Multics Technical Bulletin                            MTB-629
Processing Arguments.

To:       Distribution

From:     Lindsey Leroy Spratt

Date:     07/21/83

Subject:  A new argument processing technique for commands and requests.


     Process_arguments_ provides  a method for  centralizing user
interaction  with  respect to  arguments, application  of default
arguments,   and  basic   argument  "parsing",   validation,  and
command-line  completion.  A  major goal  of this  proposal is to
enhance  the  existing command  environment while  minimizing the
effect on the implementation of existing commands.

     This  MTB presents  a system  for (pre-)processing arguments
for commands and subsystem requests.  The central utility of this
system  is  the  process_arguments_ subroutine.   The  command or
request   calls   process_arguments_.    Process_arguments_  uses
argument  processing  control information,  default  arguments if
defined, an  argument list if  present, and interaction  with the
user if  appropriate, to generate  its output.  The  output is an
array of instances of options which is guaranteed to conform with
the argument processing control information's syntax constraints.
The  command or  request extracts  option values  from the output
"result" array, applying the  information as appropriate to carry
out its task.


Multics  project  internal  working  documentation.   Not  to  be
reproduced or distributed outside the Multics project without the
consent of the author or the author's management.

MTB-629                            Multics Technical Bulletin
                                            Processing Arguments.

Comments should be sent to the author:

via Multics Mail:
   Spratt.Multics on either MIT Multics or System M.

via US Mail:
   Lindsey Spratt
   Honeywell Information Systems, inc.
   575 Tech Square
   Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139

via telephone:
   (HVN) 261-9321, or
   (617) 492-9321



                 1 Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     i
                 2 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . .     1
                 3 The sources of arguments to be
                  processed.  . . . . . . . . . . . . .     2
                    3.1 The argument list.  . . . . . .     2
                    3.2 Interaction with the user.  . .     2
                    3.3 Default arguments.  . . . . . .     3
                 4 The processed arguments, the output
                  of process_arguments_.  . . . . . . .     3
                    4.1 The basic model for the meaning
                     of arguments.  . . . . . . . . . .     3
                       4.1.1 Options  . . . . . . . . .     4
                       4.1.2 Arguments  . . . . . . . .     4
                 Grouping  . . . . . .     4
                 Names . . . . . . . .     4
                    4.2 Instances . . . . . . . . . . .     5
                       4.2.1 Groups . . . . . . . . . .     5
                       4.2.2 Options  . . . . . . . . .     5
                 Explicit  . . . . . .     5
                 Implicit  . . . . . .     5
                    4.3 The result print_vector_array.      5
                       4.3.1 Example result
                        print_vector_array. . . . . . .     5
                 Example 1 . . . . . .     6
                 Example 2 . . . . . .     6
                 Example 3 . . . . . .     6
                       4.3.2 Dimensions present in each
                        print_vector of the result
                        print_vector_array. . . . . . .     6
                       4.3.3 Dimensions whose presence
                        depends on the argument syntax.     7
                 5 Controlling process_arguments_.  . .     7
                    5.1 An example control
                     print_vector_array.  . . . . . . .     7
                    5.2 The definition of the syntax of
                     arguments. . . . . . . . . . . . .     8
                       5.2.1 Initial implied option.  .     8
                       5.2.2 Required options.  . . . .     8
                       5.2.3 Multiply-named options.  .     9
                       5.2.4 The next implied option. .     9
                       5.2.5 The initial argument.  . .     9

                         CONTENTS (cont)


                       5.2.6 Argument groups. . . . . .     9
                       5.2.7 Required arguments.  . . .     9
                    5.3 Explanations  . . . . . . . . .    10
                    5.4 Sources of the argument
                     processing control information.  .    10
                       5.4.1 Caller-provided. . . . . .    10
                       5.4.2 From a search list of
                        databases.  . . . . . . . . . .    10
                 cvapd  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    11
                    process_arguments_  . . . . . . . .    15
                       $argument_array  . . . . . . . .    16
                       $argument_list . . . . . . . . .    18
                       $argument_string . . . . . . . .    20
                       $cv_result_to_linear_form  . . .    22
                       $get_default_linear_form . . . .    23
                       $get_definition  . . . . . . . .    24
                       $get_option_value  . . . . . . .    25
                       The option_value_list structure.    26
                       $get_reference_name  . . . . . .    27
                    vector_util_  . . . . . . . . . . .    28
                       The print_vector_array
                        structure.  . . . . . . . . . .    28
                       The print_vector structure.  . .    29

Multics Technical Bulletin                            MTB-629
Processing Arguments.


     The process_arguments_  proposal addresses several  needs of
the  Multics  command  environment.   These needs  fall  into two
categories:  better services for the users of commands; and, easy
development of the command environment for developers.

     The  better services  provided by  process_arguments_ are of
two  groups:   adaptable  modes  of  interaction  with  the user,
according  to  the   user's  needs;  and,  hierarchically-defined
defaults  for  each  command  and subsystem  request,  edited and
reviewed in an easily comprehended fasion.

