Multics Technical Bulletin                        MTB-549, Rev. 1
  DM: Index Manager Functional Spec

  To:       Distribution

  From:     Lindsey Leroy Spratt

  Date:     04/04/84

  Subject:  Data Management: Index Manager Functional Specification


       This document describes the operations of the index manager.
  It implements a  sorting index (as opposed to,  for example, some
  sort of hashing  index).  Keys may have multiple  fields and each
  field may be  any one of several data types.   All of the keys in
  the same index must have the same set of fields, however.

       The index_manager_ is a (simple) database manager in its own
  right and  may be used directly  for implementing applications of
  the Data  Management Architecture.  Its primary  use, however, is
  by the relation_manager_.

       This revision  includes the addition  of a new  entry point, |
  and changes that were made to the referenced include files.       |

  Comments should be sent to the author:

  via Multics Mail:
     Spratt.Multics on either MIT Multics or System M.

  via US Mail:
     Lindsey Spratt
     Honeywell Information Systems, inc.
     4 Cambridge Center
     Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142

  via telephone:
     (HVN) 261-9321, or
     (617) 492-9321


  Multics  project  internal  working  documentation.   Not  to  be
  reproduced or distributed outside the Multics project without the
  consent of the author or the author's management.



                 1 Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     i
                 2 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . .     1
                 3 Summary of changes contained in
                  Revision 1  . . . . . . . . . . . . .     1
                 4 Subsets  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     1
                 5 Description of the operations  . . .     2
                    index_manager_  . . . . . . . . . .     3
                       Data management data types . . .     3
                       Specification structures . . . .     3
                          The specification_head
                           structure  . . . . . . . . .     3
                          The subset_specification
                           structure  . . . . . . . . .     4
                          The search_specification
                           structure  . . . . . . . . .     5
                          The numeric_specification
                           structure  . . . . . . . . .     8
                       $create_cursor . . . . . . . . .     9
                       $create_index  . . . . . . . . .    10
                       $create_subset_index . . . . . .    11
                       $delete_key  . . . . . . . . . .    12
                       $destroy_cursor  . . . . . . . .    13
                       $destroy_index . . . . . . . . .    14
                       $get_key . . . . . . . . . . . .    15
                          The id_list structure . . . .    16
                          The interval_list structure .    17
                       $get_key_count_array . . . . . .    18
                          The key_count_array structure    18
                       $key_count . . . . . . . . . . .    20
                       $position_cursor . . . . . . . .    21
                       $put_key . . . . . . . . . . . .    22
                       $put_key_array . . . . . . . . .    23
                       $copy_cursor (unimplemented) . .    24

  Multics Technical Bulletin                        MTB-549, Rev. 1
  DM: Index Manager Functional Spec


       The index manager defined herein  is for managing keys which
  are to be  kept in a sorted order.  These  keys may have multiple
  fields, but all of the keys in an index must have the same set of
  fields.  Various  data types are supported,  and different fields
  in the same index may be of different data types.


       The  index_manager_$key_count  entry point  has  been added. |
  The destroy_cursor entry point is now implemented.                |

       The   specification_head   structure  has   been   moved  to |
  dm_specification_head.inl.pl1.       The     subset_specification |
  structure  has  been  moved  to dm_subset_specification.incl.pl1. |
  Declarations  for  the range  type constants  have been  moved to |
  dm_range_constants.incl.pl1.              The            variable |
  and_group.constraint.value_field_id   has   been  added   to  the |
  search_specification structure.                                   |

       The descriptions of the info structures have been updated to |
  reflect the currently installed include files.                    |

       All references to "page files"  have been changed to "files" |
  (which  assumes a  Data Management file).   Consequently, some of |
  the  arguments  have  had  name changes  (i.e.,  pf_opening_id is |
  changed to file_opening_id).                                      |

       Descriptions  have been  provided for  those arguments which |
  were previously described as "is as above."                       |


       A subset of  the keys in an index  is implemented by storing
  the  specified  fields as  keys  in another  index.   The "subset |
  index"  is  created by  the index  manager "create  subset index"
  operation  in a  file specified  by the  caller.  The  keys to be
  included  in  the  subset  are identified  by  a  standard search
  specification (and cursor).  If two keys in the source index have
  the  same  values for  the specified  fields and  one of  them is |
  selected in  defining a subset,  then further references  to that
  subset will indicate that both of these keys are contained in it.

