule 1 says an <integer> is a <signed_integer>.  Rule 2 says
a  <signed_integer> is  a plus  sign followed  by <digits>,  or a
minus sign followed  by <digits>, or just <digits>.   Rule 3 says
<digits> is a <digit>, or a <digits> followed by <digit>.  Rule 4
says that a <digit>  is any one of the ten terminals  0, 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

     The string "-123"  would be identified as an  integer by the
following production sequence.  Scanning  the string from left to
right, the  minus would go on  the stack as a  terminal.  The "1"
would be identified by production 8 as a <digit> and then reduced

Multics Technical Bulletin                                 MTB770
MRDS Query Language

to  production  5,  <digits>.   The  2  would  then  be  read and
identified  by production  9 as   a <digit>  and then  reduced to
production 6 because we already had  a <digits> and 6 says we can
have a  <digits> followed by a  <digit>.  The 3 would  be handled
the same  as the 2.  Upon  detecting the end of  the information,
production 5, <digits>, would reduce to 3, <signed_integer>, then
to  1 <integer>.   Any token   not defined  in the  grammar would
signal an error condition.

MTB770                                 Multics Technical Bulletin
                                              MRDS Query Language

                            Appendix C

                          BNF of Grammar


   To add a new production to the language, just insert the production in
   the appropriate place in this description of the grammar. Also create
   a new "prod (%%%%N): return;" sequence in the correct place, where N
   is the relative production number in the rule. Then use the command
   "lalr mrds_dsl". New tables will be created, a new mrds_dsl_semantics.pl1
   and a few other things. To test the new grammar use the command
   "lalrp mrds_dsl -trace". This invokes an interpretor that will wait
   for terminal input. Enter a sample grammar and end it with the string "EOI".
   After the grammar is proven correct the old mrds_dsl_semantics.pl1 will
   have to be modified to reflect the new grammar. Usually some of the
   productions have to be renumbered and code must be installed to handle the
   new ones.

   If a new kewyword was added then a new keyword table must also be created.
   This is done with the kwsl command: "kwsl mrds_dsl". It will create a
   new mrds_dsl.incl.pl1. This must renamed to mrds_dsl_keywords.incl.pl1
   and modified by changing the size of and adding the new level
   major_keyword according to the old mrds_dsl_keywords.incl.pl1

          Due to a bug in the LALR compiler the production
          <attrubute_spec> ::= <relation>.<attribute> has to be represented as
          <attribute_spec> ::= <symbol>.<symbol> which is syntactically

          -pso and -no_ot have been removed. Since they currently can
          exist anyplace in a selection expression, to maintain
          upward compatibility, their parsing was moved to the scanner.

          -another and -compiled have been removed from <control_order>.
          They will be handled outside of the parser.

          <control_order> was renamed <current_clause>


          <selection_expression> ::=
                    <current_clause>   |
                    <query> -order_by <order_spec_list> |
                    <query> !

Multics Technical Bulletin                                 MTB770
MRDS Query Language

          <current_clause> ::=
                    <current_header> |
                    <current_header> <select_list> !

          <current_header> ::= -current !

          <query> ::=
                    <query_expression> |
                    <query> <set_op> <query_expression>   !

          <set_op> ::=
                    -union |
                    -inter |
                    -differ   !

          <query_expression> ::=
                    <query_clause> |
                    ( <query> ) !

          <query_clause> ::=
                    <required_clause> |
                    <required_clause> <optional_clauses> !

          <required_clause> ::=
                    <range_clause> <select_clause> |
                    <select_clause> <range_clause> !

          <optional_clauses> ::=
                    <where_clause> |
                    <group_clause> |
                    <where_clause> <group_clause> !

          <group_clause> ::=
                    -group_by <simple_expr> |
                    -group_by <simple_expr> -having <qualifier> !

          <order_spec_list> ::=
                    <simple_expr> |
                    <simple_expr> <direction> |
                    <order_spec_list> , <simple_expr> |
                    <order_spec_list> , <simple_expr> <direction> !

          <direction> ::=
                    -ascending |
                    -descending !