     The basic  mode of interaction is  to use arguments provided
on  a command  line, stopping  with the  first error encountered.
The first  level of refinement  for getting information  from the
user is for process_arguments_ to  be prepared to prompt the user
for any required  data which was not given  in the argument list.
The second level of refinement is to provide a menu of all of the
defined options,  with defaults.  The user  chooses any number of
options from the menu, providing data for the options selected as
appropriate.   Process_arguments_ can  also be used  by the video
system's line editor to "complete" the user's input line.

     In each of these modes of interaction it is possible for the
user to  get explanations of  what an option means,  or what data
the option uses, at any point  in the process of interacting with

     The  arguments  as strung  together  on a  command  line are
called the linear form of  input.  Settable defaults for commands
and subsystem requests are implmented by linear forms which are a
preface to the arguments provided  by the user for any invocation
of  the  command  or  request  in  question.   The  arguments are
processed as though the user had typed in the default linear form
before the  arguments she actually provided.   This definition of
defaults  has  the  advantage  of  being  both  simple  and  very
expressive (although  not amenable to all  approaches which might
be  taken  to using  defaults, by  any means).   The hierarchical
definition of defaults allows for a system to define defaults for
everyone,  which can  be selectively overridden  by projects (for
instance),  which,  in  turn,  can  be  overridden  by  the user.
Various   other  hierarchies   can  be   defined  by  appropriate
manipulation of a search list.

    The development of the  command environment with the features
mentioned above is made possible by having all initial processing
of arguments done by a single routine, process_arguments_.  It is
the  only  program  needed  to  understand  the  techniques  for:
prompting, using menus (for argument input), finding and applying

MTB-629                            Multics Technical Bulletin
                                            Processing Arguments.

argument   defaults,   providing   specific   explanations  about
arguments  and  their  meanings,  and  implementing  the argument
syntax  (including  some  argument  validation).   This  makes it
possible to have extensive interface capabilities for command and
subsystem  requests with  little development  effort expended per
command or request.


     There  are  three  ways  a  user  can  provide  arguments to
process_arguments_, on a command or  request line, in response to
a  request  for input  by process_arguments_  (which is  either a
prompt or a menu), and by defining default arguments.

3.1 The argument list.

     The pointer to the argument list specified on the command or
request line is gotten by the caller of process_arguments_ (since
it  is   the  caller's  argument  list,   in  general,  which  is
interesting).    Further,   the   caller   of  process_arguments_
identifies  which  arguments  in  the  argument  list  are  to be
processed by process_arguments_.

     This  approach  to using  argument  lists makes  it  easy to
implement  a  command  for  setting  default  arguments  for  all
commands and  requests.  The command, set_defaults,  takes as its
argument a  command line consisting  of one command  name and the
arguments it is to assume by default (for instance, "set_defaults
list  -no_header  -records").   The  set_defaults  command  calls
process_arguments_ with  the user-provided command  name ("list")
and  has   process_arguments_  start  processing   at  the  first
"default" argument ("-no_header").  Set_defaults takes the result
array  from process_arguments_  and stores  it in  a database for
future reference by process_arguments_.

     The  input linear  form can be  passed to process_arguments_
not  only in  the form  of a  standard Multics  argument list (as
described  above),  but also  as  an array  of  varying character
strings  (the   form  in  which  iox_$attach   passes  an  attach
description)  or  as a  single character  string (exactly  as the
input linear form would appear in a command line).

3.2 Interaction with the user.

     The interaction with the user  is of three kinds, prompting,
menus  of  options,  and  command-line  completion.   The command
completion  interaction is  invoked by  the video  system's input

Multics Technical Bulletin                            MTB-629
Processing Arguments.

line editor to help the user build a command line.  The prompting
which  is done  by default  is for  required arguments  which are
absent  in  the default  arguments  and the  argument  list.  The
control  information  for  a  command or  request  may explicitly
identify options for which process_arguments_ is to prompt.

3.3 Default arguments.

     There are two kinds of default arguments:

1 - a list  of arguments to processed  before processing any user
    input (a "default linear form"); and,
2 - values  to  be provided  to  options which  must  have values
    associated  with  them,  but   none  were  specified  in  the
    invocation of the command.

The default list of arguments  is found by searching databases in
a search list of  databases (named "process_arguments" and "pa").
If  more  than  one  database  has  defaults,  the  defaults  are
concatenated  together  to  make  a  single  default  linear form
string.   The default  linear form from  a database  lower in the
search  list goes  further to the  left in  this combined default
linear form,  to take advantage  of the fact that  when there are
conflicting  options  the  option  further  to  the  right  takes
precedence.  Hence,  the options in  a default linear  form found
"higher" in the search list  takes precedence over the options in
one found "lower" in the search list.

     The default  values for options  (as opposed to  the default
linear  form  specification  of  options and  option  values) are
provided in the control definition of the command.  These default
values can be applied when doing command-line completion.


     The primary output of process_arguments_ is a data structure
which contains all of the input arguments (from any or all of the
sources  mentioned above)  in a  canonical form.   This canonical
form  is  a print_vector_array,  containing  print_vectors.  Each
print_vector identifies an "option", present either explicitly or
implicitly in  the input arguments,  and a single  instance of an
argument "group" for that option.