       There is no intrinsic connection  between a subset index and
  its source index.  It is possible to use a subset index extracted
  from one index to control the selection of keys in another index.
  This is useful when there are multiple indices with data from the |

  MTB-549, Rev. 1                        Multics Technical Bulletin
                                  DM: Index Manager Functional Spec

  same  source,  such as  several  indices used  to index  a common
| collection  of records  as is  done for  relatins by  the relatin
| manager.

       Since a subset index is  a regular index differentiated only
| by way it  is used from "regular" indices,  the standard "destroy
  index" is used to destroy subset indices.


  ______________                                     ______________

  index_manager_                                     index_manager_
  ______________                                     ______________

  Name:  index_manager_

       The  index_manager_ subroutine  manages keys.   The keys may
  have multiple fields,  and each field may be  any of several data

  Data management data types

       There are several data types supported in the index_manager_
  module.   They  are specified  using Multics  standard descriptor
  structures.  The supported data types are:
     Real binary   - data types 1 through 4;
     Real decimal  - data types 9 and 10;
     Strings       - data types 19 through 22.

       All data  must be scalar  (i.e., arrays are  not supported).
  Both aligned and unaligned data is valid.

  Specification structures

       There  are several  types of search  specifications.  A spec
  may  be  numeric  positioning or  search  on values.   It  may be
  absolute, done by starting at the  beginning or end of the index,
  or it may  be relative, done by starting  at a position specified
  by a cursor.

       Searches  are started  with the key  following the "current"
  key as identified by the cursor.

  The specification_head structure

  The  following  structure  is  used in  specifying  keys.   It is
  declared in the dm_specification_head.incl.pl1 include file:      |

     dcl 1 specification_head         based (sh_ptr) aligned,       |
           2 version                  fixed bin (35),               |
           2 type                     fixed bin (17) unal,          |
           2 pad                      bit (18) unal,                |
           2 subset_specification_ptr ptr;                          |

  where:                                                            |

         version                                                    |
              is the version of the structure.  The current version |
              is a static variable named SPECIFICATION_VERSION_4.   |

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  index_manager_                                     index_manager_
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              is  the type  of the  specification.  There  are four
              types    for    index_manager_;    absolute   numeric
              positioning,  relative numeric  positioning, absolute
              (from the  "root") searching, and  relative (from the
              current  position indicated  by a  cursor) searching.
|             These       constants       are       defined      in
|             dm_specification_head.incl.pl1.

|        pad
|             must be "0"b.

              is  a  pointer to  a  subset_specification structure.
              This structure is used  to constrain selected keys to
              either be members of a subset  or not be members of a
              subset.   (See  below for  the documentation  of this

  The subset_specification structure

      Following  is  the structure  to  specify subset  indices and
| their  relation to  a specification of  keys.  It  is declared in
| dm_subset_specification.incl.pl1.

     dcl 1 subset_specification based (subset_specification_ptr),
|          2 version            char (8),
|          2 number_of_subsets  fixed bin,
           2 subset             (ss_number_of_subsets refer
              3 id_list_ptr      ptr,
              3 is_member        bit (1) unaligned,
              3 pad              bit (35) unaligned,
              3 cursor_ptr       ptr;


              is  the  version of  the  structure.  The  version is
              given    by    the     internal    static    constant

              is  the  number  of  subsets  used  in  defining  the
              specification.  Subsets may be used in either numeric
              or value, and absolute or relative positioning.