MTB770                                 Multics Technical Bulletin
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          <range_clause> ::=
                     -range <range_def_list>   !

          <range_def_list> ::=
                    <sql_range_def_list> |
                    <dsl_range_def_list> !

          <sql_range_def_list> ::=
                    <sql_range> |
                    <sql_range_def_list> , <sql_range> !

          <sql_range> ::=
                    <sql_range_item> |
                    <sql_range_item> (+) !

          <sql_range_item> ::=
                    <relation_id> |
                    <relation_id> <relation_label> !

          <dsl_range_def_list> ::=
                    <dsl_range_item> |
                    <dsl_range_def_list> <dsl_range_item> !

          <dsl_range_item> ::=
                    ( <relation_label> <relation_id>) !

          <relation_id> ::=
                    <relation> |
                    <v_arg_substitution> |
                    <db_label>.<relation> !


          <select_clause> ::=
                    <select_header> * |
                    <select_header> <select_list> !

          <select_header> ::=
                    -select  |
                    -select -distinct  |
                    -select -dup  !

Multics Technical Bulletin                                 MTB770
MRDS Query Language

          <select_list> ::=
                    <select_item> |
                    <select_list> <select_item> !

          <select_item> ::=
                    <select_id> |
                    <select_id> :: <alias> !

          <select_id> ::=
                    <attribute> |
                    ( <simple_expr> ) |
                    ( <simple_expr> ) * |
                    <relation> . <attribute> |
                    <relation> . <attribute> * !


          <where_clause> ::=
                    -where <qualifier> !

          <qualifier> ::=
                    <qualifier_term> |
                    <qualifier> <or_op> <qualifier_term>  !

          <qualifier_term> ::=
                    <qualifier_factor> |
                    <qualifier_term> <and_op> <qualifier_factor> !

          <qualifier_factor> ::=
                    <predicate> |
                    <not_op> <predicate> !

          <predicate> ::=
                    <term> |
                    (<qualifier>) !

          <term> ::=
                    <expr_or_query> <comp_op> <expr_or_query> |
                    <expr_or_query> <is_in> ( <query_literal> ) |
                    <like_item> <like> <regular_expr> |
                    <attribute_spec> <is_null> |
                    <expr> <between> <expr> <and_op> <expr> !

          <expr_or_query> ::=
                    ( <query_literal> ) |
                    [ <old_func_or_expr> ] |

MTB770                                 Multics Technical Bulletin
                                              MRDS Query Language

                    <expr> |
                    <x_arg_substitution> !

          <query_literal> ::=
                    <query> |
                    <constant_list> !

          <old_func_or_expr> ::=
                    <old_function> |
                    <old_expr> !

          <like_item> ::=
                    <attribute_spec> |
                    <function> !

          <is_in> ::=
                    -is_in |
                    -is_not_in !

          <like> ::=
                    -is_like |
                    -is_not_like !

          <is_null> ::=
                    -is_null |
                    -is_not_null !

          <between> ::=
                    -is_between |
                    -is_not_between !

          <comp_op> ::=
                    <rel_op> |
                    <rel_op> -any_of | (* ^= -any_of is always true *)
                    <rel_op> -all_of ! (* = -all_of is always false *)

          <rel_op> ::=
                     =  |  ^=  |  >   |  >=  |  '<  |  '<= !

          <regular_expr> ::=
                    <expr> |
                    <x_arg_substitution> !


   (* SIMPLE EXPR  I.E. no arg substitution *)

Multics Technical Bulletin                                 MTB770
MRDS Query Language

          <simple_expr> ::=
                    <simple_arith_term> |
                    <simple_expr> <add_op> <simple_arith_term> !

          <simple_arith_term> ::=
                    <simple_arith_factor> |
                    <simple_arith_term> <mult_op> <simple_arith_factor> !

          <simple_arith_factor> ::=
                    <simple_primary> |
                    <simple_arith_factor> '|'| <simple_primary> |
                    <add_op> <simple_primary> !

          <simple_primary> ::=
                    <attribute_spec> |
                    <function> |
                    (<simple_expr>) |
                    <constant> !