4.1 The basic model for the meaning of arguments.

     The  basic model  for command  or request  arguments has two
pieces, the "option" and the "argument group".

MTB-629                            Multics Technical Bulletin
                                            Processing Arguments.


     Options  are identified  in an  argument list  by an "option
reference name", a character string starting with a "-" (hyphen).
Any  number of  option reference names  can be defined  to name a
particular option, but an option reference name must name exactly
one   option.    In   Example  1   below,   -source_pathname  and
-target_pathname are option names for two different options.


     Arguments  are  of  two  types, option  reference  names and
option  values.  Option  reference names only  appear in argument
lists  and are  used only  to identify  an option.   Option value
arguments are values associated with  an option.  An option value
is associated with exactly one group, which in turn is associated
with exactly one option.  Any  instance of an argument which does
not start with a "-" (hyphen), is an instance of an option value.
For the  instance of the argument  to be valid, there  must be an
instance  of  an option  with  which it  can be  associated.  The
option instance may be either explicit or implicit.  In Example 1
below,  the  arguments "foo"  and  "bar" are  option  values with
implicit    option    instances     of    -source_pathname    and
-target_pathname, respectively. Grouping

     An option  may be defined  to have any  number of arguments.
In  the  case where  an  option is  defined  to take  exactly one
argument instance, this argument instance is given a type and the
extent of  the "argument group"  for the option  is one argument.
If  an option  takes several argument  instances, but  all of the
same type,  then it, too,  has an "argument  group" consisting of
one argument,  with the difference that  several instances of the
argument group may  occur within one instance of  the option.  An
option which  takes argument instances which  must occur in pairs
has  two arguments  in its  argument group.   In this  fashion an
argument group may define triplets of arguments, quadruplets, or,
generally, n-tuplets.  In Example 1  below, there is one instance
of the -source_pathname option and one instance of its "pathname"
option value, which has a value of "foo". Names

     Each  option value  has a  name which  is unique  within its
argument group.

Multics Technical Bulletin                            MTB-629
Processing Arguments.

4.2 Instances

     The type of an option value  is fully identified by the name
of the option with which its argument group is associated and the
name of the argument within  its argument group.  The instance of
an option  value is a value  of the type specified  by the option

4.2.1 GROUPS

     An instance  of an argument  group consists of  no more than
one instance of each of the arguments of the group.


     An instance of  an option consists of the  option name and a
number  of  instances  of  argument  groups  consistent  with the
definition of the option. Explicit

     An  instance  of  an  option which  is  named  by  an option
reference name in an argument list is an "explicit" instance. Implicit

     An option which is syntactically determined to be present in
an argument list (in order to  interpret an argument group) is an
"implicit" instance.

4.3 The result print_vector_array.

     The   result   is  a   print_vector_array  as   declared  in
print_vector_array.incl.pl1.   Vector  arrays (and  data vectors)
are  discussed   in  MTB-541,  "Toward  a   unification  of  data
manipulation on Multics."  The  documentation of them is included
at the end of this MTB.


     Following is a display of the print_vector_array returned by
process_arguments_ for  the example command  lines provided.  The
definition used for the copy command  is only for the purposes of
the example.

MTB-629                            Multics Technical Bulletin
                                            Processing Arguments. Example 1

Command line: copy foo bar

Result array:

 command name order    option name   option instance pathname
 copy         1     -source_pathname 1               foo
              2     -target_pathname 1               bar Example 2

Command line: copy foo1 bar1 foo2 bar2

Result array:

 command name order    option name   option instance pathname
 copy         1     -source_pathname 1               foo1
              2     -target_pathname 1               bar1
              3     -source_pathname 2               foo2
              4     -target_pathname 2               bar2 Example 3

Command line: copy foo bar -names

Result array:

 command name order    option name   option instance pathname
 copy         1     -source_pathname 1               foo
              2     -target_pathname 1               bar
              3     -names           1               --------


     There are  four dimensions present in  every print_vector of
the result  print_vector_array, "order", "command  name", "option
instance",  and  "option  name".   The order  number  is  used to
preserve the  input ordering of the  arguments.  The command name
identifies the command for which the argument was processed.  The

(1) The  line  of  hyphens  for  the  pathname  dimension  of the
    print_vector  for  the  -names   option  indicates  that  the
    pathname dimension is not present in the print_vector.

Multics Technical Bulletin                            MTB-629
Processing Arguments.

option name identifies the option  with which the print_vector is


     An argument group instance is presented in a print_vector by
having a dimension  for each member of the  group, with the value
of  the  dimension  being  the value  of  that  argument  in that
instance of the argument group.


     The    information    to    control    the    behavior    of
process_arguments_  is  placed  in   a  print_vector_array  of  a
particular  format.   The  control  print_vector_array  contains,
among  other things,  information specifying  the argument syntax
for a command, explanations about the syntax (for printing at the
request  of  a  user),  and  prompt  strings  (to  be  used  when

5.1 An example control print_vector_array.

     The  source  language  for  the  control  information  for a
simplified  copy command  is displayed below.   The definition of
the  source language  is provided in  a later  section.  The same
information is  displayed in a format  which maintains an obvious
correlation to print_vectors later in the MTB.