  ______________                                     ______________

  index_manager_                                     index_manager_
  ______________                                     ______________

              is a pointer to a id_list structure which defines the
              relationship of the fields of the subset index to the
              index   being   searched.   is   the
              identifier of  the field in the  index being searched
              which is associated with the I'th field of the subset

              if on,  indicates that keys  which this specification
              identifies  must  be  found  in this  subset.   For a
              subset to have a (source  index) key as a member, the
              subset index must contain as  a key the data which is
              found  in  the attendant  data  fields of  the source
              index  key.   This  is  a special  case  of  the more
              general  subset "membership"  definition which allows
              the caller to  define the way in which  data from the
              source index  is to match  data in the  subset index.
              This special case is useful for the relation manager.

         subset.pad                                                 |
              must be "0"b.                                         |

              is a pointer to a cursor for the subset index.

  The search_specification structure

       This  structure  is  used  when   a  search  for  keys  with
  particular   values   is  to   be  done.    It  is   declared  in |
  dm_specification.incl.pl1.                                        |

     dcl 1 search_specification    based (ss_ptr),
           2 head                  like specification_head,
           2 maximum_number_of_constraints,
                                   fixed bin (17) unal,             |
           2 range,                unal,                            |
             3 type                fixed bin (17),
             3 size                fixed bin (17),
           2 number_of_and_groups  fixed bin (17) unal,             |
           2 and_group             (ss_number_of_and_groups refer   |
                                   (search_specification            |
                                    .number_of_and_groups)),        |
           2 number_of_constraints fixed bin (17) unal,             |
             3 constraint          (ss_maximum_number_of_constraints
                                   (refer search_specification
               4 field_id          fixed bin (17) unal,             |
               4 operator_code     fixed bin (17) unal,             |

  ______________                                     ______________

  index_manager_                                     index_manager_
  ______________                                     ______________

|              4 value_field_id    fixed bin (17) unal,
|              4 pad               bit (18) unal,
|              4 value_ptr         ptr unal;


              is the number of field specifications to be allocated
              for each and_group.

              is the type of range of the specified keys desired:
                 0 - all
                 1 - top
                 2 - bottom
|             Constants   for   these   values   are   defined   in
|             dm_range_constants.incl.pl1.

              is the size  of the range.  If the  type is "all" (or
              0), then the  size is ignored.  If the  type is "top"
              and the value  of size is N, then  the highest N keys
              of the  keys selected are  returned.  In the  case of
              "bottom", the lowest N keys  of the keys selected are

              is   the   number   of   and_groups   used   in   the
              search_specification.  The elements satisfied by each
              and_group are joined by  union to obtain the complete
              set to satisfy the search_specification.

              is the number of constraints actually in use for this
              and_group.  Each constraint of  the and_group must be
              satisfied in order  for an element to be  a member of
              the and_group.

              is the id for the field being constrained.

              is  the relationship  the value  of the  desired keys
              must have to the  value specified in this constraint.
              The operator codes can be  dealt with as either fixed
              binary  number  or as  a  bit string  (which  must be
              converted to a fixed binary number).  When considered
              as a  bit string the  meaning of the  bits are "or"ed
              together.    The  right-most   bits  are   given  the

  ______________                                     ______________

  index_manager_                                     index_manager_
  ______________                                     ______________

              following meaning:

                 "00001"b - = (equals)
                 "00010"b - > (greater than)
                 "00100"b - ^ (not)
                 "01000"b - regular expression match
                 "10000"b - field may be absent.

              An "absent" field always compares to false for any of
              the other  four comparisons.  If  this bit is  on, an
              "absent"  field will  compare "true"  and a "present"
              field will compare false.