   (* STANDARD EXPR  I.E. arg substitution *)

          <expr> ::=
                    <arith_term> |
                    <expr> <add_op> <arith_term> !

          <arith_term> ::=
                    <arith_factor> |
                    <arith_term> <mult_op> <arith_factor> !

          <arith_factor> ::=
                    <primary> |
                    <arith_factor> '|'| <primary> |
                    <add_op> <primary> !

          <primary> ::=
                    <attribute_spec> |
                    <function> |
                    (<expr>) |
                    <constant> |
                    <v_arg_substitution>   !


          <old_expr> ::=
                    <old_primary> <arith_op> <old_primary> !

MTB770                                 Multics Technical Bulletin
                                              MRDS Query Language

          <old_primary> ::=
                    <relation>.<attribute> |
                    <old_function> |
                    <constant> |
                    ( <old_expr> ) |
                    <v_arg_substitution>   !

          <old_function> ::= <fn_name> (<old_arg_list>)   !

          <old_arg_list> ::=
                    <old_arg> |
                    <old_arg_list> <old_arg>   !

          <old_arg> ::=
                    [ <old_func_or_expr> ] |
                    <old_function> |
                    <relation>.<attribute> |
                    <constant> |
                    <v_arg_substitution> !


          <function> ::= <fn_name> (<arg_list>)   !

          <arg_list> ::=
                    <expr> |
                    <arg_list> , <expr>   !

          <attribute_spec> ::=
                    <attribute> |
                    <symbol> . <symbol>   |
                    <db_label> . <relation> . <attribute>  !

          <constant_list> ::=
                    <constant_item> , <constant_item> |
                    <constant_list> , <constant_item> !

          <constant_item> ::=
                    <constant> |
                    <v_arg_substitution> |
                    <x_arg_substitution> !

          <constant> ::=
                    <string> |
                    <integer> |
                    <bit_string> !

          <arith_op> ::= <mult_op> | <add_op> !

Multics Technical Bulletin                                 MTB770
MRDS Query Language

          <add_op> ::= + | - !

          <mult_op> ::= * | / !

          <and_op> ::= & !

          <or_op>  ::= '| !

          <not_op> ::= ^ !

          <v_arg_substitution> ::=  .V. !

          <x_arg_substitution> ::=  .X. !

          <db_label> ::= <symbol> !

          <relation> ::= <symbol>   !

          <relation_label> ::= <symbol> !

          <attribute> ::=  <symbol>   !

          <fn_name> ::= <symbol> !

          <alias> ::=  <symbol>   !

MTB770                                 Multics Technical Bulletin
                                              MRDS Query Language

                            Appendix D

             mrds_se_error_ Info Condition Structure

     This  include  file  contains  the  info  structure  for the
"mrds_se_error_" condition.  This condition  is signalled by MRDS
when certain errors are discovered in a selection expression.

1 mrds_se_error_info  aligned based (mrds_se_error_info_ptr),

  2 header aligned like condition_info_header,

  2 error_type       char (32),         /* range, select... */
  2 error_msg        char (256),        /* informational msg */
  2 token            char (mrds_data_$max_token_size), /* last known token */
  2 raw_select_expr,
    3 se_ptr         ptr,               /* ptr to the actual se */
    3 se_len         fixed bin,         /* length of actual se */
    3 token_position fixed bin,         /* where the token starts
                                           in raw_select_expr */
  2 formatted_select_expr,
    3 se_ptr         ptr,               /* ptr to "pretty" se */
    3 se_len         fixed bin,         /* length of "pretty" se */
    3 token_position fixed bin;         /* where the token starts
                                           in formatted_select_expr */

Multics Technical Bulletin                                 MTB770
MRDS Query Language

                            Appendix E

                  set_mrds_options Info Segment

09/04/85  set_mrds_options, smo

Syntax:  set_mrds_options -control_args

Allows the setting, reseting and displaying the state of various
options relating to MRDS selection expressions.