Program_name:  copy;
Initial implied option:  source_pathname;

Option:  source_pathname;
         First argument:  pathname;
         Next implied option:  target_pathname;
         Presence:  required;
         Option name:  -source_pathname, -scpn;
         Unexclude: source_pathname; /* Options exclude themselves
                                        by default. */

    Argument:  pathname;
         Next argument:  NONE;
         Explanation:  "This is the pathname of a file to be copied.";
         Presence:  required;
         Validate: "exists file &1";

MTB-629                            Multics Technical Bulletin
                                            Processing Arguments.

Option:  target_pathname;
         First argument:  pathname;
         Next implied option:  source_pathname;
         Option name:  -target_pathname, -tgtpn;
         Unexclude: target_pathname;

    Argument:  pathname;
         Next argument:  NONE;
         Explanation:  "This is the pathname of the new file into which the
         source file is copied.";
         Presence:  required;

Option:  names;
         Explanation:  "Indicates all of the entry names on the source file are
         to be added to the target file.";
         Option name:  -names, -nm, -name;
         Antonym: -no_names, -nnm, -no_name;

    Argument:  flag;
         Default_value: true;
         Antonym_value: false;


5.2 The definition of the syntax of arguments.

     There are  several aspects of command  argument syntax which
can be specified in the control information.


     The initial  implied option is used  when the first argument
in an argument list is not  an option reference name (i.e., it is
an option  value).  The initial  implied option is  the option to
which  it  belongs.  For  the copy  command, the  initial implied
option is -source_pathname.  If the  user types "copy foo", "foo"
is   an   option   value   which   implicitly   belongs   to  the
-source_pathname option.


     Any number of  instances of an option may  be required.  The
"presence" value present in the example control information above
indicates  the  number of  required  instances.  In  the example,
there must  be (at least) one  occurrence of the -source_pathname

Multics Technical Bulletin                            MTB-629
Processing Arguments.


     An  option  may have  any number  of option  reference names
(i.e.,   reference   names)   associated   with   it.    For  the
-target_pathname   option,    it   has   the    reference   names
-target_pathname and -tgtpn.  For the -names option there are the
option reference names -names, -name, and -nm.


     When  an  option definition  is  being used  (in  parsing an
argument  list) because  it was determined  to be  implied by the
syntax,  the  next option  which  will be  used, when  the syntax
indicates an implied option, is determined by the current implied
option's  specification  of a  next implied  option.  Intervening
uses of explicit options do not affect the choice of option under
"implication".  For the example copy  command, after picking up a
source_pathname,  the next  "unaccompanied" option  value will be
assumed to belong to an implicit instance of the -target_pathname
option, even if an instance of  the -name option should happen to
intervene.  For  the two command  lines "copy foo  bar" and "copy
foo -names bar", bar would be interpreted identically in both, as
an instance  of the option value  for an implied -target_pathname


     The  first   option  value  for  an   option  is  explicitly
identified in the control information  for that option.  If there
is no argument  group for an option, then  no initial argument is
specified.   For the  example copy  command, the -source_pathname
option has an initial option value named "pathname".


     Argument   groups   are  specified   by   chaining  argument
specifications  together.  The  "next argument"  may identify any
other  option   value  of  the  option   (including  one  already
identified), or it  may indicate that there is  no next argument.
By  specifying  an already  chained  argument, one  establishes a
loop.  The  argument group will  be cycled through  until another
option is explicitly supplied (when parsing an argument list).

MTB-629                            Multics Technical Bulletin
                                            Processing Arguments.


     The  number of  required instances  of an  option value, per
instance of the associated option, is indicated by the "presence"
value.   For  the  example  copy  command,  one  instance  of the
pathname   argument  is   required  for  each   instance  of  the
-source_pathname option.

5.3 Explanations

     Explanations can be associated  with both options and option
values.  These explanations are available on demand from the user
by entering a "?"  (question mark) at appropriate times.

     For  the   example  copy  command,  "copy   ?"   prints  the
explanation  of  the  command  (including,  perhaps,  a  list  of
options),  and  the explanation  of  the initial  implied option;
"copy <option  name> ?"  prints explanation  for the named option
and the explanation of the  initial argument for that option, or,
if  there is  no initial argument,  the explanation  for the next
implied  option; "copy  <option name>  <argument> ?"   prints the
explanation for  the next argument, if  one is defined, otherwise
the next implied option is explained.

5.4 Sources of the argument processing control information.

     The  control  print_vector_array  can  be  provided  to  the
process_arguments_ subroutine in two ways.


     The caller of process_arguments_ may  provide a pointer to a
print_vector_array which contains the control information.


     If  no  control  information  is  provided  by  the  caller,
process_arguments_  will  search  through  the  process_arguments
search  list  of databases  for  a print_vector_array  of control
information for the command.