              Some combinations of operators "bits" are not defined
              to have any meaning, e.g.  "regular expression match"
              or'ed with  "greater than".  The  complete definition
              of the meanings  of all of the combinations  of the 5
              right-most operator bits follows:

                 1 - "00001"b - =
                 2 - "00010"b - >
                 3 - "00011"b - >=
                 4 - "00100"b - ^
                 5 - "00101"b - ^= (><)
                 6 - "00110"b - ^> (<=)
                 7 - "00111"b - ^>= (<)
                 8 - "01000"b - regular expression match
                 9 through 15 - undefined
                 16 - "10000"b - field is absent from key
                 17 - "10001"b - field is absent or =
                 18 - "10010"b - field is absent or >
                 19 - "10011"b - field is absent or >=
                 20 - "10100"b - field is not absent
                 21 - "10101"b - field is absent or ^> (<=)
                 22 - "10110"b - field is absent or  ^=
                 23 - "10111"b - undefined
                 24 - "11000"b - if field is present, regular expression match
                 25 through 31 - undefined

         and_group.constraint.value_field_id                        |
              specifies intra-key/record compares.                  |

         and_group.constraint.pad                                   |
              must be "0"b.                                         |

              is  a pointer  to the value  to be  compared with the
              values in the database.   The value must be allocated
              according to the DM data types.

  ______________                                     ______________

  index_manager_                                     index_manager_
  ______________                                     ______________

  The numeric_specification structure

|      This  structure  is  used  when a  search  for  keys  with a
| particular  numeric position  is to be  done.  It  is declared in
| dm_specification.incl.pl1.

     dcl 1 numeric_specification based (nss_ptr),
           2 head                like specification_head,
|          2 range_size          fixed bin (35) aligned,
|          2 position_number     fixed bin (17) unal,
|          2 pad                 bit (18) unal;


              is the  number of keys  to be returned  including the
              key  identified  by position_number,  below.   If the
              range_size  is negative,  it indicates  that the keys
              desired  precede   the  specified  key.    If  it  is
              positive,  the keys  are to  be the  ones immediately
              following the specified key.

              is interpreted according to  the absolute or relative
              nature of the specification.   If absolute, it is the
              position_number'th  key  of  the index  to  which the
              position is  moved.  If position_number  is negative,
              the keys  are counted backwards  from the end  of the
              index  for position_number  keys.  If position_number
              is  positive, the  keys are counted  forward from the
              beginning of the index.  If  the type is relative, it
              is  the  position_number'th   key  from  the  current
              position  to   which  the  position   is  moved.   If
              position_number  is negative,  the position  is moved
              backwards  from  the  current   position;  if  it  is
              positive,  it  is  moved  forwards  from  the current

              If position_number moves the cursor beyond the index,
              i.e.  it is  either too large or too  small, then the
              cursor is moved to the  beginning or end of the index
              as appropriate and error_table_$beginning_of_index or
              error_table_$end_of_index is returned.

|        pad
|             must be "0"b.

  ______________                                     ______________

  index_manager_                                     index_manager_
  ______________                                     ______________

  Entry:  index_manager_$create_cursor

            Allocates  an  index_cursor structure  in  the provided |
  work area.  This cursor is tailored for the index collection with |
  which it is to be used.  Its initial position is at the beginning |
  of the collection.                                                |


       dcl index_manager_$create_cursor entry (bit (36) aligned,
            bit (36) aligned, ptr, ptr, fixed bin (35));

       call index_manager_$create_cursor (file_opening_id,
            index_collection_id, work_area_ptr, index_cursor_ptr,


         file_opening_id              (Input)
              is the opening identifier of the file of interest.

         index_collection_id          (Input)
              is an index identifier returned by create_index.

         work_area_ptr                (Input)
              is a pointer to a pl1 area defined by the caller.

         index_cursor_ptr             (Output)
              is a pointer  to a data structure used  to identify a
              position in an index.  It  is managed entirely by the
              index    manager.     The    cursor    contains   the
              file_opening_id,    the    index_collection_id,   the
              work_area_ptr (to  facilitate freeing), the  value of
              the  key  which  is  the  current  position,  and the
              "address" of  the key which is  the current position.
              The address is to provide  swift access, the value is
              to  verify  that  the  address is  still  valid.  The
              address   and  value   (the  current   position)  are
              "undefined" when  the cursor is  created.  It becomes
              "defined"  when  given  as   input  to  any  absolute
              positioning   operation   (put_key,   or  delete_key,
              modify_key,   position_cursor,    get_key   with   an
              "absolute" specification).

         code                         (Output)
              is a standard system error code.