Control arguments:
-force, -fc
   Specifies that options existing in a MRDS selection expression are
   to be overridden by those specified by the set_mrds_option command.
   The default is to not override options specified in a selection
-optimize, -ot off | on
   Controls the optimization of a MRDS selection expression
   via the MRDS optimizer. The default is to optimize the selection

-print_search_order, -pso off | on
   Controls the printing of the search order when a MRDS selection
   expression is evaluated. The default is to not print the search
-print_selection_expression, -pse off | on
   Causes all selection expressions that are not "-another",
   "-compiled", or "-current" to be displayed when they are
   translated. The default is to not print the selection expression.

-error_report, -er off | on
   Controls how selection expression errors are reported to the user.
   This is done either by just returning a code, (-er off), or by
   by a long diagnostic message (-er on). This control argument
   does not affect error reporting that is done via sub_err_
-list, -ls
   Displays the state of all of the switches.
-reset, -rs
   Resets the option values to their defaults. See the section on
   Default values.

MTB770                                 Multics Technical Bulletin
                                              MRDS Query Language

Default values:
The default values that MRDS uses if set_mrds_options is never
invoked, or it is invoked with the -reset control argument are:

-print_search_order       OFF
-optimize                 ON
-print_select_expression  OFF
-error_report             ON
-force                    OFF

The command "smo -pso on" will cause all MRDS selection expressions
evaluated in a process to be done as if the keyword "-pso" was
actually in each selection expression. This behaviour will continue
until the command "smo -pso off" is executed or a new process is
initiated, either via new_proc or a logout;login sequence.

The command "smo -ot off" will cause all MRDS selection expressions
evaluated in a process to be done as if the keyword "-no_ot" was
actually in each selection expression.  This behaviour will continue
until the command "smo -ot on" is executed or a new process is
initiated, either via new_proc or a logout;login sequence.

If the -force argument is not provided the options specified are used
only as default values. That is, they do not affect selection
expressions that have defined the options in the selection expression.

The -reset and -list arguments are incompatible with any other control

Multics Technical Bulletin                                 MTB770
MRDS Query Language

                            Appendix F


/* mrds_scanner_tables.incl.pl1

   These are the tables that drive the scanner for MRDS selection expression

   Originally created 08-04-85 J. Hergert

 The following declaration is used by the scanner to type the token it is
 about to parse. The first character determines what the token could be.

 The codes in the following declaration are deciphered as follows:
 Any code >  0 is a token type, indicating the type of token we will try
 to find. Codes less than 0 are negated keyword encode values. These token
 types are simple one character tokens and no further searching need be
 done when we find one.

dcl token_type_list (22) fixed bin internal static options(constant) init (
/*                                              CHARACTER CLASSES
            1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16
          num   .  +-  Ee   i   ^   =   <   > let  * /  |   (   )   &   ,
           17  18  19  20  21  22
          whsp  " oth   :   ]   [
            1,  2,  3,  4,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  4, 14, 9, 14, 14, 14, 14,
           10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 14);

/* The following dcl sets up a list that is used to categorize each
   character into one of 22 classes. The classes are defined below.

The character classes are the following:
1 digits
2   .
3   +-
4   Ee
5   i
6   ^
7   =
8   <
9   >
10  letters

MTB770                                 Multics Technical Bulletin
                                              MRDS Query Language

11  * /
12  |
13  (
14  )
15  &
16  ,
17  SP TAB NL FF VT CR   (white space)
18  "
19  all others
20  :
21  ]
22  [

/* each of 512 ascii characters classified into the above groups */

dcl char_class_list (0:511) fixed bin internal static options(constant)
/*         whsp                !   "   #$%    &   '   (   )   *  +   ,  - */
    (9)19, (5)17, (18)19, 17, 19, 18, (3)19, 15, 19, 13, 14, 11, 3, 16, 3,
/*  .   /   nums   :   ;  <  =  >   ?   @   ABCD  E   FGH   I   J-U       */
    2, 11, (10)1, 20, 19, 8, 7, 9, 19, 19, (4)10, 4, (3)10, 5, (12)10,
/*   V   W   X   Y   Z   [      ]  ^   _   `   abcd  e   fgh   i   j-u   */
    10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 22, 19, 21, 6, 19, 19, (4)10, 4, (3)10, 5, (12)10,
/*   v   w   x   y   z   {   |                                            */
    10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 19, 12, (387)19);

/* the table declared below is a state table used to parse a number.
   The rows are states, and the columns are character classes. These
   are obtained from the char_class_list above. The columns are organized
   so that the six correspond to classes 1-6 above.

