MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN                                MTB-606

To:       MTB Distribution

From:     Al Dupuis

Date:     01/19/83

Subject:  LINUS Report Generation


The  LINUS  report generator  produces  formatted reports  from a
relational  data  base.   Through  this  facility  the  user  can
control:   page  width  and  length;  page  breaks;  headers  and
footers; column titles;  sorting output on one or  more keys; and
totaling/subtotaling  across rows  and down  columns.  The report
generator has been designed to serve  the needs of the casual and
the experienced  user.  A casual  user can have  a default report
layout provided by the system,  while more experienced users have
the option of precisely defining the report layout.

Comments on  this MTB will  be greatly appreciated.   Please send
them to:

The System M forum


Dupuis.Multics on System M


HVN 357-6632 or 602/862-6632


Multics  Project  internal  working  documentation.   Not  to  be
reproduced or distributed outside the Multics Project.



This  MTB  is  made up  of  several  sections.  The  first  is an
introduction and  covers the motivation,  competition, and goals.
The second section is a system overview and highlights the format
options and LINUS requests.  The third section covers the default
report writer operation and functions.  The fourth section covers
optional  report writer  functions, and  Attachments A  and B are
detailed descriptions of the requests and format options.




The LINUS built-in report generation capabilities are provided by
the "print"  request.  The features provided  allow only the most
primitive forms of report generation and do not satisfy the needs
of the majority of users.  External report generation is provided
through the "report" request interface to MRPG, the "create_list"
request interface to lister, and the "write" request interface to
other Multics formatting tools  (i.e.  emacs, compose, etc.)  For
a number  of reasons these external  methods of report generation
have  been  deemed  inappropriate   for  the  task  of  producing
formatted reports from a relational data base, and a PFS item for
providing a more functional Report Generator built into LINUS has
been agreed to.

Competitive Systems

The competitors closest to  LINUS are the various implementations
of SQL.  SQL is offered by a number of companies and runs on both
minis and mainframes.  One of the more popular implementations of
SQL  is  IBM's  SQL/DS,  and  it  has  been  used  frequently for
functionality comparisons  during the design of  the LINUS report

Although  SQL  is almost  identical to  LINUS in  some instances,
there are  differences in the  user interface and  differences in
capabilities.   One  of the  areas  of capability  differences is
report generation, where SQL  provides more functional and flexi-
ble features.

A brief  list of some  of the SQL  report generation capabilities

o   The ability  to generate a  report with the  system providing
    all of the defaults.

o   The ability to store a report format and later recall it.

o   Totaling and subtotaling on columns.

o   Suppression of duplicate rows and/or columns.

o   User  control over  column titles,  column separators, column
    alignment, column display, headers,  footers, page width, and
    page length.

o   Line  printing complete  or selected portions  of the display


o   Omitting and then restoring columns from the display image.

o   Scrolling  forward,  backward,  left  and  right  through the
    displayed image.

System Goals

The  two  main goals  of  the report  writer are  ease-of-use and
functionality.   These two  goals are  in constant  conflict with
each other and  trade offs must be made,  weighing the usefulness
of a given feature against the complexity it would introduce.

Enough specific functionality has been  spelled out in the PFS to
make  sure that  the report  writer is  more functional  than the
existing print request.  A  comparison against SQL report writers
shows   that   the  implementation   of   only  the   stated  PFS
functionality would not  provide a system that would  stand up in
competitive sales  situations.  There are three  ways the goal of
functionality can be stated:

a)  provide a system with more functionality than LINUS currently
    offers, but significantly less than the competition

b)  provide a system with  functionality equivalent to the compe-

c)  provide a system with functionality greater than the competi-

The report writer described in this MTB aims primarily at (b) and
(c).    The  competitive   SQL  implementations   are  considered
easy-to-use, so a product that meets  (b) and has a similiar user
interface  seemed like  a reasonable  choice.  When  (c) could be
provided  and  the  functionality  gained  was  greater  than the
complexity introduced, then it was opted for.



Basic Operation

The  LINUS report  writer system  retrieves rows  (tuples) from a
relational data  base and produces a  formatted report as output.
The  rows  to be  retrieved  are specified  via a  LILA selection

Formatting Options

The formatted report is produced under the control of "formatting
options".  A formatting option consists  of a name to identify it
and  a value  which it  is set  to.  An  example of  a formatting
option  is  "-page_width  80".   The   name  of  this  option  is
"-page_width"  and the  value associated  with the  name is "80".
Formatting  options  which deal  with  columns require  an option
identifier to uniquely identify the  column.  For example, to set
the width of a column, an identifier is needed to determine which
column the width should be set  for.  Identifiers can be given as
the number  of the column  in the LILA  selection-expression, the
name of the column as defined in the open model or submodel, or a
star name which is matched against the column names.  Examples of
formatting  options  with  identifiers  are  "-width  salary 10",
"-folding 3 fill", and "-alignment ** center".