  ______________                                     ______________

  index_manager_                                     index_manager_
  ______________                                     ______________

  Entry:  index_manager_$create_index

|           Creates  an  empty index  in  the given  file  with the
| specified fields.  An index collection identifier is assigned for
| referencing this collection.


|      dcl index_manager_$create_index entry (bit(36) aligned, ptr,
|           fixed bin (17), bit (36) aligned, fixed bin(35));

|      call index_manager_$create_index (file_opening_id,
|           typed_vector_array_ptr, number_of_duplication_fields,
|           index_collection_id, code);


|        file_opening_id              (Input)
|             is the opening identifier of the file of interest.

         typed_vector_array_ptr       (Input)
              is a  pointer to a  typed_vector_array structure, the
              dimension table of which is used to define the fields
              of  the index.   In operations  where the  fields are
              referred  to,  either explicitly  or  implicitly, the
              array index  of the field  in the dimension  table is
              its identifier.

         number_of_duplication_fields (Input)
              sets the number of fields, starting with field 1, for
              which the concatenated  values must uniquely identify
              each key.   The number of  duplication_fields must be
              greater than or equal to 1  and less than or equal to
              the number of  fields in the index plus  one.  If the
              number  of  duplication  fields is  greater  than the
              number  of fields,  then fully identical  keys may be
              inserted into the index.

|        index_collection_id          (Output)
|             is an index identifier returned by create_index.

         code                         (Output)
              is a standard system error code.

  ______________                                     ______________

  index_manager_                                     index_manager_
  ______________                                     ______________

  Entry:  index_manager_$create_subset_index

            Creates  a  subset  index  from an  index.   The subset |
  index's  keys are  derived from keys  found in  the source index. |
  The subset  index keys can have  any of the fields  in the source |
  index in any order.                                               |


       dcl index_manager_$create_subset_index entry (ptr, bit (36)
            aligned, ptr, ptr, bit (36) aligned, fixed bin(35));

       call index_manager_$create_subset_index (specification_ptr,
            subset_file_opening_id, cursor_ptr, id_list_ptr,
            subset_index_id, code);


         specification_ptr            (Input)
              is a pointer to a specification.

         subset_file_opening_id       (Input)
              is  the  file  in which  the  subset index  is  to be

         cursor_ptr                   (Input)
              is the  cursor giving the  position for use  with the
              specification.  See the create_cursor operation for a
              brief discussion of cursors.

         id_list_ptr                  (Input)
              is  a  pointer to  an  id_list structure  (see below)
              which defines the relationship  between the fields in
              the  index from  which the subset  is being extracted
              and  the  fields of  the  keys of  the  subset index.
     is  the identifier of the  field in the
              "source"  index which  is associated with  field N of
              the subset index.  The  id_list must specify at least
              one field to be extracted from the source index.

         subset_index_id              (Output)
              is the  index_id of the subset  index created by this

         code                         (Output)
              is a standard system error code.

  ______________                                     ______________

  index_manager_                                     index_manager_
  ______________                                     ______________

  Entry:  index_manager_$delete_key

            Deletes the keys identified  by the specification.  The
  cursor  is  left  pointing  at the  key  following  the  last key


       dcl index_manager_$delete_key entry (ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed
            bin (35), fixed bin(35));

       call index_manager_$delete_key (specification_ptr,
            work_area_ptr, index_cursor_ptr,
            number_of_keys_deleted, code);


         specification_ptr            (Input)
              is a pointer to a specification.

         work_area_ptr                (Input)
              is  a  pointer  to  a "freeing"  area,  which  may be

         index_cursor_ptr             (Input/Output)
              is a pointer  to a data structure used  to identify a
              position in  an index.  (See  the create_cursor entry

         number_of_keys_deleted       (Output)
              is the number of keys  which were deleted as a result
              of this operation.

         code                         (Output)
              is standard system error code.