_____                                                       _____

cvapd                                                       cvapd
_____                                                       _____

Name:  cvapd


   cvapd {-source} path {{-target} path} {-control_arg}

FUNCTION:  This command takes a source segment and translates the
information specified  by that source into  a print vector array.
The  resulting  print  vector  array  is  stored  into  a  vector
database.  The vector database resides in a file specified by the
user.  The  information in the  source file must  be specified in
the language whose grammar is described below.

The  source segment  contains information  about the  syntax of a
specific command.   The print_vector_array that is  the result of
using  cvapd   on  a  source   segment  is  later   used  by  the
process_arguments_  subroutine   to  process  the   command  line
arguments of that command.


-source path
   is the pathname (relative or  absolute) of the source segment.
   The source segment name must  have the "cvapd" suffix although
   the suffix need not be specified in the command line.

-target path
   is  the pathname  of the  vector database  where the resultant
   print vector  array is stored.   The target segment  name must
   have the "vd" suffix although the suffix need not be specified
   in the command line.

-replace, -rp
   causes  the new  command syntax  definition (specified  in the
   source file)  to replace the definition  already in the target
   vector database.   If the command definition  does not already
   exist  in the  target database,  the new  definition is simply


If the target path is not specified, then print vector array will
be stored in  a segment in the user's  working directory.  If the
target segment does not exist, it will be created.  If it must be

_____                                                       _____

cvapd                                                       cvapd
_____                                                       _____

created, it will be given the name of the source segment with the
"cvapd" suffix replaced by "vd".   It will also be initialized as
a vector data base.  If the target segment exists it must already
be a vector database.


The cvapd source language is specified by the following grammar.

   /~********** Overall language structure **********~/

      <source> := <initial definition>
                  {<option definition list>}
                  <end statement>

      <initial definition> := <program name statement>
                              {<initial statement list>}

      <initial statement list> := {<explanation statement>}
                                  {<default linear form statement>}
                                  {<initial implied option statement>}

      <option definition list> := <option definition>
                                  {<option definition list>}

      <option definition> := <option statement>
                             {<per option statement list>}
                             {<argument definition list>}

      <per option statement list> := {<option reference name statement>}
                                     {<linked option statement>}
                                     {<first argument statement>}
                                     {<antonym reference name statement>}
                                     {<explanation statement>}
                                     {<exclude statement>}
                                     {<unexclude statement>}
                                     {<presence statement>}
                                     {<next implied option statement>}

      <argument definition list> := <argument definition>
                                    {<argument definition list>}

      <argument definition> := <argument statement>
                              {<per argument statement list>}

      <per argument statement list> := {<validate statement>}
                                       {<default value statement>}
                                       {<antonym value statement>}

_____                                                       _____

cvapd                                                       cvapd
_____                                                       _____

                                       {<presence statement>}
                                       {<next argument statement>}
                                       {<explanation statement>}

   /~********** Statements **********~/

      <program name statement> := Program_name: <program name>;

      <option statement> := Option: <option name>;

      <linked option statement> := Linked_option: <option name>;

      <initial implied option statement>
                                  := Initial_implied_option: <option name>;

      <next implied option statement> := Next_implied_option: <option name>;

      <exclude statement> := Exclude: <option name list>;

      <unexclude statement> := Unexclude: <option name list>;

      <antonym reference name statement>
                                  := Antonym: <option reference name list>;

      <option reference name statement>
                                  := Option_name: <option reference name list>;

      <argument statement> := Argument: <argument name>;

      <first argument statement> := First_argument: <argument name>;

      <next argument statement> := Next_argument: <argument name>;

      <default linear form statement> := Default_linear_form: <linear form>; |
                                         Default_linear_form: <active string>;

      <explanation statement> := Explanation: <string>;

      <validate statement> := Validate: <active string>;

      <default value statement> := Default_value: <active string>;

      <antonym value statement> := Antonym_value: <active string>;

      <presence statement> := Presence: <presence value>;

   /~********** Substatement structures **********~/

_____                                                       _____

cvapd                                                       cvapd
_____                                                       _____

      <program name> := <identifier>

      <linear form> := <string>

                       This is used to form a string of default arguments
                       to be used by the program being described.

      <option name> := <identifier>

      <option name list> := <option name>
                            {, <option name list>}

      <option reference name> := <identifier>

      <option reference name list> := <option reference name>
                                      {, <option reference name list>}

      <argument name> := <identifier>

      <active string> := <string>

                         This can be a Multics active function.
                         If it is, it should be a legal active function.

      <presence value> := <integer> |
                          required |
                          literal_required |


Whitespace,   quotes,   ",",    ";",   ":",   comment-open,   and
comment-close  characters are  special.  Also,  the source  to be
translated is free format.

__________________                             __________________

process_arguments_                             process_arguments_
__________________                             __________________

Name:  process_arguments_

     This  module provides  several services  relating to getting
input  for a  command or  subsystem request.   Primarily, it gets
input according  to a argument_processing_definition  and formats
this input into a "result print_vector_array", to which a pointer
is provided to the caller.