The  formatting options  are grouped  into three classifications:
general  report  options;  general column  options;  and specific
column options.

General  report  options  control  overall  characteristics  of a
report, such as  the page width.  They are  given a default value
when linus  is first invoked, and  can be changed by  the user at
any  time.   They  retain  their value  across  a  complete linus

General  column  options control  overall characteristics  of the
columns,  such  as  watching  the  value  of  certain  columns to
determine if a page break should  be generated.  They are given a
default value for every new LILA selection-expression, and can be
changed by the  user at any time.  They  retain their value until
the next new LILA selection-expression.

Specific  column  options  control  the  characteristics  of  one
specific  column, such  as a  column's width.   They are  given a
default value for every new LILA selection-expression, and can be
changed by the  user at any time.  They  retain their value until
the  next  new  LILA  selection-expression.  These  are  the only
formatting options which require an identifier to determine which
column the particular option applies to.


The concept  of "active" options  is employed by  the requests to
make the system  easier to use for the  novice, yet still provide
flexibility for  the experienced user.  For  example, if a novice
user did not use page headers,  she would never see any reference
to them unless she specifically mentioned them.  If she defined a
page header  to use, it  would become active and  would appear in
the output of  the various reporting requests.  If  she asked for
the  page  header  to  disappear, it  would  revert  back  to the
"inactive" state.

All specific  column options are considered  active at all times.
General column options and  general report options are considered
active only when their value  is different from the default value
they  are originally  given.  For  example, if  the page_width is
always set to its default value it is not considered active.  The
moment that it  is changed to a value  different from its default
it is considered active.


There are several  requests which can be used  in the creation of
reports.  (See "ATTACHMENT A" for a complete description of these
requests.)   The "set_format_options"  request is  used to change
the values of format  options.  The "list_format_options" request
is  used to  list the  names and  values of  format options.  The
"save_format_options"  request  is  used  to save  the  names and
values  of  one  or more  options  as  a report  layout;  and the
"restore_format_options"  request  restores  these  saved  report

The  "display"  request  deals  with retrieving  rows  from MRDS,
formatting  a  report  from  them, and  displaying  the formatted



A page consists of a title line  followed by as many rows as will
fit on the remainder of the page.  The default title line is made
up of one or more column titles, one column title for each column
on  the page.   The column  title is  the column  name (attribute
name), as found in the open  submodel or model.  If the column is
the result  of an expression  or function invocation,  the column
title will  be "eN", where N  begins at 1 and  increases by 1 for
each  function  invocation  or   expression  encountered  in  the
selected data.   The row is made  up of one or  more columns, all
concatenated together to form the row.


There  is a  separator provided  for each  column value  and each
column title.  The default separator  is two blanks and is placed
between  each  pair  of column  values  and each  pair  of column
titles.  The  last column title or  column value of a  row has no


When  formatting  the report,  there  are times  when  the report
elements do not fit within  their defined width.  The action that
must occur to rectify this  situation is termed "folding".  There
are two different ways in which  folding can occur.  The first is
"truncation".   Truncation means  the value  is truncated  to the
defined width  and the last displayable  character is replaced by
the  truncation  character(s)  (normally  "*").   The  second  is
"filling".   Filling  means that  portions of  the value  will be
moved  down  to the  next line(s),  allowing the  newly formatted
value to appear within its defined width.

A common occurence of folding  is within column titles.  A column
title has a default width which  is the same as the column width.
If  the column  title cannot fit  within this  defined width, the
folding action of  "filling" is done.  Portions of  the title are
moved down to the next line(s) until a fit occurs.

The default width  for the column value is  derived from the open
model  or  submodel.  The  width  chosen is  the exact  number of
characters  needed  to  contain  the  value  after  it  has  been
converted  from  the internal  data base  data type  to character
format via PL/I conversion rules.  When the default width is used
the column  value always fits,  but this width can  be reduced by
the user.   The reduction of  the column width  causes folding to
occur.   Column folding  can be set  to "fill"  or "truncate" and
proceeds  as  described  above  for  column  title  folding.  The
default for column values is "fill".


The concatenation of all the column values and separators to come
up  with the  row value,  can cause  row folding  to occur.  This
happens  when the  resulting row is  wider than  the defined page
width.  If row  folding is set to fill and  the row is wider than
the page  width, columns which appear  on or to the  right of the
right page  boundary are moved  down to the  next line(s).  Their
corresponding titles are moved so  that they appear directly over
their columns.