  ______________                                     ______________

  index_manager_                                     index_manager_
  ______________                                     ______________

  Entry:  index_manager_$destroy_cursor

            Destroys a cursor.


       dcl index_manager_$destroy_cursor entry (ptr, fixed

       call index_manager_$destroy_cursor (index_cursor_ptr, code);


         index_cursor_ptr             (Input)
              is a pointer  to a data structure used  to identify a
              position in  an index.  (See  the create_cursor entry

         code                         (Output)
              is standard system error code.

  ______________                                     ______________

  index_manager_                                     index_manager_
  ______________                                     ______________

  Entry:  index_manager_$destroy_index

|           Destroys  an index  collection, freeing  its associated
| storage.  Index identifiers may  be re-used by the "create_index"
| operation.


       dcl index_manager_$destroy_index entry (bit(36) aligned,
            bit(36) aligned, fixed bin(35));

       call index_manager_$destroy_index (file_opening_id,
            index_collection_id, code);


         file_opening_id              (Input)
              is the opening of the file of interest.

         index_collection_id          (Input)
              is an index identifier returned by create_index.

         code                         (Output)
              is a standard system error code.

  ______________                                     ______________

  index_manager_                                     index_manager_
  ______________                                     ______________

  Entry:  index_manager_$get_key

            Gets the desired fields of all (or the first or last N)
  of the keys identified by  the specification.  The cursor is left
  pointing at the last key  returned.  Data from any particular key
  only appears once, regardless of the nature of the specification.


       dcl index_manager_$get_key entry (ptr, ptr, ptr, ptr, ptr,
            ptr, fixed bin(35));

       call index_manager_$get_key (specification_ptr, id_list_ptr,
            work_area_ptr, index_cursor_ptr,
            typed_vector_array_ptr, interval_list_ptr, code);


         duplication_flags            (Input)
              are flags  which determine the  handling of duplicate |
              keys.   If  allow_indexed_duplicates is  on  then any |
              returned  keys  which are  duplicates  in all  of the
              indexed  fields being  returned will  be returned (in
              addition to any keys which are not duplicates at all,
              of course) otherwise the first  found of the two will
              be       returned.       Similarly       for      the
              allow_attendant_duplicates   flag.   Hence,   to  get
              completely  unique  values returned,  leave  both the
              allow_indexed_duplicates            and           the
              allow_attendant_duplicates    flags    off.     These
              duplication  flags are  only concerned  with the data
              actually being returned, which is not necessarily the
              entire key.

         specification_ptr            (Input)
              is a pointer to a specification.

         id_list_ptr                  (Input)
              is a pointer to an id_list structure.  This specifies
              what fields are to returned,  and in what order.  The
              structure is defined below.

         work_area_ptr                (Input)
              is a pointer to a pl1 area defined by the caller.

         index_cursor_ptr             (Input/Output)
              is a pointer  to a data structure used  to identify a
              position in  an index.  (See  the create_cursor entry

  ______________                                     ______________

  index_manager_                                     index_manager_
  ______________                                     ______________


         typed_vector_array_ptr       (Output)
              is a pointer to a typed_vector_array structure.  It's
              allocated  in the  work area provided  by the caller.
              Each "key value" is a  list of field values extracted
              from  a  key, which  fields and  in what  order being
              determined by the id_list.

         interval_list_ptr            (Output)
              is a pointer to an interval_list structure (described
              below)  which   is  present  when  not   all  of  the
              constraints  in  the   search_specification  are  for
              fields present in the index.

         code                         (Output)
              is standard system error code.

  The id_list structure

       The following is the id_list structure (found in the include
  file dm_id_list.incl.pl1):

|      dcl 1 id_list                aligned based (id_list_ptr),
             2 version              fixed bin(35),
|            2 number_of_ids        fixed bin(17),
             2 id                   (il_number_of_fields refer
|                                   (id_list.number_of_ids))
|                                   fixed bin(17);


              is  the  version  of  this  structure.   The  current
              version is a static variable named ID_LIST_VERSION_1.

              is  the number  of identifiers  in the  list.  Set by
              setting  il_number_of_fields  prior to  allocation of
              the list.

              is   the   index,   in   the  field   array   of  the
              field_definition_list  used to  create the  index, of
              the I'th field to be returned.