__________________                             __________________

process_arguments_                             process_arguments_
__________________                             __________________

Entry:  process_arguments_$argument_array

          This  entry  processes  the  arguments  in  a character
varying  array  (as  produced   by  iox_$attach,  for  instance),
producing a result print_vector_array.


     dcl process_arguments_$argument_array entry (char (*), fixed
          bin, (*) char (*) varying, ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed bin

     call process_arguments_$argument_array (command_name,
          arg_processing_mode, arg_array, definition_pva_ptr,
          area_ptr, result_pva_ptr, code);


       command_name                 (Input)
            is  the  name  of  the command  on  whose  behalf the
            arguments are being processed.

       arg_processing_mode          (Input)
            is  the  mode  in  which  the  arguments  are  to  be
            processed.   The modes  are declared  as constants in
            pa_proc_constants.incl.pl1.   The  caller  can choose
               DEFAULT_PROC_MODE  - process_arguments_  selects a
                 processing mode depending  on the user's process
               PROMPT_PROC_MODE - prompt the user for information
                 needed but not present in the provided input.
               MENU_PROC_MODE  -  use a  menu  to get  the user's
                 selection  of  options and  arguments  for those
            (This argument is currently ignored.)

       arg_array                    (Input)
            is an array of arguments to be processed.

       definition_pva_ptr           (Input)
            is a pointer  to a definition_print_vector_array.  If
            this  pointer  is  null,  then  the process_arguments
            search list  is used to  locate a definition  for the
            specified command.

       area_ptr                     (Input)
            is a pointer to an area in which the result_pva is to

__________________                             __________________

process_arguments_                             process_arguments_
__________________                             __________________

            be allocated.  This area must be a freeing area.

       result_pva_ptr               (Output)
            is a pointer to  the result print_vector_array, which
            is the final product of the argument processing.

       code                         (Output)
            is a standard system error code.

__________________                             __________________

process_arguments_                             process_arguments_
__________________                             __________________

Entry:  process_arguments_$argument_list

          This entry processes the  arguments in an argument_list
(as produced by the  command_processor_, for instance), producing
a result print_vector_array.


     dcl process_arguments_$argument_list entry (char (*), fixed
          bin, ptr, fixed bin, ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed bin (35));

     call process_arguments_$argument_list (command_name,
          arg_processing_mode, arg_list_ptr, first_arg_idx,
          definition_pva_ptr, area_ptr, result_pva_ptr, code);


       command_name                 (Input)
            is  the  name  of  the command  on  whose  behalf the
            arguments are being processed.

       arg_processing_mode          (Input)
            is  the  mode  in  which  the  arguments  are  to  be
            processed.   The modes  are declared  as constants in
            pa_proc_constants.incl.pl1.   The  caller  can choose
               DEFAULT_PROC_MODE  - process_arguments_  selects a
                 processing mode depending  on the user's process
               PROMPT_PROC_MODE - prompt the user for information
                 needed but not present in the provided input.
               MENU_PROC_MODE  -  use a  menu  to get  the user's
                 selection  of  options and  arguments  for those
            (This argument is currently ignored.)

       arg_list_ptr                 (Input)
            is  a pointer  to a  standard argument_list structure
            (with descriptors), as declared in arg_list.incl.pl1.
            cu_$arg_list_ptr  can be  used to get  the pointer to
            the arg_list of a command.

       first_arg_idx                (Input)
            is  the index  into the  arg_list of  the argument at
            which   processing  is   to  begin.    All  arguments
            preceeding     first_arg_idx    are     ignored    by

__________________                             __________________

process_arguments_                             process_arguments_
__________________                             __________________

       definition_pva_ptr           (Input)
            is a pointer  to a definition_print_vector_array.  If
            this  pointer  is  null,  then  the process_arguments
            search list  is used to  locate a definition  for the
            specified command.

       area_ptr                     (Input)
            is a pointer to an area in which the result_pva is to
            be allocated.  This area must be a freeing area.

       result_pva_ptr               (Output)
            is a pointer to  the result print_vector_array, which
            is the final product of the argument processing.

       code                         (Output)
            is a standard system error code.

__________________                             __________________

process_arguments_                             process_arguments_
__________________                             __________________

Entry:  process_arguments_$argument_string

          This  entry  processes  the  arguments  in  a character
varying string (separated by spaces  or tabs), producing a result


     dcl process_arguments_$argument_string entry (char (*),
          fixed bin, char (*) varying, ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed bin

     call process_arguments_$argument_string (command_name,
          arg_processing_mode, arg_string, definition_pva_ptr,
          area_ptr, result_pva_ptr, code);


       command_name                 (Input)
            is  the  name  of  the command  on  whose  behalf the
            arguments are being processed.

       arg_processing_mode          (Input)
            is  the  mode  in  which  the  arguments  are  to  be
            processed.   The modes  are declared  as constants in
            pa_proc_constants.incl.pl1.   The  caller  can choose
               DEFAULT_PROC_MODE  - process_arguments_  selects a
                 processing mode depending  on the user's process
               PROMPT_PROC_MODE - prompt the user for information
                 needed but not present in the provided input.
               MENU_PROC_MODE  -  use a  menu  to get  the user's
                 selection  of  options and  arguments  for those
            (This argument is currently ignored.)