If row folding  is set to truncate and the  row is wider than the
defined page width, the title line and row value are truncated to
page width  and the last  displayable character(s) is  set to the
truncation character.  The default for row folding is "fill".


The alignment for column values is  derived from the data type of
the column, as defined in  the open model or submodel.  Character
and bit strings default to  left alignment, decimal data defaults
to decimal point  alignment, and all other data  types default to
right alignment.   The user can  set the alignment  of individual
columns to left, right, center, or decimal point alignment.

The  alignment  for a  column title  is left;  the title  is left
justified within its defined width.

The alignment for a title line or  a row is left, which means the
title line or row will be placed against the left page boundary.



For the user with more complex report formatting needs, there are
a  number  of  optional features  which  may be  used  to achieve
greater  control  over  the  appearance  of  the  report.   Their
description follows.


Editing can be specified for any column value, and is provided by
LINUS active  requests and Multics active  functions.  The column
value  is  passed  to  the active  function  or  request  and the
returned  value is  then folded  and aligned  as described above.
Editing of column values is not provided by default.

Headers and Footers

A header  or footer is  a character string provided  by the user.
The character string can contain  active requests, can be made up
of  more than  one "portion",  and can  consist of  more than one
line.  A  delimiter character is  used to separate  the different
portions  of  a  header  or  footer.   This  delimiter  character
defaults  to  "!"    but  can  be  changed  by   the  user.   The
header/footer can consist of a left, right, and center portion.

Evaluation  of  a  header/footer  is a  two  part  operation that
proceeds  in the  following manner:  first,  the header/footer is
divided into its portions based on the "delimiter" character; and
second, active requests are  evaluated.  The LINUS active request
"page_number" can be used to obtain  the current page number in a
header/footer, and the LINUS active request "column_value" can be
used to obtain the value of a column from the current row.

A header  or footer can be  made up of a  left, right, and center
portion.  These portions are  determined by the delimiter charac-
ters  found.  The  portions are aligned  to the  left, right, and
center of the page.  Folding on headers/footers proceeds indepen-
dently for each part.

Headers and  footers can be  defined for a  page and a  row.  The
first row that will appear on  the page is available for the page
header.  The current  row is available for use  in the row header
and row  footer.  The last  row that will  appear on the  page is
available for the page footer.

The major  differences between headers/footers  and column titles
are:   titles  are character  strings  that can't  contain active
functions; and they are associated  with a column and inherit its
width and always appear directly above their respective column.


Active Requests

Active requests are used  in headers/footers to substitute values
into the header/footer at the time the report is being formatted.
For example, the Multics active  function "date" could be used to
provide the current date as part of the header or footer.

They  are also  used to provide  editing for  column values which
will become part of the row value.  For example, the LINUS active
request "picture" could be used  to provide editing features like
dollar signs and commas.

LINUS  active  requests are  specified  by the  user  through the
construct  "[name STR]",  where name is  the name  of the desired
active request and STR is  any argument(s) required by the active
request.   Multics  active functions  are  invoked via  the LINUS
"execute" active request.  They are specified by the user through
the construct "[execute name STR]", where name is the name of the
Multics active  function and STR  is any argument(s)  required by
the  active function.   The active  function/request is evaluated
and its  returned value is substituted  into the original string,
before folding and alignment takes place.

Page Breaks

Page breaks  can be set  to occur when  the value of  one or more
columns changes.  The  occurence of a new value  in the column(s)
being watched causes the current page  to be closed out and a new
page  started.  The  new row which  caused the page  break is not
made available until the start of the next page.  This allows the
page  footer  to access  the correct  row (the  last row  on that

Excluding Columns

Columns  selected via  LILA can be  excluded from  the row value.
Through the use of the  "column_value" active request, the column
value can be  obtained for placement elsewhere on  the page.  For
example,  a user  could exclude the  display of a  column that is
being used to  determine when to generate page  breaks, and place
the   value   of  the   column   in  the   page   header  through

Ordering Of Columns

The columns  appear on the  page in the order  they were selected
through  LILA.  This  order can  be changed  by the  user without
having to go back and change the LILA select.



One or  more columns can  have duplicates values  suppressed.  If
more than  one column is  specified the left to  right order they
are given  in is treated as  a major to minor  hierarchy.  If the
values of  all columns are  the same as the  previous values then
their display will  be suppressed.  A change in  value of any one
column causes  all columns lower  in the hierarchy  to have their
values  displayed, in  addition to  the column  that changed.  An
exception to this is if it is  the first line on a new page, when
duplicate values are never suppressed.

Totals and Subtotals

Totals and  subtotals can be  specified for columns.   The totals
and subtotals are placed directly under their associated columns.