  ______________                                     ______________

  index_manager_                                     index_manager_
  ______________                                     ______________

  The interval_list structure

       The      interval_list      structure,      declared      in
  dm_interval_list.incl.pl1,   is  used   in  conjunction   with  a
  search_specification  to identify  partially processed and_groups
  with which  keys were found  to satisfy those  constraints in the
  and_group  which  pertain to  the  fields present  in  the index.
  Constraints for  fields not present  in the index  have field_ids
  less than zero.

  dcl 1 interval_list             based (interval_list_ptr) aligned,|
        2 version                 fixed bin (35) aligned,           |
        2 number_of_intervals     fixed bin (17) unal,
        2 pad                     bit (18) unal,
        2 interval                (intl_number_of_intervals refer
          3 low_vector_idx        fixed bin (35),
          3 high_vector_idx       fixed bin (35),
          3 and_group_id_list_ptr ptr;


              is   the  current   version.   It  must   be  set  to

              is the number of intervals  in the interval list.  It
              is set by the refer option at allocation time.

              must be "0"b.

              is the  index into the  associated typed_vector_array
              of the first key of the interval.

              is the  index into the  associated typed_vector_array
              of the last key of the interval.

              is  a pointer  to an  id_list structure  (declared in
              dm_id_list.incl.pl1) which contains a  list of ids of
              the  and_groups  to be  applied  to this  interval of
              keys.   These  and_group  ids  are  indices  into the
              and_group      array      of      the      associated

  ______________                                     ______________

  index_manager_                                     index_manager_
  ______________                                     ______________

  Entry:  index_manager_$get_key_count_array

            This entry returns the number of keys which are present
  in the index, the number of keys in the index which have the same
  first field value as another key in the index, the number of keys
  in the index which have the same first and second field values as
  some other key in the index, and so on up to the number of fields
  present in the index.


       dcl index_manager_$get_key_count_array entry (ptr, ptr, ptr,
            fixed bin (35));

       call index_manager_$get_key_count_array (index_cursor_ptr,
            work_area_ptr, key_count_array_ptr, code);


         index_cursor_ptr             (Input)
              is a pointer  to a data structure used  to identify a
              position in  an index.  (See  the create_cursor entry

         work_area_ptr                (Input)
              is a pointer to a pl1 area defined by the caller.

         key_count_array_ptr          (Output)
              is   a  pointer   to  a   key_count_array  structure,
              described below.

         code                         (Output)
              is a standard system error code.

  The key_count_array structure

       The  key_count_array structure  contains one  count for each
  number of duplication fields possible for the index, which is the
  same as  the number of  fields in the  index.  It is  declared in

  dcl 1 key_count_array    based (key_count_array_ptr),
        2 version          fixed bin (35),
        2 number_of_counts fixed bin (17) unal,
        2 pad              bit(18) unal,
        2 count            (0:kca_number_of_counts refer

  ______________                                     ______________

  index_manager_                                     index_manager_
  ______________                                     ______________

                           fixed bin (35) aligned;                  |


              is the current version of  the structure.  It must be
              set to KEY_COUNT_ARRAY_VERSION_1.

              is the  number of key_counts in  the structure.  This
              number is equal to the number of fields in the index.

              must be "0"b.

              is the number  of keys which have the  same values in
              their first I fields as at least one other key in the
              index.  count(0) is the number of keys in the index.

  ______________                                     ______________

  index_manager_                                     index_manager_
  ______________                                     ______________

| Entry:  index_manager_$key_count

|           This entry returns the number of keys which are present
| in the index.

| Usage

|      dcl index_manager_$key_count entry (ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed
|           bin(35), fixed bin(35));

|      call index_manager_$key_count (specification_ptr,
|           work_area_ptr, index_cursor_ptr, key_count, code);

| where:

|        specification_ptr            (Input)
|             is a pointer to a specification.

|        work_area_ptr                (Input)
|             is a pointer to a pl1 area defined by the caller.

|        index_cursor_ptr             (Input)
|             is a pointer  to a data structure used  to identify a
|             position in  an index.  (See  the create_cursor entry
|             point).

|        key_count                    (Output)
|             is the number of keys in the index.

|        code                         (Output)
|             is a standard system error code.