       arg_string                   (Input)
            is a string containing the arguments to be processed,
            separated by whitespace (blanks or tab characters).

       definition_pva_ptr           (Input)
            is a pointer  to a definition_print_vector_array.  If
            this  pointer  is  null,  then  the process_arguments
            search list  is used to  locate a definition  for the
            specified command.

       area_ptr                     (Input)

__________________                             __________________

process_arguments_                             process_arguments_
__________________                             __________________

            is a pointer to an area in which the result_pva is to
            be allocated.  This area must be a freeing area.

       result_pva_ptr               (Output)
            is a pointer to  the result print_vector_array, which
            is the final product of the argument processing.

       code                         (Output)
            is a standard system error code.

__________________                             __________________

process_arguments_                             process_arguments_
__________________                             __________________

Entry:  process_arguments_$cv_result_to_linear_form

     This  entry  converts a  result pva  to a  character string.
Passing  this  character  string  to  the  $argument_string entry
produces the  same result pva  as that from which  the string was


     dcl process_arguments_$cv_result_to_linear_form entry (ptr,
          ptr, char (*) varying, fixed bin (35));

     call process_arguments_$cv_result_to_linear_form
          (definition_pva_ptr, result_pva_ptr, linear_form,


       definition_pva_ptr           (Input)
            is a pointer to a definition print_vector_array to be
            used    in    converting   the    associated   result
            print_vector_array.   If null,  then a  definition is
            found  using the  databases in  the process_arguments
            search list.

       result_pva_ptr               (Input)
            is a  pointer to the result  print_vector_array to be

       linear_form                  (Output)
            is a character string of the options and their values
            (separated by spaces and requoted where appropriate).
            The order  of the options  and values is  the same as
            that in  the result print_vector_array.   This string
            can be  passed to the $argument_string  entry and the
            same result print_vector_array produced.

       code                         (Output)
            is a standard system error code.

__________________                             __________________

process_arguments_                             process_arguments_
__________________                             __________________

Entry:  process_arguments_$get_default_linear_form

          This  entry  finds  the   default  linear  form  for  a
specified command via the process_arguments search list.


     dcl process_arguments_$get_default_linear_form entry
          (char(*) varying, char (*) varying, fixed bin (35));

     call process_arguments_$get_default_linear_form
          (command_name, default_linear_form, code);


       command_name                 (Input)
            is  the  name of  the command  for which  the default
            linear form is desired.

       default_linear_form          (Output)
            is the default_linear_form for  the command.  This is
            a  composite  of   all  of  the  default_linear_forms
            recorded for the command in the search list.

       code                         (Output)
            is a standard system error code.

__________________                             __________________

process_arguments_                             process_arguments_
__________________                             __________________

Entry:  process_arguments_$get_definition

          This entry  finds argument processing  definition for a
specified command via the process_arguments search list.


     dcl process_arguments_$get_definition entry (char (*)
          varying, ptr, ptr, fixed bin (35));

     call process_arguments_$get_definition (command_name,
          area_ptr, definition_ptr, code);


       command_name                 (Input)
            is  the  name of  the command  for which  an argument
            processing definition is desired.

       area_ptr                     (Input)
            is  a pointer  to an  area in  which to  allocate the
            argument processing definition.

       definition_ptr               (Output)
            is  a pointer  to the  argument processing definition
            for the command.

       code                         (Output)
            is a standard system error code.

__________________                             __________________

process_arguments_                             process_arguments_
__________________                             __________________

Entry:  process_arguments_$get_option_value

          This entry extracts the  values of arguments of options
as   present   in   a  result   print_vector_array   produced  by


     dcl process_arguments_$get_option_value entry options

     call process_arguments_$get_option_value
          (result_print_vector_array_ptr, area_ptr, found_option,
          option_name_1, option_variable_1 ..., option_name_N,


       result_print_vector_array_ptr (Input)
            is a pointer to  a result print_vector_array produced
            by process_arguments_.

       area_ptr                     (Input)
            is a  pointer to the  area in which this  entry is to
            allocate its output information (when appropriate).

       found_option                 (Output)
            is a bit  (*) variable where substr(found_option,I,1)
            = "1"b  if a value was  found for option_name_I, "0"b
            if  option_name_I  was  not mentioned  in  the result
            print_vector_array.   The length  (found_option) must
            be greater than or equal to the number of options for
            which values are requested.

       option_name_I                (Input)
            is the name  of an option for which a  value is to be

       option_variable_I            (Output)
            is   the   variable   into   which   the   value  for
            option_name_I  is  to be  placed.  This  variable can
            have one of the following data types:
              char (N) {varying} [aligned | unaligned]
              fixed bin (35) [aligned | unaligned]
                 if  the  option value  can't  be converted  to a
                 fixed binary number, a sub_err_ is signaled.
              bit (1) [aligned | unaligned]
                 where "true", "yes", "on", and "1" yield a value

__________________                             __________________

process_arguments_                             process_arguments_
__________________                             __________________

                 of "1"b, and "false", "no", "off", and "0" yield
                 a  value  of  "0"b.   Any other  value  causes a
                 sub_err_ to be signaled.
              pointer [aligned | unaligned]
                 the  value returned  for variables  of this data
                 type  is  a  pointer  to  the  option_value_list
                 structure (see  below).  This data  type is used
                 when an option may have more than one value, and
                 all of the values are to be returned.