A column  subtotal is generated  when the value  of the column(s)
the  subtotal is  associated with  changes.  The  subtotal can be
associated with  one or more  columns.  Several subtotals  can be
specified, each associated with different columns.  Subtotals can
be "reset" or  "running".  A column total is  generated after the
last input row has been processed.

Separators and Delimiters

The separators  used to separate column  values and column titles
from each other can be set  to any string of printable characters
by  the  user.   The  delimiter  character  used  to  delimit the
different  portions of  a header/footer  can also  be set  by the

                              ATTACHMENT A
                           FORMATTING OPTIONS

01/19/83   Formatting Options (General Information):

Formatting options control the layout of a report.  A formatting option
consists of a name to identify it and a value which it is set to.
Examples of formatting options are "-page_width 80" and "-title_line
on".  Formatting options which deal with columns require an option
identifier to uniquely identify the column.  For example, to set the
width of a column, an identifier is needed to determine which column
the width should be set for.  Identifiers can be given as the number of
the column in the LILA selection-expression, the name of the column as
defined in the open model or submodel, or a star name which is matched
against the column names.  Examples of formatting options with
identifiers are "-width salary 10", "-folding 3 fill", and "-width **

The values of format options are listed and set through the
"list_format_options" and "set_format_options" requests.  These
requests take control arguments which are the names of the format
options.  For example, to find out what the current page width is, the
request "list_format_options -page_width" would be given.  To change
the page width, the request "set_format_options -page_width 65" would
be used.


The formatting options can be grouped into three classifications:  gen-
eral report options; general column options; and specific column

General report options control overall characteristics of a report,
such as the page width.  They are given a default value when linus is
first invoked, and can be changed by the user at any time.  They retain
their value across a complete linus session.

General column options control overall characteristics of the columns,
such as watching the value of certain columns to determine if a page
break should be generated.  They are given a default value for every
new LILA selection-expression, and can be changed by the user at any
time.  They retain their value until the next new LILA

Specific column options control the characteristics of one specific
column, such as a column's width.  They are given a default value for
every new LILA selection-expression, and can be changed by the user at
any time.  They retain their value until the next new LILA
selection-expression.  These are the only formatting options which
require an identifier to determine which column the particular option
                              ATTACHMENT A
                           FORMATTING OPTIONS

Active options:

All specific column options are considered active at all times.  Gener-
al column options and general report options are considered active only
when their value is different from the default value they are original-
ly given.  For example, if the page_width is always set to its default
value it is not considered active.  The moment that it is changed to a
value different from its default it is considered active.  This, for
example, reduces the number of options listed when a user types the
"list_format_options" request with no control arguments.  The
page_width would never be listed if it was set to its default value,
unless it was specifically asked for.

List of options:

General report options:

delimiter           page_footer_value   page_header_value
page_length         page_width          title_line

General column options:

column_order        exclude             group
outline             page_break          row_folding
row_footer_value    row_header_value    subtotal

Specific column options:

alignment           editing             folding
                              ATTACHMENT B
                          REQUEST DESCRIPTIONS

01/19/83   column_value, clv

Syntax:  [column_value column_id]

Function:  returns the value of the specified column for the current
row.  This request can only be used as an active request.  It is used
within a formatted report produced by the display request to obtain a
column's value from the current row.  It is an error to use this
request anywhere except in a header/footer or editing string within a
report produced by the display request.


   specifies which column the value should be returned for.  column_id
   can be given as the name of the column as defined in the open
   model/submodel or the number of the column in the LILA
                              ATTACHMENT B
                          REQUEST DESCRIPTIONS

01/19/83   display, di

Syntax:  display {-control_args}

Function:  retrieves selected data, creates a report, and displays it
on the terminal or saves it to a file.

Control arguments:

-brief, -bf, -long, -lg
   specifies that display is to suppress warning messages (-brief), or
   print warning messages (-long).  Warning messages are printed when a
   control argument such as -old_retrieval is used and the data from a
   previous retrieval isn't available.  -long is the default.

-delete_rows, -dlr, -keep_rows, -kr
   specifies that display is to delete or keep the retrieved data on
   its termination.  Keeping the retrieved data allows its re-use on
   subsequent invocations of the display request.  Previously retrieved
   data that has been sorted retains its sort order.  -delete_rows is
   the default.

-new_retrieval, -nr, -old_retrieval, -or
   specifies that display should begin a new retrieval from the data
   base, or, use data retrieved during its previous invocation.
   -new_retrieval is the default.

-save path, -sv path
   where path is the name of the file which will contain the formatted
   report.  If this argument is not given the report is displayed on
   the terminal.

-sort NAME {-ascending | -descending} ...  {NAME {-asc | -dsc}}
   where NAME is the name of a column as defined in the open
   model/submodel or a number corresponding to the position of the col-
   umn in the selection expression.  It can be followed by -ascending
   or -descending.  If -ascending or -descending is not specified, the
   default is -ascending.