  ______________                                     ______________

  index_manager_                                     index_manager_
  ______________                                     ______________

  Entry:  index_manager_$position_cursor

            Sets the value  of the cursor to be  the given position
  in  the specified  index.  If  the specification  identifies more
  than one key, the cursor points at the first of these.


       dcl index_manager_$position_cursor entry (ptr, ptr, ptr,
            fixed bin(35));

       call index_manager_$position_cursor (specification_ptr,
            work_area_ptr, index_cursor_ptr, code);


         specification_ptr            (Input)
              is a pointer to a specification.

         work_area_ptr                (Input)
              is a  pointer to a  pl1 area in which  freeing may be

         index_cursor_ptr             (Input/Output)
              is a pointer  to a data structure used  to identify a
              position in  an index.  (See  the create_cursor entry

         code                         (Output)
              is a standard system error code.

  ______________                                     ______________

  index_manager_                                     index_manager_
  ______________                                     ______________

  Entry:  index_manager_$put_key

            Puts keys into an index collection.


       dcl index_manager_$put_key entry (ptr, ptr, fixed bin(35));

       call index_manager_$put_key (typed_vector_ptr,
            index_cursor_ptr, code);


         typed_vector_ptr             (Input)
              is  an array  of pointers  to typed_vector structures
              which are keys to be inserted.

         index_cursor_ptr             (Input/Output)
              is a pointer  to a data structure used  to identify a
              position in  an index.  (See  the create_cursor entry
              point).  It is left positioned at the key inserted.

         code                         (Output)
              is a standard system error code.  If a non-zero error
              code is returned  the index may have been  left in an
              inconsistent state.  If a  transaction is in progress
              when this happens it should be rolled back.

| Notes

| If  the index  is empty,  a "node" is  created and  the key(s) is
| inserted into it.  Otherwise, the  existing index is searched for
| the key to be "put".  If  the key is found (and duplicates aren't
| allowed)  then an  error is noted  and the module  returns to its
| caller.

  ______________                                     ______________

  index_manager_                                     index_manager_
  ______________                                     ______________

  Entry:  index_manager_$put_key_array

            Puts the keys specified in a typed_vector_array into an


       dcl index_manager_$put_key_array entry (ptr, ptr, fixed bin

       call index_manager_$put_key_array (typed_vector_array_ptr,
            index_cursor_ptr, code);


         typed_vector_array_ptr       (Input)
              is  a  pointer   to  a  typed_vector_array  structure
              containing pointers to typed_vector structures.

         index_cursor_ptr             (Input/Output)
              is a pointer  to a data structure used  to identify a
              position in  an index.  (See  the create_cursor entry
              point).   It  is  left  positioned  at  the  last key

         code                         (Output)
              is a standard system error code.  If any typed_vector
              cannot be inserted, the operation stops at that point
              and returns.

  ______________                                     ______________

  index_manager_                                     index_manager_
  ______________                                     ______________

  Entry:  index_manager_$copy_cursor (unimplemented)

            Makes a copy of a cursor.   The new cursor has the same
  position as the template cursor from which it was copied.


       dcl index_manager_$copy_cursor (unimplemented) entry (ptr,
            ptr, ptr, fixed bin(35));

       call index_manager_$copy_cursor (unimplemented)
            (input_cursor_ptr, work_area_ptr, output_cursor_ptr,


         input_cursor_ptr             (Input)
              is a pointer to the cursor to be copied.

         work_area_ptr                (Input)
              is a pointer  to the area in which  the new cursor is
              to be allocated.

         output_cursor_ptr            (Output)
              is a pointer to the new cursor.

         code                         (Output)
              is a standard system error code.