MULTICS ADMINISTRATIVE BULLETIN MAB062-03 To: MAB Distribution From: F. W. Martinson Date: November 9, 1987 Subject: MR12.2 Freeze Dates Abstract: Dates for the Finalization of Multics Software to be included in Multics Release 12.2. Revisions: (Rev3) 11/87, F. W. Martinson Establishes MR12.2 software Finalization dates. The following are the freeze and release dates for MR12.2. If you cannot meet these dates for SCP or other scheduled development implementation, you should immediately inform your manager. 1. Final submission date - Oct. 7 (FW840) 2. Freeze date (installed) - Oct. 14 (FW841) 3. General Release - Dec. 2 (FW848) _________________________________________________________________ Multics Project internal working documentation. Not to be reproduced or distributed outside the Multics Project.