-temp_dir dir_name, -td dir_name
   specifies that the given directory should be used for storing the
   retrieved data instead of the process directory.  This temp dir will
   continue to be used until another new temp dir is requested.  A new
   temp dir can only be specified when a new retrieval is being
                              ATTACHMENT B
                          REQUEST DESCRIPTIONS

01/19/83   format_line, fl

Syntax:  [fl control_string {args}]

                              ATTACHMENT B
                          REQUEST DESCRIPTIONS

01/19/83   list_format_options, lsfo

Syntax:   lsfo -control_arg
      or  lsfo -format_option_args
      or  [lsfo -format_option_arg]

Function:  lists the names and values of individual report formatting
options; all report formatting options; or the active report formatting
options.  As an active request returns the value of the specified for-
mat option.

Control arguments:

-active, -act
   specifies that only the active formatting options are to be listed
   (DEFAULT).  Type help "" for more information
   on "active" formatting options.  This control arg is incompatible
   with "-all" and the format option arguments.  If "-active" and
   "-all" are both given the last one supplied will be used.

-all, -a
   specifies that all formatting options are to be listed.  This con-
   trol arg is incompatible with "-active" and the format option argu-
   ments.  If "-all" and "-active" are both given the last one supplied
   will be used.

Format Option Arguments (General Report Options):

-delimiter, -dm
   the character used to delimit the different portions of a header or

-page_footer_value, -pfv
   the page footer placed at the bottom of each page.

-page_header_value, -phv
   the page header placed at the top of each page.

-page_length, -pl
   the length of each formatted page given as the number of lines.

-page_width, -pw
   the width of each formatted page given as the number of characters.

-title_line, -tl
   specifies the printing or suppression of printing of the title line.

-truncation, -tc
                              ATTACHMENT B
                          REQUEST DESCRIPTIONS

Format Option Arguments (General Column Options):

-column_order, -co
   the order of the display of columns in the detail line.

-exclude, -ex
   the columns that will be excluded from display in the detail line.

-group, -gr
   the columns used to group a number of rows based on their values.

-outline, -out
   the columns which are candidates for duplicate suppression.

-page_break, -pb
   the columns which are candidates for a break to a new page.

-row_folding, -rf
   the action that occurs when a detail line exceeds the page width.

-row_footer_value, -rfv
   the row footer placed after each detail line.

-row_header_value, -rhv
   the row header placed before each detail line.

-subtotal, -stt
   the columns which will have subtotals taken on them.

-total, -tt
   the columns which will have totals taken on them.

Format Option Arguments (Specific Column Options):

"column_id" in the following descriptions means the column name as
defined in the open model/submodel, the number of the column in the
LILA selection-expression, or a star name which is matched against the
column names.

-alignment column_id, -al column_id
   the alignment mode within the display width for the specified col-

-editing column_id, -ed column_id
   the editing string for the specified column.

-folding column_id, -fdg column_id
   the folding action taken when the column value exceeds the display
   width for the specified column.

                              ATTACHMENT B
                          REQUEST DESCRIPTIONS

   the character string that separates the specified column from the
   column in the detail line which immediately follows it.

-title column_id, -ttl column_id
   the character string that is placed at the top of the page above the
   specified column.

-width column_id, -wi column_id
   the display width in the detail line for the specified column.


Refer to the description of the set_format_options request for a com-
plete list of the default values for the format options and a discus-
sion of their allowed values.


list_format_options -all
list_format_options -width 1 -alignment salary
                              ATTACHMENT B
                          REQUEST DESCRIPTIONS

01/19/83   page_number, pn

Syntax:  [page_number]

Function:  returns the current page number.  This request can only be
used as an active request.  It is used within a formatted report
produced by the display request to obtain the number of the current
page.  It is an error to use this request anywhere except in a
header/footer or editing string within a report produced by the display
                              ATTACHMENT B
                          REQUEST DESCRIPTIONS

01/19/83   picture, pic

Syntax:  [picture pic_string values -control_arg]

                              ATTACHMENT B
                          REQUEST DESCRIPTIONS

01/19/83   restore_format_options, rsfo

Syntax:  rsfo path

Function:  restores the saved report layout specified by path.  Only
the formatting options found in the saved report layout have their val-
ues changed.


   the pathname of the saved report format to be restored.  If path
   does not have a suffix of ".fo.lec", one is assumed.


Refer to the save_format_options request for more detail on the content
of the saved report format.


restore_format_options sample_display_format
                              ATTACHMENT B
                          REQUEST DESCRIPTIONS

01/19/83   save_format_options, svfo

Syntax:  svfo path {-format_option_args} {-control_args}

Function:  saves the current values of format options as a linus
subsystem exec_com.  The saved format can be restored later with the
restore_format_options request.  The file is saved with a suffix of
".fo.lec".  Individual format options; active format options; or all
the format options can be saved.


   the pathname of the segment which will contain the saved format.
   The suffix ".fo.lec" is appended if not given.