   A positive value in the table is the next state to goto, given the current
   character class. A negative value means the scan is finished.
   -1 means the scan is finished, a token has been found.
   -2 means an error has been detected.
   -3 means the scan is finished, a token has been found, the cursor must be
      bumped by one.

dcl num_state_table (6,6) fixed bin internal static options (constant) init(
/*                class
          1   2   3   4   5   6
        num   .  +-  Ee   i   other
states */

Multics Technical Bulletin                                 MTB770
MRDS Query Language

/* 1 */   1,  2, -1,  3, -3, -1,
/* 2 */   4, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2,
/* 3 */   6, -2,  5, -2, -2, -2,
/* 4 */   4, -1, -1,  3, -3, -1,
/* 5 */   6, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2,
/* 6 */   6, -1, -1, -1, -3, -1);

MTB770                                 Multics Technical Bulletin
                                              MRDS Query Language

                            Appendix G


/* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ..... mrds_dsl_keywords.incl.pl1 ..... 03/17/87
                                         1851.1 est Tue kwsl (generated) */
          /* Keywords from >user_dir_dir>MRDS>Hergert>p>mrds_dsl.grammar
             Generated from >udd>MRDS>Hergert>p>mrds_dsl.lalr
             by Hergert.MRDS.a
             at Ford ECC Multics A
             on 03/17/87  1825.8 est Tue */

/* this is the list of keywords and their synonyms that are known to the scanner. */
dcl 1 keyword aligned internal static options (constant),
    2 name (74) unaligned char (24) init(
          /*   1 */ "&",                    /*   1 &                   */
          /*   2 */ "(",                    /*   2 (                   */
          /*   3 */ "(+)",                  /*   3 (+)                 */
          /*   4 */ ")",                    /*   4 )                   */
          /*   5 */ "*",                    /*   5 *                   */
          /*   6 */ "+",                    /*   6 +                   */
          /*   7 */ ",",                    /*   7 ,                   */
          /*   8 */ "-",                    /*   8 -                   */
          /*   9 */ "-all_of",              /*   9 -all_of             */
          /*  10 */ "-and",                 /*   1 &                   */
          /*  11 */ "-any_of",              /*  10 -any_of             */
          /*  12 */ "-ascending",           /*  11 -ascending          */
          /*  13 */ "-current",             /*  12 -current            */
          /*  14 */ "-descending",          /*  13 -descending         */
          /*  15 */ "-differ",              /*  14 -differ             */
          /*  16 */ "-distinct",            /*  15 -distinct           */
          /*  17 */ "-dup",                 /*  16 -dup                */
          /*  18 */ "-from",                /*  33 -range              */
          /*  19 */ "-group_by",            /*  17 -group_by           */
          /*  20 */ "-having",              /*  18 -having             */
          /*  21 */ "-inter",               /*  19 -inter              */
          /*  22 */ "-is_between",          /*  20 -is_between         */
          /*  23 */ "-is_in",               /*  21 -is_in              */
          /*  24 */ "-is_like",             /*  22 -is_like            */
          /*  25 */ "-is_not_between",      /*  23 -is_not_between     */
          /*  26 */ "-is_not_in",           /*  24 -is_not_in          */
          /*  27 */ "-is_not_like",         /*  25 -is_not_like        */
          /*  28 */ "-is_not_null",         /*  26 -is_not_null        */
          /*  29 */ "-is_null",             /*  27 -is_null            */
          /*  30 */ "-no_optimize",         /*  28 -no_optimize        */
          /*  31 */ "-no_ot",               /*  29 -no_ot              */
          /*  32 */ "-not",                 /*  53 ^                   */
          /*  33 */ "-or",                  /*  55 |                   */
          /*  34 */ "-order_by",            /*  30 -order_by           */

Multics Technical Bulletin                                 MTB770
MRDS Query Language