The option_value_list structure.

     Multiple   values   for   an   option   are   returned   (by
$get_option_value)  in the  option_value_list structure, declared
in pa_option_value_list.incl.pl1 as follows:

     dcl     1 option_value_list    based (option_value_list_ptr) aligned,
               2 version            char (8),
               2 number_of_values   fixed bin (35),
               2 pad                bit (36),
               2 value              (ovl_number_of_values refer (option_value_list.number_of_values)),
                 3 ptr              ptr,
                 3 vector_idx       fixed bin (35),
                 3 pad              bit (36);


            is   the   version   of   the   structure,  currently
            OPTION_VALUE_LIST_VERSION_1  (a constant  declared in
            the same include file).

            is the number of values listed by the structure.

            must be "0"b.

            is a pointer to a  varying character string value (in
            a result print_vector_array).

            is the  index of the print_vector  in which the value
            is located.

            must be "0"b.

__________________                             __________________

process_arguments_                             process_arguments_
__________________                             __________________

Entry:  process_arguments_$get_reference_name

          This  entry  returns  the  primary  name  by  which the
specified  option can  be referenced  in a  linear form.   If the
option is one which sets a flag based on whether it is referenced
by its  "positive" name or  its "negative" name,  then this entry
returns  the  primary  "positive"   and  the  primary  "negative"
reference names.


     dcl process_arguments_$get_reference_name entry (ptr, char
          (*) varying, char (*) varying, char (*) varying);

     call process_arguments_$get_reference_name
          (definition_pva_ptr, option_name,
          positive_reference_name, negative_reference_name);


       definition_pva_ptr           (Input)
            is  a  pointer  to  a  standard  argument  processing

       option_name                  (Input)
            is the name of an option for which the reference name
            is desired.

       positive_reference_name      (Output)
            is  the  primary  reference  name  for  the specified
            option.   If  the  option has  positive  and negative
            reference  names, then  this is  the primary positive
            reference name.

       negative_reference_name      (Output)
            is  the  primary  negative  reference  name.   If the
            option does not have  a negative reference name, this
            parameter gets a null value.

____________                                         ____________

vector_util_                                         vector_util_
____________                                         ____________

Name:  vector_util_

     vector_util_  manipulates   vectors.   A  vector   may  have
multiple  dimensions and  has no  fewer than  one dimension.  The
dimensions may be of different data types.

The print_vector_array structure.

     Following   is   the    print_vector_array   structure   (in

dcl 1 print_vector_array            based (print_vector_array_ptr)
    2 version                       fixed bin (35),
    2 number_of_dimensions          fixed bin (17),
    2 maximum_dimension_name_length fixed bin (17),
    2 number_of_vectors             fixed bin (17),
    2 number_of_vector_slots        fixed bin (17),
    2 dimension_table               (pva_number_of_dimensions
                                    refer (print_vector_array
      3 name                        char (
                                    refer (print_vector_array
      3 descriptor_ptr              ptr,
      3 cv_to_print                 entry (ptr, fixed bin(17), fixed bin(17),
                                    ptr, ptr, fixed bin(35)),
      3 cv_to_typed                 entry (ptr, fixed bin(17), fixed bin(17),
                                    ptr, ptr, fixed bin(35)),
      3 maximum_value_length        fixed bin (17),
    2 vector_slot                   (pva_number_of_vector_slots
                                    refer (printed_vector_array


            is the number of dimensions in the dimension table.

            is the maximum length of  any of the dimensions named
            in the dimension table.

            is the number of vector  slots actually used to point

____________                                         ____________

vector_util_                                         vector_util_
____________                                         ____________

            at vectors.

            is the number of vector slots allocated.
            is the name of the dimension.

            is   a   pointer  to   standard  Multics   data  type

            is an entry for converting  from typed format data to
            print format.

            is an entry for converting  from print format data to

            is the  maximum length attained by  any value in this
            dimension among all of the vectors in the array.

            is a pointer to a print_vector structure.

The print_vector structure.

     The following is the print_vector structure:

dcl 1 print_vector                  based (print_vector_ptr)
    2 number_of_dimensions          fixed bin (17),
    2 maximum_value_length          fixed bin (35),
    2 dimension                     (pv_number_of_dimensions
                                    refer (print_vector
      3 identifier                  fixed bin (17),
      3 value                       char (pv_maximum_value_length
                                    refer (print_vector


            is the number of dimensions present in the vector.

            is the actual length of  the longest value for all of
            the dimensions in the vector.

            is  the   index  into  the   dimension_table  of  the
            print_vector_array   for   the  definition   of  this

            is the  character string representation  of the value
            of this dimension for the vector.