Format Option Arguments:

Refer to the description of the list_format_options request for a com-
plete list of the names of the format option arguments.  Each format
option named will have its value saved in the exec_com specified by
path.  These arguments are incompatible with the control arguments -all
and -active listed below.

Control arguments:

-active, -act
   specifies that only the active formatting options will be saved.
   (DEFAULT) Type "help" for more information on
   "active" formatting options.  This control argument is incompatible
   with the format option arguments and "-all".  If -all and -active
   are given the last one supplied is used.

-all, -a
   specifies that all formatting options should be saved.  This control
   argument is incompatible with the format option arguments and
   "-active".  If -all and -active are given the last one supplied is

-selection_expression, -se
   specifies that the current lila selection_expression should also be
   saved.  A restore_format_options on the saved format will also
   restore and process the saved selection expression.

                              ATTACHMENT B
                          REQUEST DESCRIPTIONS

-all and -active are incompatible with the format option arguments and
can not be used on the same request line.  -all and -active are incom-
patible with each other and if both are supplied on the request line,
the last one given will be used.


save_format_options report_layout
save_format_options report_layout -all
save_format_options report_layout -selection_expression
save_format_options report_layout -page_header_value -page_footer_value
save_format_options report_layout -page_header_value -width salary
                              ATTACHMENT B
                          REQUEST DESCRIPTIONS

01/19/83   set_format_options, sfo

Syntax:  sfo {-format_option_args} {-control_args}

Function:  sets individual report format options to user specified or
default values, and/or all of the formatting options to their default

The option value given for any format option argument can be the con-
trol arguments "-default" or "-prompt".  If "-default" is given for the
value, LINUS will set the value of the format option to the system
default.  If "-prompt" is given for the value, LINUS will prompt for
the value with the prompt string "Enter FORMAT_OPTION_NAME.".  A line
consisting of the single character "."  will terminate the prompted
input mode.  To suppress the printing of the prompt string use the
"-brief" control argument.

Format Option Arguments (General Report Options):

-delimiter CHAR, -dm CHAR
   the character used to delimit the different portions of a header or
   footer.  The default character is "!".  This can be set to any
   printable character except the special escape character "".

-page_footer_value STR, -pfv STR
   the page footer placed at the bottom of each page.  The page footer
   can consist of more than one line, and each line can have a left,
   right, and center portion.  The individual portions of each line are
   delimited by the delimiter character.  Active requests found in the
   header are executed unless they are protected by the escape charac-
   ter "".  Any occurence of the characters "[" or "]" that are meant
   as text rather than active request delimiters must be preceded by
   the escape character.  To place an escape character into the header
   as text without its special meaning, precede the escape character
   with another escape character.  The default value for STR is ""
   which means there is no page footer provided by default.

-page_header_value STR, -phv STR
   the page header placed at the top of each page.  Refer to the
   description of "-page_footer_value" for the content of a
   header/footer.  The default value for STR is "" which means there is
   no page header provided by default.

-page_length N, -pl N
   the length of each formatted page given as the number of lines.  N
   can be given as "0" or any positive integer.  "0" means that the
   report is not to be paginated and it is created as one continous
   stream.  The default value for N is "66".

                              ATTACHMENT B
                          REQUEST DESCRIPTIONS

   the width of each formatted page given as the number of characters.
   N can be given as "0" or any positive integer.  "0" means that the
   page_width will always be set by LINUS to be the exact width needed
   to contain all of the columns specified in the LILA
   selection-expression.  The default value is "79" characters.

-title_line STR, -tl STR
   the value of title_line is used to determine whether a title line
   should be printed.  The default value for STR is "on" which means
   that a title line is printed at the top of each page.  STR can also
   be set to "off" to inhibit the printing of the title line.

-truncation STR, -tc STR
   the value of truncation is used to determine the character(s) that
   should be used to indicate that truncation of some value has
   occured.  The default value for STR is "*".  STR can be set to any
   sequence of printable characters.