          /*  35 */ "-print_search_order",  /*  31 -print_search_order */
          /*  36 */ "-pso",                 /*  32 -pso                */
          /*  37 */ "-range",               /*  33 -range              */
          /*  38 */ "-select",              /*  34 -select             */
          /*  39 */ "-union",               /*  35 -union              */
          /*  40 */ "-where",               /*  36 -where              */
          /*  41 */ ".",                    /*  37 .                   */
          /*  42 */ ".V.",                  /*  38 .V.                 */
          /*  43 */ ".X.",                  /*  39 .X.                 */
          /*  44 */ ".v.",                  /*  38 .V.                 */
          /*  45 */ ".x.",                  /*  39 .X.                 */
          /*  46 */ "/",                    /*  40 /                   */
          /*  47 */ "::",                   /*  41 ::                  */
          /*  48 */ "<",                    /*  42 <                   */
          /*  49 */ "<=",                   /*  43 <=                  */
          /*  50 */ "<>",                   /*  54 ^=                  */
          /*  51 */ "<bit_string>",         /*  44 <bit_string>        */
          /*  52 */ "<integer>",            /*  45 <integer>           */
          /*  53 */ "<string>",             /*  46 <string>            */
          /*  54 */ "<symbol>",             /*  47 <symbol>            */
          /*  55 */ "=",                    /*  48 =                   */
          /*  56 */ "=<",                   /*  43 <=                  */
          /*  57 */ "=>",                   /*  50 >=                  */
          /*  58 */ ">",                    /*  49 >                   */
          /*  59 */ "><",                   /*  54 ^=                  */
          /*  60 */ ">=",                   /*  50 >=                  */
          /*  61 */ "[",                    /*  51 [                   */
          /*  62 */ "]",                    /*  52 ]                   */
          /*  63 */ "^",                    /*  53 ^                   */
          /*  64 */ "^<",                   /*  50 >=                  */
          /*  65 */ "^<=",                  /*  49 >                   */
          /*  66 */ "^<>",                  /*  48 =                   */
          /*  67 */ "^=",                   /*  54 ^=                  */
          /*  68 */ "^=<",                  /*  49 >                   */
          /*  69 */ "^=>",                  /*  42 <                   */
          /*  70 */ "^>",                   /*  43 <=                  */
          /*  71 */ "^><",                  /*  48 =                   */
          /*  72 */ "^>=",                  /*  42 <                   */
          /*  73 */ "|",                    /*  55 |                   */
          /*  74 */ "||"),                  /*  56 ||                  */

/* This table contains the codes that are known to the parser. One code
   per token. Synonomous tokens have the same code. */
    2 value (74) fixed bin init (
          1,        2,        3,        4,        5,        6,        7,
          8,        9,        1,        10,       11,       12,       13,
          14,       15,       16,       33,       17,       18,       19,
          20,       21,       22,       23,       24,       25,       26,
          27,       28,       29,       53,       55,       30,       31,

MTB770                                 Multics Technical Bulletin
                                              MRDS Query Language

          32,       33,       34,       35,       36,       37,       38,
          39,       38,       39,       40,       41,       42,       43,
          54,       44,       45,       46,       47,       48,       43,
          50,       49,       54,       50,       51,       52,       53,
          50,       49,       48,       54,       49,       42,       43,
          48,       42,       55,       56),

/* This table is used for error reporting. It decides that the keyword is
   a "major" one. These currently are -differ, -range, -group_by, -having,
   -inter, -order_by, -from, -select, -union, -where */
    2 major_keyword (74) bit unaligned init (
/* 1-7   */ "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,
/* 8-14  */ "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,
/* 15-21 */ "1"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "1"b,     "1"b,     "1"b,     "1"b,
/* 22-28 */ "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,
/* 29-35 */ "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "1"b,     "0"b,
/* 36-42 */ "0"b,     "1"b,     "1"b,     "1"b,     "1"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,
/* 43-49 */ "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,
/* 50-56 */ "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,
/* 57-63 */ "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,
/* 64-70 */ "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,
/* 71-74 */ "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b,     "0"b);

/*   END INCLUDE FILE ..... mrds_dsl_keywords.incl.pl1 ..... */

                             Page 38