Format Option Arguments (General Column Options):

-column_order COLUMN_LIST, -co COLUMN_LIST
   the value of column_order is used to determine the order that the
   columns should appear in the detail line.  The default value for
   COLUMN_LIST is the list of columns from the LILA
   selection-expression in the order supplied.  This means that the
   columns will appear in the exact same order as they appear in the
   LILA selection-expression.  COLUMN_LIST can be set to a list of col-
   umn names or numbers.  Columns missing from this list will be placed
   after the columns which appear in the list.  That is, if five col-
   umns were selected and the column_order value had been given as "3
   2", the complete order would be "3 2 1 4 5".

   the value of exclude is used to determine if any of the columns
   selected via LILA should be excluded from the detail line.  The
   default value for COLUMN_LIST is "" which means no columns should be
   excluded.  COLUMN_LIST can be set to a list of column names or num-

   the value of group is used to group a number of rows based on the
   values of one or more columns.  The default value for COLUMN_LIST is
   "" which means no group of rows has been defined.  COLUMN_LIST can
   be set to a list of column names or numbers.  The column or columns
   named in the list become a hierarchy of columns.  The first column
   named is the most major column, and the last column named becomes
   the most minor column.  The hierarchy of columns can be used with
   the "outline", "page_break" and "subtotal" options as described
   below under each option's description.

                              ATTACHMENT B
                          REQUEST DESCRIPTIONS

   the value of outline is used to determine if duplicate values in a
   column should be suppressed.  The default value for COLUMN_LIST is
   "" which means no columns should have duplicate values suppressed.
   COLUMN_LIST can be set to a list of column names or numbers.  If the
   value of a named column is the same as its previous value, then the
   value will be suppressed unless it is the first line of a new page.

   If any of the named columns are a member of the "group" of rows
   defined by the "group" option, then it and all of the columns more
   major in this group have outlining done on them.  A change in value
   of any one column causes all columns lower in the hierarchy to have
   their values displayed, in addition to the column that changed.  An
   exception to this is if it is the first line on a new page, when
   duplicate values are never suppressed.

-page_break COLUMN_LIST, -pb COLUMN_LIST
   the value of page_break is used to determine when page breaks should
   be generated.  The default value for COLUMN_LIST is "" which means
   that no columns are watched for page breaks.  COLUMN_LIST can be set
   to a list of column names or numbers.  The columns specified in the
   list are watched and when their values change, a break to a new page
   is generated.  If any of the named columns are a member of the group
   of rows defined via the "group" option, it and all columns more
   major in the group will be watched for page breaks.

-row_folding STR, -rf STR
   the action that occurs when a detail line exceeds the page width.
   STR can be set to "fill" or "truncate".  The default value is "fill"
   which means that columns which appear on or to the right of the
   right page boundary are moved down to the next line(s) to obtain a
   correct fit.  Their corresponding column titles are also moved so
   that they appear directly above their respective columns.  STR can
   be set to "truncate" which means that any columns that appear on or
   to the right of page_width are truncated and the last displayable
   character is replaced with the truncation indicator character.

-row_footer_value STR, -rfv STR
   the row footer placed after each detail line.  Refer to the descrip-
   tion of "-page_footer_value" for the content of a header/footer.
   The default value for STR is "" which means there is no row footer
   provided by default.

-row_header_value STR, -rhv STR
   the row header placed before each detail line.  Refer to the
   description of "-page_footer_value" for the content of a
   header/footer.  The default value for STR is "" which means there is
   no row header provided by default.

   the value of subtotal is used to determine what columns subtotals
   should be generated for, when they should be generated, and what
                              ATTACHMENT B
                          REQUEST DESCRIPTIONS

   SUBTOTAL_SPEC is "" which means no subtotals should be generated for
   any columns.  SUBTOTAL_SPEC can consists of one or more blank
   separated "triplets".  The syntax of a triplet is
   "column_1,column_2{,reset | running}".  "column_1" is the name or
   number of the column that a subtotal will be generated for.
   "column_2" is the name or number of a column whose value should be
   watched to determine when to generate the subtotal.  When the value
   of this column being watched changes, the subtotal is generated.  If
   this column is a member of the group of rows defined via the "group"
   option, it and all columns more major in the group will be watched
   for subtotal generation.  "reset" or "running" indicate the type of
   subtotal desired.  If neither is given then "reset" is the default.
   "reset" means the subtotal counter will be reset to zero each time a
   subtotal is generated.  "running" means the subtotal will not be
   reset to zero.

   the value of total is used to determine the columns totals should be
   generated for.  The default value for COLUMN_LIST is "" which means
   no columns should have totals generated.  COLUMN_LIST can be set to
   a list of column names or numbers.  If any column named is a member
   of the "group" of rows defined via the "group" option, then it and
   the columns more major in this group will have totals generated for
   them.  Totals are generated after the last detail line.  If
   subtotals have been requested but totals have not, a total is
   generated automatically for each column that has a subtotal.

Format Option Arguments (Specific Column Options):

"column_id" in the following descriptions means the column name as
defined in the open model/submodel, the number of the column in the
LILA selection_expression, or a star name which is used to match column

-alignment column_id STR, -al column_id STR
   the value of alignment is used to determine the alignment of a col-
   umn value within its display width.  "column_id" specifies which
   column the alignment applies to.  "STR" is the alignment mode and
   can be set to "center", "left", "right", or "decimal N".  The
   default value for STR depends upon the type of column selected via
   LILA.  Character and bit strings default to left alignment, decimal
   data defaults to decimal point alignment, and all other data types
   default to right alignment.  For decimal alignment, the decimal
   alignment position within the display width is given a default val-
   ue.  This alignment position can be changed by the user by
   specifying the value as "decimal N", where N is the character posi-
   tion within the display width where the decimal point should be

                              ATTACHMENT B
                          REQUEST DESCRIPTIONS

   the value of editing is used to specify additional editing that
   should be done to the column value before it is placed on the page.
   "column_id" specifies which column the editing applies to.  The
   default value for STR is "" which means additional editing should
   not be done.  Multics active functions and LINUS active requests are
   normally used to provide the additional editing.  For example, to
   place commas and dollar signs in a column called "salary", the
   string "[pic $99,999v.99 [column_value salary]]" could be specified
   as the editing value.  Refer to the description of the
   "column_value" request for its usage.

-folding column_id STR, -fdg column_id STR
   the value of folding is used to determine what type of action should
   occur when a column value exceeds its display width.  "column_id"
   specifies which column the folding applies to.  The default value
   for STR is "fill" which means portions of the value which exceed the
   display width are moved down to the next line(s) until a correct fit
   is obtained.  STR can also be set to "truncate" which means the
   column's value is truncated to fit in the display width and the
   truncation character(s) is placed at the end of the value to indi-
   cate truncation has occurred.

-separator column_id STR, -sep column_id STR
   the value of separator is used to separate a column from the next
   one following it.  The last column on a line does not have a separa-
   tor.  "column_id" specifies which column the separator applies to.
   The default value for STR is two blanks.  STR can be changed to any
   sequence of printable characters.

-title column_id STR, -ttl column_id STR
   the value of title is placed above the column at the start of each
   page if the option "title_line" is set to "on".  "column_id"
   specifies which column the title applies to.  The default value of
   STR is the name of the column taken from the open model or submodel.
   STR can be set to any sequence of printable characters.  The title
   is left justified in the display width for its associated column.
   If the value of title is wider than the columns display width it is
   filled to obtain a correct fit.

-width column_id N, -wi column_id N
   the value of width is used to determine the display width for a col-
   umn.  "column_id" specifies which column the width applies to.  The
   default value for N is the width for the column derived from the
   open model or submodel.  The derived width will be the number of
   characters needed to contain the value after conversion from the
   data type found in the data base to character format.  N can be set
   to any positive integer.

Control arguments:

                              ATTACHMENT B
                          REQUEST DESCRIPTIONS

   print/don't print the prompt string for values when the "-prompt"
   control argument is given.  The default is -long, which means prompt
   with the string "Enter FORMAT_OPTION_NAME".  If -brief and -long are
   both used on the request line, the last one supplied will be used.

   specifies that LINUS should set the value of the format option which
   immediately precedes this control argument to the system supplied

-string STR, -str STR
   allows STR to be entered as a format option value when STR begins
   with a hyphen.

   specifies that LINUS should prompt for the value of the format
   option which immediately precedes this control argument.  A prompt
   string will be written before the prompting action unless the -brief
   control argument is used.  A line consisiting of the single charac-
   ter "."  will terminate the prompted input mode.

-reset, -rs, -no_reset, -nrs
   reset/don't reset all formatting options to their system default
   values.  The default is -no_reset which means only the user
   specified options will have their values changed.  If -reset is giv-
   en, all format options will be reset to their system default values
   before the values are changed for any other format options specified
   in the request line.  If -reset and -no_reset are both used on the
   request line, the last one supplied will be used.


At least one format option argument or "-reset" must be specified.
Format option arguments and control arguments can be mixed freely in
the request line, but a control argument cannot be placed in between a
format option name and a format option value.  For example, "sfo
-page_width 80 -reset" is a valid request.  "sfo -page_width -reset 80"
is not valid.  If a value is to be set that begins with a hyphen, the
control argument "-string" must be given before the value to distin-
guish it from control arguments and format option arguments.


set_format_options -width 1 25
set_format_options -title emp_name "Employee Name"
set_format_options -reset -page_width 80 -page_length 60
set_format_options -page_footer_value "!!-[page_number]-!!"
set_format_options -page_header_value -prompt
Enter page_header_value.
                              ATTACHMENT B
                          REQUEST DESCRIPTIONS

!!--Page [page_number]--!!
sfo -exclude exchange extension -width area_code 12
sfo -editing area_code "[fl ^a/^a-^a [clv area_code]